The document is a collection of poems and information about different poetry forms written by a student. It includes examples of acrostics, haikus, cinquains, diamantes, free verse poems, a character poem, and a rap poem about holidays. The student also selects Winnie the Pooh as their favorite poet and includes an example of one of Pooh's poems.
The document discusses the power and importance of God's word. It states that God's word has a heartbeat that speaks to our circumstances. It lists several Bible verses that discuss how God's word validates our identity as Christians and is the center of our faith. Finally, it notes that while God's word is open to all, its full power is only unlocked by those who believe in Jesus as the son of God.
Pablo Picasso believed that all children are naturally artistic but that growing up causes people to lose their artistic abilities. He suggested that the challenge is for people to maintain their creativity and inner artist as they mature. In just 3 sentences, this quote from Pablo Picasso emphasizes the importance of nurturing creativity from a young age and throughout one's life.
5. 创意人的三戒 : 切勿 匆促完成一件工作。 到头来,你必须再做一遍。 而且做得更急,更差。 切勿 在没有策略可作依据的情况下为客户工作。 没有策略作依据,你、或者客户要如何来评断作品的好坏呢? 切勿 匆忙展开工作,除非工作单上附有一份充分详细的简报。 没有简报,你就会弄不清楚你在做什么; 没有工作单,你只会徒劳无功。 I can take anything but shit, because this is not a shit business!
6. 什么是策略? What is a Strategy 一位风趣的媒体总监,曾经对 目标 和 策略 的不同下了一个定义, “我的目标是到办公室,我的策略是搭巴士去。” 策略就像是一张路线图。没有策略, 你将毫无目标地在 客户想要的, 创意人员希望给客户的, 业务主管认为卖得出去的, 三者之间打转。 如此这般令人气急败坏毫无目标的旅程,到最后必定走投无路。
7. 什么是策略? What is a Strategy 对每一个客户,都应有独一的策略。 每一个客户,无论是大、是小,在活动中或呈休息状态的,容易或难以应付的,现有的甚或是潜在的。 在向客户提案之前,先草拟策略。 通常一草拟策略取代创意作品的提案方式,更能是客户确信你对他的业务有了彻底的了解,而使你顺利争取到广告代理权。 如此不但花费少且不致于浪费宝贵的创意投入或打击创意士气。
13. 行销目标 Marketing Aims 在你继续下面的工作之前,检查看看你的行销目标是否符合这五点原则。 * 伦巴原则 RUMBA Principle R : relevant U : understandable M : measurable B : believable A : achievable