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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Problem statement
What is density estimation?
Given an i.i.d sample xn
1 from unknown distribution P,
estimate P(x) for arbitrary x
For instance P belongs to some parametric family, but non
Bayesian treatment possible
Model P is a multivariate gaussian with unknown mean and
Kernel density estimation is non paremetric (but morally to
P as a uniform mixture of n distributions, 鍖t with maximum
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
4. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Why is density estimation useful?
Allows unsupervized learning by recovering the latent
parameters of a distribution describing the data
But can also be used for supervized learning.
Learning P(x, y) is more general than learning y = f (x).
For instance, to minimize quadratic error, use
f (x) =
y P(x, y) dx
P(x, y) dx
Knowledge of the full density permits the use of any loss
o鍖er void under fat tails
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
5. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Mutual information
Of particular is the ability to compute mutual information.
Mutual information is the principled way to measure what is
loosely referred to as correlation
I(X; Y ) =
p(x, y) log
p(x, y)
p(x) p(y)
dx dy
Measures the amount of information one variable gives us about
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Bivariate normal
Assume that the data observed was drawn from a bivariate normal
Latent parameters: mean and covariance matrix
Unsupervized view: learn the relationship between two
random variables (mean, variance, correlation)
Supervized view: equivalent to simple linear regression
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Kernel density estimation
Issues with kernel density estimation
Naive Kernel density estimation has several drawbacks
Kernel covariance is 鍖xed for the entire space
Does not adjust bandwith to local density
No distributed representation = poor generalization
Performs poorly in high dimensions
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Kernel density estimation
Adaptive kernel density estimation
One approach is to use a di鍖erent kernel for every point, varying
the scale based on local features.
Ballon estimators make the kernel width inversely proportional to
density at the test point
h =
Pointwise estimator try to vary the kernel at each sample point
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Kernel density estimation
Local bandwith choice
If latent distribution has peaks, tradeo鍖 between accuracy
around the peaks and in regions of low density.
This is reminiscent of time-frequency tradeo鍖s in fourier
analysis (hint: h is called bandwith)
Suggests using wavelets which have good localization in time
and frequency
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Coming up with a prior?
In principle, any distribution whose support contains the
sample is potential.
Some distributions are more likely than others, but why not
just take the empirical distribution?
May work 鍖ne for integration problems for instance
Doesnt help with regression or to understand the data
There should be some sort of spatial coherence to the
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Sparse wavelet decomposition prior
To express the spatial coherence constraint, we take a L0 sparsity
prior over the coe鍖cient of the decomposition of the PDF in a
suitable wavelet basis.
This creates a coe鍖cient budget to describe the distribution
Large scale wavelet describe coarse features of the distribution
Sparse areas can be described with few coe鍖cients
Areas with a lot of sample points are described in more detail
Closely adheres to the minimum description length principle
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
21. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
The minimum length principle suggests penalizing the log
likelihood of producing the sample with the number of non
zero coe鍖cients.
We can put a weight on the penalty, which will enforce more
or less sparsity
We can cheat with an improper prior: use an in鍖nite
number of coe鍖cient, but favor models with many zeros
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
22. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
To sample from this distribution over distributions, conditional on
the observed sample, we interpret the data as generated by a
recursive generative model.
As n is held 鍖xed, the number of datapoints in each orthant is
described by a multinomial distribution. We put a non-informative
dirichlet prior on the probabilities of each quadrant. This processus
is repeated for each orthant.
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
24. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Probabily of each orthant
Conditional on the number of datapoints falling in each orthant,
the distribution of the probability mass over each orthant is given
by the Dirichlet distribution:
i=1 ni
i=1 (1 + ni )
d is the dimension of the space, thus there are 2d orthants.
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
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Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
What about our prior?
Having a zero coe鍖cient in the Haar decomposition translate itself
in certain symmetries. In two dimension there are eight cases
1 non-zero coe鍖s: each quadrant has 1
4 of the mass
2 non-zero coe鍖
Left vs. right, top and bottom weight independent of side
Top vs. bottom
Diagonal vs. other diagonal
3 non-zero coe鍖s
Shared equally between left and right, but each side has its
own distribution between top and bottom
Same for top and bottom
Same for diagonals
4 non-zero coe鍖s: each quadrant is independent
N.B. probabilities must sum to 1
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
29. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
Linear transforms
Integrating over linear transforms
Fortunately, the Haar model gives us the evidence
Assume the data comes from a gaussian Copula
Adjust by the Jacobian of the transform
To sample from linear distributions
perform PCA
translate by ( ux
, uy
rotate randomly
scale variances by 1
... then weight by evidence from the model
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar
30. .
Density estimation Typical approaches Hardy Haar
How to use for data mining
Application to data-mining
select relevant variables to use as regressors
evaluate the quality of hand-crafted features
explore unknown relationships in the data
in time series, mutual information between time and data
detects non stationarity
Arthur Breitman
Hardy Haar