ERG's John Koupal presented on "North American Black Carbon Emissions Estimation Guidelines" at the Global/International Issues session of EPA's 2015 Emission Inventory Conference. This presentation detailed ERG's work for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) developing guidance for estimating black carbon emission inventories in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
The role of physico-chemical parameters in the WFD process
Workshop on Ecological classification of surface water bodies in EUWI+ pilot areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova,
June 19 - 20, 2018
Kyiv, Ukraine
FY 2013 R&D REPORT January 6 2014 - Department of DefenseLyle Birkey
The Department of Defense spends around $249 million annually on environmental research and development. The bulk of this funding supports cleanup of hazardous waste from military sites and compliance with environmental regulations to control pollution. Key programs include the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, which invest in areas like energy/water, environmental restoration, munitions response, and weapons systems. The Army allocates around $40 million, focusing on technology to address environmental restoration, munitions management, and sustainable infrastructure.
This document summarizes the California Levee Evaluations Programs which aims to evaluate levees in the Central Valley to determine if they meet safety standards and identify needed repairs. The program supports flood management planning and projects. It evaluates both urban and non-urban levees using different methods. The goal is to improve flood protection for over 500,000 people and $56 billion in structures and land in the Central Valley.
The New Black is an event and audiovisual production agency with offices in London and Barcelona. They have over 8 years of experience producing various events including meetings, exhibitions, parties, and photo/video productions. Their services also include public relations, marketing, and communication strategies. Some of their clients include eBay, Dell, Western Digital, Fred Perry, Lush, Ministry of Sound, and Bauer Media.
Submerged Floating Tunnel by Shantanu PatilShantanu Patil
Tunnels in water are by no means new in civil engineering. Since about 1900, more then 100 immersed tunnels have been constructed. Bridges are the most common structures used for crossing water bodies. In some cases immersed tunnels also used which run beneath the sea or river bed. But when the bed is too rocky ,too deep or too undulating submerged floating tunnels are used .
The Submerged Floating Tunnel concept was first conceived at the beginning of the century, but no actual project was undertaken until recently. As the needs of society for regional growth and the protection of the environment have assumed increased importance, in this wider context the submerged floating tunnel offers new opportunities. The submerged floating tunnel is an innovative concept for crossing waterways, utilizing the law of buoyancy to support the structure at a moderate and convenient depth .The Submerged floating Tunnel is a tube like structure made of Steel and Concrete utilizing the law of buoyancy .It supported on columns or held in place by tethers attached to the sea floor or by pontoons floating on the surface. The Submerged floating tunnel utilizes lakes and waterways to carry traffic under water and on to the other side, where it can be conveniently linked to the rural network or to the underground infrastructure of modern cities.
Dampers are mechanical systems that dissipate earthquake energy by deforming or yielding. They absorb seismic energy, reducing forces on structures and controlling building oscillations. Common types include hydraulic dampers using fluid flow, electro-rheological fluid dampers using variable viscosity fluids, metallic dampers using hysteretic behavior of metals, steel dampers using frame deformation, and friction dampers using clamped friction surfaces. Shape memory alloys also dissipate energy through large strain recovery without damage. Dampers direct earthquake energy to dissipating devices within structures, transforming mechanical energy into heat.
Soil nailing is a technique used to reinforce and strengthen existing ground.Soil nailing consists of installing closely spaced bars into a slope or excavation as construction proceeds from top down.It is an effective and economical method of constructing retaining wall for excavation support, support of hill cuts, bridge abutments and high ways.This process is effective in cohesive soil, broken rock, shale or fixed face conditions.
This document discusses submerged floating tunnels, which are tunnels that float underwater at a certain depth below the surface. It provides details on how submerged floating tunnels work based on Archimedes' principle of buoyancy. The tunnels are made of multiple layers including aluminum, foam, and concrete to resist saltwater corrosion and provide strength. Construction involves precasting tunnel segments, transporting them underwater, joining them with rubber gaskets, and anchoring them to cables attached to foundations on the seafloor. Advantages are provided such as allowing transportation routes in extremely deep waters and reducing environmental impacts. A transatlantic tunnel connecting North America and Europe is proposed as an example project.
ORNL conducts research and public activities to support sustainable transportation and energy efficiency. This includes research on high efficiency engines, alternative fuels, emissions controls, and lightweight materials. A key activity is operating, a website launched in 1999 by DOE and EPA to provide consumers with fuel economy data and tips to help reduce petroleum use and emissions. ORNL also promotes sustainability on campus through initiatives like the Transportation Council and manages the laboratory fleet. The goal of ORNL's transportation research is to enable using less petroleum, reducing emissions, and meeting performance needs.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on evaluating environmental impacts of alternative transport fuels and powertrains via a life cycle approach. The research aims to conduct a holistic sustainability assessment of alternative fuels and powertrains in the transport sector. Key research objectives include identifying gaps in existing studies, comparing triple bottom line impacts, and identifying which alternate fuel best mitigates emissions. The methodology section outlines using the SimaPro software and life cycle impact assessment to model and analyze impacts. Preliminary results show well-to-tank and tank-to-wheel emissions and energy use for different vehicle fuel systems. A timeline is provided for research activities over four years, including data collection, modeling, analysis, conference presentations, and thesis writing
This document provides an overview of Utah's air quality program. It discusses current air quality trends and issues such as particulate matter and ozone levels. It also outlines recent actions taken to reduce emissions, upcoming issues like new federal standards, and key research areas. Air quality in Utah is generally good, exceeding federal standards on about 5% of days on average. The program focuses on reducing emissions from sources like industry, vehicles and solid fuel burning to improve air quality.
The annual advisory board review discussed a project to develop an interface to quantify the impact of new technologies, operational techniques, and low-carbon fuels on NAS-wide CO2 emissions. The agenda included an overview of the team organization, project objectives to meet IATA's 2050 emission reduction goals, and methodology using a modeling tool. The tool would evaluate investments in efficient aircraft, NextGen operations, and low-carbon propulsion to determine the most effective strategies to reduce CO2 emissions across the NAS.
This document outlines the outcomes and activities of Kenya's Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Project. The project aimed to [1] strengthen national climate change coordination, [2] enhance access to clean energy, [3] establish a national greenhouse gas inventory system, [4] improve climate change decision-making tools, and [5] build climate change capacity and resilience. It identifies gaps in Kenya's existing greenhouse gas inventory system and lists actions needed to establish an operational national inventory system, such as developing standardized data collection processes and country-specific emission factors.
The document discusses the concept of an international reference network for greenhouse gases. It provides context on existing reference networks for essential climate variables and greenhouse gases. NOAA's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network is overviewed as an example, noting both its successes and challenges. Key considerations for developing an international greenhouse gas reference network are outlined, including benefits like improved data quality and preservation of knowledge, as well as potential pitfalls like increased overhead. The network could help distinguish highest quality records and support satellite measurements.
13 update on nea tdb activities and phase vi priorities zavarin llnl-pres-731735leann_mays
The document discusses efforts to revise thermodynamic data for minerals and common aqueous species. Researchers are analyzing different equation-of-state models for computing water properties before finalizing thermodynamic data revisions. The revisions aim to remove errors and inconsistencies from existing data and be consistent with NEA data after the forthcoming Ancillary Data volume is released. A paper outlining the revision methodology has been accepted, while work on actual thermodynamic data revisions is on hold pending selection of a water model. The revised data will be useful for geochemical modeling of nuclear waste repositories.
Gfw presentation for wb master class 27march15Nancy Harris
Global Forest Watch is bringing big data on forests to climate policy by leveraging technologies to gather, analyze, and share forest data. It uses unique partnerships and combines data sets to provide visual stories and analysis to empower various users, including governments, businesses, communities, and educators. The tool tracks carbon emissions from forest change to help monitor progress on REDD+ programs and climate change mitigation efforts.
The document summarizes work being done to analyze how carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are represented in integrated assessment models (IAMs) used in climate change scenarios and policy analysis. The project aims to increase transparency of CCS assumptions, document the range of CCS outcomes across influential IAMs, and provide an assessment of best practices for representing CCS technologies and costs. The work involves compiling data on CCS projections, identifying outlier scenarios, and gathering detailed cost and performance data from sources like the National Energy Technology Laboratory to improve CCS representations in IAMs.
Este tr叩mite se puede hacer? 多Qu辿 antecssuseraae386
The document discusses the establishment of a database on greenhouse gas emission factors (EFDB). The goals are to develop a publicly available database that contains reliable emission factors and supporting scientific information to improve the quality and transparency of national greenhouse gas inventories. The database will contain emission factors categorized by IPCC source/fuel/gas categories. Users will be able to search for and input emission factors. The database will be published online and distributed periodically on CD-ROMs.
This document proposes a system to monitor vehicle emissions using IoT sensors. It aims to increase awareness of air pollution from vehicles and encourage maintenance to reduce emissions. The system would use sensors to measure levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in a vehicle's exhaust. Bluetooth communication would transmit the sensor readings to a mobile app for users to view. This would help identify needed repairs and schedule maintenance to lower emissions and pollution over time.
Communicating global progress on adaptation, by Jane EllisOECD Environment
The document discusses options for communicating global progress on adaptation to climate change as part of the UNFCCC's global stocktake process. It outlines four aims of the adaptation component: 1) recognizing adaptation efforts, 2) enhancing adaptation implementation, 3) reviewing adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation efforts, and 4) reviewing overall progress towards global adaptation goals. For each aim, it evaluates the feasibility and resource requirements of potential options to meet the aims, concluding that qualitative assessments will be more feasible than quantitative ones, and more information from additional sources beyond country reports will be needed.
The presentation summarizes Halton Region Health Department's ongoing and new initiatives regarding air quality and climate change as they relate to land use planning. It discusses participating in long-term planning processes, developing policy papers on walkable communities and incompatible land uses, reviewing plans and applications, conducting air monitoring and modeling, and implementing an air/climate health promotion program. The goal is to better integrate consideration of air quality, climate change, and health into all aspects of land use planning.
VIIe - Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential Map - GSOCseqSoils FAO-GSP
The document discusses developing a global soil organic carbon sequestration potential map (GSOCseq) using two approaches. The top-down approach uses climate change scenarios to project SOC stocks over time without and with sustainable soil management. The bottom-up approach uses process modeling calibrated with soil profile observations to estimate baseline SOC stocks and potential under different scenarios. Preliminary results show potential SOC sequestration ranges from 60-245 petagrams for RCP2.6 and 82-325 petagrams for RCP8.5 by 2100 depending on management practices. The top-down approach uses empirical relationships between management factors and SOC stock changes to assess mitigation potential from sustainable soil practices.
There is increasing global interest in using Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) as a sustainability indicator in regulatory and voluntary initiatives aiming to promote green products. Yet, there is an international consensus that the resource depletion Area of Protection in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (through which ADP is estimated) needs to be redefined.
In this Webinar, we will show how the ADP is considered in the European regulatory context and the difficulties associated with its use. Critical points, such resource and reserves data misinterpretation, the factual errors in the results and related technical limitations of ADPs insights will be explained.
With a focus on copper products and production, the webinar will offer recommendations and alternatives to assess resources in Life Cycle Assessment, and give keys to interpreting the use of resources in product policy.
The Global Carbon Project (GCP) coordinates global carbon cycle research across observational programs, national and regional carbon programs, and international protocols. Its goals are to develop understanding of the natural and human dimensions of the carbon cycle and their interactions, and provide policy-relevant scientific advice. The GCP focuses research on patterns and variability of carbon sources and sinks, processes and feedbacks controlling the carbon cycle, and future dynamics of the carbon cycle under climate change and human activities.
The Global Carbon Project (GCP) coordinates global carbon cycle research across observational programs, national and regional carbon programs, and international protocols. Its goals are to develop understanding of the natural and human dimensions of the carbon cycle and their interactions, and provide policy-relevant scientific advice. The GCP focuses research on patterns and variability of carbon sources and sinks, processes and feedbacks controlling the carbon cycle, and future dynamics of the carbon cycle under climate change and human activities.
This document provides an overview and outline of training materials for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion in the energy sector. The training materials are intended for those with beginner to intermediate knowledge of national greenhouse gas inventory development. The objectives are to provide an understanding of methods for estimating emissions from fuel combustion, help determine the most appropriate methods for different countries, and identify where to find more detailed information. The training materials are based on methodologies from the IPCC and include sections on basic steps, references, quality control, and key categories.
Expert Tips to Grow Grass in Arizona - Weed Control PhoenixBuzz Marketing Pros
Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. We offer organic, natural and chemical pest control, with customized service to meet your specific needs. VISIT SITE:
Phoenix AZ 85044
ORNL conducts research and public activities to support sustainable transportation and energy efficiency. This includes research on high efficiency engines, alternative fuels, emissions controls, and lightweight materials. A key activity is operating, a website launched in 1999 by DOE and EPA to provide consumers with fuel economy data and tips to help reduce petroleum use and emissions. ORNL also promotes sustainability on campus through initiatives like the Transportation Council and manages the laboratory fleet. The goal of ORNL's transportation research is to enable using less petroleum, reducing emissions, and meeting performance needs.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on evaluating environmental impacts of alternative transport fuels and powertrains via a life cycle approach. The research aims to conduct a holistic sustainability assessment of alternative fuels and powertrains in the transport sector. Key research objectives include identifying gaps in existing studies, comparing triple bottom line impacts, and identifying which alternate fuel best mitigates emissions. The methodology section outlines using the SimaPro software and life cycle impact assessment to model and analyze impacts. Preliminary results show well-to-tank and tank-to-wheel emissions and energy use for different vehicle fuel systems. A timeline is provided for research activities over four years, including data collection, modeling, analysis, conference presentations, and thesis writing
This document provides an overview of Utah's air quality program. It discusses current air quality trends and issues such as particulate matter and ozone levels. It also outlines recent actions taken to reduce emissions, upcoming issues like new federal standards, and key research areas. Air quality in Utah is generally good, exceeding federal standards on about 5% of days on average. The program focuses on reducing emissions from sources like industry, vehicles and solid fuel burning to improve air quality.
The annual advisory board review discussed a project to develop an interface to quantify the impact of new technologies, operational techniques, and low-carbon fuels on NAS-wide CO2 emissions. The agenda included an overview of the team organization, project objectives to meet IATA's 2050 emission reduction goals, and methodology using a modeling tool. The tool would evaluate investments in efficient aircraft, NextGen operations, and low-carbon propulsion to determine the most effective strategies to reduce CO2 emissions across the NAS.
This document outlines the outcomes and activities of Kenya's Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Project. The project aimed to [1] strengthen national climate change coordination, [2] enhance access to clean energy, [3] establish a national greenhouse gas inventory system, [4] improve climate change decision-making tools, and [5] build climate change capacity and resilience. It identifies gaps in Kenya's existing greenhouse gas inventory system and lists actions needed to establish an operational national inventory system, such as developing standardized data collection processes and country-specific emission factors.
The document discusses the concept of an international reference network for greenhouse gases. It provides context on existing reference networks for essential climate variables and greenhouse gases. NOAA's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network is overviewed as an example, noting both its successes and challenges. Key considerations for developing an international greenhouse gas reference network are outlined, including benefits like improved data quality and preservation of knowledge, as well as potential pitfalls like increased overhead. The network could help distinguish highest quality records and support satellite measurements.
13 update on nea tdb activities and phase vi priorities zavarin llnl-pres-731735leann_mays
The document discusses efforts to revise thermodynamic data for minerals and common aqueous species. Researchers are analyzing different equation-of-state models for computing water properties before finalizing thermodynamic data revisions. The revisions aim to remove errors and inconsistencies from existing data and be consistent with NEA data after the forthcoming Ancillary Data volume is released. A paper outlining the revision methodology has been accepted, while work on actual thermodynamic data revisions is on hold pending selection of a water model. The revised data will be useful for geochemical modeling of nuclear waste repositories.
Gfw presentation for wb master class 27march15Nancy Harris
Global Forest Watch is bringing big data on forests to climate policy by leveraging technologies to gather, analyze, and share forest data. It uses unique partnerships and combines data sets to provide visual stories and analysis to empower various users, including governments, businesses, communities, and educators. The tool tracks carbon emissions from forest change to help monitor progress on REDD+ programs and climate change mitigation efforts.
The document summarizes work being done to analyze how carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are represented in integrated assessment models (IAMs) used in climate change scenarios and policy analysis. The project aims to increase transparency of CCS assumptions, document the range of CCS outcomes across influential IAMs, and provide an assessment of best practices for representing CCS technologies and costs. The work involves compiling data on CCS projections, identifying outlier scenarios, and gathering detailed cost and performance data from sources like the National Energy Technology Laboratory to improve CCS representations in IAMs.
Este tr叩mite se puede hacer? 多Qu辿 antecssuseraae386
The document discusses the establishment of a database on greenhouse gas emission factors (EFDB). The goals are to develop a publicly available database that contains reliable emission factors and supporting scientific information to improve the quality and transparency of national greenhouse gas inventories. The database will contain emission factors categorized by IPCC source/fuel/gas categories. Users will be able to search for and input emission factors. The database will be published online and distributed periodically on CD-ROMs.
This document proposes a system to monitor vehicle emissions using IoT sensors. It aims to increase awareness of air pollution from vehicles and encourage maintenance to reduce emissions. The system would use sensors to measure levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in a vehicle's exhaust. Bluetooth communication would transmit the sensor readings to a mobile app for users to view. This would help identify needed repairs and schedule maintenance to lower emissions and pollution over time.
Communicating global progress on adaptation, by Jane EllisOECD Environment
The document discusses options for communicating global progress on adaptation to climate change as part of the UNFCCC's global stocktake process. It outlines four aims of the adaptation component: 1) recognizing adaptation efforts, 2) enhancing adaptation implementation, 3) reviewing adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation efforts, and 4) reviewing overall progress towards global adaptation goals. For each aim, it evaluates the feasibility and resource requirements of potential options to meet the aims, concluding that qualitative assessments will be more feasible than quantitative ones, and more information from additional sources beyond country reports will be needed.
The presentation summarizes Halton Region Health Department's ongoing and new initiatives regarding air quality and climate change as they relate to land use planning. It discusses participating in long-term planning processes, developing policy papers on walkable communities and incompatible land uses, reviewing plans and applications, conducting air monitoring and modeling, and implementing an air/climate health promotion program. The goal is to better integrate consideration of air quality, climate change, and health into all aspects of land use planning.
VIIe - Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential Map - GSOCseqSoils FAO-GSP
The document discusses developing a global soil organic carbon sequestration potential map (GSOCseq) using two approaches. The top-down approach uses climate change scenarios to project SOC stocks over time without and with sustainable soil management. The bottom-up approach uses process modeling calibrated with soil profile observations to estimate baseline SOC stocks and potential under different scenarios. Preliminary results show potential SOC sequestration ranges from 60-245 petagrams for RCP2.6 and 82-325 petagrams for RCP8.5 by 2100 depending on management practices. The top-down approach uses empirical relationships between management factors and SOC stock changes to assess mitigation potential from sustainable soil practices.
There is increasing global interest in using Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) as a sustainability indicator in regulatory and voluntary initiatives aiming to promote green products. Yet, there is an international consensus that the resource depletion Area of Protection in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (through which ADP is estimated) needs to be redefined.
In this Webinar, we will show how the ADP is considered in the European regulatory context and the difficulties associated with its use. Critical points, such resource and reserves data misinterpretation, the factual errors in the results and related technical limitations of ADPs insights will be explained.
With a focus on copper products and production, the webinar will offer recommendations and alternatives to assess resources in Life Cycle Assessment, and give keys to interpreting the use of resources in product policy.
The Global Carbon Project (GCP) coordinates global carbon cycle research across observational programs, national and regional carbon programs, and international protocols. Its goals are to develop understanding of the natural and human dimensions of the carbon cycle and their interactions, and provide policy-relevant scientific advice. The GCP focuses research on patterns and variability of carbon sources and sinks, processes and feedbacks controlling the carbon cycle, and future dynamics of the carbon cycle under climate change and human activities.
The Global Carbon Project (GCP) coordinates global carbon cycle research across observational programs, national and regional carbon programs, and international protocols. Its goals are to develop understanding of the natural and human dimensions of the carbon cycle and their interactions, and provide policy-relevant scientific advice. The GCP focuses research on patterns and variability of carbon sources and sinks, processes and feedbacks controlling the carbon cycle, and future dynamics of the carbon cycle under climate change and human activities.
This document provides an overview and outline of training materials for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion in the energy sector. The training materials are intended for those with beginner to intermediate knowledge of national greenhouse gas inventory development. The objectives are to provide an understanding of methods for estimating emissions from fuel combustion, help determine the most appropriate methods for different countries, and identify where to find more detailed information. The training materials are based on methodologies from the IPCC and include sections on basic steps, references, quality control, and key categories.
Expert Tips to Grow Grass in Arizona - Weed Control PhoenixBuzz Marketing Pros
Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. We offer organic, natural and chemical pest control, with customized service to meet your specific needs. VISIT SITE:
Phoenix AZ 85044
These are the 2025 AAS Winners that have been "Tested Nationally & Proven Locally" for superior garden performance.
They are sure to do well in your garden!
Breakout session on Monday, February 10, at 3:45 p.m.
In August 2024, NRCs updated Conservation Planning Policy (Title 180, General Manual, Part 409) to clarify and streamline the planner designation levels and requirements. During this session, representatives from the NRCS Conservation Planning Branch will provide an overview of the conservation certification requirements and changes from the recent policy updates.
Speaker: Breanna Barlow
Breakout session on Wednesday, February 12, at 9:00 a.m.
The ICCD Growing for Good Health Initiative was launched with a goal of inspiring and empowering our older adult population to prioritize nutrition and health through the benefits of growing and consuming fresh produce. Participants in this workshop will learn how the ICCD was able to utilize non-traditional partnerships to implement a unique specialty crops program to reach an undeserved population in Indiana County.
Speakers: Blake Mauthe, Indiana County Conservation District, District Educator and Douglas Beri Jr., Indiana County Conservation District
Breakout session on Monday, February 10, at 2:30 p.m.
TSPs provide third-party technical assistance to NRCS program participants and can be instrumental in addressing targeted resource concerns in your region. This session will discuss the process of becoming a TSP and how NRCS and partners benefit from utilizing TSPs.
Speaker: Alyson Aquino, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Kamil Pyciak Addressing the Urban Heat Island Effectkamilpyciakinfo1
Kamil Pyciak, residing in the USA, is a devoted nature enthusiast who engages with a global audience on a Polish website. Immersed in Americas diverse landscapes, he explores national parks and captures the beauty of the great outdoors. Despite the geographical distance, Kamils online presence bridges borders, sharing his passion for nature with the Polish community. Through stunning imagery and shared experiences, he cultivates a worldwide network of nature lovers, demonstrating that the appreciation of the natural world knows no boundaries. His bio reflects the universal connection that nature fosters across continents.
Dust pollution is a critical environmental and occupational concern, especially in industries such as mining, construction, and manufacturing. The adverse effects of airborne dust particles include health hazards, decreased machinery efficiency, and environmental degradation. Dust-suppressing chemicals provide an effective means to control dust dispersion by binding particles, retaining moisture, or forming protective crusts. This paper explores the mechanisms, working principles, market trends, and future directions of dust suppression technology. Advancements in eco-friendly formulations, nanotechnology applications, and automated dispensing systems are expected to drive the industry's evolution. The market for dust suppressants is expanding due to regulatory mandates and increasing awareness of environmental and occupational health standards. The analysis highlights the major application areas where dust-suppressing chemicals are essential for maintaining operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Dust-suppressing chemicals function by altering the surface tension of dust particles and binding them together, thereby reducing their ability to become airborne. These chemicals can work through different mechanisms, including:
Breakout session on Tuesday, February 11, at 10:30 a.m.
The Southern Guam SWCD led the recent "Forging Future-Ready Conservation Districts" event, empowering Pacific Island conservation districts to address regional challenges through strategic capacity building. This session will highlight how the event cultivated leadership, enhanced collaboration, and promoted innovative conservation solutions tailored to island contexts. Participants will learn about approaches to building strong networks and fostering resilience in diverse environments.
Speaker: Erica Pangelinan, Southern Guam SWCD
I'm Mohamed Usman Syed, Pursuing M.Sc, Microbiology at Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi - 627412.
Under the guidance of; Dr. S. Viswanathan, M.Sc, Ph.D., Head and Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Microbiology, Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi - 627412.
Subject Title - Food and Environmental Microbiology, Sub Code - WMBM41 (CORE), Semester -IV.
"Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Presentation: An overview of the EIA process, highlighting its importance, methodology, and applications. This presentation covers key aspects of EIA, including:
- Environmental impacts and mitigation measures
- Sustainable development and environmental management
- EIA case studies and best practices
A valuable resource for environmental professionals, researchers, and students interested in EIA and sustainable development."
North American Black Carbon Emissions Estimation Guidelines
1. North American Black Carbon
Emissions Estimation Guidelines
2015 International Emissions Inventory Conference
San Diego,CA
April 12-16,2015
John Koupal,Paula Fields Simms
Eastern Research Group
Orlando Cabrera-Rivera
Commission for Environmental Cooperation1
2. Project Overview
CEC Project North American Black Carbon Emission
Inventory Guidelines initiated in November 2013
Thorough review and comparison of data and methods
Establishment of consensus methodologies to harmonize and
improve North American black carbon emissions inventories
Incorporation of these into a user-friendly guidance document
Steering Committee
Orlando Cabrera-Rivera, CEC
Luis Conde Alvarez, Instituto Nacional de Ecolog鱈a y Cambio Clim叩tico
Terry Keating, U.S. EPA
John Moritz & Francois Lavallee, Environment Canada
3. Project Team
John Koupal - Onroad
Paula Fields SimmsResidential
Richard BillingsMarine/rail/aircraft
Rick Baker Nonroad
Regi Oommen Industrial/Energy
Ted Hogan Expert Consultations
Gopi Manne Literature Review / Guidelines Document
Veronica Garibay-Bravo (Consultant/Quer辿taro, Qro) - Mexico
Dr. Joyce Penner (Consultant/Univ. of Michigan) Biomass
4. Project Tasks
Task 1: Review existing black carbon data and
methodologies; initial recommendations for North
America (Complete)
Task 2: Solicit expert review; consensus methods to
harmonize and improve North American black
carbon emissions inventories (Complete)
Task 3: Develop guidance document (Draft under
review; Final Spring 2015)
5. Guiding Principles
Guidance document should be pragmatic about differences
between countries in resources, data, and policy needs
Should identify best-practice approaches, consider how
each country can adopt, and include as alternatives or a
staged approach for short-term adoption
Recognize need to identify low-cost recommendations for
improving black carbon inventories in Mexico
The approach to developing emissions inventories depends
on the final use of the inventory (use cases)
The guidance document must ultimately be understood
and accepted by end users
6. Major Sectors and Subsectors
Biomass Burning
Open Burning (e.g. Wildfires)
Agricultural Burning
Mobile Sources
Cookstoves, etc.
Brick kilns (Mexico)
Other Sources
Commercial cooking/
Structure and vehicle fires
Municipal solid waste
7. Task 1: Review & Initial
Literature Search and Review
Databases, abstracts, documents
Focused on major, comprehensive inventories, including
underlying particular matter (PM) inventories, for North
America & Europe
Divided review into major sectors and primary subsectors
Summarized BC and PM inventory approaches
Evaluated North American approaches relative to Europe
Following IPCC approach, developed general
recommendations based on Tiers
8. Master Candidate Document List
On-line databases 8,000 studies
2004 and later 1,200 studies
Available abstract, applicable title 600 studies
Final list for review 140 studies
Focused on Comprehensive Studies:
Country Black Carbon Inventory Underlying PM Inventory
Canada Assessment of Emissions and Mitigation Options
for Black Carbon,Arctic Council, 2011
U.S. EPA Report to Congress, 2012 2002, 2005,2011 U.S.NEI
RPO Inventories (Biomass)
Mexico Supporting National Planning of Short-lived
Climate Pollutants in Mexico, 2013
2008 Mexico NEI
Europe EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook,2013
Global A Technology-based Global Inventory of Black and Organic Carbon Emissions
from Combustion (Bond 2004)
Extension of the GAINS model to include SLFCs (Heyes 2011)
9. Initial Observations & Judgments
BC guidelines need to focus on underlying PM emission inventories
Estimation of BC inventories by speciations of bottom-up PM
emissions is the global standard for nearly every sector, as follows:
Emissions data can often be shared across countries, accounting for
country-specific controls and factors.
Activity data are country-specific, and generally obtained from data
compiled outside of the agencies responsible for emission inventory
The guidelines should therefore present best practice emission factors
by individual sector, to allow inventory developers to focus resources
on gathering country-specific activity data.
10. Methods Evaluation
North American approaches evaluated vs. EMEP/EEA Tiers (1, 2, 3)
Example evaluation matrix:
Sector/Subsector: Mobile Sources/On-Road
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
< Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 > Tier 3
Aggregate fuel
based PM
Refined fuel-
based PM w/
Detailed bottom-up
PM w/speciation
Mexico NEI
EC directly)
Single fuel-
based factor
specific fuel-
BC/EC emission
factors by vehicle
class, model
Canada ACTF
& Mexico NEI
Total fuel
Fuel consumed
by technology
VMT by vehicle
class, roadway,
Mexico NEI
specific factor
specific factor
Mexico NEI
by activity)
11. Initial Recommendations
Develop initial recommendations for North American Tiers based
on data available in Canada, U.S. and Mexico example:
Sector/Subsector: Mobile Sources/On-road
North American Tier 1
North American Tier 2
North American Tier 3
Aggregate fuel-based approach, based
on a single national estimate of fuel
consumption (by fuel type, i.e. gasoline,
diesel, CNG, etc.) by calendar year. Off-
model calculation.
Refined fuel-based approach, based on
estimates of fuel consumption by fuel
type and vehicle class, (i.e. car, light
truck, bus, heavy truck). Off-model
Detailed activity-based approach, using
MOVES customized to individual country
emission standards and using country-
specific data on vehicle activity etc.
MOVES aggregated to a single fuel-
based black (elemental) carbon emission
factor, by calendar year. For Canada and
Mexico, apply MOVES International
approach to adjust for differences in
vehicle emission standards
MOVES aggregated to a fuel-based
black (elemental) carbon emission
factor, by vehicle class and calendar
year. For Canada and Mexico, apply
MOVES International approach to adjust
for differences in vehicle emission
Use MOVES directly to estimates black
(elemental) carbon emission factor. For
Canada and Mexico, develop MOVES
International to account for differences in
vehicle emission standards. Customize
model with country-specific inputs for
VKT, average speeds, fuels, vehicle age,
and meteorology
Total fuel consumed by fuel type only
(gasoline, diesel, CNG, etc.)
Fuel consumed by vehicle class and
calendar year
VMT or VKT by vehicle class, roadway
and average speed
Not needed, if MOVES elemental
carbon emission factor is used
Not needed, if MOVES elemental
carbon emission factor is used
Not needed, if MOVES elemental carbon
output is used
12. Task 2: Expert Consultations
Expert panel recruited for coverage by emissions
sectors, countries
Results of Task 1 shared for review
Series of webinars held in Fall 2014 to solicit input
Online surveys sent prior to each webinar
Meeting with Mexico Panel Members & INECC held
in Mexico City
Written comments also requested
13. Expert
Name Employer/Organization
Jos辿 Andr辿s Aguilar INECC (Mexico)
Luisa Molina Molina Center of Energy and the Environment (Mexico)
John Crouch Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association (U.S.)
Michelle Bergin Duke University (U.S.)
Santa Centeno INECC (Mexico)
Xochitl Cruz Nunez UNAM (Mexico)
Beatriz Cardenas Comision Ambiental de la Megal坦polis (Mexico)
Luis Gerardo Ruiz Suarez UNAM (Mexico)
Carlo Trozzi Techne Consulting (Italy)
Karin Kindbom IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Sweden)
Vankatesh Rao U.S. EPA/OAR (U.S.)
Darrell Sonntag U.S. EPA/OAR (U.S.)
Nancy French Michigan Tech Research Institute (U.S.)
Jessica McCarty Michigan Tech Research Institute (U.S.)
Wei Min Hao U.S. Forest Service (U.S.)
Jim Jetter U.S. EPA/ORD (U.S.)
Bob Yokelson University of Montana (U.S.)
Min Huang Caltech/JPL (U.S.)
Don Stedman University of Denver (U.S.)
Serena Chung Washington State University (U.S.)
Sean Raffuse Sonoma Technology, Inc. (U.S.)
Fang Yan Argonne National Laboratory (U.S.)
Brooke L. Hemming U.S. EPA/ORD (U.S.)
Edward Hyer Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.)
Abraham Ortinez INECC (Mexico)
Jason Blake Cohen National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Peter Sheldon Global Fire Monitoring Center (Germany)
Joshua Schwarz CIRES/NOAA (U.S.)
Steigvile Bycenkiene Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Savitri Garivait JGSEE-KMUTT (Thailand)
Matthew Johnson Carleton University (Canada)
14. Expert Panel Input - Highlights
Reflect that speciation factors are a major source of
uncertainty in BC inventories
Address uncertainty
Reflect recent updates in Mexico (e.g. 2013 SNAP)
Address temporal resolution
Include newer studies, esp. for Biomass
Since EPA Report to Congress, updated methods contained in the biomass
burning section of the U.S. NEI for 2008 and 2011
Add Municipal Solid Waste burning as a subsector
15. Task 3: Develop Guidelines
Guidelines for practitioners to produce BC inventories
for major subsectors
Approaches provided for Tier 1 / 2 /3 , depending on
purpose of inventory and data availability
For each Tier, sources of activity, emission factor and
speciation data identified for Canada, U.S. and Mexico
Draft complete under review
Final Spring 2015
16. Guidance Document Outline
Overview of Methods Review & Expert Panel Input
Use of the Guidelines
Inventory Use Cases
Considerations: Speciation, Spatial/Temporal Resolution
Organization: Tier Framework
Black Carbon Estimation Methods (by subsector)
Source Category Description
Tie r 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3 Methods for estimating emissions
Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3 Data Sources for Canada, United States
& Mexico: Activity, Emissions Factors, Speciation Factors
Emissions Data Management
Validation & Uncertainty
Recommendations for Further Research
18. Recommended Black Carbon Inventory
Improvements - Highlights
Develop BC emission factors directly
Current speciation approach increases error
Improved satellite instruments
Spatially accurate fuel load data
Account for moisture
Improve vehicle activity data in Mexico & Canada
Adapt MOVES emission rates to Mexico & Canada
Develop standardized source of population & activity in
Mexico & Canada
Develop more representative emissions factors for aircraft,
marine vessels and locomotives18
19. Recommended Black Carbon Inventory
Improvements Highlights, Cont.
Brick Kilns
Develop brick production & efficiency estimates by
region in Mexico
Develop emission factors by wood & fuel oil
Conduct surveys of wood use by municipality
More representative emissions factors for open fires
and cookstoves
20. Summary
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) is
sponsoring the development of Black Carbon emissions
estimation guidelines for North America
Guidelines are based on review of Black Carbon &
underlying PM inventories in North America, Europe and
Guidelines suggest methods and data sources for major
emission sectors/subsectors in Canada, Mexico and the
United States
Following IPCC template, 3 Tiers are defined based on
inventory purpose and data availability
Final guidelines will be available Spring 2015