This document provides a study guide for an 8th grade algebra test covering linear equations and relationships. It lists 17 concepts to be familiar with, including finding the slope and y-intercept of a line from its graph or equation, graphing linear equations, finding x- and y-intercepts, creating linear equations from graphs or two points, identifying linear and inverse relationships from graphs and tables, identifying parallel and perpendicular lines from graphs and equations, and finding equations of lines parallel or perpendicular to given lines. For each concept, it provides a brief explanation and example.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para ensamblar una computadora personal. Instruye al lector en asegurar la tarjeta madre, la RAM, la CPU y el ventilador en su lugar, aplicar pasta t辿rmica a la CPU, y conectar los componentes.
Este documento presenta una situaci坦n de aprendizaje dise単ada para ense単ar conceptos de movimiento angular a trav辿s de tres sesiones. La situaci坦n incluye actividades grupales e individuales como investigaci坦n, ejercicios y la creaci坦n de maquetas para representar conceptos clave. El objetivo es que los estudiantes puedan diferenciar tipos de movimiento y analizar ecuaciones de movimiento angular.
El documento proporciona consejos para que el equipo de producci坦n se desligue progresivamente de la persona llamada M, quien no ha estado aportando al proyecto de manera creativa ni operativa a pesar de financiar el viaje. Sugiere tener una reuni坦n sincera para dejar en claro la falta de contribuci坦n de M y que el equipo se har叩 cargo de la producci坦n. Adem叩s, aconseja ganarse a otros contactos y dejar fuera a M de las conversaciones, a fin de demostrar que el proyecto puede funcionar sin su participaci坦n.
1. El documento proporciona gu鱈as sobre el manejo de los nuevos anticoagulantes orales (dabigatr叩n, rivaroxab叩n, apixab叩n) ante diversas situaciones cl鱈nicas como hemorragias, insuficiencia hep叩tica o renal, trombopenia, v坦mitos y traumatismos craneoencef叩licos.
2. Tambi辿n distingue entre procedimientos que no requieren suspender el tratamiento anticoagulante y procedimientos de alto riesgo hemorr叩gico que s鱈 requieren su suspensi坦n temporal.
Este documento presenta una discusi坦n sobre diferentes paradigmas de investigaci坦n educativa, incluyendo el paradigma cuantitativo, cualitativo, orientado a la toma de decisiones y al cambio. Tambi辿n discute las posiciones de unidad versus diversidad entre los paradigmas, proponiendo un enfoque de investigaci坦n educativa cr鱈tica que integra lo mejor de cada uno.
Workplace bullying is a non-physical behavior that psychologically and emotionally harms employees by excluding, embarrassing, or blaming them without reason. It can include verbal abuse, criticism, exclusion from events, and intentional ignoring. Employees who are bullied often experience stress, tardiness, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and depression. Physically, bullying can cause high blood pressure, digestive issues, and lack of sleep. Companies also suffer negative impacts like increased training costs from frequent employee turnover due to low motivation and the reputation of allowing bullying.
Este documento es una invitaci坦n a miembros de grupos de coordinaci坦n y subcoordinaci坦n cantonal, l鱈deres juveniles y j坦venes interesados en procesos sociales integrales en el Carchi para un evento de tres d鱈as con el objetivo de fortalecer sus habilidades sociales, t辿cnicas y organizativas. El evento se llevar叩 a cabo del 23 al 25 de mayo en Hoster鱈a Para鱈so Escondido y abordar叩 temas como la agenda juvenil provincial, organizaci坦n territorial juvenil y la estrategia ENIPLA.
El documento describe diferentes elementos y medios de conexi坦n de redes, incluyendo cables de red Ethernet, switches, adaptadores WIFI para tarjetas PCI, USB y PCMCIA, puntos de acceso, routers WIFI y dispositivos de conexi坦n a Internet como modems ADSL USB, cable modems y routers combinados con modem.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de redes y medios de comunicaci坦n. Explica redes como PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN y WLAN y sus caracter鱈sticas. Tambi辿n describe componentes de hardware como servidores, tarjetas de red, concentradores, switches, routers y firewalls. Adem叩s, cubre componentes de software como plataformas de servidor, servidores de aplicaciones y medios de comunicaci坦n como cable coaxial, cable par trenzado y fibra 坦ptica.
El documento habla sobre la creatividad y sus diferentes tipos y t辿cnicas. Define la creatividad como la capacidad de crear algo nuevo y singular. Explica que hay diferentes niveles de creatividad como la expresiva, productiva, inventiva e innovadora. Tambi辿n describe varias t辿cnicas creativas como la lluvia de ideas, cr辿ate, percepSight, mind mapping y sin辿ptica. Finalmente, se単ala algunas caracter鱈sticas comunes en personas creativas como la curiosidad intelectual y la capacidad de redefinici坦n.
El bullying es un fen坦meno de violencia escolar que involucra el maltrato y la intimidaci坦n repetida de ni単os y adolescentes. Se caracteriza por un abuso de poder donde el agresor intimida a la v鱈ctima sin provocaci坦n, caus叩ndole da単o f鱈sico y emocional. Existen diferentes tipos de bullying como el f鱈sico, verbal, psicol坦gico y cibern辿tico.
Food allergies vary significantly between countries. While milk, egg, and fish allergies are common in the US, research finds that other countries have higher rates of allergies to foods like hazelnuts, peaches, shrimp, and wheat. Researchers believe differences in typical diets across countries impact the prevalence of different food allergies. People experiencing allergic reactions should avoid the triggering food, take an antihistamine for mild symptoms, or seek emergency help immediately for severe reactions like anaphylaxis.
US Gross Domestic Income Growth Outpaces GDP Growth in Q4 2011Ed Dolan
US GDP growth was 3.0 percent in Q4 2011, according to the final estimate, but GDI grew more strongly, at 4.4 percent
Comprender momentos de la vida de los animalesJavier
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre animales para estudiantes de 3属-4属 b叩sico. Incluye objetivos de clasificar seres vivos y distinguir entre animales ov鱈paros, viv鱈paros y de diferentes tipos de alimentaci坦n como carn鱈voros, herb鱈voros y omn鱈voros. El profesor Javier Otazo gu鱈a a los estudiantes a responder preguntas y evaluar su aprendizaje sobre estos temas.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de bullying, incluyendo el f鱈sico, verbal, psicol坦gico y social. Explica que el bullying suele ser un proceso sistem叩tico y prolongado que involucra la represi坦n de problemas y hace que las v鱈ctimas se sientan culpables. Puede ocurrir de forma directa o indirecta a trav辿s de agresiones f鱈sicas o psicol坦gicas.
El documento describe el camino de la Navidad como un camino largo y corto al mismo tiempo, que conecta a Dios con los hombres, Bel辿n con Nazaret, y cada persona con los dem叩s. Se pregunta cu叩n lejos est叩n los corazones de Dios, los hombres y entre s鱈, sugiriendo que el amor acorta las distancias mientras que el desamor las alarga.
1. La hipertensi坦n primaria se caracteriza por patrones hemodin叩micos como el aumento del gasto cardiaco o la resistencia perif辿rica, y puede deberse a factores gen辿ticos, del medio ambiente fetal o la hipertrofia vascular. 2. El tratamiento de la hipertensi坦n busca metas de presi坦n arterial dependiendo del riesgo del paciente, e incluye diur辿ticos, antagonistas de calcio, antagonistas beta-adren辿rgicos e inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina. 3. La
Este documento describe diferentes elementos de redes, incluyendo cables, tarjetas de red, switches y routers. Los cables Ethernet, UTP y STP se usan para conectar dispositivos de red, mientras que switches permiten conectar m叩s de dos elementos. Las tarjetas PCI, USB y PCMCIA WIFI permiten conectividad inal叩mbrica. Los acces points y routers WIFI conectan redes Ethernet e inal叩mbricas. Los modems USB, cable y routers con ADSL/cable proporcionan conexi坦n a Internet.
En 1826, Sim坦n Bol鱈var convoc坦 el Congreso de Panam叩 para crear una asociaci坦n de estados en el hemisferio americano. En 1890 se estableci坦 la Uni坦n Internacional de las Rep炭blicas Americanas. El 14 de abril se celebra el D鱈a de las Am辿ricas en conmemoraci坦n a la fundaci坦n de esta uni坦n, para promover la paz, la solidaridad y la cooperaci坦n entre las naciones del continente.
El sentido de la reforma educativa en los docentes deJaqueline Palafox
Este documento discute los desaf鱈os que enfrentan los docentes de historia en la escuela secundaria luego de la reforma educativa de 2006 en M辿xico. La reforma educativa requiere que los docentes atiendan a la diversidad de los alumnos, pero esto es dif鱈cil porque los docentes no est叩n suficientemente preparados y no cuentan con los recursos o el tiempo necesarios. Adem叩s, el sistema educativo se basa demasiado en un enfoque conductista que dificulta atender las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes. Para superar estos obst叩culos
Desarrollo de colecciones en la biblioteca universitariamarialauracordasco
Este documento presenta la pol鱈tica de desarrollo de colecciones de una biblioteca universitaria. Define el desarrollo de colecciones como un plan estrat辿gico para satisfacer las necesidades de informaci坦n de la comunidad acad辿mica mediante la adquisici坦n de materiales en todos los formatos. Detalla los objetivos, tipos de materiales, niveles acad辿micos, idiomas, n炭mero de ejemplares, criterios y modos de selecci坦n, y procesos de evaluaci坦n y revisi坦n de la pol鱈tica.
El movimiento estudiantil chileno surgi坦 en rechazo al sistema educativo establecido durante la dictadura de Pinochet, el cual financiaba en un 25% al estado y un 75% a las familias. Los estudiantes exigen una educaci坦n p炭blica, gratuita, aut坦noma, democr叩tica, de excelencia e intercultural. Se han manifestado de forma creativa pero tambi辿n han enfrentado represi坦n policial. Sus protestas han llevado a reformas educativas para mejorar la calidad y equidad del sistema.
Este documento presenta una discusi坦n sobre diferentes paradigmas de investigaci坦n educativa, incluyendo el paradigma cuantitativo, cualitativo, orientado a la toma de decisiones y al cambio. Tambi辿n discute las posiciones de unidad versus diversidad entre los paradigmas, proponiendo un enfoque de investigaci坦n educativa cr鱈tica que integra lo mejor de cada uno.
Workplace bullying is a non-physical behavior that psychologically and emotionally harms employees by excluding, embarrassing, or blaming them without reason. It can include verbal abuse, criticism, exclusion from events, and intentional ignoring. Employees who are bullied often experience stress, tardiness, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and depression. Physically, bullying can cause high blood pressure, digestive issues, and lack of sleep. Companies also suffer negative impacts like increased training costs from frequent employee turnover due to low motivation and the reputation of allowing bullying.
Este documento es una invitaci坦n a miembros de grupos de coordinaci坦n y subcoordinaci坦n cantonal, l鱈deres juveniles y j坦venes interesados en procesos sociales integrales en el Carchi para un evento de tres d鱈as con el objetivo de fortalecer sus habilidades sociales, t辿cnicas y organizativas. El evento se llevar叩 a cabo del 23 al 25 de mayo en Hoster鱈a Para鱈so Escondido y abordar叩 temas como la agenda juvenil provincial, organizaci坦n territorial juvenil y la estrategia ENIPLA.
El documento describe diferentes elementos y medios de conexi坦n de redes, incluyendo cables de red Ethernet, switches, adaptadores WIFI para tarjetas PCI, USB y PCMCIA, puntos de acceso, routers WIFI y dispositivos de conexi坦n a Internet como modems ADSL USB, cable modems y routers combinados con modem.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de redes y medios de comunicaci坦n. Explica redes como PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN y WLAN y sus caracter鱈sticas. Tambi辿n describe componentes de hardware como servidores, tarjetas de red, concentradores, switches, routers y firewalls. Adem叩s, cubre componentes de software como plataformas de servidor, servidores de aplicaciones y medios de comunicaci坦n como cable coaxial, cable par trenzado y fibra 坦ptica.
El documento habla sobre la creatividad y sus diferentes tipos y t辿cnicas. Define la creatividad como la capacidad de crear algo nuevo y singular. Explica que hay diferentes niveles de creatividad como la expresiva, productiva, inventiva e innovadora. Tambi辿n describe varias t辿cnicas creativas como la lluvia de ideas, cr辿ate, percepSight, mind mapping y sin辿ptica. Finalmente, se単ala algunas caracter鱈sticas comunes en personas creativas como la curiosidad intelectual y la capacidad de redefinici坦n.
El bullying es un fen坦meno de violencia escolar que involucra el maltrato y la intimidaci坦n repetida de ni単os y adolescentes. Se caracteriza por un abuso de poder donde el agresor intimida a la v鱈ctima sin provocaci坦n, caus叩ndole da単o f鱈sico y emocional. Existen diferentes tipos de bullying como el f鱈sico, verbal, psicol坦gico y cibern辿tico.
Food allergies vary significantly between countries. While milk, egg, and fish allergies are common in the US, research finds that other countries have higher rates of allergies to foods like hazelnuts, peaches, shrimp, and wheat. Researchers believe differences in typical diets across countries impact the prevalence of different food allergies. People experiencing allergic reactions should avoid the triggering food, take an antihistamine for mild symptoms, or seek emergency help immediately for severe reactions like anaphylaxis.
US Gross Domestic Income Growth Outpaces GDP Growth in Q4 2011Ed Dolan
US GDP growth was 3.0 percent in Q4 2011, according to the final estimate, but GDI grew more strongly, at 4.4 percent
Comprender momentos de la vida de los animalesJavier
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre animales para estudiantes de 3属-4属 b叩sico. Incluye objetivos de clasificar seres vivos y distinguir entre animales ov鱈paros, viv鱈paros y de diferentes tipos de alimentaci坦n como carn鱈voros, herb鱈voros y omn鱈voros. El profesor Javier Otazo gu鱈a a los estudiantes a responder preguntas y evaluar su aprendizaje sobre estos temas.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de bullying, incluyendo el f鱈sico, verbal, psicol坦gico y social. Explica que el bullying suele ser un proceso sistem叩tico y prolongado que involucra la represi坦n de problemas y hace que las v鱈ctimas se sientan culpables. Puede ocurrir de forma directa o indirecta a trav辿s de agresiones f鱈sicas o psicol坦gicas.
El documento describe el camino de la Navidad como un camino largo y corto al mismo tiempo, que conecta a Dios con los hombres, Bel辿n con Nazaret, y cada persona con los dem叩s. Se pregunta cu叩n lejos est叩n los corazones de Dios, los hombres y entre s鱈, sugiriendo que el amor acorta las distancias mientras que el desamor las alarga.
1. La hipertensi坦n primaria se caracteriza por patrones hemodin叩micos como el aumento del gasto cardiaco o la resistencia perif辿rica, y puede deberse a factores gen辿ticos, del medio ambiente fetal o la hipertrofia vascular. 2. El tratamiento de la hipertensi坦n busca metas de presi坦n arterial dependiendo del riesgo del paciente, e incluye diur辿ticos, antagonistas de calcio, antagonistas beta-adren辿rgicos e inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina. 3. La
Este documento describe diferentes elementos de redes, incluyendo cables, tarjetas de red, switches y routers. Los cables Ethernet, UTP y STP se usan para conectar dispositivos de red, mientras que switches permiten conectar m叩s de dos elementos. Las tarjetas PCI, USB y PCMCIA WIFI permiten conectividad inal叩mbrica. Los acces points y routers WIFI conectan redes Ethernet e inal叩mbricas. Los modems USB, cable y routers con ADSL/cable proporcionan conexi坦n a Internet.
En 1826, Sim坦n Bol鱈var convoc坦 el Congreso de Panam叩 para crear una asociaci坦n de estados en el hemisferio americano. En 1890 se estableci坦 la Uni坦n Internacional de las Rep炭blicas Americanas. El 14 de abril se celebra el D鱈a de las Am辿ricas en conmemoraci坦n a la fundaci坦n de esta uni坦n, para promover la paz, la solidaridad y la cooperaci坦n entre las naciones del continente.
El sentido de la reforma educativa en los docentes deJaqueline Palafox
Este documento discute los desaf鱈os que enfrentan los docentes de historia en la escuela secundaria luego de la reforma educativa de 2006 en M辿xico. La reforma educativa requiere que los docentes atiendan a la diversidad de los alumnos, pero esto es dif鱈cil porque los docentes no est叩n suficientemente preparados y no cuentan con los recursos o el tiempo necesarios. Adem叩s, el sistema educativo se basa demasiado en un enfoque conductista que dificulta atender las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes. Para superar estos obst叩culos
Desarrollo de colecciones en la biblioteca universitariamarialauracordasco
Este documento presenta la pol鱈tica de desarrollo de colecciones de una biblioteca universitaria. Define el desarrollo de colecciones como un plan estrat辿gico para satisfacer las necesidades de informaci坦n de la comunidad acad辿mica mediante la adquisici坦n de materiales en todos los formatos. Detalla los objetivos, tipos de materiales, niveles acad辿micos, idiomas, n炭mero de ejemplares, criterios y modos de selecci坦n, y procesos de evaluaci坦n y revisi坦n de la pol鱈tica.
El movimiento estudiantil chileno surgi坦 en rechazo al sistema educativo establecido durante la dictadura de Pinochet, el cual financiaba en un 25% al estado y un 75% a las familias. Los estudiantes exigen una educaci坦n p炭blica, gratuita, aut坦noma, democr叩tica, de excelencia e intercultural. Se han manifestado de forma creativa pero tambi辿n han enfrentado represi坦n policial. Sus protestas han llevado a reformas educativas para mejorar la calidad y equidad del sistema.
Take eight matches to form a 2x2 square. The goal is to divide this square into two parts of equal area and shape using four additional matches without cutting, breaking, or overlapping the matches.
The document defines polynomials as expressions involving variables, coefficients, and operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and exponents. It discusses key concepts such as like terms, polynomial addition by combining like terms, polynomial subtraction by subtracting like terms, and polynomial multiplication by multiplying each term of one polynomial by each term of the other and combining like terms. The document also covers the degree of a polynomial as the largest exponent occurring in its terms and concludes that polynomials are an important topic in mathematics that help develop thinking skills.
The document discusses mobile learning and the opportunities it provides for teaching and learning. It describes how mobile devices like phones can be used to deliver content like podcasts and support learning outside the classroom. It outlines the capabilities of modern mobile phones for tasks like creating media and accessing the internet. The document discusses challenges like varying phone features and formats, and explores how mobile learning can be applied in contexts like math education. It concludes that mobile learning is still emerging but that acknowledging students' use of mobile devices and incorporating some mobile experiences into course design can enhance teaching and learning.
The document discusses mobile learning and the opportunities it provides for teaching and learning. It describes how mobile devices like phones can be used to deliver content like podcasts and support learning outside the classroom. It outlines the capabilities of basic and advanced phones and discusses challenges like varying devices and formats. It provides examples of using phones to create multimedia and engage with location-based activities. While interoperability issues exist, mobile learning allows new opportunities to be explored.
Unjustly Incriminating Bacteria: the Role of Bacteriophages in Bacterial Infe...christianagboeze2427
Based on human relationship with bacteria, virulence is one of the most important case to us. Some forms of virulence thought to arise only from the actions of bacteria are not actually caused by them but are indirectly influenced by another counterpart in the microbial mix of the ecosystem called bacteriophage; viruses that only infect prokaryotes such as bacteria but not eukaryotes. Bacteriophages preferably attack bacteria due to the lack of specific receptors for phages on eukaryotic cells which are found in bacteria e.g. peptide sequences and polysaccharide moieties in gram positive and gram negative bacteria, bacterial capsules, slime layers, flagella etc. They recognize and bind to bacteria using appropriate receptors, subsequently proceeding to inject their genome called prophage into their host. This review focuses on the most probable outcomes of phage-host interactions via the lytic and lysogenic cycles which are therapeutic effect and pathogenicity/resistance to antibiotics respectively. By lysogenic conversion or transfer of acquired genetic materials via transduction, phages can confer unusual traits such as virulence and antibiotics resistance. Important pathogenic bacteria that cause persistent and critical infections which have their pathogenicity engineered by phages include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium spp.
The prophages influence their virulence in a variety of ways which include: contribution to the production of phage-encoded toxins, modification of the bacterial envelope, mediation of bacterial infectivity, and control of bacterial cell regulation. The unwavering threat of antimicrobial resistance in global health, extreme difficulty involved in developing novel antibiotics, and the rate at which microorganisms develop resistance to newly introduced antimicrobials have sparked urgency and interest in research for effective methods to eradicate pathogenic bacteria and limit antibiotic resistance. As a result, interest in phage therapy has been reignited because of the high efficiency in detecting and killing pathogenic bacteria by phages.
Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through th...VasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry) is a powerful analytical tool for comparing innovator and biosimilar drugs. It ensures precise characterization, detecting structural variations, impurities, and post-translational modifications, ensuring biosimilar quality, efficacy, and regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical development.
Overview of basic statistical mechanics of NNsCharles Martin
Overview of topics in the paper
A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks (2014)
Respiration & Gas Exchange | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explains respiration and gas exchange, covering the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the structure of the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, and the role of diffusion. Learn about the effects of exercise on breathing, how smoking affects the lungs, and how respiration provides energy for cells. A perfect study resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
The Sense Organs: Structure and Function of the Eye and Skin | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This detailed presentation covers the structure and function of the sense organs, focusing on the eye and skin as part of the Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus. Learn about the anatomy of the eye, how vision works, adaptations for focusing, and common eye defects. Explore the role of the skin in temperature regulation, protection, and sensory reception. Perfect for students preparing for exams!
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymis...ThrombUS+ Project
At the BIOSTEC 2025 conference, Eleni Kaldoudi, ThrombUS+ project coordinator, presented our recent work entitled Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymisation, Cropping, and Tagging. Eleni provided an overview of the application we developed to facilitate the preparation of ultrasound images, acquired via the ThrombUS+ clinical study A, for the purpose of developing AI models for automated detection of deep vein thrombosis.
About ThrombUS+:
Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. Activity and physiological measurements will continuously assess DVT risk, supporting prevention through serious gaming. An intelligent decision support unit will provide real-time monitoring and alerts, with extended reality guiding users for optimal device utilization.
ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
Beyond Point Masses. IV. Trans-Neptunian Object Altjira Is Likely a Hierarchi...S辿rgio Sacani
Dynamically studying trans-Neptunian object (TNO) binaries allows us to measure masses and orbits. Most of the known objects appear to have only two components, except (47171) Lempo, which is the single known hierarchical triple system with three similar-mass components. Though hundreds of TNOs have been imaged with high-resolution telescopes, no other hierarchical triples (or trinaries) have been found among solar system small bodies, even though they are predicted in planetesimal formation models such as gravitational collapse after the streaming instability. By going beyond the point-mass assumption and modeling TNO orbits as non-Keplerian, we open a new window into the shapes and spins of the components, including the possible presence of unresolved inner binaries. Here we present evidence for a new hierarchical triple, (148780) Altjira (2001 UQ18), based on non-Keplerian dynamical modeling of the two observed components. We incorporate two recent Hubble Space Telescope observations, leading to a 17 yr observational baseline. We present a new open-source Bayesian pointspread function fitting code called nPSF that provides precise relative astrometry and uncertainties for single images. Our non-Keplerian analysis measures a statistically significant (2.5) nonspherical shape for Altjira. The measured J2 is best explained as an unresolved inner binary, and an example hierarchical triple model gives the best fit to the observed astrometry. Using an updated non-Keplerian ephemeris (which is significantly different from the Keplerian predictions), we show that the predicted mutual event season for Altjira has already begun, with several excellent opportunities for observations through 2030.
Pig farming, pork farming, pig production or hog farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork: bacon, ham, gammon) and skins.
Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming (being allowed to wander around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owner's house). Historically, farm pigs were kept in small numbers and were closely associated with the residence of the owner, or in the same village or town.[1] They were valued as a source of meat and fat, and for their ability to convert inedible food into meat and manure, and were often fed household food waste when kept on a homestead.[2] Pigs have been farmed to dispose of municipal garbage on a large scale.[3]
All these forms of pig farm are in use today, though intensive farms are by far the most popular, due to their potential to raise a large amount of pigs in a very cost-efficient manner.[4] In developed nations, commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings.[5] Pigs are a popular form of livestock, with more than one billion pigs butchered each year worldwide, 100 million in the United States. The majority of pigs are used for human food, but also supply skin, fat and other materials for use in clothing, ingredients for processed foods,[6] cosmetics,[7] and medical use.[8]Pig farming has gained importance today. Pigs have inherited capacity to acclimatize with varying climatic conditions. Pigs cannot withstand high temperature climate.
Pigs are adjusted to varied rearing practices and consume different types of food (Omnivorous) to attain higher growth and meat production.
Pigs will attain 60-70kg body weight in 6-8months period.
Female pigs i.e., sows will come to heat at age of 8-9 months but avoid using male pigs (Boars) for breeding purpose until it attains one year of age.
Adult sows when bred during right time after attaining maturity will farrow 8-12 piglets in 112-118 days of gestation period (i.e., about 4 months of gestation). Feedefficiencyis to gain one Kg live weightfor every 2.75-3kg feed consumed (FCR: 1:2.75). There are many advantageous in pig rearing. Pork is available at a cheaper price with nutritious and highly palatable tasty meat of higher quality animal protein. Pig bones are used for producing bone meal and also used for purification of sugar in sugar industry.
The manure droppings and urine are good fertilizers which enhance the soil fertilityand improve grain production.
Pig hairs (Bristles) are used for making brushes and ropes, hooves are used for shirt button making and preparation of gum. Hence, pigs are called as multi utility domestic animals. Farmers can take up piggery farming and reduce their debt burden and improve their profits and livelihood.