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                                                                          Knowing that a long-term, effective social media strategy required
 SUMMARY: Western Union is the world leader in global
                                                                          a 360-degree view of their customer base, Western Union
 payment services. Guided by five core values  integrity,
                                                                          partnered with NM Incite to conduct an intricate, multi-country,
 partnership, opportunity, passion, teamwork  customer
                                                                          category-level analysis. This would set the stage for a successful
 centricity is at its core. By offering services through 500,000
                                                                          social media listening program and highlight areas of opportunity
 agent locations in 200 countries and territories, as well as online,
                                                                          for value-adding, differentiated social media engagement.
 Western Union boasts incredible trust and reach. Recognizing
 the immense opportunity to capitalize and leverage this breadth,
 Western Union executed a CMO-sponsored partnership with NM               APPROACH
 Incite. Through joint efforts, the research helped them identify
                                                                          NM Incites Advisory team instituted a deep, global diagnostic
 white space areas of opportunity for social media engagement,
                                                                          research initiative. They first employed NM Incites proprietary
 discover key customer segments, and uncover new insights
                                                                          online software solution, My BuzzMetrics (MBM), a highly scalable
 about customers across global markets to drive deeper, more
                                                                          social insights platform designed for Fortune 1000 marketers and
 meaningful engagement.
                                                                          their agencies to organize, segment and analyze clean, trusted,
                                                                          industry-specific global data in real time. Data collected by MBM
                                                                          was analyzed across the following dimensions:
                                                                             	 Who: Which customer segments are currently identified and
A large global institution, Western Union, wanted to find new, more              are there opportunities to define new segments?
efficient ways to connect with their customers and grow their
                                                                             	  hen: What stage are consumers at in the Consumer
business. Being on the leading edge of customer analytics, they
                                                                                Decision Journey (CDJ)?
recognized the opportunity social media offered to drive brand
health, and in turn, help solidify its global position, expedite growth      	 Where: Which social media platforms are focused on
                                                                                 relevant discussions?
of its digital business operations, engage with customers and
would-be-customers and provide outstanding service experience.               	 What: What topics are most prominent?
                                                                             	  hy: What are the most important customer needs, passions
To align with their focus on customer centricity, Western Union                 and pain points?
determined they needed to establish a long-term, strategic market
research plan that would allow them to understand what people             S egmenting    the   B uzz  W ho   and   W hat
discuss about their entire category. Also, as a truly global franchise    Social listening at the category level can be considered a free-
with a commitment to connecting friends and families all over the         range, always-on focus group. For Western Union, its a focus
world, they demanded global social media research capabilities.           group that allows them to gain insight on three primary product

Rather than flood theguns ablaze,
                                                                          categories: money transfer, stored value cards (prepaid) and bill
                        market with                                       payment services.

social media campaigns,                                                   As a brand that connects people globally, Western Union had
                                                                          the challenge of listening to and truly understanding a diverse
we wanted to take a disciplined
                                                                          customer base. To help, NM Incite analyzed global conversations
approach  that starts with deep,                                         for thematic patterns across all social media platforms, including
sophisticated listening.                    
Arun Muthupalaniappan, SVP of Customer Strategy and
                                                                          social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Weibo, as well as over
                                                                          180 million blogs, forums and boards. All messages posted online
                                                                          about a need pertaining to money were captured and analyzed.
Analytics at Western Union                                                Through this analysis, over 20 micro-segments were identified.

U nderstanding C ustomers  W here , W hen              and      W hy   value through readily sharing quality information and by actively
                                                                        supporting engaged customers.
Once Western Union knew who their target customer segments
were, pre-defined and newly discovered, NM Incite analysts created      Finally, the segments were mapped against other key industry
profiles for each segment, developing a heat map. Stage one of          players to find out where they were being under-served. This
the heat map creation involved identifying discussion volumes           helped Western Union evaluate how well their product offerings
and prominent topics for each relevant customer segment, which          and marketing content addressed consumers unmet needs. With
is mapped across the Customer Decision Journey (Who by When             these customer deep-dives, Western Union can now prioritize
matrix) (see Figure below). This enabled Western Union to glean         where to best converse with key audience groups, and what to say.
insight on the key influencing factors that define the customer
experience at different stages in the journey, complementing            GOING GLOBAL
Western Unions existing analytics and opening the door for new
opportunities to engage consumers at these critical points.             For a truly global brand like Western Union, insights at the local
                                                                        level are meaningless unless there is an apples-to-apples ability
FIGURE: HEAT MAP OF OPPORTUNITIES - DECISION JOURNEY                    to compare insights and analysis across all markets. With different
                                                                        segments emerging all over the globe, Western Union needed a
          Low activity      Average activity     High activity          means to understand these consumers and address their needs.

                    Initial         Active        Post                  With the ability to collect quality data and track discussion in
                    Consideration   Evaluation    Purchase              over 30 markets and multiple languages, NM Incite was uniquely
                                                                        positioned to do to the analysis.

        Purple                                                          BUSINESS IMPACT
                                                                        Through this global, category-level social listening initiative,
        Red                                                             Western Union developed a comprehensive understanding of online
                                                                        customer discussions in its industry. And now, social media heat
        Orange                                                          maps focus the companys ongoing social media listening efforts
                                                                        and help identify areas of opportunity to guide the companys long-
                                                                        term roadmap for social media programs, including social care.
Next, NM Incite focused on analyzing each audience segment for
pain points and passions. Deeply understanding pain points is
particularly important when serving the financially under-served,
and can often be used as the strategic catalyst for new product or
                                                                        With insightful maps ofdeep
                                                                        conversations, we have a
service development to satisfy unmet needs.
                                                                        understanding of areas of
NM Incite further characterized the segments by identifying each        opportunity, and can now focus on
groups propensity to either give advice or ask questions. Segments
with significant QA activity often signal an opportunity for
companies to increase loyalty or gain new customers by providing
                                                                        actions that matter.
                                                                        Arun Muthupalaniappan
 About NM Incite

 Global Fortune 1000 marketers rely on NM Incite solutions to discover emerging, industry-specific consumer insights and build
 relevant, differentiated and emotionally engaging brands.

 NM Incite is a joint venture between Nielsen and McKinsey  Company, bringing to bear deep expertise in measurement science and
 management consulting. As one of the largest global leaders in applying social media to solve marketing problems, NM Incite operates
 in over 30 markets, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, China, India, Japan and Australia.

NM INCITE  770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
855.888.6904  contact@nmincite.com  nmincite.com

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NM Incite Success Story - Western Union

  • 1. D EVELOPING A C USTOMER -C ENTRIC M ODEL AT SUCCESS STORY Knowing that a long-term, effective social media strategy required SUMMARY: Western Union is the world leader in global a 360-degree view of their customer base, Western Union payment services. Guided by five core values integrity, partnered with NM Incite to conduct an intricate, multi-country, partnership, opportunity, passion, teamwork customer category-level analysis. This would set the stage for a successful centricity is at its core. By offering services through 500,000 social media listening program and highlight areas of opportunity agent locations in 200 countries and territories, as well as online, for value-adding, differentiated social media engagement. Western Union boasts incredible trust and reach. Recognizing the immense opportunity to capitalize and leverage this breadth, Western Union executed a CMO-sponsored partnership with NM APPROACH Incite. Through joint efforts, the research helped them identify NM Incites Advisory team instituted a deep, global diagnostic white space areas of opportunity for social media engagement, research initiative. They first employed NM Incites proprietary discover key customer segments, and uncover new insights online software solution, My BuzzMetrics (MBM), a highly scalable about customers across global markets to drive deeper, more social insights platform designed for Fortune 1000 marketers and meaningful engagement. their agencies to organize, segment and analyze clean, trusted, industry-specific global data in real time. Data collected by MBM was analyzed across the following dimensions: CALL TO ACTION Who: Which customer segments are currently identified and A large global institution, Western Union, wanted to find new, more are there opportunities to define new segments? efficient ways to connect with their customers and grow their hen: What stage are consumers at in the Consumer W business. Being on the leading edge of customer analytics, they Decision Journey (CDJ)? recognized the opportunity social media offered to drive brand health, and in turn, help solidify its global position, expedite growth Where: Which social media platforms are focused on relevant discussions? of its digital business operations, engage with customers and would-be-customers and provide outstanding service experience. What: What topics are most prominent? hy: What are the most important customer needs, passions W To align with their focus on customer centricity, Western Union and pain points? determined they needed to establish a long-term, strategic market research plan that would allow them to understand what people S egmenting the B uzz W ho and W hat discuss about their entire category. Also, as a truly global franchise Social listening at the category level can be considered a free- with a commitment to connecting friends and families all over the range, always-on focus group. For Western Union, its a focus world, they demanded global social media research capabilities. group that allows them to gain insight on three primary product Rather than flood theguns ablaze, categories: money transfer, stored value cards (prepaid) and bill market with payment services. social media campaigns, As a brand that connects people globally, Western Union had the challenge of listening to and truly understanding a diverse we wanted to take a disciplined customer base. To help, NM Incite analyzed global conversations approach that starts with deep, for thematic patterns across all social media platforms, including sophisticated listening. Arun Muthupalaniappan, SVP of Customer Strategy and social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Weibo, as well as over 180 million blogs, forums and boards. All messages posted online about a need pertaining to money were captured and analyzed. Analytics at Western Union Through this analysis, over 20 micro-segments were identified.
  • 2. NM INCITE SUCCESS STORY WITH WESTERN UNION | DEVELOPING A CUSTOMER-CENTRIC MODEL U nderstanding C ustomers W here , W hen and W hy value through readily sharing quality information and by actively supporting engaged customers. Once Western Union knew who their target customer segments were, pre-defined and newly discovered, NM Incite analysts created Finally, the segments were mapped against other key industry profiles for each segment, developing a heat map. Stage one of players to find out where they were being under-served. This the heat map creation involved identifying discussion volumes helped Western Union evaluate how well their product offerings and prominent topics for each relevant customer segment, which and marketing content addressed consumers unmet needs. With is mapped across the Customer Decision Journey (Who by When these customer deep-dives, Western Union can now prioritize matrix) (see Figure below). This enabled Western Union to glean where to best converse with key audience groups, and what to say. insight on the key influencing factors that define the customer experience at different stages in the journey, complementing GOING GLOBAL Western Unions existing analytics and opening the door for new opportunities to engage consumers at these critical points. For a truly global brand like Western Union, insights at the local level are meaningless unless there is an apples-to-apples ability FIGURE: HEAT MAP OF OPPORTUNITIES - DECISION JOURNEY to compare insights and analysis across all markets. With different segments emerging all over the globe, Western Union needed a Low activity Average activity High activity means to understand these consumers and address their needs. Initial Active Post With the ability to collect quality data and track discussion in Consideration Evaluation Purchase over 30 markets and multiple languages, NM Incite was uniquely positioned to do to the analysis. Green Segment Purple BUSINESS IMPACT Segment Through this global, category-level social listening initiative, Red Western Union developed a comprehensive understanding of online Segment customer discussions in its industry. And now, social media heat Orange maps focus the companys ongoing social media listening efforts Segment and help identify areas of opportunity to guide the companys long- term roadmap for social media programs, including social care. Next, NM Incite focused on analyzing each audience segment for pain points and passions. Deeply understanding pain points is particularly important when serving the financially under-served, and can often be used as the strategic catalyst for new product or With insightful maps ofdeep conversations, we have a online service development to satisfy unmet needs. understanding of areas of NM Incite further characterized the segments by identifying each opportunity, and can now focus on groups propensity to either give advice or ask questions. Segments with significant QA activity often signal an opportunity for companies to increase loyalty or gain new customers by providing actions that matter. Arun Muthupalaniappan About NM Incite Global Fortune 1000 marketers rely on NM Incite solutions to discover emerging, industry-specific consumer insights and build relevant, differentiated and emotionally engaging brands. NM Incite is a joint venture between Nielsen and McKinsey Company, bringing to bear deep expertise in measurement science and management consulting. As one of the largest global leaders in applying social media to solve marketing problems, NM Incite operates in over 30 markets, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, China, India, Japan and Australia. NM INCITE 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 855.888.6904 contact@nmincite.com nmincite.com