The document discusses tips for moving from a teacher-centered to learner-centered paradigm in online education. Tip #7 recommends following a path from teacher to moderator to facilitator to mentor. Tip #8 suggests evaluating one's own teaching, while Tip #9 is to evaluate the shared learning experience. The final tip #12 is to participate in shifting the paradigm to be more learner-centered by cultivating ways of knowing and applying value chain analysis to educational courseware and content development.
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NU EdTech LearnerCenteredParadigm Tips7-12
1. Learner Centered Paradigm in Online Education (in 2 parts) Room 122 at 1:30 Barbara Lauridsen, MBA Core Adjunct Faculty, National University Learner, PhD Information Technology Education, Capella University [email_address]
2. SUMMARY (Part 1) Tip # 1 Become Story Centered Tip # 2 Open evaluation of learning experience increases awareness/trust Tip # 3 Teach Around the Circle Tip # 4 Build upon a problem-oriented approach Tip # 5 Encourage goal orientation Tip # 6 Build upon prior knowledge
3. Agenda Part 2 Tip # 7 Follow a path from teacher to moderator to facilitator to mentor Tip # 8 Evaluate our own teaching Tip # 9 Evaluate the shared learning experience Tip #10 Cultivate a holistic approach Tip #11 Coach, Motivate, Delegate, Moderate, Facilitate Tip #12 Participate in shifting the paradigm
4. Session Abstract (Part 2) What is known about how adults learn and are motivated to participate in online learning to advance their career? Builds upon theories and scholarship that leads to recommending practitioner actions. Recommended action applies Porters value chain analysis for shifting focus from teacher-centered to learner-centered learning
5. Tip #6 Tip #7 teacher > mediator > facilitator > mentor
9. Tip #8 Evaluate our own teaching b Tip #8 Evaluation Criteria (end of course survey set up as asynchronous discussion) #1: Which of the learning outcomes was most meaningful to you? Why? #2: Which learning segment of this course engaged you the most? or had the most relevant to your learning agenda? #3: Which lesson was the least interesting to you? ... which did not grab your attention? Why? #4: What event took place in this class that was the most meaningful to you? Why? #5: What lesson or event is this class was the most puzzling or confusing to you? Why? How could it be corrected? #6: If you had an "ah hah!" moment, when the light of understanding turned on, what was it? #7: What was the advantage of doing a case study, together with a virtual team?
10. Tip #8 Evaluate our own teaching c Tip #8 Evaluation Criteria (end of course survey set up as asynchronous discussion) #1: Which of the learning outcomes was most meaningful to you? Why? #2: Which learning segment of this course engaged you the most? or had the most relevant to your learning agenda? #3: Which lesson was the least interesting to you? ... which did not grab your attention? Why? #4: What event took place in this class that was the most meaningful to you? Why? #5: What lesson or event is this class was the most puzzling or confusing to you? Why? How could it be corrected? #6: If you had an "ah hah!" moment, when the light of understanding turned on, what was it? #7: What was the advantage of doing a case study, together with a virtual team?
27. Supply vs. Value Chain Whereas a supply chain involves suppliers and buyers of goods or services, a value chain focuses on the materiel or services provided by participants as the transactions reporting movement also track increase in asset value . Ideally each member in the chain makes a profit.
28. Value Chain Analysis (VCA) The concept of value chains is useful for documenting and improving any complex life cycle such as delivering online education to adults. The story of VCA with manufacturing of products, delivery of services to customers and then to focus on application of VCA for service delivery of educational courseware products to learners e.g. Course Content Development
36. Summary Part 2 Tip # 7 Follow a path from teacher to moderator to facilitator to mentor Tip # 8 Evaluate our own teaching Tip # 9 Evaluate the shared learning experience Tip #10 Cultivate a holistic approach Tip #11 Coach, Motivate, Delegate, Moderate, Facilitate Tip #12 Participate in shifting the paradigm
38. Summary (part 1 & 2) Tip #1 Become Story Centered Tip #2 Open evaluation of experience increases awareness/trust Tip #3 Teach Around the Circle Tip #4 Build upon a problem-oriented approach Tip #5 Encourage goal orientation Tip #6 Build upon prior knowledge Tip #7 Path from teacher to moderator to facilitator to mentor Tip #8 Evaluate our own teaching Tip #9 Evaluate the shared learning experience Tip #10 Cultivate a holistic approach Tip #11 Coach, Motivate, Delegate, Moderate, Facilitate Tip #12 Participate in shifting the paradigm
Editor's Notes
#2: If you wish copies of the papers or slides deck, use my webpage, connections page. Part 1 and part 2 are available using the links.
#3: Part 1 We will be examining and discussion six tips for cultivating self-directed learning for adult learners from point of view of the learners
#4: Part 2 We will be examining and discussion six tips for cultivating self-directed learning for adult learners form the point of view of the instructor/faculty
#5: The abstract for the NU interactive session is a subset of the paper in the proceedings titled Effectiveness of Interaction in Learner Centered Paradigm in Online Education .
#8: Source of image: Teacher as a Mediator. The paradigm shift is toward the teacher-as-a-mediator of community of learners. A virtual learning community culture is ideal for joint assignments which evaluate the process of team formation as well as create a high quality deliverable that is a result of inspiration and collaboration. This principle ties to approximating supported by the teacher providing scaffolding between his or her direct experience, the text book, and the students level of knowledge. The responsibility is to provide scaffolding when it is necessary
#9: Figure 3 Noaka's knowledge creation model (cited in Xu & Quaddus, 2005, Figure 1)
#10: Critical Incident Questionaire (CIQ). Brookfield (1986) extends an idea put for the by Mezirow (1985) called perspective formation, by achieving critical reflectivity that adults come to reflect on their self-images, changes in their self-concepts, question their previously internalized norms (behavioral and moral), and reinterpret their current and past behaviors from a new perspective (pp. 213-214). Brookfield (1990) defines critical incidents as brief descriptions written by learners of significant events in their lives. This list is my own adaptation as an online learning end of course survey is shown in using open discussion threads.
#11: My favorite evaluation question is about the lights turning on
#14: Source of image: Ask: When fragments of learning seems to be too scattered, how do you pull them together?
#15: Source of image: Ask: When fragments of learning seems to be too scattered, how do you pull them together?
#22: During the study the researcher to uncovered key patterns/themes and produce key words/phrases using an inductive process (Xu & Quaddus, 2005). The following diagram illustrated the synthesis of source of knowledge, a process the authors regard as applying knowledge in practice and reflects the concept of learning by doing. In support of the inductive approach, this would mean guiding learners into internalizing lessons for explicit knowledge. Hands-on practice helps strengthen the absorption of the learning, perhaps in time to be acknowledged during an end of course evaluation.
#23: Source of banner:
#24: Source of banner: Source of image:
#25: Sasse, et al. (2008) illustrate two frameworks which distinguish a familiar traditional teacher-centric discipline with a proposed learner-centered dimension. The teacher-centered paradigm ends with student learning being appraised in an objective manner using exams that maps back to the assigned readings and course content and participation. The learner centered paradigm aims at appraising learning using assessments from which course grades are merely a metric that meets formalized and approved curriculum guidelines.
#26: (image from Gumm & Turner, 2004) Gumm, R. & Turner, S. (2004). 90 minutes plus: Demystifying the reading block . National Reading First Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 13-14, 2004. Available:
#27: Motivated and Skilled Faculty . Sasse, Schwering, and Dochterman (2008) apply value chain analysis thinking to identify creating leverage among activities performed by teachers and to focus on work located along the chain for delivering an educational service. This analysis yields a shift in faculty focus downstream in the value chain, where more is expected of faculty in the areas of course design and student learning and assessment (p. 35). This study offered ideas about online programs that differentiate faculty roles based on type of service delivery. offers ideas about applying value chain analysis as a lens for examining how a diverse faculty contributes and for comparing the dual roles of research and teaching.
#30: Course Content Development. From South Africa, van der Merwe and Cronje (2004) introduce the educational value chain as a graphical tool that developers may use in re-engineering efforts to identify possible bottlenecks that are likely to occur, as well as providing a route to follow when determining the value added elements by technology. The remarkable feature of this article is the educational high-level process model (Figure14) which graphically illustrates relationships between research, course development and delivery, student systems, and assessment for e-learning processes. van der Merwe, A. and Cronje, J. (2004, June). The educational value chain as a modelling tool in re-engineering efforts. Proceedings of the 2004 international Symposium on information and Communication Technologies, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 90 (1) 122-127.
#31: Course Content Development. From South Africa, van der Merwe and Cronje (2004) introduce the educational value chain as a graphical tool educational high-level process model (Figure14) upper left corner
#32: Course Content Development. From South Africa, van der Merwe and Cronje (2004) introduce the educational value chain as a graphical tool educational high-level process model (Figure14) upper right corner
#33: Course Content Development. From South Africa, van der Merwe and Cronje (2004) introduce the educational value chain as a graphical tool educational high-level process model (Figure14) lower left corner
#34: Course Content Development. From South Africa, van der Merwe and Cronje (2004) introduce the educational value chain as a graphical tool educational high-level process model (Figure14) lower right corner
#35: Value-Chain Analysis Applied to Online Learning Calling their framework Value Co-creation Model for Services), Makkar, Gabriel & Tripathi (2008) illustrate necessary components within the higher education service industry with need to co-create value. Their perspective is that When value is co-created it implies that both service providers and users are involved (p. 197). Makkar, U., Gabriel, E., & Tripathi, S. K. (2008). Value chain for higher education sectorcase studies of india and tanzania. Journal of Services Research, 8183-200. EBSCOhost.
#36: Value-Chain Analysis Applied to Online Learning In framing ideas about generic strategy, Stonehouse and Snowdon (2007) defined value chain analysis as Porter's technique for understanding an organization's ability to add value through its activities, and their internal and external linkages, and allows managers to identify where value is currently added in the system and where there is potential to create further value in the future by reconfiguration and improved coordination of activities (p. 258). Stonehouse, G. & Snowdon, B. (2007). Competitive advantage revisited: Michael Porter on strategy and competitiveness. Journal of Management Inquiry, 16 (3), 256-273. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1346051671).
#37: Part 2 We will be examining and discussion six tips for cultivating self-directed learning for adult learners form the point of view of the instructor/faculty
#38: Source of image: