Outdoor Concepts, led by Mr. Clem Pohl, has provided professional landscaping, garden maintenance, paving, and retaining wall services to Newtown Landscape Architects from 1995 to 2000. They completed various projects for commercial clients, including warehouses, office developments, a university library, and a luxury housing development. Newtown Landscape Architects states that working with Outdoor Concepts is usually pleasant and they are always willing to satisfy design requirements and client needs.
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NLA reference Letter
1. L a n d s c a p e
A r c h i t e c t s
15 May 2001
Letter of Reference for Outdoor Concepts.
We have worked with Mr. Clem Pohl of Outdoor Concepts on numerous projects and state the
following for the record.
Mr. Pohl and Outdoor Concepts deliver a professional service in the fields of landscaping and
garden maintenance and have recently also completed projects which included paving,
retaining walls as well as other small building works.
The following projects were completed for Newtown Landscape Architects cc during the period
1995 to 2000:
Large warehouse (Old Mutual Properties)
Warehouse office development (Schweppes) Isando
Warehouse office development (Sun Couriers) Midrand
Vista University (landscape upgrading around new library
Siluma Regional Park (Phase 2: paving and retaining walls) Katlehong
Stoffberg Trust Luxury cluster Development Parktown
House Robinson Oaklands
Working with Outdoor Concepts is usually pleasant and difficult matters have been discussed in
an open manner without any animosity. Outdoor Concepts are always willing to satisfy the
3 6 9 G o v e r n m e n t R o a d J o h a n n e s b u rg N o r t h P O B o x 3 6 F o u r w a y s 2 0 5 5 Te l: 0 11 4 6 2 - 6 9 6 7 F a x: 0 11 4 6 2 - 9 2 8 4
M e m b e r s : G ra h a m Y o u n g L A rc h S A J o h a n B a r n a rd L A rc h S A C o b u s S c h e e p e r s L A rc h S A
N e w t o w n L a n d s c a p e A rc h it e c t s c c c k 9 2 /3 4 4 19 /2 3 e - m a il n e w la @ n e w la .c o .z a w w w .n e w la .c o .z a
2. design intent and any reasonable requirements and have on more than one occasion gone
beyond the requirement of the Contract to satisfy the Client.
If you require any further information, please contact me directly.
Johan Barnard
Cell: 082 442-6114
Tel: +2711 462-6967
Fax: +2711 462-9284
P O Box 36 FOURWAYS 2055
Managing Director
For: Newtown Landscape Architects CC