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Calificaciones Finales Compuestas
ID de     Nombre de Alumno            Porcentaje Calificación Fecha de
Alumno                                                        Actividad
179226499 ALIAGA/SILVA, CAROLINA P.   4.4        4.4          11-DIC-12
170653068 AMPUERO/RODRIGUEZ,          4.04       4.0          13-DIC-12
          CAMILA V.
179568470 BIZAMA/RAMIREZ, CONNIE      4.36       4.4         11-DIC-12
175980032 BRAVO/VILCHES, CAMILA P.    4.77       4.8         11-DIC-12
181864990 BUSTAMANTE/NAVARRO,         4.52       4.5         11-DIC-12
          LISSETTE M.
180843256 CACERES/AVILES, MARIA J.    4.15       4.2         11-DIC-12
180755519 CAMPOS/LIZAMA,              4.41       4.4         11-DIC-12
          FRANCISCA A.
161730203 CARVAJAL/RIVERA,            4.32       4.3         11-DIC-12
          STEPHANIE A.
173586701 CHARLIN/DE LA FUENTE,       3.96       4.0         11-DIC-12
          SOFIA A.
174910820 CONTRERAS/MORALES,          5.21       5.2         11-DIC-12
176724897 CORTES/ROMERO, JAVIERA      4.16       4.2         11-DIC-12
169359512 DE TEZANOS PINTO/LERIA,     4.04       4.0         11-DIC-12
17496162K DIAZ/RUBIO, CAMILA B.       4.77       4.8         11-DIC-12
17995348K DONOSO/MORENO, KARLA        5.7        5.7         11-DIC-12
178790382 DUARTE/ROJAS, DENISSE A.    4.92       4.9         11-DIC-12
180303235 FUENTES/FLORES, YAZMIN      4.87       4.9         11-DIC-12
153324735 GALVEZ/CORDERO, LIZA A.     5.04       5.0         11-DIC-12
178988980 GARCES/SOTO, DAISY M.       3.1        3.1         11-DIC-12
178578022 GONZALEZ/MOYA, PAMELA       5.17       5.2         11-DIC-12
176807245 GUTIERREZ/MASSONI,          4          4.0         11-DIC-12
          NICOLE A.
172707734 HERNANDEZ/GONZALEZ,         4.7        4.7         11-DIC-12
          MARIA T.
164737063 HERRERA/JARA, KATHERINE     4.86       4.9         11-DIC-12
171891604 LEIVA/IBACACHE, MURIEL N.   4.23       4.2         11-DIC-12
179245558 LIZAMA/MILLAÑIR, MARIA J.   6.25       6.2         11-DIC-12
173853491 MEYER/QUIROLA, DANIELA      4.03       4.0         11-DIC-12
17919578K MOSCOSO/GALVEZ,             4.13       4.1         11-DIC-12
177342262 MUÑOZ/FLORES, ARACELY H. 5.4       5.4   11-DIC-12
180788093 MUÑOZ/HIDALGO, CAROLINA 4.52       4.5   11-DIC-12
173056605 MUÑOZ/MUÑOZ, FELIPE A.  4.88       4.9   13-DIC-12
174911789 OLMOS/OLMOS, DANIELA J. 3.98       4.0   11-DIC-12
180854118 ORELLANA/MALDONADO,     5.8        5.8   11-DIC-12
          DANIELA P.
180944702 RECCAS/DUQUE, MELINA P. 5.52       5.5   11-DIC-12
179583488 RIOSECO/HARRISON,       4.53       4.5   11-DIC-12
          CAROLINA A.
177308609 RIQUELME/LARA, ROMINA I.    5.01   5.0   11-DIC-12
174910022 RODRIGUEZ/BARBIER,          5.15   5.1   11-DIC-12
          CARLA V.
163595338 ROJAS/CANALES, CINTHYA J.   4.42   4.4   11-DIC-12
177302236 ROMAN/ESPINOSA,             4.68   4.7   11-DIC-12
175784594 RUBILAR/BRIONES,          4.23     4.2   11-DIC-12
          GERALDINE B.
171885426 SANCHEZ/COFRE,            3.96     4.0   11-DIC-12
176401494 SEPULVEDA/PEDREROS,       4.83     4.8   11-DIC-12
          CINTIA P.
171024668 SEPULVEDA/TORRES, PAOLA 4.16       4.2   11-DIC-12
151120245 SOTO/MORAGA, BETSABE K. 4.39       4.4   11-DIC-12
159312674 TOLEDO/NUÑEZ, JOHANA K. 4.57       4.6   11-DIC-12
181202270 TRONI/SAAVEDRA, CAMILA I. 4.6      4.6   11-DIC-12
173442890 VALDERAS/MELLA, CAMILA      5.82   5.8   11-DIC-12
173911815 VALENZUELA/MORALES,         4.56   4.6   13-DIC-12
          ELAINE C.
177938386 VELIZ/BUSTOS, CAMILA A.     4.29   4.3   11-DIC-12
156334162 ZAPATA/SOTO, CAROLINA A.    5.02   5.0   11-DIC-12

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  • 1. Calificaciones Finales Compuestas ID de Nombre de Alumno Porcentaje Calificación Fecha de Alumno Actividad 179226499 ALIAGA/SILVA, CAROLINA P. 4.4 4.4 11-DIC-12 170653068 AMPUERO/RODRIGUEZ, 4.04 4.0 13-DIC-12 CAMILA V. 179568470 BIZAMA/RAMIREZ, CONNIE 4.36 4.4 11-DIC-12 S. 175980032 BRAVO/VILCHES, CAMILA P. 4.77 4.8 11-DIC-12 181864990 BUSTAMANTE/NAVARRO, 4.52 4.5 11-DIC-12 LISSETTE M. 180843256 CACERES/AVILES, MARIA J. 4.15 4.2 11-DIC-12 180755519 CAMPOS/LIZAMA, 4.41 4.4 11-DIC-12 FRANCISCA A. 161730203 CARVAJAL/RIVERA, 4.32 4.3 11-DIC-12 STEPHANIE A. 173586701 CHARLIN/DE LA FUENTE, 3.96 4.0 11-DIC-12 SOFIA A. 174910820 CONTRERAS/MORALES, 5.21 5.2 11-DIC-12 NATALIA 176724897 CORTES/ROMERO, JAVIERA 4.16 4.2 11-DIC-12 169359512 DE TEZANOS PINTO/LERIA, 4.04 4.0 11-DIC-12 TRINIDAD 17496162K DIAZ/RUBIO, CAMILA B. 4.77 4.8 11-DIC-12 17995348K DONOSO/MORENO, KARLA 5.7 5.7 11-DIC-12 178790382 DUARTE/ROJAS, DENISSE A. 4.92 4.9 11-DIC-12 180303235 FUENTES/FLORES, YAZMIN 4.87 4.9 11-DIC-12 A. 153324735 GALVEZ/CORDERO, LIZA A. 5.04 5.0 11-DIC-12 178988980 GARCES/SOTO, DAISY M. 3.1 3.1 11-DIC-12 178578022 GONZALEZ/MOYA, PAMELA 5.17 5.2 11-DIC-12 A. 176807245 GUTIERREZ/MASSONI, 4 4.0 11-DIC-12 NICOLE A. 172707734 HERNANDEZ/GONZALEZ, 4.7 4.7 11-DIC-12 MARIA T. 164737063 HERRERA/JARA, KATHERINE 4.86 4.9 11-DIC-12 N. 171891604 LEIVA/IBACACHE, MURIEL N. 4.23 4.2 11-DIC-12 179245558 LIZAMA/MILLAÑIR, MARIA J. 6.25 6.2 11-DIC-12 173853491 MEYER/QUIROLA, DANIELA 4.03 4.0 11-DIC-12 P. 17919578K MOSCOSO/GALVEZ, 4.13 4.1 11-DIC-12
  • 2. CONSUELO E. 177342262 MUÑOZ/FLORES, ARACELY H. 5.4 5.4 11-DIC-12 180788093 MUÑOZ/HIDALGO, CAROLINA 4.52 4.5 11-DIC-12 A. 173056605 MUÑOZ/MUÑOZ, FELIPE A. 4.88 4.9 13-DIC-12 174911789 OLMOS/OLMOS, DANIELA J. 3.98 4.0 11-DIC-12 180854118 ORELLANA/MALDONADO, 5.8 5.8 11-DIC-12 DANIELA P. 180944702 RECCAS/DUQUE, MELINA P. 5.52 5.5 11-DIC-12 179583488 RIOSECO/HARRISON, 4.53 4.5 11-DIC-12 CAROLINA A. 177308609 RIQUELME/LARA, ROMINA I. 5.01 5.0 11-DIC-12 174910022 RODRIGUEZ/BARBIER, 5.15 5.1 11-DIC-12 CARLA V. 163595338 ROJAS/CANALES, CINTHYA J. 4.42 4.4 11-DIC-12 177302236 ROMAN/ESPINOSA, 4.68 4.7 11-DIC-12 CHARLOTTE 175784594 RUBILAR/BRIONES, 4.23 4.2 11-DIC-12 GERALDINE B. 171885426 SANCHEZ/COFRE, 3.96 4.0 11-DIC-12 CONSTANZA 176401494 SEPULVEDA/PEDREROS, 4.83 4.8 11-DIC-12 CINTIA P. 171024668 SEPULVEDA/TORRES, PAOLA 4.16 4.2 11-DIC-12 A. 151120245 SOTO/MORAGA, BETSABE K. 4.39 4.4 11-DIC-12 159312674 TOLEDO/NUÑEZ, JOHANA K. 4.57 4.6 11-DIC-12 181202270 TRONI/SAAVEDRA, CAMILA I. 4.6 4.6 11-DIC-12 173442890 VALDERAS/MELLA, CAMILA 5.82 5.8 11-DIC-12 R. 173911815 VALENZUELA/MORALES, 4.56 4.6 13-DIC-12 ELAINE C. 177938386 VELIZ/BUSTOS, CAMILA A. 4.29 4.3 11-DIC-12 156334162 ZAPATA/SOTO, CAROLINA A. 5.02 5.0 11-DIC-12