Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless nonmetal gas that is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere. It has an atomic number of 7 and belongs to the pnictogen group. While gaseous nitrogen is relatively inert, nitrogen participates in many important chemical compounds and fertilizers that are essential for life. It is found in most foods and is used in fertilizers, explosives, and laboratories.
Sulfur is a bright yellow, non-metallic element that is commonly found in volcanoes, salt domes, and hot springs. It has a low conductivity and burns with a blue flame, producing sulfur dioxide which smells like rotten eggs. Sulfur has many industrial uses including in matches, gunpowder, insecticides, fungicides, and vulcanization of rubber. When heated, sulfur melts at 108 degrees Celsius and often cracks when exposed to further heat.
Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that is essential for life and is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere. It forms trivalent bonds and is element number 7 on the periodic table. The nitrogen cycle describes how nitrogen is converted between its various forms and moves between the atmosphere, soil, water and living organisms through both natural and industrial processes.
Nitrogen is the fifth most abundant element in the universe and makes up 80% of the Earth's atmosphere. It is a colorless and odorless gas that does not burn and is slightly soluble. Nitrogen is essential for life and is a component of proteins, amino acids, and fertilizers. It is widely used to make ammonia and in food freezing and rocket fuel production.
El litio es un elemento quÃmico de sÃmbolo Li y número atómico 3. Fue aislado por primera vez en 1817 por el quÃmico sueco Johan August Arfwedson e identificado en la petalita. Posteriormente, en 1818 Sir Humphry Davy logró aislarlo en trazas por electrólisis de óxido de litio, y en 1855 Bunsen y Matthiessen lo obtuvieron en grandes cantidades por electrólisis de fosfato de litio fundido. El litio es un metal blanco plateado que se oxida rápidamente al aire
Nitrogen is an Important Constituent of Our Environment & Ecosystem. Nitrogen Plants or Nitrogen Generators are nowadays being used for Nitrogen Generation Artificially.
Nitrogen is an unreactive gas that makes up 80% of the atmosphere. It is crucial for growth in plants and animals as it is found in amino acids and proteins. Nitrogen has many industrial and agricultural uses including as fertilizer, in explosives, to prevent oxidation of foods and tires, and in liquid form to preserve cells and chill equipment. It plays a vital role in life as without nitrogen there would be no amino acids, DNA, or living things.
Dihydrogen forms three categories of binary compounds called hydrides with other elements: ionic/saline hydrides, covalent/molecular hydrides, and metallic/non-stoichiometric hydrides. Ionic hydrides are crystalline, non-volatile, and non-conducting solids but conduct electricity when molten. Dihydrogen forms molecular compounds with p-block elements like CH4, NH3, H2O, and HF that are classified as electron-deficient, electron-precise, or electron-rich based on their Lewis structures. Transition metals form non-stoichiometric metallic hydrides that conduct heat and electricity.
Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, comprising 78%. Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772 through an experiment where he trapped air in an inverted bottle with a burning candle. The gas that remained after the candle burned out was nitrogen. Nitrogen has many important uses including in fertilizer production, rocket fuels, filling tires, and manufacturing steel and electronics.
Oxygen/Nitrogen/ everything about nitrogen/everything about oxygenMohammad Ibrahim
Nitrogen and oxygen are important gases for life. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere and is essential for proteins and organic compounds. It is colorless and odorless. Oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere and is needed for respiration. Both gases have many industrial and medical uses including fertilizers, breathing gases for space suits, welding, and oxygen supplementation for patients. Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant and in cryogenics due to its low boiling point of -196C.
There are four main types of hydrides: saline (ionic), metallic, covalent, and dimeric. Saline hydrides contain hydrogen as a negatively charged ion that reacts violently with water to produce hydrogen gas. Metallic hydrides consist of hydrogen ions and metal atoms in an electron sea. Covalent hydrides involve shared electron pairs between hydrogen and nonmetals, forming volatile liquids and gases. Hydrides have many applications including use as reducing agents, bases, drying agents, and hydrogen storage in batteries and fuel cells.
1.Pengertian Nitrogen
Nitrogen adalah unsur kimia dalam table periodik yang memiliki lambang N dan nomor atom 7. Biasanya ditemukan sebagai gas tanpa warna, tanpa bau, tanpa rasa dan merupakan gas diatomik bukan logam yang stabil, sangat sulit bereaksi dengan unsur atau senyawa lainnya. Dinamakan zat lemas karena zat ini bersifat malas, tidak aktif bereaksi dengan unsur lainnya. Nitrogen mengisi 78,08 % atmosfir bumi dan terdapat dalam banyak jaringan hidup. Zat lemas membentuk banyak senyawa penting seperti asam amino, amoniak, asam nitrat dan sianida.
2. Sifat-Sifat Nitrogen
a.Sifat Fisis Nitrogen
1) Berupa gas diatomic N2 tidak berbau, tidak berasa, tidak berwarna, dan sedikit larut dalam air.
2) Bersifat non polar sehingga gaya Van Deer Waals antar molekul sangat kecil
3) Sifat fisik nitrogen yang lain
Titi didih 77,36 K
Titik lebur 63,15 K
Berat jenis relative 0,97
Berat molekul 28,013
Kalor peleburan 0,720 kJ/mol
Kalor penguapan 5,57 kJ/mo
Kapasitas kalor dalm suhu kamar 29,124 J/mol K
b. Sifat kimia
1) Molekul N2 berikatan kovalen rangkap tiga, memiliki energy ikatan yang relative besar yaitu 946 kJ/mol sehingga sangat stabil atau sukar bereaksi pada suhu tinggi (endoterm) dengan bantuan katalis.
2) Pada suhu ruangan N2 bereaksi sangat lambat dengan logam Li menghasilkan Li3N. Sedangakan dengan logam-logam lain, dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengerjakan loncatan bunga api listrik melalui gas nitrogen yang bertekanan rendah, proses ini dikatalisasi oleh adanya oksigen homo terbentuk nitrogen aktif (N2 menjadi 2N) yang dapat membentuk senyawa nitrida dengan logam-logam tertentu.
3) Nitrogen bereaksi dengan hydrogen atau aksigen pada suhu yang tinggi seperti dalam loncatan bunga api listrik, membentuk gas NH3 dan NO3 .
3.Pembuatan nitrogen
1. Di laboratorium dari dekomposisi termal senyawa amonium CNH4 NO2
dengan cara dipanaskan. Reaksinya seperti berikut :
CNH4 NO2(s ) → N2 + 2H2 O
2. Dalam industri, dengan cara destruksi bertingkat dan pencairan (destilasi udara cair) karena N2 mempunyai titik didih rendah daripada O2 maka ia lebih dahulu menguap sebagai fraksi pertama
3. Secara spektroskop N2 murni di buat dengan dekomposisi termal Natrium Barium Azida. Berikut reaksinya:
2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2
4. Pemanasan NH4 NO2 melalui reaksi sebagai berikut :
NH4 NO2 → N2 + 2H2 O
5. Oksidasi NH3 melalui reaksi sebagai berikut :
2NH3 + 3CuO → N2+ 3Cu + 3H2O
6. Destilasi (penyulingan ) bertingkat dari udara cair yaitu udara bersih kita masukkan ke dalam kompresor,kemudian didinginkan dengan pendinginan. Udara dingin mengembun melalui celah dan hasilnya adalah udara yang suhunya sangat dingin sehingga udara mencair. Setelah itu, udara cair kita saring untuk memisahkan gas CO2 dan hidrokarbon, selanjutnya disuling. Udara cair masuk ke bagian puncak kolom tempat nitrogen, komponen yang paling mudah menguap, keluar sebagai gas. Pada pertengahan kolom, gas
The document discusses the organization and classification of elements in the periodic table. It describes how Mendeleev organized the elements based on increasing atomic mass and similar properties. The modern periodic table is organized by increasing atomic number. Elements are classified into metals, nonmetals, and metalloids, which are grouped based on their location on the periodic table. Each group of elements has a characteristic number of valence electrons that determine their chemical properties.
The document discusses the nitrogen cycle. It describes how nitrogen exists in the atmosphere but is converted by bacteria and algae into forms that can be used by plants and animals through biological fixation. Lightning and industrial processes also fix nitrogen. Plants take up nitrogen from the soil and animals get nitrogen from eating plants. Nitrogen is returned to the soil through animal waste or decay. Bacteria then convert nitrogen back into forms that can re-enter the atmosphere, completing the cycle. The nitrogen cycle is essential for providing the nutrient needs of all living things.
This document discusses a liquid nitrogen vehicle. It provides a history of liquid nitrogen vehicles being developed in 1997. The main components of the engine are described, including a pressurized liquid nitrogen tank, heat exchangers, and an expander. The principle of operation involves using ambient heat to vaporize the liquid nitrogen, which then drives the expander and vehicle. Advantages include zero emissions and a potential longer range than electric vehicles, while drawbacks include safety issues and energy required for liquefaction. More research is still needed before commercialization.
Hydrogen has many applications in biological systems, pharmaceuticals, and other areas. It is the most abundant element in the universe and is found in water. Hydrogen is used to produce ammonia and other intermediates used in fertilizers, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Some see hydrogen as a potential clean fuel of the future. Hydrogen is also present in various pharmaceutical preparations like hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, and boric acid that are used as antacids, disinfectants, and more. Isotopes of hydrogen like deuterium and tritium are used in medical research and imaging.
Science 24-7 is another affiliate of sciencetutors and webscience. Please see more resources at
Email for all science24-7 correspondence is:
1) Nitrogen is essential for organisms but it exists mainly as unusable N2 gas in the atmosphere. It must be converted to biologically available forms through the nitrogen cycle.
2) The nitrogen cycle describes the movement of nitrogen between the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere through processes like nitrogen fixation, uptake, mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification.
3) Nitrogen fixation converts atmospheric N2 to ammonium through processes like nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legume roots and the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
The document summarizes the nitrogen cycle, which is a process by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms and circulated among air, land, water, and living organisms. Nitrogen is essential for all life and comprises 70-71% of the atmosphere. It enters organisms through eating, drinking, and breathing and is converted to forms such as ammonium, nitrates, and urea that can be used by plants and animals. The nitrogen cycle is linked to the water cycle as nitrogen is absorbed by plants from the soil and returns to the atmosphere.
1. The nitrogen cycle describes how nitrogen is converted between its various forms and moves between the atmosphere, soil, plants, and animals.
2. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia or nitrates through nitrogen fixation, which allows plants and animals to use it.
3. Nitrification and ammonification convert ammonia into other nitrogen forms that plants can use, and denitrification returns nitrogen to the atmosphere, completing the cycle.
Carbon is the major constituent element in plants after water. It is found in important biomolecules like chlorophyll, cytochromes, alkaloids, and many vitamins. Nitrogen plays an important role in plant metabolism, growth, reproduction and heredity. Plants cannot utilize atmospheric nitrogen directly and require nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert it into bioavailable forms like nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. Nitrogen fixation can occur through both biological and non-biological means, with biological nitrogen fixation involving symbiotic associations between plants and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms like Rhizobium bacteria.
Nitrogen is the fifth most abundant element in the universe and makes up 80% of the Earth's atmosphere. It is a colorless and odorless gas that does not burn and is slightly soluble. Nitrogen is essential for life and is a component of proteins, amino acids, and fertilizers. It is widely used to make ammonia and in food freezing and rocket fuel production.
El litio es un elemento quÃmico de sÃmbolo Li y número atómico 3. Fue aislado por primera vez en 1817 por el quÃmico sueco Johan August Arfwedson e identificado en la petalita. Posteriormente, en 1818 Sir Humphry Davy logró aislarlo en trazas por electrólisis de óxido de litio, y en 1855 Bunsen y Matthiessen lo obtuvieron en grandes cantidades por electrólisis de fosfato de litio fundido. El litio es un metal blanco plateado que se oxida rápidamente al aire
Nitrogen is an Important Constituent of Our Environment & Ecosystem. Nitrogen Plants or Nitrogen Generators are nowadays being used for Nitrogen Generation Artificially.
Nitrogen is an unreactive gas that makes up 80% of the atmosphere. It is crucial for growth in plants and animals as it is found in amino acids and proteins. Nitrogen has many industrial and agricultural uses including as fertilizer, in explosives, to prevent oxidation of foods and tires, and in liquid form to preserve cells and chill equipment. It plays a vital role in life as without nitrogen there would be no amino acids, DNA, or living things.
Dihydrogen forms three categories of binary compounds called hydrides with other elements: ionic/saline hydrides, covalent/molecular hydrides, and metallic/non-stoichiometric hydrides. Ionic hydrides are crystalline, non-volatile, and non-conducting solids but conduct electricity when molten. Dihydrogen forms molecular compounds with p-block elements like CH4, NH3, H2O, and HF that are classified as electron-deficient, electron-precise, or electron-rich based on their Lewis structures. Transition metals form non-stoichiometric metallic hydrides that conduct heat and electricity.
Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, comprising 78%. Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772 through an experiment where he trapped air in an inverted bottle with a burning candle. The gas that remained after the candle burned out was nitrogen. Nitrogen has many important uses including in fertilizer production, rocket fuels, filling tires, and manufacturing steel and electronics.
Oxygen/Nitrogen/ everything about nitrogen/everything about oxygenMohammad Ibrahim
Nitrogen and oxygen are important gases for life. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere and is essential for proteins and organic compounds. It is colorless and odorless. Oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere and is needed for respiration. Both gases have many industrial and medical uses including fertilizers, breathing gases for space suits, welding, and oxygen supplementation for patients. Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant and in cryogenics due to its low boiling point of -196C.
There are four main types of hydrides: saline (ionic), metallic, covalent, and dimeric. Saline hydrides contain hydrogen as a negatively charged ion that reacts violently with water to produce hydrogen gas. Metallic hydrides consist of hydrogen ions and metal atoms in an electron sea. Covalent hydrides involve shared electron pairs between hydrogen and nonmetals, forming volatile liquids and gases. Hydrides have many applications including use as reducing agents, bases, drying agents, and hydrogen storage in batteries and fuel cells.
1.Pengertian Nitrogen
Nitrogen adalah unsur kimia dalam table periodik yang memiliki lambang N dan nomor atom 7. Biasanya ditemukan sebagai gas tanpa warna, tanpa bau, tanpa rasa dan merupakan gas diatomik bukan logam yang stabil, sangat sulit bereaksi dengan unsur atau senyawa lainnya. Dinamakan zat lemas karena zat ini bersifat malas, tidak aktif bereaksi dengan unsur lainnya. Nitrogen mengisi 78,08 % atmosfir bumi dan terdapat dalam banyak jaringan hidup. Zat lemas membentuk banyak senyawa penting seperti asam amino, amoniak, asam nitrat dan sianida.
2. Sifat-Sifat Nitrogen
a.Sifat Fisis Nitrogen
1) Berupa gas diatomic N2 tidak berbau, tidak berasa, tidak berwarna, dan sedikit larut dalam air.
2) Bersifat non polar sehingga gaya Van Deer Waals antar molekul sangat kecil
3) Sifat fisik nitrogen yang lain
Titi didih 77,36 K
Titik lebur 63,15 K
Berat jenis relative 0,97
Berat molekul 28,013
Kalor peleburan 0,720 kJ/mol
Kalor penguapan 5,57 kJ/mo
Kapasitas kalor dalm suhu kamar 29,124 J/mol K
b. Sifat kimia
1) Molekul N2 berikatan kovalen rangkap tiga, memiliki energy ikatan yang relative besar yaitu 946 kJ/mol sehingga sangat stabil atau sukar bereaksi pada suhu tinggi (endoterm) dengan bantuan katalis.
2) Pada suhu ruangan N2 bereaksi sangat lambat dengan logam Li menghasilkan Li3N. Sedangakan dengan logam-logam lain, dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengerjakan loncatan bunga api listrik melalui gas nitrogen yang bertekanan rendah, proses ini dikatalisasi oleh adanya oksigen homo terbentuk nitrogen aktif (N2 menjadi 2N) yang dapat membentuk senyawa nitrida dengan logam-logam tertentu.
3) Nitrogen bereaksi dengan hydrogen atau aksigen pada suhu yang tinggi seperti dalam loncatan bunga api listrik, membentuk gas NH3 dan NO3 .
3.Pembuatan nitrogen
1. Di laboratorium dari dekomposisi termal senyawa amonium CNH4 NO2
dengan cara dipanaskan. Reaksinya seperti berikut :
CNH4 NO2(s ) → N2 + 2H2 O
2. Dalam industri, dengan cara destruksi bertingkat dan pencairan (destilasi udara cair) karena N2 mempunyai titik didih rendah daripada O2 maka ia lebih dahulu menguap sebagai fraksi pertama
3. Secara spektroskop N2 murni di buat dengan dekomposisi termal Natrium Barium Azida. Berikut reaksinya:
2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2
4. Pemanasan NH4 NO2 melalui reaksi sebagai berikut :
NH4 NO2 → N2 + 2H2 O
5. Oksidasi NH3 melalui reaksi sebagai berikut :
2NH3 + 3CuO → N2+ 3Cu + 3H2O
6. Destilasi (penyulingan ) bertingkat dari udara cair yaitu udara bersih kita masukkan ke dalam kompresor,kemudian didinginkan dengan pendinginan. Udara dingin mengembun melalui celah dan hasilnya adalah udara yang suhunya sangat dingin sehingga udara mencair. Setelah itu, udara cair kita saring untuk memisahkan gas CO2 dan hidrokarbon, selanjutnya disuling. Udara cair masuk ke bagian puncak kolom tempat nitrogen, komponen yang paling mudah menguap, keluar sebagai gas. Pada pertengahan kolom, gas
The document discusses the organization and classification of elements in the periodic table. It describes how Mendeleev organized the elements based on increasing atomic mass and similar properties. The modern periodic table is organized by increasing atomic number. Elements are classified into metals, nonmetals, and metalloids, which are grouped based on their location on the periodic table. Each group of elements has a characteristic number of valence electrons that determine their chemical properties.
The document discusses the nitrogen cycle. It describes how nitrogen exists in the atmosphere but is converted by bacteria and algae into forms that can be used by plants and animals through biological fixation. Lightning and industrial processes also fix nitrogen. Plants take up nitrogen from the soil and animals get nitrogen from eating plants. Nitrogen is returned to the soil through animal waste or decay. Bacteria then convert nitrogen back into forms that can re-enter the atmosphere, completing the cycle. The nitrogen cycle is essential for providing the nutrient needs of all living things.
This document discusses a liquid nitrogen vehicle. It provides a history of liquid nitrogen vehicles being developed in 1997. The main components of the engine are described, including a pressurized liquid nitrogen tank, heat exchangers, and an expander. The principle of operation involves using ambient heat to vaporize the liquid nitrogen, which then drives the expander and vehicle. Advantages include zero emissions and a potential longer range than electric vehicles, while drawbacks include safety issues and energy required for liquefaction. More research is still needed before commercialization.
Hydrogen has many applications in biological systems, pharmaceuticals, and other areas. It is the most abundant element in the universe and is found in water. Hydrogen is used to produce ammonia and other intermediates used in fertilizers, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Some see hydrogen as a potential clean fuel of the future. Hydrogen is also present in various pharmaceutical preparations like hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, and boric acid that are used as antacids, disinfectants, and more. Isotopes of hydrogen like deuterium and tritium are used in medical research and imaging.
Science 24-7 is another affiliate of sciencetutors and webscience. Please see more resources at
Email for all science24-7 correspondence is:
1) Nitrogen is essential for organisms but it exists mainly as unusable N2 gas in the atmosphere. It must be converted to biologically available forms through the nitrogen cycle.
2) The nitrogen cycle describes the movement of nitrogen between the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere through processes like nitrogen fixation, uptake, mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification.
3) Nitrogen fixation converts atmospheric N2 to ammonium through processes like nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legume roots and the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
The document summarizes the nitrogen cycle, which is a process by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms and circulated among air, land, water, and living organisms. Nitrogen is essential for all life and comprises 70-71% of the atmosphere. It enters organisms through eating, drinking, and breathing and is converted to forms such as ammonium, nitrates, and urea that can be used by plants and animals. The nitrogen cycle is linked to the water cycle as nitrogen is absorbed by plants from the soil and returns to the atmosphere.
1. The nitrogen cycle describes how nitrogen is converted between its various forms and moves between the atmosphere, soil, plants, and animals.
2. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia or nitrates through nitrogen fixation, which allows plants and animals to use it.
3. Nitrification and ammonification convert ammonia into other nitrogen forms that plants can use, and denitrification returns nitrogen to the atmosphere, completing the cycle.
Carbon is the major constituent element in plants after water. It is found in important biomolecules like chlorophyll, cytochromes, alkaloids, and many vitamins. Nitrogen plays an important role in plant metabolism, growth, reproduction and heredity. Plants cannot utilize atmospheric nitrogen directly and require nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert it into bioavailable forms like nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. Nitrogen fixation can occur through both biological and non-biological means, with biological nitrogen fixation involving symbiotic associations between plants and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms like Rhizobium bacteria.
Este documento contiene una lista de 20 plantas con sus nombres cientÃficos y comunes en catalán. Cada planta está enumerada con su nombre cientÃfico seguido de su nombre común en catalán. Las plantas incluyen especies como el roure pènol, el llorer bord, la figuera, el polipodi y la sà lvia.
5. Bibliografia He trobat la informació a les pà gines web següents:
6. Nom: Lydia GarcÃa Serrano Curs: 2n C Data d’entrega: 21/12/09 Professor:Marius MartÃnez