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Nenad Sarunac, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
UNC Charlotte
The William States Lee College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science
9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
O: 704-687-1089, M: 610-653-9119, nsarunac@uncc.edu
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering,LehighUniversity,Bethlehem,Pennsylvania,U.S.A.,1985
M.S. Electrical Engineering,Universityof Zagreb, Republicof Croatia,1978
B.S. Mechanical Engineering,Universityof Zagreb, Republicof Croatia(SummaCumLaude),1976
2013  Present PresidentandCEOof PowerSystemsAssociates,Inc.
2011  Present Associate Professorof Mechanical Engineering,UNCC
2002  2011 Associate Director, EnergyResearchCenter(ERC),LehighUniversity
1999  2002 Principal ResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity
1991  1999 SeniorResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity
1985  1991 ResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity
1982  1985 TeachingandGraduate Assistant,MEDepartment,LehighUniversity
1977  1982 AssistantandAssociate Professorof Mechanical Engineering, EnergyTechnology
Department,Universityof Zagreb,Croatia.
Thirty years of academic/industrial experience in the energy technology field. Specialist in the areas of
energy system and component analysis and improvement, advanced energy systems, energy efficiency
improvement, emissions reduction, combustion and performance optimization, diagnostics and system
optimization, and application of artificial intelligence in power industry. Lead scientist, engineer and
principal investigator in many research and problem-solving projects for the power generation industry.
Session chair for the Improvementsfor Existing Power Plants session at the International Clearwater Coal
Utilization Conference, and member of the Technical Committee Board.
 Principal inventor of the coal drying technology, commercially known as DryFiningTM
, based on
fluidized bed drying and waste heat utilization. Development of the multi-stage moving bed
fluidized bed dryer incorporating gravitational segregation for removal of sulfur- and mercury-
bearingfractions.Systemintegration,design,implementation,acceptance andperformancetesting
of a commercial-scale systemata2 x 600 MW powerplant. HeavilyinvolvedinGlobal marketingof
the Technology.
 Proposedpartial CO2 capture concept.AlthoughDr. H. Herzogfrom MIT isusuallycreditedforthat
idea, I have developed the concept at Lehigh University at least a year before the MIT
 One of the pioneers of a thermal integration concept for efficiency improvement of power
generation cycles.
 Developmentof hardware forthe EPA Reference Method30A (Instrumental Reference Method), in
cooperation with the EU research organizations and commercial companies. The hardware is
commercially available in European Union.
 Developmentof the Background CorrectionMethod(BCM) for mercury stratificationtesting.BCM
is incorporated into EPA mercury testing procedures.
 Principal inventor and developer of the intelligent sootblowing optimization technology.
 Development of the Flow Reference methods (methods 2F and higher) for the U.S. EPA.
 Development of the combustion-enhancing stoker airfoil technology.
 Developmentof the on- andoff-line performance measurementtechniquesforfossil-fired
powerplants(Output/Loss andBoiler/Turbine CycleEfficiency(BTCE)).
 Developedthe conceptof the fossil-renewable hybridpowerplant.The conceptisdescribedin
the proposal submitted tothe ICCIin2010.
2013 to Present President andCEO of Power Systems Associates,Inc.,Charlotte,NC
 Technical consultancyforthe powergenerationindustry.
2011 to Present EPIC AssociateProfessorof Mechanical EngineeringandEngineeringScience, MEES
 EstablishedEnergyConcentrationatthe MEES Department.
 Curriculumdevelopment: developedandtaughtundergraduate courses:CleanCoal Technology,
Turbomachinery,andEnergyEngineering,andagraduate course:AdvancedEnergySystems.Also,
taught the undergraduate HeatTransfercourse.
 Appliedresearchinthe areaof Rankine andBraytoncycle performance improvement(Efficiency
improvementof the PCCpowerplants,parallel Rankine/Brayton cycle, ORC, andsupercritical CO2
 Researchforthe electricutilityindustry
 Coordinatorforthe Energy Concentration
1999 to 2011 AssociateDirector, Energy Research Center(ERC),Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA
 Co-principal investigator on the NYSERDA 11139 project concerning use of waste and CO2
compressionheattoreduce penaltydue topost-combustionCO2 capture. The secondphase of the
project, funded by the industry, investigated the use CO2 compression heat for the commercially
available equipment (MHI and MAN compressors) and new concepts (RamGen shock wave
 Co-principal inventor, co-principal investigator, and one of key technical people on the DOE CCPI
DE-FC26-03NT41729 projectforimprovingefficiencyandreducingemissionsof powerplantsfiring
low-rank high-moisture coals.
 Co-principal investigator on the DOE DE-PS26-02NT41422 project for use of coal drying to reduce
water consumed in pulverized coal power plants.
 Continueddevelopmentandapplicationof alow-temperature coal dryingsystem throughsystem
integration ata coal-to-liquids(CTL) plant,oxy-fuel, andadvancedPCCpowerplants(USCandA-
USC) firinglow-rank,high-moisture fuels.
 Marketingof the coal dryingtechnology,bothdomesticallyandinternationally.
 Development of advanced power systems utilizing heat recovery, heat displacement, and tighter
boiler-turbinecycle integration forimprovedperformance andreducedemissions,especially CO2.
 Principal inventor and developer of the expert system-based intelligent sootblower optimization
 Development and implementation of the combustion optimization technology for performance
improvement, emissions reduction, and slagging control of coal-fired power plants. Development
and field-implementationof the on-lineexpertsystemandartificial neural network-basedadvisory
systems for maintaining optimal boiler control settings.
 Principal investigator on the Illinois Clean Coal Institute (ICCI) project on improving efficiency and
reducing emissions from existing coal-fired power plants.
 Measurement and reduction of mercury emissions from fossil-fired power plants, including
evaluating effectiveness of the activated carbon injection.
 Long-term cooperation with the U.S. EPA on development of reference methods for mercury
measurementandflowreference methods.Developedaportable Instrumental Reference Method
(IRM) hardware for mercury measurement (in cooperation with the EU Commission).
 Problem solving for the U.S. electrical utility industry.
 Application of artificial intelligence in the power generation industry. Development of the CEM
sensor validation and early warning systems.
 Development of the combustion-enhancing stoker airfoil technology.
 Projectdevelopmentandmanagement,proposal writing andbudgetdevelopment,marketingand
technical presentations, meetings with industrial sponsors.
 Workingon methodsforreducingperformance penaltydue toapplicationof post-combustionand
pre-combustion (oxy-combustion) carbon capture.
1991 to 1999 Senior Research Engineer, ERC,Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA
 Development of a low-temperature coal drying/beneficiation technology based on fluidized bed
drying, gravitational segregation, and use of recovered waste heat. Conceptual design of the
commercial system; design of system components.
 Development of the combustion optimization technology for fossil-fired boilers.
 Development,integrationandfieldimplementationof intelligentcombustionoptimizationcode for
reducing emissions and optimizing performance of fossil-fired fired boilers.
 Development of performance monitoring systemsand the on- and off-line computer software for
improving performance of coal-fired power plants.
 Development of the Flow Reference methods (methods 2F and higher) for the U.S. EPA.
 Technical evaluation of new concepts in power generation.
 Engineering analyses and problem solving for industrial clients.
 Project development and management, proposal writing, marketing and technical presentations,
meetings with industrial sponsors.
1987 to 1991 Research Engineer, ERC, Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA
 Performance modeling of coal-fired power plants.
 Developmentof the boilerperformance modulesforEPRIPMW(The moduleswere lateronported
to B&Vs OPMworkstation).
 Development of a finite-difference model of a rotating regenerative heat exchanger (Ljungstrom
andRothemuhle).Followingfieldverification,thecode hasbeen usedextensivelytosolve problems
relatedtoair preheaterperformanceandfouling,andisstill inuse today.The workwas conducted
under EPRI fireside performance improvement program.
 Engineering design of the ERC hydraulics laboratory and supervision of construction.
1985 to 1987 Research Associate,ERC, Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA
 Developmentof the on- andoff-line performance measurementtechniques forfossil powerplants
(Output/Loss,and Boiler/Turbine CycleEfficiency(BTCE)),underEPRIfire-side performance
 Performance acceptance testing andtuningof a LNCFScombustionsystems.
 Airpreheaterperformance testing.
 Testingandoptimizationof fire-side performanceof coal-firedpowerplants,dataanalysisand
1984 to 1985 GraduateAssistant,Energy Research Center,Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA
 Development of computer software for modeling of radiation heat transfer in cylindrical coal
combustion chambers using the Zone Method.
 Power plant performance testing.
1977 to 1982 AssistantandAssociate Professorof Mechanical Engineering,University of Zagreb,
Republic of Croatia
 Course developmentandlecturingat the College of Mechanical Engineering.Developedand
taught undergraduate course onenergysourcesandresources,andenergytechnology.
 Appliedresearchinthe areaof Rankine andBraytoncycle performance improvement.
 Developmentof the advancedgasturbine coolingdesign,involvingheatpipe (thermosiphon)-
 Appliedresearchinthe general areaof energytechnology.
 Model-baseddynamicsimulationof large once-through(supercritical) steamboilers.
 Consultingforthe steamturbine andboilermanufacturers.
Author or co-author of over 110 technical papers presented at the IEA International Conference,
International Clearwater Coal Utilization Conference, Mega Conference, A&WMA Annual Conference,
International CEMConference,CombustionCanadaInternationalConference,EPRIHeatRate Improvement
Conference,POWER-GEN International Conference,InternationalJointPowerGenerationConference,Joint
ASME/IEEE Power Generation Conference, National Heat Transfer Conference, ASME Winter Annual
Meeting,andother technical meetings,andpublishedinPOWER,CORNERSTONE,World Coal,and Journal
of Energy and Power Engineering. Also, authored and co-authored over 100 technical reports.
The ResearchGate statistics(525 readsand 95 citations overlasttwoyears) are testamentof the relevance
of my publications.
 "The Staged Boundary LayerTreatmentMethod and SystemforBiofouling Control", U.S. Patent
No.4,997,574, March 5, 1991.
 Combustion Enhancing AirFoil,withMancini,R.,U. S. PatentNo.6,405,661, June 18, 2002.
 Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsUsing SystemHeatSources,with
Mark Ness,CharlesBullingeratal,U.S. PatentNo. 8579999, International Classification:C10L5/00
 Apparatusand Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsand Separatingand
Concentrating Organicand/orNon-OrganicMaterialContained Therein,withMark Ness,Charles
Bullingeratal, April 12th
2013, U.S. PatentNo. 8372185, International Classification:B01D50/00
 ApparatusforHeatTreatmentof ParticulateMaterials, withMark Ness, CharlesBullingeratal,
U.S. PatentNumber8523963, International Classification:C10L5/00 (20060101)
 Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsUsing SystemHeatSources,
Application Number14058778, filed October21st
2013, Pending
 Conversion of CoalAsh industrialwasteto ceramics forconstruction and refractories,Provisional
Patentfiled on May 12th
2015, UNCCIR# 2015-039, Application number62/160,301 (with Dr.
Ahmed El-Ghannam)
 The firstplace and award forthe outstandingtechnical paper:FourYearsof OperatingExperience
Fuel EnhancementProcessatCoal CreekGenerating Station,31st
Conference,October6-9,2014, Pittsburgh,PA.
 The Lignite Fuel Enhancementprojectwonthe awardforthe BestCoal-FiredProjectof the Year
for 2010 inthe international competitionorganizedbyPOWER-GEN International.
 The Gold Medal for AcademicAchievement(firstinclass),Mechanical EngineeringDepartment,
Universityof Zagreb,1976
FluentinEnglishandCroatian,some RussianandGerman
U.S. Citizen

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  • 1. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Nenad Sarunac, Ph. D. Associate Professor UNC Charlotte The William States Lee College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 O: 704-687-1089, M: 610-653-9119, nsarunac@uncc.edu EDUCATION Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering,LehighUniversity,Bethlehem,Pennsylvania,U.S.A.,1985 M.S. Electrical Engineering,Universityof Zagreb, Republicof Croatia,1978 B.S. Mechanical Engineering,Universityof Zagreb, Republicof Croatia(SummaCumLaude),1976 APPOINTMENTS 2013 Present PresidentandCEOof PowerSystemsAssociates,Inc. 2011 Present Associate Professorof Mechanical Engineering,UNCC 2002 2011 Associate Director, EnergyResearchCenter(ERC),LehighUniversity 1999 2002 Principal ResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity 1991 1999 SeniorResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity 1985 1991 ResearchEngineer,ERC,LehighUniversity 1982 1985 TeachingandGraduate Assistant,MEDepartment,LehighUniversity 1977 1982 AssistantandAssociate Professorof Mechanical Engineering, EnergyTechnology Department,Universityof Zagreb,Croatia. SUMMARYOF EXPERIENCE Thirty years of academic/industrial experience in the energy technology field. Specialist in the areas of energy system and component analysis and improvement, advanced energy systems, energy efficiency improvement, emissions reduction, combustion and performance optimization, diagnostics and system optimization, and application of artificial intelligence in power industry. Lead scientist, engineer and principal investigator in many research and problem-solving projects for the power generation industry. Session chair for the Improvementsfor Existing Power Plants session at the International Clearwater Coal Utilization Conference, and member of the Technical Committee Board. MAJOR ACCCOMPLISHMENTS Principal inventor of the coal drying technology, commercially known as DryFiningTM , based on fluidized bed drying and waste heat utilization. Development of the multi-stage moving bed
  • 2. 2 fluidized bed dryer incorporating gravitational segregation for removal of sulfur- and mercury- bearingfractions.Systemintegration,design,implementation,acceptance andperformancetesting of a commercial-scale systemata2 x 600 MW powerplant. HeavilyinvolvedinGlobal marketingof the Technology. Proposedpartial CO2 capture concept.AlthoughDr. H. Herzogfrom MIT isusuallycreditedforthat idea, I have developed the concept at Lehigh University at least a year before the MIT announcement. One of the pioneers of a thermal integration concept for efficiency improvement of power generation cycles. Developmentof hardware forthe EPA Reference Method30A (Instrumental Reference Method), in cooperation with the EU research organizations and commercial companies. The hardware is commercially available in European Union. Developmentof the Background CorrectionMethod(BCM) for mercury stratificationtesting.BCM is incorporated into EPA mercury testing procedures. Principal inventor and developer of the intelligent sootblowing optimization technology. Development of the Flow Reference methods (methods 2F and higher) for the U.S. EPA. Development of the combustion-enhancing stoker airfoil technology. Developmentof the on- andoff-line performance measurementtechniquesforfossil-fired powerplants(Output/Loss andBoiler/Turbine CycleEfficiency(BTCE)). Developedthe conceptof the fossil-renewable hybridpowerplant.The conceptisdescribedin the proposal submitted tothe ICCIin2010. TECHNICAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2013 to Present President andCEO of Power Systems Associates,Inc.,Charlotte,NC Technical consultancyforthe powergenerationindustry. 2011 to Present EPIC AssociateProfessorof Mechanical EngineeringandEngineeringScience, MEES Department,UNCCharlotte,Charlotte,NC EstablishedEnergyConcentrationatthe MEES Department. Curriculumdevelopment: developedandtaughtundergraduate courses:CleanCoal Technology, Turbomachinery,andEnergyEngineering,andagraduate course:AdvancedEnergySystems.Also, taught the undergraduate HeatTransfercourse. Appliedresearchinthe areaof Rankine andBraytoncycle performance improvement(Efficiency improvementof the PCCpowerplants,parallel Rankine/Brayton cycle, ORC, andsupercritical CO2 Braytoncycle).
  • 3. 3 Researchforthe electricutilityindustry Coordinatorforthe Energy Concentration 1999 to 2011 AssociateDirector, Energy Research Center(ERC),Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA Co-principal investigator on the NYSERDA 11139 project concerning use of waste and CO2 compressionheattoreduce penaltydue topost-combustionCO2 capture. The secondphase of the project, funded by the industry, investigated the use CO2 compression heat for the commercially available equipment (MHI and MAN compressors) and new concepts (RamGen shock wave compressor). Co-principal inventor, co-principal investigator, and one of key technical people on the DOE CCPI DE-FC26-03NT41729 projectforimprovingefficiencyandreducingemissionsof powerplantsfiring low-rank high-moisture coals. Co-principal investigator on the DOE DE-PS26-02NT41422 project for use of coal drying to reduce water consumed in pulverized coal power plants. Continueddevelopmentandapplicationof alow-temperature coal dryingsystem throughsystem integration ata coal-to-liquids(CTL) plant,oxy-fuel, andadvancedPCCpowerplants(USCandA- USC) firinglow-rank,high-moisture fuels. Marketingof the coal dryingtechnology,bothdomesticallyandinternationally. Development of advanced power systems utilizing heat recovery, heat displacement, and tighter boiler-turbinecycle integration forimprovedperformance andreducedemissions,especially CO2. Principal inventor and developer of the expert system-based intelligent sootblower optimization technology. Development and implementation of the combustion optimization technology for performance improvement, emissions reduction, and slagging control of coal-fired power plants. Development and field-implementationof the on-lineexpertsystemandartificial neural network-basedadvisory systems for maintaining optimal boiler control settings. Principal investigator on the Illinois Clean Coal Institute (ICCI) project on improving efficiency and reducing emissions from existing coal-fired power plants. Measurement and reduction of mercury emissions from fossil-fired power plants, including evaluating effectiveness of the activated carbon injection. Long-term cooperation with the U.S. EPA on development of reference methods for mercury measurementandflowreference methods.Developedaportable Instrumental Reference Method (IRM) hardware for mercury measurement (in cooperation with the EU Commission). Problem solving for the U.S. electrical utility industry. Application of artificial intelligence in the power generation industry. Development of the CEM sensor validation and early warning systems. Development of the combustion-enhancing stoker airfoil technology. Projectdevelopmentandmanagement,proposal writing andbudgetdevelopment,marketingand technical presentations, meetings with industrial sponsors. Workingon methodsforreducingperformance penaltydue toapplicationof post-combustionand
  • 4. 4 pre-combustion (oxy-combustion) carbon capture. 1991 to 1999 Senior Research Engineer, ERC,Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA Development of a low-temperature coal drying/beneficiation technology based on fluidized bed drying, gravitational segregation, and use of recovered waste heat. Conceptual design of the commercial system; design of system components. Development of the combustion optimization technology for fossil-fired boilers. Development,integrationandfieldimplementationof intelligentcombustionoptimizationcode for reducing emissions and optimizing performance of fossil-fired fired boilers. Development of performance monitoring systemsand the on- and off-line computer software for improving performance of coal-fired power plants. Development of the Flow Reference methods (methods 2F and higher) for the U.S. EPA. Technical evaluation of new concepts in power generation. Engineering analyses and problem solving for industrial clients. Project development and management, proposal writing, marketing and technical presentations, meetings with industrial sponsors. 1987 to 1991 Research Engineer, ERC, Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA Performance modeling of coal-fired power plants. Developmentof the boilerperformance modulesforEPRIPMW(The moduleswere lateronported to B&Vs OPMworkstation). Development of a finite-difference model of a rotating regenerative heat exchanger (Ljungstrom andRothemuhle).Followingfieldverification,thecode hasbeen usedextensivelytosolve problems relatedtoair preheaterperformanceandfouling,andisstill inuse today.The workwas conducted under EPRI fireside performance improvement program. Engineering design of the ERC hydraulics laboratory and supervision of construction. 1985 to 1987 Research Associate,ERC, Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA Developmentof the on- andoff-line performance measurementtechniques forfossil powerplants (Output/Loss,and Boiler/Turbine CycleEfficiency(BTCE)),underEPRIfire-side performance improvementprogram. Performance acceptance testing andtuningof a LNCFScombustionsystems. Airpreheaterperformance testing. Testingandoptimizationof fire-side performanceof coal-firedpowerplants,dataanalysisand reportwriting.
  • 5. 5 1984 to 1985 GraduateAssistant,Energy Research Center,Lehigh University,Bethlehem,PA Development of computer software for modeling of radiation heat transfer in cylindrical coal combustion chambers using the Zone Method. Power plant performance testing. 1977 to 1982 AssistantandAssociate Professorof Mechanical Engineering,University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia Course developmentandlecturingat the College of Mechanical Engineering.Developedand taught undergraduate course onenergysourcesandresources,andenergytechnology. Appliedresearchinthe areaof Rankine andBraytoncycle performance improvement. Developmentof the advancedgasturbine coolingdesign,involvingheatpipe (thermosiphon)- cooledblades. Appliedresearchinthe general areaof energytechnology. Model-baseddynamicsimulationof large once-through(supercritical) steamboilers. Consultingforthe steamturbine andboilermanufacturers. PUBLICATIONS Author or co-author of over 110 technical papers presented at the IEA International Conference, International Clearwater Coal Utilization Conference, Mega Conference, A&WMA Annual Conference, International CEMConference,CombustionCanadaInternationalConference,EPRIHeatRate Improvement Conference,POWER-GEN International Conference,InternationalJointPowerGenerationConference,Joint ASME/IEEE Power Generation Conference, National Heat Transfer Conference, ASME Winter Annual Meeting,andother technical meetings,andpublishedinPOWER,CORNERSTONE,World Coal,and Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. Also, authored and co-authored over 100 technical reports. The ResearchGate statistics(525 readsand 95 citations overlasttwoyears) are testamentof the relevance of my publications. PATENTS "The Staged Boundary LayerTreatmentMethod and SystemforBiofouling Control", U.S. Patent No.4,997,574, March 5, 1991. Combustion Enhancing AirFoil,withMancini,R.,U. S. PatentNo.6,405,661, June 18, 2002. Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsUsing SystemHeatSources,with Mark Ness,CharlesBullingeratal,U.S. PatentNo. 8579999, International Classification:C10L5/00 (20060101) Apparatusand Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsand Separatingand Concentrating Organicand/orNon-OrganicMaterialContained Therein,withMark Ness,Charles Bullingeratal, April 12th 2013, U.S. PatentNo. 8372185, International Classification:B01D50/00 (20060101) ApparatusforHeatTreatmentof ParticulateMaterials, withMark Ness, CharlesBullingeratal,
  • 6. 6 U.S. PatentNumber8523963, International Classification:C10L5/00 (20060101) Method of Enhancing theQuality of High-MoistureMaterialsUsing SystemHeatSources, Application Number14058778, filed October21st 2013, Pending Conversion of CoalAsh industrialwasteto ceramics forconstruction and refractories,Provisional Patentfiled on May 12th 2015, UNCCIR# 2015-039, Application number62/160,301 (with Dr. Ahmed El-Ghannam) AWARDS The firstplace and award forthe outstandingtechnical paper:FourYearsof OperatingExperience withDryFiningTM Fuel EnhancementProcessatCoal CreekGenerating Station,31st PittsburghCoal Conference,October6-9,2014, Pittsburgh,PA. The Lignite Fuel Enhancementprojectwonthe awardforthe BestCoal-FiredProjectof the Year for 2010 inthe international competitionorganizedbyPOWER-GEN International. The Gold Medal for AcademicAchievement(firstinclass),Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, Universityof Zagreb,1976 LANGUAGES FluentinEnglishandCroatian,some RussianandGerman CITIZENSHIP U.S. Citizen