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Under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, you are permitted to
make changes to the Webkit library for your own use, and Adobe delivers with the
installed Adobe software the object code that links with the Webkit library, as
required by the GNU LGPL. You are also permitted to reverse engineer only those
portions of the Adobe software that link with and utilize the Webkit library,
and only to the extent necessary to debug your changes to the Webkit library.
Any other reverse engineering, decompiling or use of utilities or tools to
trace, probe, or reveal Adobe software and trade secrets embodied therein, is
expressly prohibited. Adobe software contains valuable trade secrets and employs
methods protected by patents of Adobe Software Incorporated.

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  • 1. Under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, you are permitted to make changes to the Webkit library for your own use, and Adobe delivers with the installed Adobe software the object code that links with the Webkit library, as required by the GNU LGPL. You are also permitted to reverse engineer only those portions of the Adobe software that link with and utilize the Webkit library, and only to the extent necessary to debug your changes to the Webkit library. Any other reverse engineering, decompiling or use of utilities or tools to trace, probe, or reveal Adobe software and trade secrets embodied therein, is expressly prohibited. Adobe software contains valuable trade secrets and employs methods protected by patents of Adobe Software Incorporated.