2. Intestinal obstructions occur when the flow of
intestinal contents is blocked.
There are two types of intestinal obstruction,
mechanical and paralytic, both of which can be
either partial or complete
Mechanical obstruction occurs when a blockage
occurs within the intestine from conditions causing
pressure on the intestinal walls such as adhesions,
twisting of the bowel, or strangulated hernia.
3. Paralytic obstruction occurs when peristalsis
is impaired and the intestinal contents cannot
be propelled through the bowel.
Paralytic obstruction is seen following
abdominal surgeries, trauma, mesenteric
ischemia, or infection.
5. The severity of the obstruction depends on
The area of bowel affected,
The amount of occlusion within the lumen,
The amount of disturbance in the blood flow
to the bowel