The minutes summarize a meeting of the ABC Holdings Pvt. Ltd committee held on September 7, 2015. Items discussed included: approving previous meeting's minutes, reviewing restaurant half-year accounts and potential coffee machine purchases, arranging estimates for repairing the women's washrooms, requesting study leave for trainee examinations, selecting a venue and date for an upcoming Diwali party, and scheduling the next meeting for October 8.
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Notice, agenda & Minutes of Meeting.
Sports & Social club
A meeting of the Sports & Social club will be held at the
ground floor conference hall on Saturday, 29th
August 2015,
at 2.00 pm.
1. Minutes of the last meeting
2. Football matches and results
3. New Aerobics classes
4. Purchase of tennis equipment
5. Annual dinner and dance
6. Any other business
7. Date of the next meeting
Minutes of the 2nd
meeting of the Sports & Social club held at
the ground floor conference hall on Saturday, 29th
2015, at 2.00 pm.
Ms. Kesha Vaswani (Chairperson)
Mr. Tushar Seth
Mr. Avinash Iyer
Ms. Juhi Singh
Ms. Abha Agarwal
Mr. Ashok Nair
Ms. Meera Ved
Mr. Sailesh Patel
3. 1. Minutes of the last meeting:
The Chairperson asked members to correctan error in item
3.1 where the figure Rs. 1200 was wrongly mentioned as
Rs. 2100. After this correction the minutes were approved
and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
2. Football matches and results:
2.1 Avinash Iyer reported the results of the 3 football
matches during August:
Team A V/s Team B 12 August Won 4-3
Team C V/s Team D 18 August Lost 3-2
Team A V/s Team D 26 August Won 5-2
2.2 Future matches were scheduled as below:
Team B V/s Team C 1 September
3. New Aerobics classes
Juhi Singh proposed that aerobics classes should be held.
Abha Agarwal from the gym had agreed to conduct such
classes in the gym every Wednesday between 6pm and
Juhi would circulate a notice to all staff announcing the
first Aerobics classes on September 2.
4. Purchase of tennis equipment
Tushar Seth reported that the Tennis Tournament would
begin on September 4. New racquets and nets were to be
purchased and the courts needed repairs. It was agreed that
Tushar make the necessary arrangements at the earliest.
4. 5. Annual dinner and dance
It was agreed that the Annual Dinner and Dance be held
on October 1. Ashok Nair agreed to take charge of the
necessary arrangements. It was suggested to contact the
Renaissance, Powai to make enquiries regarding their
facilities and report it at the next meeting. Members were
asked to consider ideas for the next meeting.
6. Any other business
Abha Agarwal requested an allocation of Rs. 10000 to
replace the speakers at the gym. It was decided to come to
a decision in this regard by the next meeting.
7. Date of the next meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at the
ground floor conference hall on Thursday, September 3
2015 at 4.30 pm.
5. Rewrite the following verbatim records of a meeting in the
form of Minutes of the meeting:
1. (The Chairman)
Ms. Jones, will you please arrange for quotations on the
recarpeting of the sales office and report back next time?
2. (Mr. Singh)
Id like to recommend the purchase of a photocopier for
the personnel department.
3. (Ms. Sharma)
The drinks machine on the third floor is out of order.
4. (Mr. Murugan)
It has been brought to my attention that empty boxes are
being left on the stairs next to the reception. This is causing
a safety hazard.
5. (Ms. Shah)
Arrangements for Saturday Morning lecturers are the
responsibility of our committee and Id like to invite
suggestions for speakers.
6. Following is an extract of a meeting held at ABC Holdings Pvt. Ltd, which was held at
4pm on Monday, 07 September 2015 in the Chairmans office. Go through the details
and prepare minutes of the meeting.
Mr. Talwar (Chairman): Well, its 4 oclock and we all appear to be here so shall we
get started? Anthony Fernandes wont be joining us as hes attending a business
conference this week. Do you all have the last meetings minutes?
Are there any ammendments of can I sign them as a correct record?
(Chairman Signs)
Good, matters arising? Anything to report?
Chairman: Alright, lets move on to item no. 3. Jai, I believe you were going to talk
about the restaurant. Did you bring along the accounts for the half year ending
September 30?
Mr. Jai Thakkar: Yes, I have copies for everyone (distributes copies). As you will see,
the accounts show that we made a profit of Rs. 1.3 Cr over the first six months of the
year. Id like to suggest we use some of this by buying 4 new coffee machines. The
present ones are rather old and frequently break down.
Chairman: I think wed better obtain some estimates first before arriving at a decision.
Could you please check and we could talk about this more next time?
(Mr. Thakkar agrees)
Chairman: Right, well move to Washroom repair work now. Ive received several
complaints about the womens washrooms. Ive been to see what the fuss is all about
and I agree that it does need upgrading.
Ms. Varsha Bhasin: Yes, these are near my workstation. Apart from several locks
being faulty, there are chipped tiles, and the state of decoration is very poor.
Chairman: Id like a volunteer to arrange for some local workmen to look at the
washroom and give us an estimate on the cost of the repairs.
Ms. Bhasin: Ill gladly do that. Something needs to be done quickly.
Chairman: Right, thats something else to continue with the next time. Ravi, youre
next, I believe?
Mr. Ravi Srivastava: Thankyou. Well, as you know, as Training Officer I have lot of
contact with our young trainees. Many of them attend college for evening courses which
the Company sponsors. Examinations are coming up in October and these people dont
have much time to study. Id like to suggest that they be given two weeks study leave
prior to their exams.
7. Ms. Bhasin: Thats a valid point, Ravi. Yamini in my department, she works very hard
for us and I know she goes to college in the evenings three days a week. It would kill
Chairman: I can sympathise but I really dont think its within our power as a
committee to make such a decision. Can I suggest that you write a formal memo to the
Board? They have a Board meeting early in October. I believe, you should ask them to
include this item in the agenda. By the time we meet again, we should have an answer
for them.
Ravi: Yes I think that will be best. Ill get a memo out tomorrow.
Chairman: Now, the final item. Diwali party and lunch. Ms. Sheware, did you get some
specimen menus from hotels?
Ms. Anandini Sheware: Yes, I have some samples for us to look at.
(distributes copies)
Mr. Ravi Srivastava: This one looks brilliant the Marina Hotel quite reasonably
priced too.
Mr. Jai Thakkar: I agree, it seems far superior than the others.
Ms. Sheware: Thats what I thought too. I suggest we should confirm with The Marina
if everyone agrees.
Chairman: Has a date been finalised yet?
Ms. Sheware: No, I suggest the Monday before Diwali, 9th November if that is ok with
Chairman: Right then, Ms. Sheware, can we leave it to you to make all the necessary
Ms. Sheware: Oh sure, Ill get in touch with The Marina to confirm with them, and Ill
also put up a notice on the staff bulletin board. I hope it will be as successful as last
Chairman: With everything left to you, Ms. Sheware, Im sure it cant fail to be
Right, moving on, is there anything else anyone wants to discuss? No? Right, then lets
decide on a date for the next meeting4 weeks time as usual? Can I suggest 8th
October then? Same time? Good, Ok then, thank you all for attending.