Presentation for the 2011 NONPF conference on a special technology workshop we facilitated for students in our DNP program. Students learned about and worked hands-on with Telehealth, Clinical Decision Support, social media and EHR tools.
2. A One-Day Technology Workshop
On-campus weekend
Fall semester
Conducted at the Theresa A. Thomas
Professional Skills Teaching and Assessment
Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School in
Norfolk, Virginia
3. Structured Around Hands-On
Began with standardized patient session
Followed by technology modules
Social Media
Clinical Decision Support
Electronic Health Records
Students given follow-up assignment
4. Utilized Standardized Patients to
Create Realistic Experience
Stroke patient and caregiver
Recently discharged from hospital
Experiencing issues inherent in healthcare in rural America
Lack of access to:
Quality care
Specialty care
Isolation from social support systems
Group interview identifying:
Stroke impact, post-accident
Availability of health care, living in a remote area
Ability to utilize technology
5. Students Rotated through Four
Technology Modules
Hands-on exposure
Armed with Information from standardized patient
50 minutes with each module
Each module included:
Practical application activity
Group presentations and discussion
Benefits and barriers
7. Module on Use of Social Media for Patient,
Caregiver and Provider Support and Education
Overview of social media
Breakout groups of 2 or 3
Each group assigned specific
Research social media
Find appropriate Group presentation
application, Why did you select?
given earlier Tour of media
patient/caregiver Benefits and barriers
assessment Discussion and
Make group presentation recommendations
8. Groups Given One of Three
Assignments Using Social Media
Group 1 using either
YouTube or ICYou find an
education video for stroke
Group 2 using The Stroke Group 3 using Facebook
Network website or LinkedIn determine
determine how how providers can access
patient/caregiver can use other providers for support
this site for social support and professional
development purposes
9. Telehealth Module Provided Opportunity to
Learn How to Work with a Patient Virtually
Participation in sample Telehealth Example: Have patient balance a
session: book on the palm of each hand to
Standardized stroke patient and demonstrate equal balance and
caregiver located in one room strength (vs. an in-person assessment
Students in another room squeeze my two fingers, etc.)
Both rooms set up with Telehealth
video equipment for real-time
10. Practical Experience was Followed
by Group Discussion
What were the benefits?
What were the barriers?
What recommendations for use would you make?
How can you use in your practice?
11. Clinical Decision Support Systems Taught Students
How to Use Such Tools to Extend and Improve Care
Utilizing tools such as stroke apps on the
iPad (NIH stroke scale, epocrates)
Instruction on how to go about obtaining apps
Explored types of apps:
For providers and patients
Patient education
12. Students Assigned to Breakout
Groups of 2 to 3
Instructed to find apps
Stroke patients and
Demonstrate to group
Benefits and barriers
How to overcome
13. Electronic Health Records Module
Exposed Students to Use of EHR
Ease of prescribing
Referrals to specialists
Transmission of patient data
between providers
Ease of access to information
Templates that constrain
Systems not compatible
14. There are Some Educational
Constraints with EHR
Training templates extremely expensive, if
available at all
Many templates arent well populated with
patients or experiences
Many templates are too artificial
15. Students Followed Up Workshop with
Technology Assignments
Applied a modality to their respective practice
Example: Facebook page for isolated siblings
of chronically ill children
A support community
Moderated by provider
Safe space
Rules of Engagement
17. As a Result of Workshop, Students Have
Incorporated Technology in Their Practices
Purchased iPads for practice
Integrated clinical decision support
Served on committees to chose EHR
Introduced social media programs to patients and
Some have fostered participation in TeleHealth