Liran is leading the core team for the MEAN.js JavaScript framework. He recently published Essential Node.js Security. Passionate about Open Source since an early age, he is continuously contributing to many projects on GitHub around Node.js, JavaScript, Docker, and Security.
Being an avid supporter and contributor to the open source movement, in 2007 Liran has redefined network RADIUS management by establishing daloRADIUS, a world-recognized and industry-leading open source project (
40. 2. X-Frame-Options
The Big 3
Clickjacking (User Interface redress attack,
UI redress attack, UI redressing) is a
malicious technique of tricking a Web user
into clicking on something different from
what the user perceives they are clicking on
Security by HTTP Headers
93. ¡ó 662 users had password: 123456
¡ó 124 users has password: password?
94. ¡ó 662 users had password: 123456
¡ó 124 users has password: password?
¡ó 1409 users had their username as
95. ¡ó662 users had password: 123456
¡ó124 users has password: password?
¡ó1409 users had their username as
¡ó11% of users re-used their leaked
102. 1
Employ Secure HTTP headers with Helmet
Be mindful to NoSQL Injections
4 Snyk to secure Your npm
Avoid writing your own RegEx