The New Musical Express (NME) is a popular British music magazine that has been published weekly since 1952. Throughout its history, NME has undergone changes in editors, focus, and format, transitioning from a newsprint to a glossy tabloid in 1998. The magazine covers the latest and upcoming bands and artists through articles, competitions, interviews and advertisements. NME was also historically successful in the 1970s as the best-selling British music magazine and for introducing new artists like the Beatles. It continues targeting music fans of all genres, mainly aged late teens to mid-20s.
3. History of the magazine… The New Musical Express globally known as NME is an extremely popular music magazine in the United Kingdom. The magazine has been published weekly since March 1952 when its first issue was released. Throughout the years NME has been through some serious changes, with various different editors and approaches to the magazine’s focus. From March 1998 onwards the magazine was no longer printed on newsprint and was shifted to tabloid size with full, glossy, colour covers. In May 2008 the magazine received a redesign, aimed at an older readership with a less poppy, more authoritative tone.
4. Content of magazine … NME was the first UK music magazine to create a singles chart. Well known for introducing the next big thing. Has an inside look into the most current and upcoming bands and artists. The magazine contains a number of articles, competitions, opportunities to get involved, gig dates, events, interviews and adverts for things such as album releases.
5. Success of NME … In the 1970s NME became the best-selling British music magazine. They feature top artists of their time such as the Beatles and The rolling stones. NME is so successful that it also hosts it own Award, Radio and TV shows. Key Dates 1978 - The future editor of The Face, Neil Spencer, takes over. The paper takes on a political voice. 2004 - Conor McNicholas becomes the Editor. The paper is re-launched as a glossy magazine. 2008 - NME hosts its largest awards gig at the 02 Arena.
6. Target audience … NME has a Mass target audience of anyone interested in music as it has a wide mix in genres so it will cater to many musical tastes. Both genders Aged late teen mid 20’s on average. Cost… For a music magazine NME is reasonably priced for the content, this means it will appeal mainly to working class. The magazine is on average at £2.30, however yearly subscriptions can be brought.
7. NME sales figures… 2004 the NME enjoyed a 5% boost, scoring some 73,640 sales per week! 2007 Sales fell 12.3 per cent to 64,033. Plans for NME’s future … NME currently has a website, mainly containing information about buying the magazine and advertisement. The website also has details of articles and current artists. In the feature we can expect the website to be expanded, containing more feature articles.