This document provides 10 tips for mitigating seismic risk and preparing for earthquakes: 1) Move heavy furniture away from beds and sofas. 2) Fix tall furniture to walls. 3) Hang pictures with closed hooks. 4) Put heavy objects on lower shelves. 5) Learn locations of utility control points. 6) Learn first aid. 7) Identify safe places to take cover. 8) Keep a flashlight and emergency kit accessible. 9) Set aside emergency supplies. 10) Locate safe outdoor places away from hazards. The document encourages emergency preparation and being informed on earthquake safety procedures.
Este documento presenta un taller sobre conjuntos y relaciones matem¨¢ticas realizado por 5 estudiantes de la Universidad ECCI en Bogot¨¢, Colombia en septiembre de 2015. Incluye ejemplos de operaciones con conjuntos como uniones, intersecciones y complementos, as¨ª como consultas SQL sobre tablas de empleados y cargos.
Slow Down: Teaching Students to Encode their Close ReadingM. H Beals
A workshop held at the Teaching History in Higher Education Conference, hosted by the Institute of Historical Research and supported by the Royal Historical Society, 8 September 2015. (ORCID: 0000-0002-2907-3313)
Promoting Peer-to-Peer Teaching, On and OfflineM. H Beals
A Presentation and Workshop given at the History New-to-Teaching Workshop, hosted by the Institute of Historical Research and supported by the Royal Historical Society, 7 September 2015
Dokumen ini membahas tingkat pemahaman seseorang terhadap subjek yang akan dijadikan film. Jika subjek tidak dipahami dengan baik, diperlukan pengumpulan data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku harian, surat pribadi, otobiografi, dokumen pribadi, dan dokumen resmi. Data yang terkumpul perlu diklasifikasi, diverifikasi, dianalisis, dan dilaporkan.
This document outlines the content for a project booklet on water resources and systems. It will discuss ancient Greek and Roman water systems, the evolution of modern systems, and main water resources in Argentina like the Guarani Aquifer and Patagonian glaciers. It will also cover topics like water pollution causes and solutions, as well as artistic movements promoting water awareness. The overall goal is to create an informative booklet that raises awareness of water as a non-renewable resource.
The document provides information about the Elessions fragrance brand, including its history and product lines. It was founded in 2011 by a couple in Paris who wanted to share the joy and beauty they experienced in the city. Their collection includes Classic, Green, and Noir Edition lines that transport the user to different places and moods through their scents. The document describes each fragrance and notes what feelings and memories they aim to evoke. It also discusses the brand's production process and values, as well as information for potential partners.
This document contains information about a discrete mathematics workshop on propositional logic held in September 2015 in Bogot¨¢, Colombia. It lists the names of five students and one professor from Universidad ECCI who participated in the workshop. The workshop materials contain several logic formulae and problems about propositional logic, contingency, functional completeness, and truth tables.
This document is a resume for Gwendolyn P. Himaya, who has almost 8 years of experience in sales and customer service in the GCC region. She is seeking a position that utilizes her skills and experience. She has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and is proficient in Microsoft Office programs. Her employment history includes roles as a Store Manager and Shop-in-Charge for retail companies in Dubai, where she was responsible for maximizing sales, customer service, staff management, and ensuring high product presentation standards.
The Bottom Line's 3rd Political Comment...MMM Interesting!Michael Brown
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare by stating it provides inspiration. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".
Chris Haight has over 30 years of experience in flight test program management and execution. He has held positions as a principal engineering specialist, test conductor, and project manager on programs including the F-35, F-22, and T-38. Haight has a background in engineering, business administration, and holds a Top Secret security clearance with experience in crypto and computer security.
Promoting Peer-to-Peer Teaching, On and OfflineM. H Beals
A Presentation and Workshop given at the History New-to-Teaching Workshop, hosted by the Institute of Historical Research and supported by the Royal Historical Society, 7 September 2015
Dokumen ini membahas tingkat pemahaman seseorang terhadap subjek yang akan dijadikan film. Jika subjek tidak dipahami dengan baik, diperlukan pengumpulan data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku harian, surat pribadi, otobiografi, dokumen pribadi, dan dokumen resmi. Data yang terkumpul perlu diklasifikasi, diverifikasi, dianalisis, dan dilaporkan.
This document outlines the content for a project booklet on water resources and systems. It will discuss ancient Greek and Roman water systems, the evolution of modern systems, and main water resources in Argentina like the Guarani Aquifer and Patagonian glaciers. It will also cover topics like water pollution causes and solutions, as well as artistic movements promoting water awareness. The overall goal is to create an informative booklet that raises awareness of water as a non-renewable resource.
The document provides information about the Elessions fragrance brand, including its history and product lines. It was founded in 2011 by a couple in Paris who wanted to share the joy and beauty they experienced in the city. Their collection includes Classic, Green, and Noir Edition lines that transport the user to different places and moods through their scents. The document describes each fragrance and notes what feelings and memories they aim to evoke. It also discusses the brand's production process and values, as well as information for potential partners.
This document contains information about a discrete mathematics workshop on propositional logic held in September 2015 in Bogot¨¢, Colombia. It lists the names of five students and one professor from Universidad ECCI who participated in the workshop. The workshop materials contain several logic formulae and problems about propositional logic, contingency, functional completeness, and truth tables.
This document is a resume for Gwendolyn P. Himaya, who has almost 8 years of experience in sales and customer service in the GCC region. She is seeking a position that utilizes her skills and experience. She has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and is proficient in Microsoft Office programs. Her employment history includes roles as a Store Manager and Shop-in-Charge for retail companies in Dubai, where she was responsible for maximizing sales, customer service, staff management, and ensuring high product presentation standards.
The Bottom Line's 3rd Political Comment...MMM Interesting!Michael Brown
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare by stating it provides inspiration. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".
Chris Haight has over 30 years of experience in flight test program management and execution. He has held positions as a principal engineering specialist, test conductor, and project manager on programs including the F-35, F-22, and T-38. Haight has a background in engineering, business administration, and holds a Top Secret security clearance with experience in crypto and computer security.
1. 11
Numele TNumele T??u eu e--nn??ll??atat
Printre neamuri ePrintre neamuri e
Puterea Ta este vestitPuterea Ta este vestit??
pe-ntreg ppe-ntreg p??mm??nt.nt.
2. 22
Vrednic de cinste e?ti
Se cuvine s?
?naintea Ta , ?n fa?a
Ta Doamne!
3. 33
VoiVoi ??nalnal??aa NNumele Tumele T??uu
Voi proclama domnia-Voi proclama domnia-
??i pe pi pe p??mm??ntnt
Voi arVoi ar??ta putereata puterea
SS??ngelui Tngelui T??u Sfu Sf??ntnt
4. 44
Dorin?a mea va fi a Ta
Voi face Doamne
numai voia Ta
C?t voi tr?i pe-acest
p?m?nt s? Te slujesc
5. 55
??n glorien glorie ??i-n slavi-n slav??-ntronat-ntronat
??n splendoare en splendoare e??titi ??mbrmbr??catcat
Minunile Tale-s cMinunile Tale-s c??ntate dinntate din
neamneam ??n neamn neam
CC??ci nimeni nu este ca Tin¡¯ci nimeni nu este ca Tin¡¯
Dumnezeule divinDumnezeule divin
CreaCrea??ia-ntreagia-ntreag?? pe Tine tepe Tine te
6. 66
VoiVoi ??nalnal??aa NNumele Tumele T??uu
Voi proclama domnia-Voi proclama domnia-
??i pe pi pe p??mm??ntnt
Voi arVoi ar??ta putereata puterea
SS??ngelui Tngelui T??u Sfu Sf??ntnt
7. 77
Dorin?a mea va fi a Ta
Voi face Doamne
numai voia Ta
C?t voi tr?i pe-acest
p?m?nt s? Te slujesc