AIDSFAM is announcing its focus for the last quarter of 2011 - expanding its annual Christmas gift giving program in poor villages in India. The organization has run the program since 2006 to provide gifts and meals to children and families affected by poverty and AIDS. In 2012, AIDSFAM will partner with local pastors to identify children in need and purchase gifts locally with donations. Donors can sponsor gift packages for multiple children with one donation. AIDSFAM also operates a breakfast program for 200 children and plans to expand its feeding program and renovate its school.
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For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of
the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 4:6
A note from our Director
Major projects
Christmas in India for 2012
We thank God for
His continued
guidance and
inspiration through
the Holy Spirit.
God has enabled AIDSFAM to provide
relief to the poor and needy in a Expand our Bible
worldwide forum since 2005. Our College
focus has been on assisting
organizations, villages, families and Since 2006 AIDSFAM has been sharing the
individuals affected by poverty, hunger, Good News of Jesus Christ and the true
illiteracy, mal-nutrition, and especially meaning of Christmas with children in India
AIDS/HIV. We are currently providing through its Christmas gift giving program.
breakfast to over 200 children in poor
villages in Guntur District, India. This year we are giving an opportunity to our
These are children from families who supporters and new friends to share the Joy of
cannot afford to provide nutritious Giving with us as we seek to serve many more Expand feeding
meals, especially breakfast, before poor villages in our area in Andhra Pradesh, India program
going to school. Many of these children
are from broken families, or are This is how it works: Instead of sending gift
orphans living with relatives as a resultboxes from the US, our staff in India will purchase
of loss of one or both parents from items locally for the children based on need and
AIDS. This will be our main focus in benefit. Children in need are identified by our
2012 as we partner with other partner pastors who minister to families in the
organizations to expand our program to villages. The good news is that you can give
feed more children. wonderful gift packages to seven children for the Farm project,
This program is conducted in our price of sending one box from the US. There is no training pastors in
Tutoring Centers located in the poorest postage or organizational overhead expense and self-sufficiency
villages. Children are fed, tutored, and the children get what they want and need.
loved in a Christian environment where
they can develop their own personal AIDSFAM operates with all volunteers, including
relationship with God, and escape the staff and board members. All overhead is covered
cycle of poverty. through donations to the general fund. As a
Thank you so much for your past result, 100% of designated funds go directly to
support. We look forward to sharing buy gifts for the children.
with you the joy of giving in 2012.
Complete renovation of
Terry and Betty Kennedy Join us this year as we bring joy and
KCDS school for an
hope to those in poverty stricken villages.
additional 100 students.
AIDS Family Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charity EIN 20-5666608 based in Boynton Beach, FL tele 561-676-9908
You can donate online:
2. Help us expand our annual Christmas program to more poor villages in India.
AIDSFAM has been providing great Christmas programs in poor villages in India since 2006. This year we will
be expanding our program to ten new villages. The programs are especially for poor children and families. The
programs include: Gift baskets and clothes for the children, elderly widows and widowers, and pastor's families.
An evening dinner is provided for the poorest people in the village accompanied with music and special gospel-
based programs.... telling the true Christmas story.
$25 Will provide a gift basket for
five children. This is the biggest event
in most villages. Baskets are presented
to the most needy children.
$50 Pays for one new set of
clothing for 10 girls, boys, or blankets
for widows. These are often the only
new clothes they get during the year.
$100 Provides music, speakers,
lights, and entertainment. Each village
has a public ceremony for presentations
of gifts, skits by children featuring a
Christmas theme.
$200 Covers a nutritious meal for
the most needy in a village.
$500 Will give a poor village a
complete Christmas program, which
includes all of the above impact levels.
Project Director : Al Milligan, 828-284-1733 email:
Office Manager: Lynn Norris, 802-467-1029 email:
Director AIDSFAM: Terry Kennedy, 561-676-9908 email:
AIDS Family Fund, Inc. (AIDSFAM) 501(c)(3) EIN: 20-5666608
3007 Bimini Bay, Boynton Beach, FL 33436 (561) 676-9908
Mission: Helping Those Who Cannot Help Themselves Street children, orphans, elderly widows and widowers. Especially those
individuals and families affected by AIDS/HIV disasters. We accomplish this by providing nutrition/food programs in poor villages,
education for the illiterate and children from poor families, medical care in the slums where other organizations do not go. AIDSFAM
is a Christian Faith Based organization serving the needs of the poor without regard to religion, culture, race, or nationality.
Christmas Gift Giving
Name _________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________
Address _______________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
E-mail ________________________________________________________
$25 $50 $100 $200 $500 OTHER
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Mail your contribution to: AIDS Family Fund, Inc. 3007 Bimini Bay, Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Christmas Gift Giving
Name _________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________
Address _______________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
E-mail ________________________________________________________
$25 $50 $100 $200 $500 OTHER
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Mail your contribution to: AIDS Family Fund, Inc. 3007 Bimini Bay, Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Christmas Gift Giving
Name _________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________
Address _______________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
E-mail ________________________________________________________
$25 $50 $100 $200 $500 OTHER
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Mail your contribution to: AIDS Family Fund, Inc. 3007 Bimini Bay, Boynton Beach, FL 33436