The document discusses the concepts of Web 2.0 and how certain technologies have succeeded while others have failed. It provides statistics on Facebook and MySpace user numbers. It also examines semantic web technologies like RDF and OWL that have not worked as well as more simple and decentralized protocols like HTML, HTTP, RSS, wikis, tags, and weblogs. The value in Web 2.0 is in content and software's ability to find, filter, and enable collaboration around content.
2. quot;Web 2.0 is the business revolution
in the computer industry caused by
the move to the internet as
platform, and an attempt to
understand the rules for success on
that new platform.quot;
Tim O'Reilly
4. Algunos datos
FaceBook tiene 52 millones de usuarios
MySpaces tiene 114 millones de usuarios y ha
aceptado participar en OpenSocial
6. 多Que no ha funcionado?
Semantic Web
Resource Description Framework aka RDF
Web Ontology Language (OWL)
8. 多Qu辿 si ha funcionado?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) / ATOM
9. 多Por qu辿?
Protocolos y Formatos:
Tolerantes (cierta ambig端edad)
Descentralizado (FaceBook vs OpenSocial)
10. The value is neither in the computers nor in
the software that runs on them. It is in the
content and the softwares ability to 鍖nd
and 鍖lter content and in the softwares
ability to enable people to collaborate and
communicate about content.
Adam Bosworth