This document contains information about intern pay rates and technology usage by different generations. It shows intern pay rates ranging from $8-18 per hour, with an average of $13. It also contains charts displaying new student registrations and open internships over time. Finally, it provides data on texting usage among different generations, ranging from 9% of the Silent Generation to 88% of Millennials.
Internship Best Practices
Determine goals (Hiring? Special projects? Workforce support? Give back to the community?)
Develop tasks and projects
Sample tasks and journal
Develop a job description (or two) tied to evaluation
Discussion: What are YOUR best practices? What works and doesnt work?
Economic Impact of Interns
Savings in salary and benefits costs for special project work conducted by interns: $13,513
Savings in recruitment and hiring costs: $2,411
Savings in new-hire training and on-boarding costs: $1,659
Average time savings (in hours) per week an intern saves: 14.6
Number of business innovations and efficiencies implemented as a direct result of hiring interns: 3
Pay Rates and Practices 2012
Conduct survey every year
Pay rates for IT ($18.09 national average; $13.73 in NEO)
How to Find and Hire Interns
Career Services is always number 1!
Other (see below)
Look for interns three to six months before youll be working with them
Discussion: How do you find interns?
Sources used to recruit interns
1 Job postings on college/university career center websites
2 Job postings on college graduate/intern focused job boards or websites
3 Building relationships with college/university professors
4 Alumni contacts with college/university
5 Other referrals
6 Partnerships with college/university career centers
8 Participation in college/university job fairs
9 Faculty referrals
10 Co-ops
11 Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
Employer Workshops
2-3 each month, regionally
Work directly with employers
Known as regional experts Third Frontier, Ohio Department of Development Workshops, etc.
[SIDEBAR: Working with Gen Y
If you employ an intern you will likely be working with a member of Generation Y (between ages 13 and 30), so you need to understand what matters most to them at work.
Close and frequent contact with supervisor - including social interaction
State-of-the-art technology
Clear goals and objectives
Work that makes a difference
Challenging projects
Ability to give input
Working on teams
Being paid for the results, not how long to get the results]
[SIDEBAR: Do not . . .
Treat an intern like a kid
Involve interns in office politics
Forget that no question is stupid
Overly micromanage an intern
Forget to help interns receive class credit
Treat an intern like just an extra pair of hands
Give the intern work that nobody else wants to do
Sugarcoat feedback
Forget to take an interns goals into consideration]
NAS Recruitment Communications, Recruiting and Managing the Generations (Cleveland, 2007), 3, 7.
Important to stress employers won't have to spend the whole internship teaching basic skills - but they need to know just in case...
Supervising Millennials
Methods of communication text is king!
Two prevailing views: Entitlement versus Talented Workers -> dont get caught up in either
Good supervision is good supervision
Communication is key tell them how youll supervise them.
Develop systems that work for you and the interns
Discussion: Share your experience working with or being a millennial in the workplace today.
More than 8 our of 10 Millennials say they SLEEP with a cell phone by or on the bed.
Use a cell phone to text
88% of Millennials
77% of Gen X
51% of Boomers
9% of Silent Gen
NEOintern database/website
Participation in CIS
Specialized Programs (EIP)
Goal of NEOintern: an internship for every one of the 225K students enrolled in NEO