1) A phase-locked loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input signal, allowing it to synchronize signals or generate a frequency that is a multiple of the input frequency.
2) In a simple PLL, a phase detector (PD) converts the phase difference between the input and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) output to a voltage, which changes the VCO frequency to follow the input.
3) Ripple in the control voltage to the VCO can produce side bands, so a low-pass filter is used to fix this voltage ripple problem and improve stability.
Distributed Architecture of Subspace Clustering and RelatedPei-Che Chang
Distributed Architecture of Subspace Clustering and Related
Sparse Subspace Clustering
Low-Rank Representation
Least Squares Regression
Multiview Subspace Clustering
Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF)
Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (BPMF) using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
BPMF using MCMC – Overall Model
BPMF using MCMC – Gibbs Sampling
1) The document presents the Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition (LRRHTD) method for subspace clustering. LRRHTD seeks orthogonal projection matrices for all but the last tensor mode, and a low-rank projection matrix imposed with nuclear norm for the last mode, to obtain the lowest rank representation that reveals global sample structure for clustering.
2) LRRHTD models an Mth-order tensor dataset as a (M+1)th-order tensor by concatenating individual samples. It aims to find M orthogonal factor matrices for intrinsic representation and the lowest rank representation using the mapped low-dimensional tensor as a dictionary.
3) LRRHTD formulates an
Brief Introduction About Topological Interference Management (TIM)Pei-Che Chang
This document discusses topological interference management (TIM) techniques for interference channels. TIM exploits interference alignment principles under realistic channel state information assumptions. The key ideas are:
- Focus on canceling strong interference links based on knowledge of the interference pattern
- There is a connection between TIM and the index coding problem
- The goal of TIM is to maximize degrees of freedom (DoF) based on network topology information
- Examples show how transmitting signals over multiple channel uses and exploiting the interference pattern can achieve different DoF values through interference alignment
This document discusses patch antennas. It describes the basic structure of a patch antenna, which consists of a radiating metallic patch on a dielectric substrate with a ground plane on the other side. Patch antennas radiate a linearly polarized wave and have a very low profile. Their primary limitation is narrow bandwidth, which is typically less than 5% for single-substrate designs. Common patch antenna geometries include rectangular and circular shapes to generate different beam patterns.
This document discusses various topics related to antenna fundamentals including:
1. It defines key antenna terminology such as radiation patterns, beamwidth, directivity, gain, polarization, and more.
2. It describes different categories of antenna types including loops, dipoles, slots, reflectors, patches, and more.
3. It covers antenna parameters and concepts such as radiation patterns, beam efficiency, radiation intensity, effective aperture, polarization, near and far field zones, and more.
This document discusses peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction techniques for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. It begins with an introduction to PAPR and its causes for OFDM signals. It then outlines various PAPR reduction techniques including clipping, coding, probabilistic/scrambling, predistortion, and DFT-spreading. Each technique has benefits but also cons such as distortion, reduced efficiency, or increased complexity. The document provides analysis of PAPR characteristics for different OFDM parameters and modulation schemes.
This document discusses various channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems. It describes pilot structures like block, comb and lattice types and how they are suited for different channel conditions. It also explains training symbol based channel estimation techniques like LS and MMSE. DFT-based channel estimation aims to improve performance by eliminating noise outside the channel delay. Decision directed channel estimation updates the channel coefficients without pilots by using detected signal feedback.
This document provides an introduction and overview of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). It discusses the limitations of single-carrier transmission at high data rates due to inter-symbol interference (ISI) and the complexity of equalizers. OFDM is presented as a solution that divides the available bandwidth into multiple orthogonal subcarriers. The key concepts of OFDM covered include cyclic prefix, orthogonality of subcarriers, modulation and demodulation, and how the cyclic prefix mitigates ISI between symbols. Bit error rate simulation of an OFDM system is also demonstrated.
- The document discusses wireless channel propagation and fading. It covers topics like large-scale fading (path loss and shadowing), small-scale fading (time-selective and frequency-selective fading), and statistical characterization of fading channels.
- Small-scale fading is caused by multipath propagation and results in rapid fluctuations in the strength of the received signal over short periods of time or travel distances. It can be time-selective or frequency-selective depending on delay spread and Doppler spread.
- Common distributions for modeling fading amplitudes are Rayleigh for non-line-of-sight environments and Rician when there is a dominant line-of-sight path. The document presents models for generating both Rayleigh and Rician fading
Deterministic MIMO Channel Capacity
? CSI is Known to the Transmitter Side
? CSI is Not Available at the Transmitter Side
Channel Capacity of Random MIMO Channels
Millimeter wave 5G antennas for smartphonesPei-Che Chang
This document describes research on millimeter-wave antennas for 5G smartphones. It discusses several antenna designs for both 60 GHz and 28 GHz applications. For 60 GHz, a 2012 design integrated a 16-element phased array directly into a printed circuit board. Later designs in 2013 and 2017 explored integrating antenna arrays with reconfigurable polarization into mobile device chassis. A 2014 design proposed a 28 GHz mesh-grid patch antenna array for 5G cellular devices, demonstrating an 11 dBi gain array integrated into a Samsung phone. The document outlines various antenna designs, simulation and measurement results to enable millimeter-wave smartphone connectivity.
1) The document discusses the modulation techniques used in various Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including GPS, Glonass, BeiDou, and Galileo.
2) GPS uses BPSK-R modulation with a 2.046 MHz bandwidth. Glonass uses FDMA, while the others use CDMA.
3) BOC modulation, used in Galileo, modulates the signal with a subcarrier signal that can be either sine or cosine. This results in a spectral distribution around the subcarrier frequency.
This document discusses intermodulation derivation and fundamental and mth order intermodulation distortion response. It appears to be a technical document about signal processing and distortion, though some of the content is in an unrecognized language so the full details cannot be determined from the provided excerpt.
4. 4
/customer samples
Product quality
test and analysis
Revision Revision Placement discuss
Material preparation Settings and NV
Revisions on spec and test items
EE to merge
system schematic
1. Vendor review
2. BOM check
1. Bring up by SW
2. Discuss with vendor
3. Matching tuning
4. Calibration
Chip limitation
/customer samples
Clarify issues and modify
setting or layout
Sample scan and
Product quality
test and analysis
Ensure board level
performances to pass each tests
Discuss the validness
of each tests
Remove test items
with good CPK
Arc/ME/PM and
other team
PE team/
SW team
Carriers and
and other teams
SW/Certification teams
and chip vendor
Coordinate with SW
/Ant and other teams
Basically functional
test on RF items
1. BOM change
2. Solve board level issues
3. Ensure better CPK
4. Cable loss compensation
RF Design Flow
11. 12.
1. Study customer requirement and feature sheet.
2. Evaluate new RF key parts.
3. Design RF front-end architecture and file a case for QTI’s review (make sure all
designs are QTI’s PoR).
4. Design RF schematic and file a case for QTI’s review. Make sure all RF-BB interface
connections are correct. Keep all RF parts in RF page.
5. Do RF placement (follow QTI and RF layout guidelines).
6. Check RF layout (follow QTI and RF layout guidelines).
7. Prepare RF BOM.
8. Do RF match tuning.
9. Do RF char.
10. Verify RF calibration.
11. Debug, Certifications.
12. Watch pilot run Cpk.
6. LNA Matching Design Challenges
? Matching networks are used on both
sides of the transistor to transform the
input and output impedance Z0 to the
source and load impedances ZS and ZL.
GS GL const. gain circle
Const. NF circle for GS
LNA matching conclusion: ZS按照NF circle調到最小圈, 不過也要
兼顧GS Gain circle; ZL就conjugate matching用把Gain調到最大.
7. GNSS Basic
? 2.046 MHz BW NB GPS (centered on 1575.42 MHz)
? Satellites transmit different codes at the same frequency (CDMA)
? Glonass (GLO)
? ~8.3 MHz BW (1597–1606 MHz), 14 channels (-7 to +6)
? Satellites transmit the same code on different frequencies (FDMA)
? BeiDou Systems (BDS)
? 4.092 MHz BW (1559.05 –1563.14 MHz)
? Satellites transmit different codes at the same frequency (CDMA)
? Galileo (GAL)
? 4.092 MHz BW (centered on 1575.42 MHz)
? Satellites transmit at the same frequency using Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulation (CDMA/BOC)
BW 1.023 MHz 2.046 MHz 4.092 MHz 1 kHz
9. 9
LTE Tx noise in the GPS band
? Must meet the -184 dBm/Hz spec in the GPS band at the GPS antenna 0.1dB desense.
Total RXBN @ PA output (dBm/Hz):
(SDR GPS RBN + PA GPS Rx band gain) + PA B13 2H RBN
10*log10(10^((-137 - 12)/10) + 10^(-143/10)) = -142 dBm/Hz
P.S. PA = SKY77660 LTE B13 data sheet
Loss from Rx DPx to antenna (dB):
~Loss before SDR
RXBN due to Tx @ antenna (dBm/Hz):
Total RXBN @ PA output (dBm/Hz) - B13 DPx Tx-Rx isolation @ GPS Rx frequency (dB) + Loss from Rx DPx to antenna (dB)
-142 - 45 + 5 = -182 dBm/Hz
ANT iso = 10 dB
LTE Tx noise@GPS ANT = -182 - 10 = -192 dBm/Hz
最好 = -192 dBm/Hz.
解釋-184 dBm/Hz怎麼來…
13. 13
之後有可能面臨的問題之後有可能面臨的問題之後有可能面臨的問題之後有可能面臨的問題 Part1
? 生了小孩買了生了小孩買了生了小孩買了生了小孩買了房買房買房買房買了了了了車車車車,,,,一個月小孩兩萬房貸四萬一個月小孩兩萬房貸四萬一個月小孩兩萬房貸四萬一個月小孩兩萬房貸四萬車子五千車子五千車子五千車子五千,,,,人生人生人生人生被鎖被鎖被鎖被鎖死死死死????
? 人力便宜人力便宜人力便宜人力便宜,,,,對對對對人才不重視人才不重視人才不重視人才不重視,,,,誰來做都誰來做都誰來做都誰來做都一樣一樣一樣一樣,,,,還有還有還有還有很多根本很多根本很多根本很多根本不尊重人的私人生活不尊重人的私人生活不尊重人的私人生活不尊重人的私人生活
? 情境情境情境情境1
“明天明天明天明天再看就好再看就好再看就好再看就好了了了了",,,,"下週一再回覆下週一再回覆下週一再回覆下週一再回覆人家人家人家人家” ,,,,
“辛苦辛苦辛苦辛苦了了了了,,,,這是長期抗戰這是長期抗戰這是長期抗戰這是長期抗戰,,,,不用現在不用現在不用現在不用現在burn out”,,,,
? 情境情境情境情境2結果變成結果變成結果變成結果變成
“If we can come out something by tonight, that would be great”
15. 15
? 想想想想想想想想Bode plot (波德圖波德圖波德圖波德圖): 人生橫軸轉成分貝人生橫軸轉成分貝人生橫軸轉成分貝人生橫軸轉成分貝,,,,也不過短短數十載也不過短短數十載也不過短短數十載也不過短短數十載,,,,做人灑脫坦然一做人灑脫坦然一做人灑脫坦然一做人灑脫坦然一點點點點
? 人生沒有一條路是白走的人生沒有一條路是白走的人生沒有一條路是白走的人生沒有一條路是白走的,,,,沒有什麼選擇一定是錯的沒有什麼選擇一定是錯的沒有什麼選擇一定是錯的沒有什麼選擇一定是錯的,,,,砍掉重練的代價沒有你想像的這砍掉重練的代價沒有你想像的這砍掉重練的代價沒有你想像的這砍掉重練的代價沒有你想像的這
有機會重來有機會重來有機會重來有機會重來,,,,而且這些重來的事情都會在你意想不到的時候給你重要的而且這些重來的事情都會在你意想不到的時候給你重要的而且這些重來的事情都會在你意想不到的時候給你重要的而且這些重來的事情都會在你意想不到的時候給你重要的幫助幫助幫助幫助 by呱吉呱吉呱吉呱吉
? 如果你的人生如果你的人生如果你的人生如果你的人生 現在也在低潮現在也在低潮現在也在低潮現在也在低潮當中當中當中當中,,,,如果如果如果如果你的球隊你的球隊你的球隊你的球隊 現在遭遇了一些現在遭遇了一些現在遭遇了一些現在遭遇了一些挫折挫折挫折挫折,,,,想想想想想想想想2019年的年的年的年的
? We're all shaped by our past Be thankful for everything that happens in our life.
16. 16
Five Pillars Of The Mamba Mentality:
1. Be Passionate.
2. Be Obsessive.
3. Be Relentless.
4. Be Resilient.
5. Be Fearless.
“Obsessiveness is having the attention to detail for the action you are performing at the time
you’re performing it.”
“Success is the ability to use your passion to help someone else discover their passion.”