This document contains clues related to the organization Nourish International. It provides information on the countries and committee meeting times, partner organizations, qualities looked for, investments made, ventures and programs, speakers, and founders. The clues reference locations, events, committees, and people involved with the work of Nourish International.
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No-ur-ish jeopardy
1. No-Ur-Ish
Globetrotters Show me da $ Edumacate yo’sef Heads,
Knees, and Toes
10 10 10 10
20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50
2. Two of the four countries in which
Nourish International worked with
local partners last summer.
3. The day of the week and time during
which the International Projects
committee of Nourish meets.
4. This is a local, community-based
organization with which Nourish
partnered this summer.
5. These are three qualities
which Nourish looks for in a
partner organization abroad.
6. These are two investments which
Nourish makes in a community
when it sends a project.
11. An unsustainable and inconsistent
event based on wealthy people’s guilt,
and a method of non-profit income
generation completely antithetical to a
Nourish venture.
12. The branch or committee of Nourish
whose mission is to spark discussion.
19. The Number of Universities where a
Nourish chapter can be found
20. The student who in 2003 began Hunger
Lunch, the predecessor of Nourish
International, in order to fund a nutrition
project in the slums of Hyderabad.