Gluecon 2013 - Dark Architecture and How to Forklift Upgrade Your System - Dy...Cory von Wallenstein
Dyn is an internet infrastructure company that provides managed DNS and email delivery services. The document discusses an approach called "Dark Architecture" for upgrading systems with zero downtime. It involves running the new and legacy systems in parallel, comparing outputs, and gradually shifting traffic to the new system once it is proven equivalent. The approach aims to continuously deliver value while keeping customers unaffected during the multi-stage migration process.
Mia Taylor is suitable to play Elizabeth because she understands the stereotype of the character and is the same age, which adds realism. She already owns the costume of a black skirt, white shirt, and black tights.
Nathaniel Berry is perfect to play Hugo because conventionally the male lead is tall and handsome, and he understands the stereotypes of his role. He has the appropriate stereotypical clothing for a smart school scene.
Penny-Mai Bullivant is suitable to play Cecil because she contrasts Elizabeth with her dark hair, hazel eyes, and shorter height, providing differentiation between the characters.
Oriella Nicoli-Horne is very suitable to play Katherine
The document outlines 10 soft skills that are important for business analysts to possess: 1) negotiation skills, 2) active listening, 3) dealing with conflict, 4) providing quality client service, 5) decision making, 6) problem solving, 7) strategic thinking, 8) technical writing, 9) presentation and public speaking, and 10) team building. Mastering these soft skills is critical for job performance, career advancement, and the ability to impress senior management. Business analysts may also need to lead teams, so skills in structuring, coordinating, and leading teams are valuable.
10 Ways You're Using AdWords Wrong and How to Correct Those Practices Kissmetrics on 狠狠撸Share
Johnathan is the founder of KlientBoost, a no-nonsense, creative kick-ass PPC agency that hustles for results & ROI. He’s been named the 2015 “Conversion Marketer To Watch” by Unbounce’s readers.
1) Single Keyword Ad Groups 2) Ad Group Level Negatives 3) Multi Intent Keywords 4) The Five Ad Tests 5) Aggressive Ad Testing 6) AdWords is Your Carrot 7) Insane Importance of Design 8) Multi Step Landing Pages 9) Your Landing Page O?er 10) The Price Focus CTA
Single Keyword Ad Groups 1
Google’s advice…
That would mean…
But it should be… keyword 1 keyword 2
What happens to your CTR
Higher search-to-ad relevancy = higher CTR = higher quality scores = lower cpc = ? lower cost per conversion.
Your new ad group structure =
Ad Group Level Negatives 2
Killing o? internal competition
What it means… Ad group = “web analytics”? Ad group = “web analytics stripe” Ad group = “web analytics braintree” Ad group = “web analytics paypal”
What it means… Ad group = “web analytics”? Ad group level negative keywords - stripe - braintree - paypal
Search terms should look like…
See what’s holding you back
Multi Intent Keywords 3
The Search Buying Cycle
Search Buying Cycle Awareness Consideration Action “broken transmission” “whats my car worth” “sell my car”
The Five Ad Tests 4
Proximity Source: Hanapin Source: Engine Ready
30% increase in conversions
Countdowns 32% CTR boost & 3% conv/rate improvement
Speci?city How to Get 6,312 Subscribers ? to Your Business Blog in One Day How to Get Over 6,000 Subscribers ? to Your Business Blog in One Day How to Get a Torrent of Subscribers ? to Your Business Blog in One Day
Speci?city 88% CTR boost & 23% conv/rate improvement
Timeliness 217% CTR boost & 23% conv/rate improvement
Aggressive Ad Testing 5
Get Aggressive!
Isolate and label Headline Display URL Description 1 Description 2
Let time pass, then ?lter
6 AdWords is Just Your Carrot
“Cats are your customers,? AdWords is your laser pointer”
7 Insane Importance of Design
How fast do people judge you?
Visual & Aesthetic Judgement Research at Google? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 70(11) (2012), pp. 794-811 |——————————————| 1 full second 50 ms = 0.05 second
Insane Important of Design 6
8 Multi Step Landing Pages
Single step landing pages are threatening
9 Your Landing Page O?er
Conversion Rate Optimization 101 “What makes a good value proposition? An o?er that’s di?erentiated from your competitors.”? — Peep Laja, CRO Expert at ConversionXL
A lot more valuable than your competitors Make your o?er
10 The Price Focus CTA
Struggling with CTA ideas? Get Pricing & More Info
32 New Hacks To Get More? Phone Leads With AdWords & CRO (60 pages deep!)
The Price Focus CTA
This document summarizes several models of the design process that involve analysis and synthesis steps. It begins by presenting a basic two-step model of analysis and synthesis from Koberg and Bagnall. It then expands on this model by adding more steps and levels of detail. Other models discussed oscillate between analysis and synthesis, separate analysis from synthesis, or involve diverging and converging phases. The document explores different conceptualizations of the relationship between analysis and synthesis, such as whether they are discrete sequential steps or overlapping processes. Overall, it examines how the analysis-synthesis dichotomy has been modeled in design processes.
El documento describe los diferentes elementos del lenguaje fotográfico como planos, ángulos, composición y otros factores que influyen en el resultado de una fotografía. Explica los diferentes tipos de planos como plano general, primer plano y detalle y los ángulos como picado, contrapicado y central. También cubre conceptos de composición como la regla de los tercios, líneas dominantes y uso de la luz. El objetivo es aprender a elegir el encuadre y ángulo adecuados y componer la fotografía de
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Tim Pembina Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah/Madrasah (TP UKS/M) dan Lomba Sekolah Sehat (LSS). TP UKS/M dibentuk untuk memfasilitasi pelaksanaan UKS/M di sekolah, dengan susunan organisasi berjenjang dari tingkat pusat hingga sekolah. LSS diadakan setiap tahun sebagai agenda pembinaan UKS/M yang dimulai dari tingkat sekolah hingga nasional.
enchant.js is a JavaScript library for building interactive computer simulations and games. It uses an agent-based approach and soft realtime capabilities to allow for interactive experiences. The library aims to make JavaScript suitable for building computer simulations.
This document discusses using the Kinect sensor with Node.js. It describes connecting the Kinect to Node.js using the Audio Data API and Socket.IO for real-time data streaming. Code examples are provided for an Express server to handle requests and websockets, and using TCP/IP to receive Kinect sensor data and broadcast it over websockets.
enchant.js is a JavaScript library for building interactive computer simulations and games. It uses an agent-based approach and soft realtime capabilities to allow for interactive experiences. The library aims to make JavaScript suitable for building computer simulations.
This document discusses using the Kinect sensor with Node.js. It describes connecting the Kinect to Node.js using the Audio Data API and Socket.IO for real-time data streaming. Code examples are provided for an Express server to handle requests and websockets, and using TCP/IP to receive Kinect sensor data and broadcast it over websockets.