Professional well prepared in developing an integral business vision to identify, understand and respond to different situations, with strong analytical, planning and organizational skills. Areas of performance: Project management, Business Process Management, Financial Planning, Management Control, Business Processes, Business Mergers and Marketing.
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Nohelia Machuca - Resume
1. Nohelia Machuca
Nohelia Machuca Navarro
Phone: (407) 692-4538 E-mail:
Professional well prepared in developing an integral business vision to identify, understand and respond to
different situations, with strong analytical, planning and organizational skills. Areas of performance: Project
management, Business Process Management, Financial Planning, Management Control, Business Processes,
Business MergersandMarketing.
International Family Center (Orlando, Fl, USA)
Administrative Assistant. Apr 2013 ¨C Nov 2015
Serve as the Campaign Administrator of the Stewardship campaign. Design a budget method for all
departments of the Church. Responsible for creating and managing databases of the Church. Maintains
department schedule by maintaining calendars for department personnel; arranging meetings, conferences,
JAA Restaurant Holdings (Boca Raton, Fl, USA)
Administrative Analyst. March 2012 ¨C May 2012
Coordinate the administration takeover of ten (10) Wendy?s Stores (Suppliers Billing and Payments ¨C Payroll
Individual and Batching process). Migration of the actual Accounting system to Intacct (Prepare journal
templates¨Cimporttemplatestonewsystem ¨CReconcile Trial Balance New SystemvsOldSystem).
Empresas Polar (Caracas, Venezuela)
ProcessCoordinator ¨C AlimentosPolar Jul 2007 ¨C Aug 2011
Jointly in charge of designing and creating Alimentos Polar Process Management. Responsible for the
execution of Design, Implementation and Stabilization stages(as part of BPMmethodology), for 6 Marketing
Strategy processes; 4 Product Portfolio processes; 4 Trade Marketing; and, 4 Marketing Research processes.
Coordinated work with a group of 9 Managers. Responsible for continue improvement of the Demand
Planningprocess underSAPplatform,andStrategyBusinessPlan.
Empresas Polar (Caracas, Venezuela)
Product Manager (in charge) of Soaps and Softeners-AlimentosPolar Nov 2006 ¨C Jul 2007
Leader in 2 new soap product launchings (generated 2.500 Ton (5%) increase in annual sales volume) and 2
new softener versions (generated 750 Ton (2%) increase in annual sales volume). Participant in the soap and
softener 2007-2010 Strategic Plan / Business Plan. Planned estimated monthly demand in SAP APO of soap 9
SKUs and softeners 7 SKUs. Prepared competitive analyses based on market information by geographic area
(7 areas) and by clientsegment(4segments).
Empresas Polar (Caracas, Venezuela)
SpecialistinIntegration ¨C AlimentosPolar May 2003 ¨C Oct 2006
In charge of following up capture of Quaker Venezuela 22 integration synergies and Quaker Colombia 23
integration synergies, resulting in a higher synergy capture than the 4.6% Net Present Value estimated for
Quaker Venezuela¡¯s integration into Alimentos Polar. Participated in the identification and capture process
of 22 synergiesduringAlimentosPolarandNutripetAndinaintegration.
2. Nohelia Machuca
Empresas Polar (Caracas, Venezuela)
AdministrationControl Chief ¨C AlimentosPolar 1997 ¨C Feb2002
In charge of consolidating and analyzing monthly results (43 categories; 708 SKUs; and 1200 M Tons per
year). Submit reports to the Board of Directors. Preparation and analysis of the yearly budget including
projection of the financial statements and valuation of key process indicators. Prepared scenarios and
projections of fiscal year closing to contribute to business decision making. Designed and developed
financingreportsfor4 BusinessUnitsinSAP Controlling.
Empresas Polar (Caracas, Venezuela)
Accounting Analyst¨C AlimentosPolar May 1994 ¨C 1997
Preparedthe SavingsFundaccountingrecords. Preparedthe SavingsFundmonthlyfinancial statements.
Graduate Certificate inEntrepreneurship August 2014 ¨C In process
Universityof Central Florida,Orlando,FL
Master in BusinessAdministration- Specialization:Marketing May 2001
Metropolitan University,Caracas,Venezuela
Degree in BusinessAdministration Jul 1994
Santa Maria University,Caracas,Venezuela
Computer Skills: Excellent use of MS office package. Proficient in SAP system. Knowledgeable in using SAP
FI; SAP CO; SAP Controlling; SAP MRP; SAP MM; SAP PP; SAP APO (Advanced Planner and Optimizer).
Coursesand workshops:
Certificate from The American Management Association: How to Develop the Strategic Plan. Valencia
SupervisorTraining Program(40hours) - EmpresasPolar¨C Caracas, Venezuela2011
Workshop:TrademarkEvaluationandPositioning(6hours)-The PartneringGroup,Caracas, Venezuela2008
Course:Six SigmaGreenBelt ¨C NogueraKRB ¨C Caracas, Venezuela2006
CreatingOrganizationsbyProcesses(16hours) ¨C IESA - School of Business,Caracas,Venezuela2006
Languages: Spanish(native speaker) ¨CEnglish(fluent).
Voluntary work: United Way of St. Joseph County, South Bend, IN, USA ¨C Aug 2002 - Sep 2002. Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando, FL, USA ¨C October 2011. Heart of Florida United Way, Orlando, FL,
USA ¨C Feb.2012