Nutrition from A to Z
-appetite v. hunger
-body image
-eating disorders
-portion control
-nutrition facts
-serving size
-food guide pyramid
9. Reasons Why we eat It (food) was there Social (family, holiday, outing) Emotions (anger, sadness, happiness) Someone Else Nervousness Stress
10. Factors that affect food choices Personal preference Convenience Cost Cultural Social Religious Availability/Variety
11. Body Image Body Image is the way you feel about and perceive your body
12. Eating Disorders A disease that involves an unhealthy concern with ones body weight and shape. Anorexia Nervosa Self-starvation Extreme weight loss Bulimia Nervosa Binge & Purge Binge-eating Disorder Bingeing
13. The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 30 percent of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older are obese. An estimated 119 million Americans, or 64.5 percent, of adults are either overweight or obese. Centers for Disease Control
14. Obesity Obesity is a condition characterized by a large percentage of body fat High cholesterol High Blood Pressure Heart disease Diabetes Stroke Cancer (certain forms)
15. Top 10 Leading Causes of Death Top 6 leading causes of death all associated with obesity Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Chronic lower respiratory diseases Diabetes Accidents (unintentional injuries) National Center for Health Statistics
19. Whats a Calorie? Unit of measurement for energy 3 of the 6 nutrients provide us with energy Carbohydrate 1 g = 4 calories Protein 1 g = 4 calories Fat 1 g = 9 calories
21. The Skinny on Fat Fat gives us twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein Quality v. Quantity
22. Serving Size Not a portion, which is the amount of food a person wants to eat; In essence whatever amount you put on your plate A serving size is the amount of food considered healthy for an average adult Need v. Want
24. Carb Count Carbohydrates are vital for our diet One of the six essential nutrients Source of energy for the body Similar to gas for the car, our body will not function without carbohydrates.
38. Evaluation One thing you learned from the presentation A question that the presentation evoked Something you will do as a result of todays presentation Additional comments
39. Thank you for your time. I have enjoyed meeting with you today. Charlotte R. Williams, MAEd, CHES [email_address] Providing timely solutions for Community Health needs Nutrition 101 Are your food choices making the grade?