In onze steeds complexere businessomgeving dreigt ons huidig arbeidscontract irrelevant te worden. Want het slaagt er niet in de diametraal tegenstrijdige belangen van werkgever en werknemer te dienen. Het beste alternatief tot nu toe lijkt te bestaan uit participatieve ondernemingsmodellen die een win-win voor beiden betekenen.
Recente studies tonen aan dat participatief ondernemen de productiviteit en resultaatgerichtheid van een organisatie ten goede komt. Die voorbeelden leren ook dat het helpt om medewerkers te laten delen in dat resultaat. Wie een stukje mede-eigenaar wordt van het resultaat van het bedrijf, via winstdeelname of zelfs aandelenparticipatie, is bereid om de extra mijl te gaan.
Daarom zouden Belgische bedrijven hun medewerkers nauwer moeten betrekken bij het reilen en zeilen van de onderneming.
Lees de volledige inspiratienota op
ConFoo 2016: Making Sense of CSS LayoutRachel Andrew
This document summarizes Rachel Andrew's presentation on modern CSS layout techniques. It discusses some common layout methods like floats, inline-block, and frameworks. It then covers the introduction of Flexbox and CSS Grid Layout as ways to achieve responsive and flexible layouts by default. Key benefits include true separation of document structure from visual layout, precise control over alignment both horizontally and vertically, and items understanding themselves as part of an overall layout.
Het feit dat politieke risico’s vaak niet te voorzien zijn, kan geen reden zijn om politiek risico niet mee te nemen in de bedrijfsstrategie, zo stelt Hans Diels, auteur van de jongste inspiratienota van ETION.
Hij denkt onder meer aan het in kaart brengen van de internationale exposure wat betreft grondstoffen, productie, transport en afzetmarkten. Dat is een eerste stap om beter voorbereid te zijn op geopolitieke veranderingen.
Door bewust verschillende geopolitieke scenario’s mee te nemen in de keuze van nieuwe markten, productievestigingen of grondstoffenleveranciers en te kijken naar de risico-indexen van de desbetreffende landen, kan de potentiële schade die geleden wordt door geopolitieke schokken beperkt worden.
Zelfs voor die bedrijven die denken dat ze niet internationaal actief zijn, kunnen geopolitieke verschuivingen belangrijke indirecte gevolgen hebben via de supply chain van hun leveranciers.
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Monje carlos arturo guÃa didáctica metodologÃa de la investigaciónjoaqu | This session introduces and reviews key principles of using storytelling for advocacy video.
WITNESS Training Curriculum - Part of module 5
CQRS in der Praxis - Newsletter Double-Opt-InPHP in DD
Talk vom 23. September 2015 bei der PHP User Group Dresden
Fosway Group & Docebo - Integrating the HR Landscape on the CloudDoceboElearning
Please contact Docebo at for more information.
The corporate HR systems landscape is multi-dimensional. As well as core HR data and systems, companies typically have many systems for managing recruiting, learning, and talent processes, as well as their line of business applications. Whether you have an HR Suite or Best of Breed applications (or both!) creating a coherent picture of your people is both complex and difficult to manage. But HR is increasingly being challenged to do just that - integrate its people data and deliver joined up business processes that transcend the functional silos and systems landscape.
Drivers, challenges and benefits of integrating your HR systems landscape, including:
- The complexity of corporate HR and functional systems landscape today
- The challenges in really joining up the people data picture and the drivers to do so
- How key people data elements are critical for driving real business outcomes from talent and learning
- The role of LMS as a central hub for integration between HR, Talent and Work
- How HR and Learning leaders need and can work with IT to address these challenges
Dr. Pradeep Desai's document discusses different types of innovation. It defines innovation as putting creative ideas into action by introducing change, and notes that creativity is subjective while innovation is measurable. The document outlines various types of innovation including incremental, disruptive, radical, product, process, and technology innovation. It also discusses the diffusion of innovation and concepts like the chasm and ways to overcome barriers introduced in crossing the chasm.
Ch 9: Embedded Operating Systems: The Hidden ThreatSam Bowne
ºÝºÝߣs for a college course at City College San Francisco. Based on "Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Third Edition" by Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, and James Corley -- ISBN: 9781285454610.
Instructor: Sam Bowne
Class website:
Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 6: Recognizing C Code Constructs in AssemblySam Bowne
This document discusses techniques for recognizing C constructs in assembly code, including function calls, variables, arithmetic operations, and branching. It explains that function arguments are pushed onto the stack in reverse order before a call instruction launches the function. Global variables are stored in memory and available to all functions, while local variables are stored on the stack and only available within their local function. Arithmetic operations move variables into registers, perform operations like addition and subtraction, and move results back to variables. Branching compares values and uses conditional jump instructions like jz and jnz to follow red or green arrows for false or true outcomes.
- The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1750s due to several factors: population growth which increased demand for goods and provided more workers, agricultural improvements which increased food production and displaced rural workers, technological progress such as steam power, and favorable political and economic conditions.
- Industrialization transformed Britain into a capitalist industrial society with new social classes including industrial workers who faced difficult working conditions and the rise of social movements seeking better treatment of workers.
Fosway Group & Docebo - Integrating the HR Landscape on the CloudDoceboElearning
Please contact Docebo at for more information.
The corporate HR systems landscape is multi-dimensional. As well as core HR data and systems, companies typically have many systems for managing recruiting, learning, and talent processes, as well as their line of business applications. Whether you have an HR Suite or Best of Breed applications (or both!) creating a coherent picture of your people is both complex and difficult to manage. But HR is increasingly being challenged to do just that - integrate its people data and deliver joined up business processes that transcend the functional silos and systems landscape.
Drivers, challenges and benefits of integrating your HR systems landscape, including:
- The complexity of corporate HR and functional systems landscape today
- The challenges in really joining up the people data picture and the drivers to do so
- How key people data elements are critical for driving real business outcomes from talent and learning
- The role of LMS as a central hub for integration between HR, Talent and Work
- How HR and Learning leaders need and can work with IT to address these challenges
Dr. Pradeep Desai's document discusses different types of innovation. It defines innovation as putting creative ideas into action by introducing change, and notes that creativity is subjective while innovation is measurable. The document outlines various types of innovation including incremental, disruptive, radical, product, process, and technology innovation. It also discusses the diffusion of innovation and concepts like the chasm and ways to overcome barriers introduced in crossing the chasm.
Ch 9: Embedded Operating Systems: The Hidden ThreatSam Bowne
ºÝºÝߣs for a college course at City College San Francisco. Based on "Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense, Third Edition" by Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, and James Corley -- ISBN: 9781285454610.
Instructor: Sam Bowne
Class website:
Practical Malware Analysis: Ch 6: Recognizing C Code Constructs in AssemblySam Bowne
This document discusses techniques for recognizing C constructs in assembly code, including function calls, variables, arithmetic operations, and branching. It explains that function arguments are pushed onto the stack in reverse order before a call instruction launches the function. Global variables are stored in memory and available to all functions, while local variables are stored on the stack and only available within their local function. Arithmetic operations move variables into registers, perform operations like addition and subtraction, and move results back to variables. Branching compares values and uses conditional jump instructions like jz and jnz to follow red or green arrows for false or true outcomes.
- The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1750s due to several factors: population growth which increased demand for goods and provided more workers, agricultural improvements which increased food production and displaced rural workers, technological progress such as steam power, and favorable political and economic conditions.
- Industrialization transformed Britain into a capitalist industrial society with new social classes including industrial workers who faced difficult working conditions and the rise of social movements seeking better treatment of workers.