This document provides information about HOPE Worldwide Singapore and their community outreach programs. It lists the organizations they partner with including Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home. It describes the different volunteer roles needed, including committee member, facilitator, and general volunteer. It also includes the time commitment expected for each role. Finally, it provides the schedule of events for 2011, noting they will typically be held on the third Saturday of each month from 9am to 12noon.
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1. North StarGuiding Light Nurturing LivesHOPE Worldwide Singapore Hope for Youth@ Cheng Su Lan Methodist Childrens Home
3. HOPE Worldwide Singapore ProgrammesMovie TherapyTMHOPE Community Volunteerism OutreachCounselingFamily Life EducationSkill EmpowermentFor more information, you can visit our website at
4. HOPE Community Volunteerism Outreach Singapore Cheshire HomeLion Befrienders Seniors Toa PayohBlk 170TembusuNeighbourhood Link (Activity Centre)Institute of Mental HealthCentral CDCs Nurture Programme at Toa PayohPertapis Childrens HomeChen Su Lan Methodist Childrens Home
6. Whats Up?In 2011Outing cum BD CelebrationBiblical Character Studies / TuitionVolunteers Training Programme* Bi-monthly* Bi-monthly* Half-Yearly22 Jan, 20 Aug 19 Mar, 21 May, 23 Jul, 17 Sep and 19 Nov 19 Feb, 23 Apr, 18 Jun,22 Oct and 17 Dec All events fall on the 3rd Saturday of every month (9am 12noon) unless specifically amended or changed.
7. For Year 2011All events fall on the 3rd Saturday of every month (9am 12noon) unless specifically amended or changed.
8. For Year 2011All events fall on the 3rd Saturday of every month (9am 12noon) unless specifically amended or changed.
Thanks for writing. I would use Colossians 3:17, 23-24 because Christians should follow God's leading to decide where best and when best to give our time and money to reflect His glory with the abilities and opportunities He gives us. If volunteering gives us an opportunity to share the gospel and/or teach what God has commanded, then it would help fulfill Matt.28:19-20. As a way to help our Christian community, giving of our time to volunteer helps fulfill II Cor.9:7. As a way to train up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph.6:4), volunteering can show them a life that belongs to God not to ourself (I Cor.6:19-20), as well as show them the opposite of the sinful life (II Tim.3:1-5) of being "lovers of their own selves, covetous, unthankful" etc.Hope this helps.Shine for Him!Priscilla