Nosferatu is a 1922 German film adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. It tells the story of Count Orlok, a vampire who resembles a rat or insect and has bald head and claw-like fingernails. He travels from Transylvania to the city of Wisborg and brings the plague. A young couple, Hutter and his wife Ellen, become involved when Hutter is sent to Transylvania to finalize a real estate deal with Count Orlok and discovers his true nature as a vampire. The film was an unauthorized adaptation of Dracula and changed character names to avoid legal issues.
2. The Nosferatu is a type of vampire that
doesn't resemble humans.
He has appeared in the “Nosferatu
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau wanted to
make a film adaptation of the novel
Dracula, Bram Stoker, but the study
failed to gain the rights to the story. So
they decided to film their own version of
the novel, but they changed the names.
3. When and Where
The history started in
1838 in Transilvania.
The film was released at
1922 in Germany, for F. W.
History Film
5. What
Hutter and his wife Ellen are a young couple who lives in the city of
Wisborg in 1838, one day a real estate agent called Knock Hutter sent to
Transylvania to close a deal with Count Orlok. This is the sale of a property
of Wisborg, beside the house of Hutter. During the long journey, Hutter
overnight at an inn, where leafing through an old treatise on vampires in
your room. Once at the castle, it is received by the sinister Count. The next
day dawns Hutter with two small marks on his neck, which he interprets
as mosquito bites. After signing the contract, he discovers that the count is
actually a vampire. Seeing him leave for their new home, afraid by Ellen