This document compares the tourism industries of Singapore and Hong Kong. Both cities aim to be leading tourism destinations in Asia through strategic visions and positioning. Singapore aims to be a must-see destination and leading tourism business center, while Hong Kong establishes itself as Asia's premier international city. Key learnings from their development include proactive government support, visionary leadership, and being market-driven.
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1. 1) Introduction
a) Where East meetsWest
2) Similarities
a) Nature of destination
b) Stage of development
c) General strategicapproachto developmentadopted
d) Bestmetropolisesinthe worldtodobusiness
3) Visions
a) Singapore
i) Becominga mustsee destination
ii) Become a leadingtourismbusinesscentre
iii) Enhance itspositionasa hub forthe AsiaPacificregion
b) Hong-Kong
i) Establishitself asaAsiaspremierinternational city
ii) Becominga worldclassdestinationforleisureandbusiness visitors
4) Missions
a) Singapore:ChampiontourismandbuilditintoaneconomickeydriverforSingapore
b) Hong Kong:
5) Positioning
a) Singapore
i) Meetingpointof Indian,Chinese,andMalayancultures
ii) Exoticisland
iii) Three pillars- tourismdestination,tourismbusinesscentre,andtourismhub
b) Hong Kong
i) Heritage tourism
ii) Sharedoriginsof ChinaandHong Kong
6) KeyLearnings
a) Proactive supporttotourismsectorformgovernment
b) Tourismfriendlypolicies
c) Visionaryleadership
d) Commitmenttolongtermdevelopment
e) Eagernesstolearn
f) Liberalize aviationpoliciesandlearnhow itcan be a connective hub
g) Be marketdriven
h) Dontbe afraidto make mistakes
i) Knowthe customer
7) Readings
a) Wong etal 2008
b) Travel and TourismCompetitive Index