A novelette is a piece of short prose fiction that is longer than a short story, typically between 7,000 to 17,500 words. It takes place in a relatively short period of time, usually less than a week. While it contains personal opinions of characters, the plot drives the narrative rather than extensive character development or internal reasoning. Novelettes can be of any genre, such as literary, mystery, science fiction, or romance.
2. Novelette
… is a piece of short prose fiction.
The distinction between a novelette
and other literary forms is usually
based upon word count.
3. Novelette
… a short story is generally only
considered so up to the limit of 7,000
words, after this it becomes a
Novelette. A Novelette is a shorter
piece of prose which takes place in a
relatively short amount of time,
normally less than a week. It contains
a lot of personal opinion but is driven
by the plot rather than a characters
4. Novelette
 It was first known use in 1814
 A novelette is typically defined by
length rather than content. A
novelette can be of any genre.
Literary, mystery, science fiction, and
romance novellas are a few
examples of popular novelette