際際滷s for talk on "No money? No matter - Improve your website with next to no cash" given by Paul Boag at UCL at the IWMW 2010 event organised by UKOLN and held at the University of Sheffield on 12-14 July 2010.
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No money? No matter - Improve your website with next to no cash
Not what I originally planned. Came from a blog post I will link to.
Bloated websites Why?
Time consuming to maintain
often out of date
Difficult to change
harder for users to find content
little quality control
no time for strategic thinking
An excuse to changeless budget = smaller site
Three ways to simplifyRemove, hide, shrink
Always try and remove first - more later
avoid politics, create policy
The Link On The Homepage That Receives The Least Clicks Will Be Automatically Replaced.
Pages That Do Not Meet A Minimum Thresholds Of Page Views And Dwell Time Will Be Unpublished Until Rewritten.
Pages that are not regularly updated will be unpublished until reviewed
What about all those links? Dont remove page entirely Remove from navigation Remove from Search
approach things differently In the way you think internally But also in how you engage external agencies Nervous about talking about the role of the external agency
currently working on two levelsmaintenance and grand projects
Maintenance is never going away But simplify your site will help
Now is a great time to end grand projects Grand projects are massively damaging
They are wasteful They throw out so much that has gone before
Financially painful
They are slow moving
Overly complex
Users are overwhelmed by sudden big changes
As soon as it goes live it becomes out of date
Wrong relationship with outside providers
there is a better way
need to work in an agile format of short bursts (month long)
benefit: prevents old work being thrown away benefit: removes sporadic massive expenditure replacing with lower cost easier to approve ongoing costs benefits: things are much simpler and faster moving benefits: users arent overwhelmed benefits: the site remains much more up-to-date in look and feel
By including external providers in the sprints you establish long term partnership more on why that is
benefit: not tied in for more than a month
How does it work in practice Monthly meeting (phone if necessary) Including any outside providers Do some user testing Talk strategically about site Set goals for for month Arrange next meeting
But we have an in-house team for that?
Shrinking teams
To think strategically He provides an outside perspective that comes from working with many different companies like our own. He forces us to look strategically at our business rather than discussing the delivery of our latest piece of client work. He holds us accountable and will challenge us if we fail to do what has been agreed at previous meetings.
Help with the details design and content
Conclusion...Simplify the site (shrink it)Ditch the big projectsStart thinking strategicallyHave a monthly roadmap