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Top Muscle Car Radiators:                            Keep your customers
  1. 205026: 66-86 GM Cars
                                                      cool on those
                                                      summer days & nights...
  2. 205072: 67-69 Camaro, Firebird, Trans Am
  3. 205030: 64-66 Mustang, Comet
  4. 205029: 80-93 Mustang, 80-88 T-Bird, Cougar
  5. 205062: 82-92 Camaro, Firebird, Trans Am
  6. 205028: 66-88 GM Cars
  7. 205070: 62-70 GM, 71-78 Chrysler/Dodge                    Top Hotrod Radiators:
  8. 205067: 82-93 Chev S-10 w/V8 engine conversion
                                                           1. 205159: 27 x 19 3/4 downflow
  9. 205071: 66-80 Chrysler/ Dodge
                                                           2. 205161: 26 x 16 downflow
 10. 205064: 64-65 Ford Mustang w/5.0L, V8 engine
                                                           3. 205156: 20 1/4 x 19 3/4 downflow

 ...with Northern Muscle
                                                           4. 205155: 20 1/4 x 19 3/4 downflow
                                                           5. 205150: 22 3/4 x 19 3/4 crossflow

car and Hotrod Radiators!
                                                           6. 205160: 27 x 19 3/4 downflow
                                                           7. 205163: 26 x 16 downflow
                                                           8. 205162: 20 x 25 downflow
                                                           9. 205145: 22 3/4 x 19 3/4 crossflow
                                                          10. 205152: 26 1/2 x 19 3/4 crossflow

Keep the Cool flowing with Northern
             Hurricane Shroud Kits!
Northern offers an inexpensive,
low SKU Fan Shroud program that                                                         COVERS
covers virtually all radiators..no
                                                                                          LLY EVE
matter what brand!

Stock these 6 parts and get your
customer back on the road today!

Fits Radiator Sizes:
 Z42010              15-18       17-20
 Z42011              21-24       17-20
 Z42012              21-24       14-17
 Z42013              25-28       21-24
 Z42014              25-28       14-17
 Z42015              25-28       17-20

Electric Fans & Wiring Kits also available!

...Everything you need to keep your customers
     from running           this summer!
          Northern Factory Sales        Northern             Northern             Northern
          Willmar, MN                   Albuquerque, NM      Roseville, MN        Omaha, NE
          1-800-328-8900                1-800-272-0502       1-800-876-5008       1-800-422-4574
          PH: (320) 235-2288            PH: (505) 344-0502   PH: (651) 639-1653   PH: (402) 397-4948

          Northern                      Northern             Northern             Northern
          Des Moines, IA                Billings, MT         Sioux Falls, SD      Willow Street, PA
          1-800-622-0049                1-800-365-5688       1-800-328-8900       1-800-328-8900
          PH: (515) 262-1506            PH: (406) 248-5688   PH: (320) 235-2288   PH: (320) 235-2288

          Northern                      Northern             Northern             Northern
          Bismarck, ND                  Tulsa, OK            Rochester, MN        Visalia, CA
          1-800-328-8900                1-800-915-9764       1-800-328-8900       1-800-465-4549
          PH: (320) 235-2288            PH: (918) 660-0089   PH: (320) 235-2288   PH: (541) 465-4549

          Northern                      Northern             Northern
          Eugene, OR                    Fargo, ND            Montgomery, AL
          1-800-465-4549                1-800-328-8900       1-800-328-8900
          PH: (541) 465-4549            PH: (320) 235-2288   PH: (320) 235-2288                        ST0410

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Northern Hot Rod Radiators

  • 1. Top Muscle Car Radiators: Keep your customers 1. 205026: 66-86 GM Cars cool on those summer days & nights... 2. 205072: 67-69 Camaro, Firebird, Trans Am 3. 205030: 64-66 Mustang, Comet 4. 205029: 80-93 Mustang, 80-88 T-Bird, Cougar 5. 205062: 82-92 Camaro, Firebird, Trans Am 6. 205028: 66-88 GM Cars 7. 205070: 62-70 GM, 71-78 Chrysler/Dodge Top Hotrod Radiators: 8. 205067: 82-93 Chev S-10 w/V8 engine conversion 1. 205159: 27 x 19 3/4 downflow 9. 205071: 66-80 Chrysler/ Dodge 2. 205161: 26 x 16 downflow 10. 205064: 64-65 Ford Mustang w/5.0L, V8 engine 3. 205156: 20 1/4 x 19 3/4 downflow ...with Northern Muscle 4. 205155: 20 1/4 x 19 3/4 downflow 5. 205150: 22 3/4 x 19 3/4 crossflow car and Hotrod Radiators! 6. 205160: 27 x 19 3/4 downflow 7. 205163: 26 x 16 downflow 8. 205162: 20 x 25 downflow 9. 205145: 22 3/4 x 19 3/4 crossflow 10. 205152: 26 1/2 x 19 3/4 crossflow www.northernfactory.com
  • 2. Keep the Cool flowing with Northern Hurricane Shroud Kits! Northern offers an inexpensive, low SKU Fan Shroud program that COVERS RY covers virtually all radiators..no LLY EVE VIRTUA ATION! matter what brand! APPLIC Stock these 6 parts and get your customer back on the road today! Fits Radiator Sizes: PART # CORE HEIGHT CORE WIDTH Z42010 15-18 17-20 Z42011 21-24 17-20 Z42012 21-24 14-17 Z42013 25-28 21-24 Z42014 25-28 14-17 Z42015 25-28 17-20 Electric Fans & Wiring Kits also available! ...Everything you need to keep your customers from running this summer! Northern Factory Sales Northern Northern Northern Willmar, MN Albuquerque, NM Roseville, MN Omaha, NE 1-800-328-8900 1-800-272-0502 1-800-876-5008 1-800-422-4574 PH: (320) 235-2288 PH: (505) 344-0502 PH: (651) 639-1653 PH: (402) 397-4948 Northern Northern Northern Northern Des Moines, IA Billings, MT Sioux Falls, SD Willow Street, PA 1-800-622-0049 1-800-365-5688 1-800-328-8900 1-800-328-8900 PH: (515) 262-1506 PH: (406) 248-5688 PH: (320) 235-2288 PH: (320) 235-2288 Northern Northern Northern Northern Bismarck, ND Tulsa, OK Rochester, MN Visalia, CA 1-800-328-8900 1-800-915-9764 1-800-328-8900 1-800-465-4549 PH: (320) 235-2288 PH: (918) 660-0089 PH: (320) 235-2288 PH: (541) 465-4549 Northern Northern Northern Eugene, OR Fargo, ND Montgomery, AL 1-800-465-4549 1-800-328-8900 1-800-328-8900 PH: (541) 465-4549 PH: (320) 235-2288 PH: (320) 235-2288 ST0410