Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform that is easy to set up and use for building web applications. It has advantages like being asynchronous, having a large community and ecosystem, and allowing developers to write code in JavaScript. Companies like PayPal and Walmart have found that Node applications are faster and more scalable than alternatives.
3. •Server side Javascript (I know..)
•OS independent (Looking at you .NET)
•No more multiple universes
•Foot on the floorboard fast (V8)
•JIT Compilation
6. •Web guys already know it!
•Asynchronous Event Loop outta the box
•Arguably the biggest community
•npm ecosystem is best ecosystem
•Iterate faster
10. •Rebuilt a Java app in Node
•Took half the time with less dev
•2x requests per second
•35% faster response time
•1 to 12 Node apps in 6 months
11. •55% of all black Friday traffic is
•CPU usage hovered at 1% that day