The document provides 14 tips for reducing exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones. It recommends limiting children's cell phone use and avoiding use by pregnant women. It suggests keeping phones away from the body as much as possible, using speakerphone or Bluetooth instead of headsets, and turning phones off near the body at night or in metal enclosures. The tips are aimed at reducing radiation exposure to potentially protect health and brain development.
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1. # 1 Dont allow children to use a cell
phone, except for emergencies.
Childrens skulls are thinner and their brains contain more
fluid than adults. Radio frequencies travel through
childrens brains much more easily and therefore increase
the risk of cancer.
Mobile phone radiation (yellow, blue and white) penetrating users heads (from Research by Professor Om Ghandi, University of Utah 1996)
2. # 1 Dont allow children to use a cell
phone, except for emergencies.
Brain tumors now cause more deaths among children than any
other forms of cancer.
- Sydney TV News Report
Jessie McConnell was diagnosed with a brain tumor when she was
sever years old. She died within weeks.
3. # 1 Dont allow children to use a cell
phone, except for emergencies.
Malignantbrain tumors are the second leading
cause of death in children [under age 15] and young adults
[under the age of 34].
4. # 1 Dont allow children to use a cell
phone, except for emergencies.
If they already have a cell phone,
and for whatever reason you
decide not to change the status
quo, don't let them sleep with it
under their pillow.
(You might be surprised where
your kids keep their cell phone!)
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5. # 2 Avoid using a cell phone if you are
pregnant, or suspect that you might be.
The developing organs of the fetus or
child are the most sensitive to any
possible effects of electromagnetic
radiation (EMR) exposure.
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
Photo: M ar jan H ols-Reis
6. # 2 Avoid using a cell phone if you are
pregnant, or suspect that you might be.
Dont use a cell phone with babies or
young children on your lap or in your
Ultrasounds and electronic fetal
monitoring also expose your unborn infant
to EMR. You may want to consider Photo: M ar jan H ols-Reis
avoiding these procedures unless
absolutely necessary.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
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7. # 3 Limit the amount of time you talk on
cell phones.
Just a two-minute call on a cell
phone can alter the natural
electrical activity of the brain for up
to an hour.
Reference: Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute
The more time you spend
talking on cell phones, the
greater your risk of developing
brain or eye cancer.
8. # 3 Limit the amount of time you talk on
cell phones.
Be polite, but keep it brief.
You may be saving not only
money, but a life quite possibly
your own.
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9. # 4 Use a regular phone as much as
Regular phones are your
safest bet for conversations
and work.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom
Relapses (May 2008)
10. # 4 Use a regular phone as much as
The base of a cordless phone
emits high levels of EMR, even
when the phone is not being
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom
Relapses (May 2008)
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11. # 5 Keep the cell phone as far away from
your body as possible.
By moving the cell phone just 5 cm (approximately 2
inches) away from your head while talking on it, you
reduce the electromagnetic radiation that reaches your
head by 75%.
You cut your EMR exposure to less than 1% by keeping
the cell phone over 18 cm (approximately 7 inches) away
from any part of your body.
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
12. # 5 Keep the cell phone as far away from
your body as possible.
Dr. George Carlo suggests keeping the phone at least
1518 cm (67 inches) away from your body and others
bodies while talking, texting, or downloading.
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13. # 6 Avoid carrying your cell phone in
your pocket, on your belt, or in your
The hip produces 80% of the
bodys red blood cells and is
especially vulnerable to EMR
Close proximity may also affect
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
Photo: J anusz Gawron
14. # 6 Avoid carrying your cell phone in
your pocket, on your belt, or in your
Body tissue in the abdomen
absorbs radiation more quickly
than the head.
Position the cell phone with the
keypad facing towards you when
you put it in a pouch or hand bag.
This way the antenna is facing
away from you.
Photo: S anja Gjenero
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15. # 7 Avoid using wired headsets.
Headsets, including the ear
buds that come with most cell
phones today, have been
shown to act as antennae,
channeling the EMR directly
into the ear canal.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom
Relapses (May 2008)
Photo: Camila S chnaibe
16. # 7 Avoid using wired headsets.
When you use regular ear buds or
ear pieces, youre getting 3 times
more EMR than if you held the
cell phone against your ear, and
youre getting it directly into your
ear canal, and therefore into your
Thats a good reason to avoid
listening to music on your cell
Photo: Camila S chnaibe
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17. # 8 Use an air tube headset with ferrite
This type of headset is
believed to be safer,
because EMR cant travel
up the air tube like it does
on a regular wired
earphone. Air tube
Unlike regular headsets,
the air tube headset
doesnt act as an antenna.
Dr. Mercola, blue-tube-headset
18. # 8 Use an air tube headset with ferrite
Ferrite beads suppress the
EMR and dissipate it. In other
words, they absorb the EMR
and convert it into heat.
For maximum protection, use
an air tube headset with a
ferrite bead placed as near as
possible to the cell phone.
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19. # 9 Use the speaker phone as much as
Never hold the phone directly
against your head.
EMR decreases in direct
proportion to the distance the
source is from your body.
20. # 10 Some suggest using a BlueTooth
head piece.
Its reported that BlueTooth
headsets emit 1/100th the EMR of a
normal cell phone. Thats good.
whatever EMR a BlueTooth headset
does emit, it does so directly into
the ear. Caution is warranted.
21. # 11 Avoid using a cell phone while in
metal enclosures.
This includes the following:
any other metal
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated
Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
22. # 11 Avoid using a cell phone while in
metal enclosures.
Metal enclosures act like a
Faraday cage, trapping some of
the radiation and reflecting it
back upon you and others.
Turn your phone off inside all
metal enclosures.
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23. # 12 Make calls when and where you
have a strong signal.
Cell phones automatically increase power output when the
signal is weak, exposing you to greater EMR.
24. # 13 Avoid making calls when
traveling fast.
A cell phone automatically increases power when it is
moving at high speeds (such as in a car, train,
subway, or plane) as it attempts to connect to the
next cell phone base station.
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
25. # 14 Turn your cell phone off at night.
EMR emitted from
cell phones and
even electric clocks
can lower the quality
of your sleep.
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of
Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
26. # 14 Turn your cell phone off at night.
The Safe Wireless Initiative also
suggests moving your electric
alarm clock or clock radio (this goes
for any other electronic or electrical
appliances, too) at least 1.80
meters (6 feet) away from your
head, or simply using a battery-
powered alarm clock.
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27. # 15 When purchasing a cell phone, be
sure to get one with a low SAR (Specific
Absorption Rate).
The lower the SAR number,
the better.
The Motorola Razr V3x has a
SAR of 0.14, which is the
lowest we have seen.
However, weve heard there
are some with an even lower
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of
Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
28. # 15 When purchasing a cell phone, be
sure to get one with a low SAR (Specific
Absorption Rate).
Motorola V195s has a SAR of
1.6, the worst on the market.
Many cell phones manuals
indicate the SAR number of
that particular model.
29. # 15 When purchasing a cell phone, be
sure to get one with a low SAR (Specific
Absorption Rate).
You can find most cell phone SAR rates by clicking here.
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30. # 16 If we do our very best, we can trust
God to do the rest.
We cant protect ourselves from all
And we dont want to be fearful, as
thats one more stress thats also
detrimental to our emotional and
physical health.
31. # 16 If we do our very best, we can trust
God to do the rest.
But we can and should work at becoming
truly informed, and then act on that
information to the very best of our ability.
Then, when weve done what we can, we can
pray and trust God to do what we cant.
The angel of the Lord encampeth round
about them that fear Him, and delivereth
them. (The Bible, Psalm 34:7)
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32. Conclusions:
Its up to each of us to take responsibility
for our own health and our familys.
We must exercise caution.
Its far better to be safe than sorry.
Its preferable to put a fence at the edge of
the cliff, than to have to build a hospital--or
a graveyard--at the bottom.
God loves you and me. If we do what we
can do, Hell do what we cant.
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Part 2 reveals practical steps you can take to increase your
bodys resistance to EMR damage.
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as they are posted at Natural Health Strategies.
34. To watch videos about the dangers of
cell phone use, click the link below.
Natural Health Strategies Cell Phone Dangers Videos
35. Important - Please read carefully
This PowerPoint presentation is shared for educational
purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice.
It is not known with certainty what levels (if any) of exposure
to EMR our bodies can take without negative health effects.
Obviously, we cannot and do not claim that following these
recommendations to simply reduce levels of exposure will
necessarily spare you from developing some kind of health
challenge related to EMR. What we do know is that even
small doses of EMR affect the human body on a cellular
level. It seems wise, then, to exercise the greatest possible
degree of caution.
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