Karen Bosch discusses how 3D printing can be used in education to engage students and support learning in various subjects. She provides examples of projects she has done with students, such as designing characters, snowflakes, logos and containers. Bosch emphasizes an iterative design process where students get feedback and improve their designs. She also outlines resources for 3D modeling apps and websites that are suitable for students.
Mobile Learning 12 Conference, June 16, 2020 - 10:10 Central
Curious about getting started with 3D printing? This session will share how 3D printing can impact learning in K-8 classrooms. We'll share lessons, resources, apps and hints from 3 years of using a 3D printer and share ways to connect 3D printing with other subject areas.
Learning in 3D
Curious about 3D printing, but not sure why/how to get started? This session will share from a beginner's perspective how 3D printing can impact learning in K - 8 classrooms. Learn about real examples of motivating lessons from our classroom, including projects that connect 3D design with creative writing. Resources, apps, and hints from our first year using a 3D printer will be shared.
The Shape of Things to Come: Learning in 3DKaren Bosch
Curious about getting started with 3D printing? This presenation will share how 3D printing can impact learning in K-8 classrooms. We'll share lessons, resources, apps and hints from our first year using a 3D printer and offer projects that connect 3D design with creative writing.
The Shape of Things to Come: Learning in 3DKaren Bosch
Curious about getting started with 3D printing? This presenation will share how 3D printing can impact learning in K-8 classrooms. We'll share lessons, resources, apps and hints from our first year using a 3D printer and offer projects that connect 3D design with creative writing.
This presentation discusses various web 2.0 tools that can be used in education, including BrainPOP, Edmodo, Edu.glogster, Triptico, and Picture Book Maker. It provides information on how teachers and students can use these tools, such as having students work collaboratively to create movie trailers or digital study guides. QR codes are also discussed as a way to link physical and digital content.
This document discusses various technologies that can be used in the classroom, including tools for collaboration, assessment, content creation, and sharing content. It provides examples of using tools like Twitter, LinoIt, Poll Everywhere, Infuse Learning, MindMeister, Voki, Flickr, Big Huge Labs, ToonDoo, QR codes, Flip teaching, Jing, ScreenChomp, Dropbox, Bit.ly, Quizlet, Google Docs, WorksheetWorks, Engrade, 際際滷Share, Weebly, and Skitch.
The document discusses the Jisc RSC YH Roadshow which showcases technology that can be used for teaching, learning, and training. It demonstrates tablets, apps, and web-based collaborative tools. Attendees participate in collaborative scenario planning activities and explore how the technologies can be used. Examples shown include using apps for note-taking with audio, augmented reality, and accessing Microsoft Office documents on any device. The session aims to provide ideas for addressing learners' needs through technology-enabled resources and plans.
Explore how traditional classrooms and libraries become transformative learning spaces such as learning commons and makerspaces. What needs to shift in our schools to design spaces for innovative learning? We'll present ideas on how to to set up flexible, creative spaces to support learning for and with students and educators.
Lisa Domeier de Suarez is a Teacher Librarian and Maker Teacher at a K-12 online/blended school in the SurreySchools in BC, Canada. For two years, she was a District Helping Teacher for Tech Integration/Learning Commons/Social Media and one of the coordinators of the Digital Integration Projects implementing over 10,000 iPads into #sd36learn classrooms. Lisa is passionate about using technology to engage students and presents locally and internationally to administration, educators, and students. In 2013 she became recognized an Apple Distinguished Educator. Blog: http://makingcommons.wordpress.com Email: suarez_l@surreyschools.ca Twitter: @librarymall About.me: http://about.me/suarez_l
This document provides an overview of design thinking and its 5 stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. It discusses how each stage is used to understand user needs, generate solutions, and test prototypes. Examples are given for conducting user interviews and creating user flows, personas, and prototypes. The goal is to generate many solutions to complex problems by understanding user experiences and testing ideas iteratively. Resources are listed for learning more about design thinking methodology.
Pedagogical Use of iPads - August 2014 UpdateJames Little
This document discusses the pedagogical use of iPads in education. It outlines several aims, including why iPads are useful educational tools, how they can improve productivity, research, teaching, content creation, and collaboration. Specific apps are demonstrated that can enhance note-taking, file sharing, research, interactive lectures, assessments, and group work. The document emphasizes that iPads can change when, where and how learning occurs and encourages attendees to explore ways iPads could achieve their teaching goals and improve student engagement, communications and learning.
Ideas for using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom - updated September 2016talkPrimaryICT
This document provides an introduction to using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. It discusses how these tools can be used to build digital literacy, encourage collaboration, support communication, and provide engaging learning opportunities. Specific Web 2.0 tools are then described, including collaborative tools like wikis, Padlet, and Voicethread. Other sections explain how tools like word clouds, avatars, and multimedia creators can be utilized. Challenges of implementing Web 2.0 tools and some potential classroom applications are also outlined.
This document provides an orientation for a technology class, outlining what students will learn and the procedures they will follow. The class will use project-based learning, with students given tasks to complete using various tools taught by the teacher. Students will be evaluated based on completion of projects rather than grades. The orientation covers topics like computer ethics and digital citizenship that will be covered throughout the class.
Mary Jo Bell teaches Senior Infants at St. Anne's School in Shankill. Her classroom utilizes various technologies like laptops, cameras, an interactive whiteboard, and visualizer to enhance learning. She discusses how tools like Animoto, Audacity, Voki, and OpenOffice are used for creating videos, recording stories and poems, and saving student work. The classroom has 3 computers that the 33 students share to work on projects and save to individual e-portfolios. Social media like blogs, Twitter, Skype and Google Hangout are also utilized while ensuring student safety online.
In 2012, the Community Library invested in its first 3D printer. Today, it has an active public printing service and conducts forty 3D printing programs annually. Learn how we got started, where our journey took us and the lessons we learned. There will be a discussion of both 3D printing and 3D scanning. This presentation will examine developing services for the public, creating interactive displays and conducting programs for children, teens and adults.
2023-My AI Experience - Colm Dunphy.pdfColm Dunphy
This document provides a summary of the author's experience with artificial intelligence over time, beginning in college in 1990 studying expert systems, machine learning, and natural language processing. It then outlines developments in AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Grammarly. The author worked on early projects involving music recommendation systems, mobile payments, and automated radio scheduling. More recently, the author has observed the growth of AI tools for code generation, image generation, and summarization. In teaching programming, the author had to address issues around students using AI to generate assignments. Overall, the rapid advancement of AI capabilities is an ongoing challenge requiring updated policies around ethics, privacy, and appropriate use in education.
Creating a Digital Media Space for Today's Teens: Part 2 (Jan. 2019)ALATechSource
This document provides guidance and recommendations for creating a digital media space for teens at a library. It discusses the importance of mentorship and designing programming to support diversity and multiple literacies. Specific recommendations are made for workshop structures, partner programming, volunteer opportunities, and evaluation methods like badges and a teen media awards program. Equipment suggestions include video cameras, audio equipment, 3D printers, and software like Adobe Creative Cloud. Guidance is also given on grant writing and leveraging free online resources. The overall recommendation is to focus on relationships and community building rather than just transactions to better serve the community.
In this presentation, you'll learn how to establish foundational project practices to design and deliver digital products.
Topics that are covered:
- Building flexible teams and engagement models
- Matching design tools with expected outcomes
- Creating (and maintaining) a design-focused project plan
- Preparing for recruiting and testing
際際滷s by Ian Cox, SVP of Delivery at Cantina
The document provides guidance on designing solutions for hackathon projects, emphasizing user-centered design principles such as understanding user needs and behaviors rather than forcing users to change. It outlines best practices for each stage of design including brainstorming, prototyping, testing, and visual design tips to create an intuitive and polished final product. Resources are also listed to help teams design and prototype their solutions without an expert designer.
Today's learners deserve and need...Authentic opportunities to do meaningful work. Todays tools to get real work done. Opportunities every day, throughout the day to work on personally engaging tasks. Space and resources to work collaboratively, think critically & create. Learning that is enjoyable and yes, fun! The Maker Movement provides all of this and more.
The document discusses the pedagogical uses of iPads in education. It outlines how iPads can change where, when and how learning occurs through their ease of use, reliability, and wide range of apps. The document then examines specific uses of iPads for productivity, research, teaching, communication, and collaboration. Examples are provided of apps that can enhance note taking, content management, data collection, presentations, messaging, video conferencing, and real-time collaboration. Activities are suggested for attendees to explore different iPad apps and brainstorm ways to incorporate iPads into their own teaching practice.
Playing cards for the Workshop on M-learning in the final Conference of the TACCLE2 Project Leaded by Murcia's team. GITE University of Murcia. http://www.um.es/gite
This document provides information about digital scrapbooking, including what it is, examples of curriculum-based scrapbooking projects, tips for planning and creating digital scrapbook pages, and suggestions for free image editing tools and scrapbooking resources. Digital scrapbooking allows people to preserve memories in a shareable digital format using photos, graphics, and image editing software. Some proposed projects include reflective learning timelines, alphabet books, maps, nature studies, and documenting school events and milestones. Planning, image selection, layout, and use of programs like PowerPoint and free online editors are discussed.
This document provides a list of many free online resources that teachers can use with their projectors in the classroom, including:
1) Google Docs for online document creation and collaboration.
2) Websites for mind mapping, maps, slideshows, creative writing inspiration, attendance, morning messages/attention getters, virtual manipulatives, Skype, PowerPoint ideas, videos, current events, virtual field trips, timers, name generators, read alouds, dictionaries, transitions, shadow puppets, and tracing activities.
3) Suggestions to make the most of teaching moments by exploring online resources.
NCTIES How to use ipads in a Non 1:1 Environmentleasc
This document provides guidance on managing iPads in a non 1:1 classroom environment. It discusses using protective cases, syncing carts, transporting iPads, and establishing student rules. It also recommends creation apps that allow for higher-order thinking skills over gaming apps. Specific recommended creation apps include Puppet Pals, Scribble Press, Pic Collage, Educreations, Audioboo and Popplet Lite. The document also provides examples of lesson workflows using apps like Edmodo, Dropbox, Google Drive and Showbie to collect student work.
The document summarizes Catherine Ritz's presentation at the MaFLA Fall Conference in October 2012. The presentation aimed to help teachers make their classrooms more tech-friendly by providing resources for classroom management, Web 2.0 student projects, and mobile technology student projects. The agenda covered setting up class websites and management sites, using tools like flashcards, Dropbox, and Twitter for professional development, and exploring options for student voice recordings, digital storytelling, polling and interactive images using apps and websites.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing Learning (ADE 23)Karen Bosch
This document provides information and resources for creating sketchnotes. It discusses recommended drawing apps, tips for sketchnoting, and examples of how sketchnotes can be used in classroom lessons and student projects. Key ideas include using simple drawings combined with text to visualize and recall information, focusing on 2-3 main ideas per sketchnote, and practicing sketchnoting across various subjects to improve the skill. Resources like tutorial videos, example sketchnote workbooks, and the author's website are provided.
This document summarizes Karen Bosch's sketchnote session. It includes 3 sections - introduce yourself, try sketchnoting, and hints. Participants are invited to introduce themselves, try sketchnoting a topic, and Bosch provides hints on tools, resources and techniques for sketchnoting including using layers, sizing grids, visual metaphors and practicing with various materials. The document shares Bosch's contact information and links to additional sketchnote resources.
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Explore how traditional classrooms and libraries become transformative learning spaces such as learning commons and makerspaces. What needs to shift in our schools to design spaces for innovative learning? We'll present ideas on how to to set up flexible, creative spaces to support learning for and with students and educators.
Lisa Domeier de Suarez is a Teacher Librarian and Maker Teacher at a K-12 online/blended school in the SurreySchools in BC, Canada. For two years, she was a District Helping Teacher for Tech Integration/Learning Commons/Social Media and one of the coordinators of the Digital Integration Projects implementing over 10,000 iPads into #sd36learn classrooms. Lisa is passionate about using technology to engage students and presents locally and internationally to administration, educators, and students. In 2013 she became recognized an Apple Distinguished Educator. Blog: http://makingcommons.wordpress.com Email: suarez_l@surreyschools.ca Twitter: @librarymall About.me: http://about.me/suarez_l
This document provides an overview of design thinking and its 5 stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. It discusses how each stage is used to understand user needs, generate solutions, and test prototypes. Examples are given for conducting user interviews and creating user flows, personas, and prototypes. The goal is to generate many solutions to complex problems by understanding user experiences and testing ideas iteratively. Resources are listed for learning more about design thinking methodology.
Pedagogical Use of iPads - August 2014 UpdateJames Little
This document discusses the pedagogical use of iPads in education. It outlines several aims, including why iPads are useful educational tools, how they can improve productivity, research, teaching, content creation, and collaboration. Specific apps are demonstrated that can enhance note-taking, file sharing, research, interactive lectures, assessments, and group work. The document emphasizes that iPads can change when, where and how learning occurs and encourages attendees to explore ways iPads could achieve their teaching goals and improve student engagement, communications and learning.
Ideas for using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom - updated September 2016talkPrimaryICT
This document provides an introduction to using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. It discusses how these tools can be used to build digital literacy, encourage collaboration, support communication, and provide engaging learning opportunities. Specific Web 2.0 tools are then described, including collaborative tools like wikis, Padlet, and Voicethread. Other sections explain how tools like word clouds, avatars, and multimedia creators can be utilized. Challenges of implementing Web 2.0 tools and some potential classroom applications are also outlined.
This document provides an orientation for a technology class, outlining what students will learn and the procedures they will follow. The class will use project-based learning, with students given tasks to complete using various tools taught by the teacher. Students will be evaluated based on completion of projects rather than grades. The orientation covers topics like computer ethics and digital citizenship that will be covered throughout the class.
Mary Jo Bell teaches Senior Infants at St. Anne's School in Shankill. Her classroom utilizes various technologies like laptops, cameras, an interactive whiteboard, and visualizer to enhance learning. She discusses how tools like Animoto, Audacity, Voki, and OpenOffice are used for creating videos, recording stories and poems, and saving student work. The classroom has 3 computers that the 33 students share to work on projects and save to individual e-portfolios. Social media like blogs, Twitter, Skype and Google Hangout are also utilized while ensuring student safety online.
In 2012, the Community Library invested in its first 3D printer. Today, it has an active public printing service and conducts forty 3D printing programs annually. Learn how we got started, where our journey took us and the lessons we learned. There will be a discussion of both 3D printing and 3D scanning. This presentation will examine developing services for the public, creating interactive displays and conducting programs for children, teens and adults.
2023-My AI Experience - Colm Dunphy.pdfColm Dunphy
This document provides a summary of the author's experience with artificial intelligence over time, beginning in college in 1990 studying expert systems, machine learning, and natural language processing. It then outlines developments in AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Grammarly. The author worked on early projects involving music recommendation systems, mobile payments, and automated radio scheduling. More recently, the author has observed the growth of AI tools for code generation, image generation, and summarization. In teaching programming, the author had to address issues around students using AI to generate assignments. Overall, the rapid advancement of AI capabilities is an ongoing challenge requiring updated policies around ethics, privacy, and appropriate use in education.
Creating a Digital Media Space for Today's Teens: Part 2 (Jan. 2019)ALATechSource
This document provides guidance and recommendations for creating a digital media space for teens at a library. It discusses the importance of mentorship and designing programming to support diversity and multiple literacies. Specific recommendations are made for workshop structures, partner programming, volunteer opportunities, and evaluation methods like badges and a teen media awards program. Equipment suggestions include video cameras, audio equipment, 3D printers, and software like Adobe Creative Cloud. Guidance is also given on grant writing and leveraging free online resources. The overall recommendation is to focus on relationships and community building rather than just transactions to better serve the community.
In this presentation, you'll learn how to establish foundational project practices to design and deliver digital products.
Topics that are covered:
- Building flexible teams and engagement models
- Matching design tools with expected outcomes
- Creating (and maintaining) a design-focused project plan
- Preparing for recruiting and testing
際際滷s by Ian Cox, SVP of Delivery at Cantina
The document provides guidance on designing solutions for hackathon projects, emphasizing user-centered design principles such as understanding user needs and behaviors rather than forcing users to change. It outlines best practices for each stage of design including brainstorming, prototyping, testing, and visual design tips to create an intuitive and polished final product. Resources are also listed to help teams design and prototype their solutions without an expert designer.
Today's learners deserve and need...Authentic opportunities to do meaningful work. Todays tools to get real work done. Opportunities every day, throughout the day to work on personally engaging tasks. Space and resources to work collaboratively, think critically & create. Learning that is enjoyable and yes, fun! The Maker Movement provides all of this and more.
The document discusses the pedagogical uses of iPads in education. It outlines how iPads can change where, when and how learning occurs through their ease of use, reliability, and wide range of apps. The document then examines specific uses of iPads for productivity, research, teaching, communication, and collaboration. Examples are provided of apps that can enhance note taking, content management, data collection, presentations, messaging, video conferencing, and real-time collaboration. Activities are suggested for attendees to explore different iPad apps and brainstorm ways to incorporate iPads into their own teaching practice.
Playing cards for the Workshop on M-learning in the final Conference of the TACCLE2 Project Leaded by Murcia's team. GITE University of Murcia. http://www.um.es/gite
This document provides information about digital scrapbooking, including what it is, examples of curriculum-based scrapbooking projects, tips for planning and creating digital scrapbook pages, and suggestions for free image editing tools and scrapbooking resources. Digital scrapbooking allows people to preserve memories in a shareable digital format using photos, graphics, and image editing software. Some proposed projects include reflective learning timelines, alphabet books, maps, nature studies, and documenting school events and milestones. Planning, image selection, layout, and use of programs like PowerPoint and free online editors are discussed.
This document provides a list of many free online resources that teachers can use with their projectors in the classroom, including:
1) Google Docs for online document creation and collaboration.
2) Websites for mind mapping, maps, slideshows, creative writing inspiration, attendance, morning messages/attention getters, virtual manipulatives, Skype, PowerPoint ideas, videos, current events, virtual field trips, timers, name generators, read alouds, dictionaries, transitions, shadow puppets, and tracing activities.
3) Suggestions to make the most of teaching moments by exploring online resources.
NCTIES How to use ipads in a Non 1:1 Environmentleasc
This document provides guidance on managing iPads in a non 1:1 classroom environment. It discusses using protective cases, syncing carts, transporting iPads, and establishing student rules. It also recommends creation apps that allow for higher-order thinking skills over gaming apps. Specific recommended creation apps include Puppet Pals, Scribble Press, Pic Collage, Educreations, Audioboo and Popplet Lite. The document also provides examples of lesson workflows using apps like Edmodo, Dropbox, Google Drive and Showbie to collect student work.
The document summarizes Catherine Ritz's presentation at the MaFLA Fall Conference in October 2012. The presentation aimed to help teachers make their classrooms more tech-friendly by providing resources for classroom management, Web 2.0 student projects, and mobile technology student projects. The agenda covered setting up class websites and management sites, using tools like flashcards, Dropbox, and Twitter for professional development, and exploring options for student voice recordings, digital storytelling, polling and interactive images using apps and websites.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing Learning (ADE 23)Karen Bosch
This document provides information and resources for creating sketchnotes. It discusses recommended drawing apps, tips for sketchnoting, and examples of how sketchnotes can be used in classroom lessons and student projects. Key ideas include using simple drawings combined with text to visualize and recall information, focusing on 2-3 main ideas per sketchnote, and practicing sketchnoting across various subjects to improve the skill. Resources like tutorial videos, example sketchnote workbooks, and the author's website are provided.
This document summarizes Karen Bosch's sketchnote session. It includes 3 sections - introduce yourself, try sketchnoting, and hints. Participants are invited to introduce themselves, try sketchnoting a topic, and Bosch provides hints on tools, resources and techniques for sketchnoting including using layers, sizing grids, visual metaphors and practicing with various materials. The document shares Bosch's contact information and links to additional sketchnote resources.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing LearningKaren Bosch
This document provides an overview of sketchnoting for teaching and learning. It includes 3 sections: 1) Why sketchnoting works, focusing on increased listening, comprehension, and recall. 2) Tools and resources for sketchnoting, including both free and paid drawing apps. 3) Lesson ideas for implementing sketchnoting in the classroom across subjects like science, Bible, and more. Student examples of sketchnote projects are also shared. The document aims to introduce educators to sketchnoting and provide resources to get started.
Procreate - the not just for Pros Workshop! .pdfKaren Bosch
This document provides an overview of the "Not Just for Pros Workshop" on using the Procreate app. The workshop is led by Karen Bosch, a retired PreK-8 Technology teacher who now teaches Procreate classes online. The document outlines the session resources including downloading the Procreate app, hints for getting started, and an overview of the session. It also lists some of the key features and capabilities of Procreate, such as realistic drawing tools, layers, undo/erase, and time lapse recording. Suggestions are provided for using Procreate in the classroom for illustrations, sketchnotes, science diagrams, and more. The workshop includes hands-on tutorials for logos and fonts.
This document provides resources and strategies for using an iPad and Apple Pencil for learning and creative expression. It discusses using annotation, illustration, and sketchnoting as ways for students to document and show their learning beyond traditional worksheets and tests. Various apps like Keynote, iFont, and Sketches School are demonstrated for creating illustrations, annotations, and digital drawings. Strategies provided include using manipulatives, photos, and graphic organizers as subjects for annotation with the Apple Pencil.
Procreate: the Not Just for Pros Workshop!Karen Bosch
You dont need to be a professional to take advantage of the amazing creative features of the Procreate app on your iPad. This hands-on session will introduce you to key Procreate features including brushes, layers, text, and more. Well explore ways this app can enhance learning through illustrations, sketchnotes, and more. To participate in this session, youll need an iPad with the Procreate app downloaded. An Apple Pencil or stylus is suggested but not necessary.
Clever Tips for Using the Apple Clips AppKaren Bosch
Karen Bosch presented ways for teachers and students to use the Apple Clips app. The presentation provided many examples of how teachers can create unit introductions, tutorials, classroom highlights and more using Clips. Students can make reports, presentations, science lab recordings and more. The presentation concluded with a demonstration of building a short video in Clips and sharing resources for copyright-friendly images and publishing student videos.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing Learning - ISTE CCLKaren Bosch
1) The document discusses using sketchnotes for teaching and learning, providing examples of how teachers can incorporate sketchnotes into their lessons across various subjects and grade levels.
2) A variety of drawing apps are presented that can be used for sketchnotes on the iPad, along with recommendations for inexpensive styli and resources like online courses and books about sketchnoting.
3) Ideas are shared for student sketchnote projects involving journals, instructions, chapel notes, articles, science notes, videos, books and more. Templates and expectations for student sketchnotes are also outlined.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing LearningKaren Bosch
Mobile Learning 12 Conference, June 15, 2020 - 10:10 Central
This session will share easy ideas and resources to quickly begin using sketchnotes in your classroom. Participants will learn about the basic components of a sketchnote and tools/apps needed/helpful to begin creating digital sketchnotes on an iPad. They will discover resources, lessons, video tutorials, and examples from the presenter and her students which will equip them to begin sketchnoting.
Eight Great Elementary Learning Strategies using KeynoteKaren Bosch
This document outlines 8 great elementary learning strategies using Keynote:
1) Presentation - Create presentations with media, split screens, and copyright friendly graphics
2) Publication - Export presentations as books, videos, or publish images created with feltboards
3) Documentation - Document student work, science labs, math, and create portfolios
4) Organization - Create word/graphic organizers using shapes and templates
5) Illustration - Draw, trace, use Apple Pencil, green screens, and Morphie app
6) Annotation - Add notes to math, science photos and text in books
7) Narration - Add audio to explain, reflect, and include student voice
8) Animation -
Show What You Know: Illustrating and AnnotatingKaren Bosch
In this hands-on session, we will explore iPad strategies that help learners of any age visualize their learning. We will look at student examples of drawing, sketchnotes, and infographics and then will give you a chance to try these creative strategies on your own. To participate in the activities, please download the Tayasui Sketches and Pic Collage apps. We will also explore the drawing/annotation possibilities in the Apple Notes, Pages, and Keynote apps. (Links to apps posted at tinyurl.com/ipadcreate.)
Knowing and Showing: Creating Digital Learning Artifacts (update 11/17)Karen Bosch
This document provides guidance on creating digital learning artifacts using iPad apps. It suggests having students create sketches, infographics, narrated videos, slideshows, eBooks and more to demonstrate their learning in creative ways. Creating digital artifacts allows students to show their understanding without copying, and makes their thinking visible. The document describes apps such as Sketchnotes, Pic Collage and Apple Clips that can be used to illustrate, annotate, narrate and publish artifacts. The goal is for students to know and show what they have learned through creative projects rather than just testing.
Knowing and Showing: Creating Digital Learning ArtifactsKaren Bosch
How can we help our students to visualize their learning and show what they know? Illustrating, narrating, and animating are three powerful strategies that can be used with digital tools to deepen and document learning. Karen Bosch will share a variety of creative projects from her students demonstrating how these strategies can be used to make and publish learning artifacts.
This document discusses using iPads for language arts and creativity in the classroom. It provides examples of how teachers can have students create digital posters, talking animations, book trailers, and eBooks using apps like Pic Collage, ChatterPix Kids, iMovie, and Book Creator. Multimedia tools on the iPad allow students to incorporate photos, text, drawing, audio, and video into their projects. Teachers can then have students publish and share their work through blogs, SeeSaw, Dropbox, and other digital platforms.
Simple to Sensational: Taking iPad Projects to the Next LevelKaren Bosch
This session will share practical ideas for extending simple iPad projects by combining them with a second app to deepen learning and creativity. Examples of student projects from K - 8 will be shared, along with apps and hints for managing projects.
Digital Sketchnotes for Visualizing LearningKaren Bosch
This presentation will introduce how learners of all ages can use the technique of creating sketchnotes on a iPad as a way of visualizing their learning. A free iTunesU course will be shared that will guide learners through basic sketchnote equipment, elements, and techniques and will provide lessons for learning.
Visual Notetaking using an iPad
Sketchnotes are visual notes that incorporate words, lines, shapes, color, and simple drawings. You do not need to be an artist to sketchnote! This session will share the why and how to get started with creating digital sketchnotes using an iPad, along with the presenters personal journey with taking visual notes. An overview of the basic elements, techniques, apps, and styluses will be given, along with examples/lessons from the presenter and students.
The Power of TLC: Technology + Learning + CreativityKaren Bosch
This document discusses the power of creativity in learning when using technology. It argues that when students create using technology, it engages multiple learning styles, ignites their passion, and makes their learning visible. Examples are given of how different apps can foster creative student work, from drawing and publishing photos to podcasting, digital storytelling, and creating ebooks. The document advocates giving students opportunities for creative projects that allow them to go deeper into a topic and remember information longer.
Easy Creative iPad Projects for Early LearnersKaren Bosch
Yes, even early learners can create using the easy but powerful tools on the iPad! This presentation shares real examples of creative student projects using photo, video, drawing, audio, and digital storytelling apps. Ideas are given for activities in all areas of the curriculum that can be done in the one iPad classroom as well as with small groups and one-to-one iPads.
Easy Creative iPad Projects for PreK - 8 StudentsKaren Bosch
Looking for ways to use iPads as a part of your curriculum? This session will share real examples of creative student projects using photo, video, drawing, audio, and digital storytelling apps. Ideas will be given for language arts, math, science, social studies, and art that can be done in the one iPad classroom as well as with small groups and one-to-one iPads.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
MELC: Follows ethical standards in writing related literaturejoverlynbalansag1
No More Flat Stanley: Learning in 3D
1. No More Flat Stanley:
Learning in 3D
Karen Bosch (@karlyb)
Retired PreK - 8 Technology Instructor
Outschool Online iPad Classes for Kids
Professional Development
Conference Speaking
2016 Dremel Ideabuilder Ambassador
2018 MACUL Tech Using Teacher Award
8. Out of box ready
Step by step videos
Great customer support
Easy file preparation (using
Print Studio software)
Print from flash drive
Dremel 3D40
Ideabuilder 2016
(What to look for?)
9. Great for Beginners!
Filament loading
Directed leveling
Build Plate
Touchscreen commands
10. Enclosed
Clear top and front
Cool! (not hot)
Dremel 3D40
(What to look for?)
11. Work Flow
Problem Solving
(for teacher!)
Time Consuming
3D Printing Realities
We need
more 3D printers!
14. Dremel 3D45 Digilab
Self Leveling
multiple kinds
of filament
Heated Print
15. Inexpensive
Small - going to keep at
Self Leveling
Prints multiple kinds of
Heated Bed
Delivery February
Kickstarter: Cubibot
25. 3D Stanley Project
Easy to Design
Generates link to
website with print
Slow to Print - 6
Students love
springboard to
creative writing!
27. Used my social
media networks
to launch and
30. Alien Academy
Doink Green Screen
Puppet Pals
ChatterPix Kids
Lego Stop Action
iMovie (on computer
for editing)
31. Cookie Caster
Design your own
cookie cutters
Note: filament may not
be food safe
CookieCaster no longer
Alternative: CookieCad
3D Generators
32. Trace .jpg or
with poem for
Mothers Day
33. Trace jpg or
with poem for
Mothers Day
35. Morphi App
Free and paid iOS
Also a desktop version
for Mac and Windows
No Login!
Turn drawings/icon
images into 3D!!
Email .stl file for printing
3D Design
37. Crazy Characters
2nd Graders
Drawing to 3D
Email file to teacher with student
name in subject line
41. Story backgrounds
using KidPix on our
backgrounds, story
text, and audio using
Book Creator app
Collaborative eBook
42. iTunes link
Book Creator online
book publication
43. Connection with Sandra
Wisemans Classes
Woodsdale Elementary School
Link to 3D Stanley Blog
Download and Connect!
Adventures of the
3D Stanleys 2.0
44. Exchange with Second
Grade, Woodsdale
Elementary School, West
3D Stanley Project
46. 3D Snowflakes
3rd grade
Created a snowflake
using the free
Mandalas app
Save to camera roll
Imported photo into
Project Link
Link to app
47. 3D Snowflakes
Morphi App
Turned on 6 lines of
symmetry right in the
Draw snowflake
Convert to 3D
Add loop
Email file to teacher
75. Tinkercad
3D Design
Free - need login
Build with shapes,
letters, holes
Scribble (draw)
Can remix other
peoples projects
76. Tinkercad Hints
Can use as Chrome app or
in other browser
Used one generic Google
account to login everyone
Created project folder for
each student (limit of 100)
Save multiple designs in
each project folder
Easy to download student
projects when done
79. Candle Holder
Project Details
5th graders
Two to three weeks to
complete designs
About 2 hours to print
each one
Cost: about $1.50 each
80. Tinkercad Tutorials
Teacher created tutorials
for each step + written
Student paced learning
Options for decorating the
base or the side
Early finishers coached
those who were struggling
81. Workflow Hints
Students turn in
worksheet with project
details/color when ready
to print
Limit color options!
Use index cards to keep
track of student projects
Store projects by class
in copier paper box lids -
can stack
89. Complex shapes
Download shapes as .stl
Print as is - pencil holders,
Import into Tinkercad to
Tinkercad now has similar
shape generators
91. Container
How can I plan and create a 3D design
to meet a specific need?
Container = a useful product that can
hold something.
using 5 Step
Design Process