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Nourhan A. Hassan
1B Civil Engineering
Waterloo, ON N2V 2W6
(519) 721-5364
Page 1 of 2
Summary of Qualifications
 Technical knowledge of AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor and SoftPlan programs
 Comprehensive knowledge of Java programming using eclipse software
 Basic knowledge of Matlab programming and language
 Proficient at using Microsoft Office Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
 Strong communication and multitasking skills as demonstrated through my extensive customer
service experience
 Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills exhibited throughout my employment as a
seasonal sales associate while dealing with customer issues
 Detail-oriented with the capability of carrying tasks out efficiently and accurately
Employment Experience
Seasonal Sales Associate, Hudson's Bay, Waterloo ON 2015
 Efficiently assisted over 100 customers a day with their transaction processes at a high
productivity rate
 Achieved customer satisfaction by addressing customer concerns empathetically and guiding
them through possible solutions
 Actively promoted various services offered at Hudson's Bay, e.g. the HBC Rewards program and
through which I developed effective communication tactics
Camp Counsellor, Enrich it Summer Camp, Waterloo, ON 2015
 Planned 5-week schedule programs for a variety of ages as well as created daily agendas for
selected camper groups
 Led workshops for all age groups that covered topics from leadership and teamwork to friendship
and ethics
 Supervised and coordinated with campers, addressed their problems as well as enhanced my own
problem-solving capabilities
Teacher Assistant, AlHuda Arabic Saturday School, Waterloo, ON 2015
 Created interactive lessons and utilized different teaching styles to enhance learning in a
multicultural setting
 Documented and maintained student progress records to monitor student performance and alter
lesson plans and activities accordingly
 Committed to provide individualized student support by attending to their unique needs and
challenging them to their potential
Volunteer Experience
HPL Volunteer For the Library Settlement Partnership Annual Event, Hamilton Public
Library, Hamilton, ON 2013
 Hosted the event by serving as the Master of Ceremonies and coordinated speaker's segments
 Co-arranged the layout of the event and managed different children activities to entertain guests
 Enhanced my communication and presentation skills while collaborating with the speakers and
the guests to create the best possible experience
Nourhan A. Hassan
1B Civil Engineering
Waterloo, ON N2V 2W6
(519) 721-5364
Page 2 of 2
Classroom Monitor, AlNoor Arabic School, Hamilton, ON 2010  2012
 Created a safe, fun, and interactive classroom environment to provide students with the best
learning experience
 Prepared engaging activities related to the lesson plans to allow children to apply what they
learned, targeting their unique learning styles
 Trained new volunteers by arranging tours and mini workshops to establish the AlNoor values
and help the volunteers apply them throughout their learning term
Extracurricular Involvement
 Master of Ceremonies for lunch time author talks and discussion 2014
o Developed and led discussion questions for the invited author and audience
o Planned and advertised the event by generating an effective marketing campaign
o Acquired admirable public-speaking skills
 Vice President of the Global Awareness Club 2013  2014
o Advertised events and fundraisers via different means of media
o Managed the financial budget of the club with the use of Microsoft Excel
o Gained proficiency in Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint
o Demonstrated excellent teamwork skills and obtained a deeper understanding of work
 President of the Muslim Student Association 2012 2014
o Founded a mission statement and a constitution to assign purpose and establish SMART
o Led executive and general meetings as well as developed structured meeting agendas
o Monitored executive interviews
o Displayed excellent work ethics and strong leadership skills
Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc): Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo,
ON 2016  Present
Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc): Management Engineering, University of
Waterloo, ON 2014  2015
 President's Scholarship (>90%), 2014
Ontario Secondary School Diploma,Westdale Secondary School, Hamilton, ON 2014
 Summa Cum Laude: 2014
o 85% average in at least 12 grade 11 and 12 courses
 Salute of Excellence Awards: 2011-13
 Subject Awards: Information and Communication Technology in Business  2011,
Civics  2012, Understanding Fashion  2013, Technological Design  2013

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  • 1. Nourhan A. Hassan 1B Civil Engineering Waterloo, ON N2V 2W6 n4hassan@uwateroo.ca (519) 721-5364 Page 1 of 2 Summary of Qualifications Technical knowledge of AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor and SoftPlan programs Comprehensive knowledge of Java programming using eclipse software Basic knowledge of Matlab programming and language Proficient at using Microsoft Office Excel, Word, and PowerPoint Strong communication and multitasking skills as demonstrated through my extensive customer service experience Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills exhibited throughout my employment as a seasonal sales associate while dealing with customer issues Detail-oriented with the capability of carrying tasks out efficiently and accurately Employment Experience Seasonal Sales Associate, Hudson's Bay, Waterloo ON 2015 Efficiently assisted over 100 customers a day with their transaction processes at a high productivity rate Achieved customer satisfaction by addressing customer concerns empathetically and guiding them through possible solutions Actively promoted various services offered at Hudson's Bay, e.g. the HBC Rewards program and through which I developed effective communication tactics Camp Counsellor, Enrich it Summer Camp, Waterloo, ON 2015 Planned 5-week schedule programs for a variety of ages as well as created daily agendas for selected camper groups Led workshops for all age groups that covered topics from leadership and teamwork to friendship and ethics Supervised and coordinated with campers, addressed their problems as well as enhanced my own problem-solving capabilities Teacher Assistant, AlHuda Arabic Saturday School, Waterloo, ON 2015 Created interactive lessons and utilized different teaching styles to enhance learning in a multicultural setting Documented and maintained student progress records to monitor student performance and alter lesson plans and activities accordingly Committed to provide individualized student support by attending to their unique needs and challenging them to their potential Volunteer Experience HPL Volunteer For the Library Settlement Partnership Annual Event, Hamilton Public Library, Hamilton, ON 2013 Hosted the event by serving as the Master of Ceremonies and coordinated speaker's segments Co-arranged the layout of the event and managed different children activities to entertain guests Enhanced my communication and presentation skills while collaborating with the speakers and the guests to create the best possible experience
  • 2. Nourhan A. Hassan 1B Civil Engineering Waterloo, ON N2V 2W6 n4hassan@uwaterloo.ca (519) 721-5364 Page 2 of 2 Classroom Monitor, AlNoor Arabic School, Hamilton, ON 2010 2012 Created a safe, fun, and interactive classroom environment to provide students with the best learning experience Prepared engaging activities related to the lesson plans to allow children to apply what they learned, targeting their unique learning styles Trained new volunteers by arranging tours and mini workshops to establish the AlNoor values and help the volunteers apply them throughout their learning term Extracurricular Involvement Master of Ceremonies for lunch time author talks and discussion 2014 o Developed and led discussion questions for the invited author and audience o Planned and advertised the event by generating an effective marketing campaign o Acquired admirable public-speaking skills Vice President of the Global Awareness Club 2013 2014 o Advertised events and fundraisers via different means of media o Managed the financial budget of the club with the use of Microsoft Excel o Gained proficiency in Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint o Demonstrated excellent teamwork skills and obtained a deeper understanding of work dynamics President of the Muslim Student Association 2012 2014 o Founded a mission statement and a constitution to assign purpose and establish SMART goals o Led executive and general meetings as well as developed structured meeting agendas o Monitored executive interviews o Displayed excellent work ethics and strong leadership skills Education Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc): Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, ON 2016 Present Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc): Management Engineering, University of Waterloo, ON 2014 2015 President's Scholarship (>90%), 2014 Ontario Secondary School Diploma,Westdale Secondary School, Hamilton, ON 2014 Summa Cum Laude: 2014 o 85% average in at least 12 grade 11 and 12 courses Salute of Excellence Awards: 2011-13 Subject Awards: Information and Communication Technology in Business 2011, Civics 2012, Understanding Fashion 2013, Technological Design 2013