A quick overview of NovoImage+ a tool for people who use scanners, MFPs, faxes, digitized microfilm and other sources of document images. The best price/performance for Image Enhancement
3. The + means Better Image Enhancement
Better Skew Correction
Better Support for all image sources including Microfilm, Fax, Copies and Scans
Better Auto Orientation
Better Contrast Control
Better Noise Elimination
Better OCR Results regardless of which OCR Engine you use
Better Licensing Options
Better Pricing
4. NovoImage+ Pricing Models
2 editions, licensed on a per-machine basis:
NovoImage+ Professional
Can be used as an image enhancement server
Watch multiple folders on a server
Each watch folder applies a specified enhancement profile
Automatically stores enhanced files at user-designated locations
$1,995 MSRP
NovoImage+ Standard
Stand-alone application for lower volume document processing
Single watch folder
$299 MSRP
5. Seeing is Believing
Full Versions of NovoImage+ are available for
Email sales@novodynamics.com please put
NOVOIMAGE EVAL in the subject line
Or call 734 205 9150 and request an evaluation form