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National Services Scheme (NSS)
Sardar Patel University
Gujarat State NSS Day Celebration (22-24 September, 2019)
QUIZ Programme
1 In the context of non-conventional energy, what is the meaning of 'OTE'?
a) Ocean Tidal Energy b) Ocean Thermal Energy c) Ocean Tidal Electricity d) Other Thermal
爲爲逗爲爲萎爲爲萎鉦爲 爲爲萎爲爲 爲爲 爲伍爲爲萎爲鉦爲鉦,'爲爲爻爲' 爲爻 爲爲萎爲鉦謹爲爻?
a) 爲爲項鉦伍鉦爲 爲萎爲萎む 爲爲萎爲爲 b) 爲爲項鉦伍鉦爲 爲萎爲爲鉦 爲爲萎爲爲 c) 爲爲項鉦伍鉦爲 爲萎爲萎む 爲朽爲爲橿 d) 爲爲爻爲 爲萎爲爲鉦 爲爲萎爲爲
2 The Chairman of NITI Ayog is
Industry Minister b) Prime Minister c) Finance Minister d) Commerce Minister
爲爻爲む 爲爲爻爲爲爲 爲爲о爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲 爲爻
a) 爲爲爻爲爻爲 爲爻爲萎о鉦 b) 爲朽÷ 爲爻爲萎о鉦 c) 爲爲鉦爲鉦爲爲む爲萎 d) 爲朽鉦爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲萎о鉦
3 Which of the following is not a scheme/programme started by the NDA Government?
a) Mission Indradhanush b) Jan Dhan Yojana c) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan d) MNREGA
爲爻爲爻 爲爲爲 爲爲 爲踽爲÷爲 爲伍萎爲鉦 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲謹萎 爲萎爲爻爲 爲爻爲爲爲 / 爲爲鉦爲鉦爻爲萎 爲爲萎爻?
a) 爲む爲謹 爲爲爻爲萎о爲 b) 爲爲 爲о 爲爻爲爲爲 c) 爲伍爲朽爻爲 爲萎爲鉦萎 爲爲爲萎爲爲鉦 d) 爲爲爲萎爲爲
4 Credit Rationing in India is done by
a) RBI b) SBI c) LIC d) Finance Ministry
爲萎爲鉦萎む爲鉦 爲爻爲萎爲÷÷ 爲萎爲謹む爲逗爲 爲爻爲爲 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲爲萎朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽 爲爻
a) 爲爲萎逗爲爲 b) 爲踽伍逗爲爲 c) 爲踽.爲爲.爲伍. d) 爲爲鉦爲鉦 爲爲爲む爲萎鉦迦
5 What is the name of a memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential?
a) Cache b) Stack Pointer c) Accumulator d) 4) Disc
爲伍爲爻爲 爲÷÷爲萎爻爲伍爻 爲伍爲鉦朽朽 爲爲鉦爻 爲朽爲萎鉦む 爲爻爲爲萎 爲逗爲萎爲爲爲鉦 爲謹 爲爻?
a) 爲爻爲 b) 爲伍爲爻爲 爲爻爲爲爲爲 c) 爲伍爲爲爲 d) 爲÷÷伍爲
6 Epigraphy is the study of which of the following?
a) Coins a) Inscriptions c) Temples d) Birds
爲踽む爲爻爲萎鉦爻 爲 爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦爲鉦爲萎爻 爲爲爻爲爲鉦 爲爲萎 爲爻?
a) 爲む伍爻爲爲 b) 爲む謹迦鉦迦爲爻 c) 爲爲爲÷爲萎 d) 爲爲爻爲劇爲
7 Which is the highest gallantary Award in India?
a) Vir Chakra b) Param Vishist Seva Medal c) Kirti Chakra d) Param Vir Chakra
爲萎爲鉦萎む爲鉦 爲伍朽爲爻爲 爲謹爲爲 爲踽朽爲÷ 爲爲爻 爲爻?
a) 爲朽爲 爲爲爻爲 b) 爲爲萎 爲む朽む謹劇爲 爲伍爲朽 爲爲爲萎 c) 爲爻爲むむ 爲爲爻爲 d) 爲爲萎 爲朽爲 爲爲爻爲
8 From the following, who was the first women speaker of Lok Sabha?
a) Sushma Swaraj b) Margret Alva c) Meera Kumar d) 4) Sarojini Naidu
爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦爲鉦爲萎爻, 爲迦爲爲伍萎爲鉦爻 爲爻爲萎萎爲 爲爲÷項迦 爲朽爻爲む 爲爻爲 爲項む?
2. 2
a) 爲伍劇爲爲 爲伍爲朽萎鉦 b) 爲爲鉦爲鉦萎爲 爲爲迦爲朽 c) 爲爻爲萎 爲爲爲鉦 d) 爲伍萎爲爲爲爻 爲爲鉦爲
9 The Comptroller and Auditor General of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of
a) Central Government b) Local Bodies c) State Government d) Government Companies
爲萎爲鉦萎む爲 爲爲爻爲爻爲爻爲萎爲迦 爲爲爻 爲爲÷÷爲 爲爲爲萎迦 爲爲 爲伍爲伍爲萎爲 爲爻 爲爲朽 爲爲爻 爲爲爲鉦爲爲爲÷÷爲 爲爲萎む爲爲萎爻
a) 爲爻爲爻爲 爲伍萎爲鉦 b) 爲伍爲萎爲鉦む爲 爲伍爲伍爲萎爲鉦 c) 爲萎鉦爻爲 爲伍萎爲鉦 d) 爲伍萎爲鉦萎 爲爲爲爲爻爲
10 Which one of the following is not a scheme/project of the present Government?
a) AMRUT b) Swachh Bharat c) AYUSH d) Jan Dhan Yojana
爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦爲鉦爲萎爻 爲爲 爲朽む鉦爲鉦 爲伍萎爲鉦萎爻 爲爻爲爲爲 / 爲爻爲萎爲爻爲爻爲 爲爲鉦 爲伍鉦爻爲 爲爲萎爻?
a) 爲爲爻爲 b) 爲伍爲朽爻爲 爲萎爲鉦萎 c) 爲爲爲 d) d) 爲爲 爲о 爲爻爲爲爲
12 Which of the following was India's first interplanetary mission?
a) Chandrayaan Mission b) Mangalyaan Mission c) Aryabhatta Mission d) Philae Mission
爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦爲鉦爲萎爻 爲爲 爲萎爲鉦萎む爲爲爲項爲迦 爲爲爲む萎爻爲萎項爲 爲む爲謹 爲項む?
a) 爲爲爲萎爲鉦 爲む爲謹 b) 爲爲爲爲迦爲爲鉦 爲む爲謹 c) 爲爲爲鉦萎爲爻爲 爲む爲謹 d) 爲÷爲迦鉦 爲む爲謹
13 In IT sector ............ means that the data available in the database is both accurate and consistent.
a) Data Security b) Data Availability c) Data Binding d) Data Integrity
爲爲爲爻 . 爲爻爲劇爲む爲 ............. 爲爻 爲爲萎爲 爲 爲爻 爲爻 爲÷爲爲鉦逗爲伍爲鉦 爲爲爲迦爻爲 爲÷爲爲 爲逗爲爻 爲伍爻爲 爲爲爻 爲伍伍爲爲 爲爻.
a) 爲÷爲爲 爲む伍爻爲爲÷萎爻 b) 爲÷爲爲 爲爲爲迦爻爲оむ c) 爲÷爲爲 爲逗爲о爲爲む鉦 d) 爲÷爲爲 爲爲爻爲爻爲爲爻爲萎爲爻
14 Which of the following is not a method of estimating national income?
a) Value - added method b) Income method c) Export - Import method d) Expenditure method
爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦爲萎爻 爲爲 爲萎鉦劇爲萎爲 爲爲朽爲爻 爲爲爲爲鉦 爲迦爲鉦朽朽鉦爻 爲爲爻爲оむ 爲爲萎爻?
a) 爲爻爲迦爲 爲朽むо逗 爲爲爻爲оむ b) 爲爲朽 爲爲爻爲оむ c) 爲む爲爲鉦 - 爲爲爲鉦 爲爲爻爲оむ d) 爲爲爲 爲爲爻爲оむ
15 When is the International Literacy Day observed every year?
a) 6th September b) 4th September c) 3rd September d) 8th September
爲爲 爲朽劇 爲爲爲む萎萎鉦劇爲萎爲 爲伍鉦爻爲劇萎む 爲÷爲朽 爲爻爲爲鉦萎 爲爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽 爲爻?
a) 6 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲逗 b) 4 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲逗 c) 3 爲爻 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲逗 d) 爲÷) 8 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲逗
16 A tree's age can be found by?
a) counting the number of annual rings b) counting the number of branches c) measuring its
height d) measuring its girth
爲踽 爲朽爲爻爲劇爻 爲朽 爲爻爲爲 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲謹爲о 爲謹爲鉦 爲爻?
a) 爲朽鉦む劇逗 爲÷萎逗爲爻爲伍爻 爲伍爲爻爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲む萎 b) 爲謹鉦爲鉦爲爻 爲伍爲爻爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲む萎 c) 爲む爲爻 爲爲爲爲鉦 爲爲鉦爻爲爻
d) 爲む爲爲 爲爻爲萎鉦朽 爲爲鉦爻 爲爻
17 Kyoto Protocol Agreement is related to
a) Acid Rain b) Computer c) Nuclear deal d) Global warming
爲爻爲爻爲爻 爲爻爲萎爲爻爲爻爲 爲爲萎鉦 爲爻爲爲 爲伍鉦萎爻 爲伍爲逗爲むо 爲爻
a) 爲踽む伍 爲朽萎伍鉦 b) 爲爲爻爲爻爲爻爲爲爲 c) 爲爲萎爲鉦 爲伍爲爻 d) 爲爻爲迦爲逗 爲朽爲む爲逗爲
18 Which is the oldest Veda?
a) Yajurveda b) Samveda c) Rigveda d) Artharveda
爲伍爲萎爻 爲爲爻 爲朽爲 爲爲爻 爲爻?
3. 3
a) 爲爲爲朽爲 b) 爲伍爲朽爲 c) 爲÷萎爻爲朽爲 d) 爲爲萎爲鉦朽爲
19 The word Creamy layer is related with
a) Bakery products b) Dairy Products c) Air Pollution d) Social Economic Status
爲爻爲萎爲爻 爲迦爲爲謂 爲謹爻爲 爲伍鉦萎爻 爲伍爲逗爲むо 爲爻
a) 爲逗爲爲萎 爲爲む爲爲鉦爲爻 b) 爲逗) 爲÷爲萎 爲爲む爲爲鉦爲爻 c) 爲伍) 爲項朽 爲爻爲萎爻爲劇 d) 爲伍鉦爲鉦爲爲 爲爲む萎爲逗 爲伍爲伍爲萎爲む
20 When is Anti Terrorism Day observed?
a) May 25 b) May 22 c) May 19 d) May 21
爲爲む爲爲朽鉦 爲む朽萎爲о 爲÷爲朽 爲爻爲爲鉦萎 爲爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽 爲爻?
a) 25 爲爻 b) 22 爲爻 c) 19 爲爻 d) (爲÷) 21 爲爻
21 Right to Constitutional Remedies comes under:
a) Fundamental Rights b) Legal Rights c) Constitutional Rights d) D) Natural Rights
爲逗爲о鉦萎爻爲 爲爲爲鉦爲爻 爲爲むо爲鉦 爲爻爲爻 爲爲爲 爲爻:
a) 爲爻爲橿 爻爲 爲爲むо爲鉦 b) 爲爲鉦 爻爲爻 爲爲むо爲鉦 c) 爲逗爲о鉦萎爻爲 爲爲むо爲鉦 d) 爲爻爲萎鉦爻爲むむ 爲爲むо爲鉦
22 The Stadium Eden Gardens is situated at?
a) Kolkata b) Mumbai c) Chennai d) Bangalore.
爲伍爲爻爲÷÷爲 爲爲÷ 爲爲鉦÷鉦爻爲呉 爲爻爲爲鉦 爲爲朽爲迦爲爻?
a) 爲爻爲迦爲鉦む b) 爲爲爲逗 c) 爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦 d) 爲逗爲爲爻爲迦爲.
23 Minamata disease is caused by pollution of water by
a) Lead b) Tin c) Methyl isocyanate d) Mercury
爲爻爲爲鉦爲鉦む 爲萎爲 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲爲鉦爻爲爲 爲爻爲萎爻爲劇爲爻 爲爲鉦萎爻 爲萎爲鉦 爲爻
a) 爲迦爲 b) 爲爻爲 c) 爲爻爲む萎爲 爲爲爲伍爲伍鉦爲爻爲 d) 爲爲鉦萎 爲о鉦
24 Debenture holders are called _____ of a company.
a) Creditors b) Debtors c) Shareholders d) Directors
爲爻爲朽鉦爲鉦 爲о鉦萎爻爲爻 爲爲爲爲爻爲爲 _____ 爲爲項爲朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽 爲爻.
a) 爲迦爲爲爲鉦萎 b) 爲爻爲朽鉦爲鉦萎 c) 爲謹爲萎項爲迦爲÷萎 d) 爲÷÷萎爲爻爲爲
25 Decibel is used to measure _________
a) Sound Intensity b) Light Intensity c) Magnitude of earthquake d) Wave length
爲÷爲む伍逗迦爻 爲爲爲爻爲 爲爲鉦爲朽 爲爲鉦爻 爲萎爲鉦 爲爻
a) 爲о爲朽む 爲む爲朽爲萎む b) 爲爻爲萎爲鉦 爲む爲朽爲萎む c) 爲 爻爲爲爲爲爻 爲む爲朽爲萎む d) 爲朽爲 爲迦爲逗鉦
26 Rand is the currency of which country?
a) Namibia b) Iran c) Romania d) Norway
爲萎爲爻爲 爲爲爲 爲爻爲謹爲爲爲迦 爲爻?
a) 爲爲む爲逗爲 b) 爲爲萎鉦 c) 爲萎爲爲鉦む爲爲 d) 爲爻爲朽
27 Which Mosquto is the carrier of Zika Virus ?
a) Culex b) Aedes c) Anopheles d) Culiseta
爲爲爻 爲爲爻爲爲 爲爻爲爲 爲朽鉦爲萎伍爲爲朽鉦項 爲爻?
爲) 爲爻爲爲迦爲爻爲 a) 爲踽÷爲 c) 爲踽爻爲÷爲迦爲 d) 爲爲迦爲伍爲む
4. 4
28 Borrowing someone elses ideas or words, but failing to properly document the original source is
called _____
a) Paraphrasing b) Plagiarism c) Writers Blog d) Editing
爲爻爲 爲逗爲萎爲爲爲 爲む朽爲鉦萎 爲爲萎爲朽 爲謹爻爲爻 爲爲о鉦 爲迦爲朽, 爲爲萎爲 爲爻爲 爲伍爲萎爲む爻 爲爻爲爻爲 爲萎爲む 爲爲伍爲む鉦朽爲 爲爲萎朽鉦爲鉦
爲む爲劇爲爲 爲萎爲朽爲む _____ 爲爲項爲朽鉦 爲爻.
a) 爲爻爲萎鉦爻爲萎爲伍爲爲 b) 爲伍鉦÷項む爲爲爻爲萎 c) 爲迦爲爲爲爻 爲爻爲迦爲 d) 爲伍爲爲鉦爲
29 A Universal recipient has which blood group?
a) B b) A c) AB d) O
爲伍鉦朽鉦むむ爲萎 爲爻爲萎鉦爲む爲む鉦 爲爲爲 爲萎爻爲 爲爻爲萎 爲о萎鉦朽 爲爻?
a) 爲逗 b) 爲 c) 爲踽逗 d) 爲
30 Who was the first Nobel prize winner in India
(a) C. V. Raman a) (b) Rabindranath Tagore c) Amartya Sen d) (d) Mother Teresa
爲萎爲鉦萎む爲 爲爻爲萎萎爲 爲爻爲逗爲 爲爲爲鉦 爲む朽爻爲む 爲爻爲 爲項む?
a) 爲伍 爲朽. 爲萎爲 b) 爲萎朽爲爻爲萎爲鉦萎 爲爲鉦爻爲 c) 爲爲爲む爲爲 爲伍爲 d) 爲爲о 爲爻爲萎爲伍
Dr.Ashok Gaur Asst.Professor, B.J.Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, Vallabh Vidyanagar