Maybe it's not that difficult. Maybe practising being happy is all it takes to raise your happiness level!
This document contains 8 photos from Flickr with Creative Commons licenses. The photos depict various nature scenes and objects but have no other accompanying text. They are credited to different photographers and have licenses that allow for non-commercial sharing and modification.
The document is a collection of 11 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show different scenes and were uploaded by several photographers for non-commercial reuse online.
This document is a collection of 7 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects including bicycles, landscapes, people, and religious imagery. All photos are sourced and cited as being from Flickr with their corresponding Creative Commons licenses listed.
Do you love technology? Is work more than just a job? Is it your passion? Join the PGi team! As the global leader in collaboration software and services, we recruit and hire the top experts in our industry. Visit us at to learn about our open job positions in over 25 countries all over the world.
As more and more people are coming to realize, there is far more to living a truly successful life than just earning a bigger salary and capturing a corner office. Our relentless pursuit of the two traditional metrics of success - money and power - has led to an epidemic of burnout and stress-related illnesses, and an erosion in the quality of our relationships, family life, and, ironically, our careers. In being connected to the world 24/7, we're losing our connection to what truly matters.
Drawing on the latest groundbreaking research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep, and physiology that show the profound and transformative effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging, and giving, I show us the way to a revolution in our culture, our thinking, our workplace, and our lives.
This presentation is a visual excerpt of my book, Thrive. To read more, go to:
Follow these few preventive steps before blue green algae, string algae and cyanobacteria become severe and persistent problems in your pond, requiring a more aggressive treatment. We caution clients against using only algaecides in ponds, as aeration, bioaugmentation and controlling pollutants entering the pond are the preferred long term solution and should be the first line of defense. Over dosage of an algaecide can harm plants, fish and critters in a pond, so it is with caution that we use algaecides, and certainly with careful dosing in consultation with our staff.
Much like owning a garden or a pool, a pond requires some special attention in the fall in order to get it ready for winter. There are the obvious tasks like bringing in the dock or taking down the sun tent. What about the less obvious tasks that often get overlooked by pond owners, due to time constraints or simply being unaware of what needs to get done. We have compiled a helpful checklist of pond tasks that you can do over the fall weekends to prepare your pond for winter.
This document contains 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects like nature, people, technology and more. All photos credit the original photographers and share licensing terms.
Download these 5 must-have productivity apps to boost your work skills and #TakeBack60 minutes of your work week!
Tweet your #TakeBack60 story with us @PGi - and share your #Agenday productivity tips to win a cup of coffee. for more information.
The document lists 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. Each photo is credited to the photographer with a link back to the original on Flickr. The photos cover a range of subjects and were all shared with some form of Creative Commons license allowing reuse.
No solo escribas por escribir un blog. Crea una estrategia en ello. Consigue visitantes, prospectos y finalmente identifica posibles clientes a quienes les interese tus contenidos/productos.
FoxyTasks Marketing Projects Tips and Tricks - 際際滷 DeckAlek Kowalczyk
油 CEO, Alek Kowalczyk continues his efforts to help Marketing Managers to do better their projects. On Feb 4th he presented the next webinar from the management techniques series.
Check out some tips and tricks every Project Manager should be aware of !
際際滷Share and Haiku Deck Team Up for Presentation Creation and Sharing -- Millions of Users Can Now Create Beautiful Visual Presentations Directly from 際際滷Share
Painting outdoors is such an important part of the landscape artist's development. Yet a relatively few artists venture out into the real world. These slides will hopefully inspire those artists to give plein air painting a try. Plus you start my plein air painting course and get this discounted price
This document contains a collection of 13 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, portraits and more. Each photo is attributed to the photographer and linked back to the original on Flickr. All photos can be used for non-commercial purposes according to their licenses.
See what reviewers and early charter members have to say about Haiku Deck Zuru, instant presentations powered by artificial intelligence. Learn more at
The document is a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos depict a range of subjects including people, landscapes, cities and more. In summary, it is a set of royalty-free stock photos from Flickr for reuse or sharing.
Influencing the Future: Encouraging Quotes from Steve JobsHaiku Deck
The document is a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, people, and nature scenes. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and share alike conditions.
Do you struggle to determine the best price for your coaching package or course? Learn the first step to solving the price-setting puzzle - how to cover your costs, pay yourself and make a profit.
The document contains a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos are not accompanied by captions or descriptions. The document also includes a call to action to download strategies and tactics used by top bloggers.
This document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 20 photos of various landscapes, cityscapes, and travel destinations from around the world. The photos are not accompanied by captions or descriptions.
The document is a collection of 13 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by multiple photographers. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and sharing alike.
Uma pequena dica que pode fazer toda a diferen巽a entre ir adiando a vida ou come巽ar as tarefas que o v達o levar aos seus objectivos
The Future of Presentations: Top Trends for CommunicatorsHaiku Deck
From the rise of visual communication to mobile optimization, top trends in presentations for communicators. Created by Catherine Carr, Haiku Deck's Chief Inspiration Officer.
The majority of meeting and event planners dont know what a convention and visitors bureau is, much less how to use one. They tend to be social media dilettantes and lurkers. So how do you reach them? What kind of key performance indicators do you need to track? What elements of your leisure strategy can be repurposed for the meeting, incentive, conference and exhibition market? And how can you do all this with your limited budget and staff?
The document discusses how the media product uses conventions of real horror films. It incorporates the fear of being alone during a disaster, using long shots to show isolation as in "I Am Legend." It also explores the fear of not being able to trust others as in "The Road." Close-ups are used to show power dynamics during fights. While a thriller/horror, it contains elements of action and adventure genres through fighting and chase sequences shot dynamically.
This document contains 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects like nature, people, technology and more. All photos credit the original photographers and share licensing terms.
Download these 5 must-have productivity apps to boost your work skills and #TakeBack60 minutes of your work week!
Tweet your #TakeBack60 story with us @PGi - and share your #Agenday productivity tips to win a cup of coffee. for more information.
The document lists 20 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. Each photo is credited to the photographer with a link back to the original on Flickr. The photos cover a range of subjects and were all shared with some form of Creative Commons license allowing reuse.
No solo escribas por escribir un blog. Crea una estrategia en ello. Consigue visitantes, prospectos y finalmente identifica posibles clientes a quienes les interese tus contenidos/productos.
FoxyTasks Marketing Projects Tips and Tricks - 際際滷 DeckAlek Kowalczyk
油 CEO, Alek Kowalczyk continues his efforts to help Marketing Managers to do better their projects. On Feb 4th he presented the next webinar from the management techniques series.
Check out some tips and tricks every Project Manager should be aware of !
際際滷Share and Haiku Deck Team Up for Presentation Creation and Sharing -- Millions of Users Can Now Create Beautiful Visual Presentations Directly from 際際滷Share
Painting outdoors is such an important part of the landscape artist's development. Yet a relatively few artists venture out into the real world. These slides will hopefully inspire those artists to give plein air painting a try. Plus you start my plein air painting course and get this discounted price
This document contains a collection of 13 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, portraits and more. Each photo is attributed to the photographer and linked back to the original on Flickr. All photos can be used for non-commercial purposes according to their licenses.
See what reviewers and early charter members have to say about Haiku Deck Zuru, instant presentations powered by artificial intelligence. Learn more at
The document is a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos depict a range of subjects including people, landscapes, cities and more. In summary, it is a set of royalty-free stock photos from Flickr for reuse or sharing.
Influencing the Future: Encouraging Quotes from Steve JobsHaiku Deck
The document is a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show a variety of subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, people, and nature scenes. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and share alike conditions.
Do you struggle to determine the best price for your coaching package or course? Learn the first step to solving the price-setting puzzle - how to cover your costs, pay yourself and make a profit.
The document contains a collection of 12 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos are not accompanied by captions or descriptions. The document also includes a call to action to download strategies and tactics used by top bloggers.
This document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 20 photos of various landscapes, cityscapes, and travel destinations from around the world. The photos are not accompanied by captions or descriptions.
The document is a collection of 13 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects and were uploaded by multiple photographers. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and sharing alike.
Uma pequena dica que pode fazer toda a diferen巽a entre ir adiando a vida ou come巽ar as tarefas que o v達o levar aos seus objectivos
The Future of Presentations: Top Trends for CommunicatorsHaiku Deck
From the rise of visual communication to mobile optimization, top trends in presentations for communicators. Created by Catherine Carr, Haiku Deck's Chief Inspiration Officer.
The majority of meeting and event planners dont know what a convention and visitors bureau is, much less how to use one. They tend to be social media dilettantes and lurkers. So how do you reach them? What kind of key performance indicators do you need to track? What elements of your leisure strategy can be repurposed for the meeting, incentive, conference and exhibition market? And how can you do all this with your limited budget and staff?
The document discusses how the media product uses conventions of real horror films. It incorporates the fear of being alone during a disaster, using long shots to show isolation as in "I Am Legend." It also explores the fear of not being able to trust others as in "The Road." Close-ups are used to show power dynamics during fights. While a thriller/horror, it contains elements of action and adventure genres through fighting and chase sequences shot dynamically.
This document appears to be an artist's resume listing various creative works including a sound project, high school work, portraits, sculptures using paper mache, 3D animation found at a Facebook link, and drawings of random people from chatroulette. The artist has also worked on something called Notan and Labrynth but no other details are provided.
The document discusses the purpose and use of the Texas STaR Chart, which is a survey that assesses educators' technology proficiency based on the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology. It is used for teacher professional development, documenting school data, and determining funding priorities. The document also outlines sections of the long-range plan, levels of progress measured by the STaR Chart, data from a sample campus, and recommendations to improve that campus's technology integration.
Project Management for Constructing an Edible Forest Garden in GreystanesPaul Boundy
The document outlines the design and construction of an edible forest garden for a client in Greystanes, Australia within the constraints of a limited budget and timeframe. Key goals included utilizing native plants adapted to the region and low-cost/recycled materials. The design incorporated forest gardening principles like multiple plant layers, polycultures, and perennials to mimic natural ecosystems. The project faced some challenges during the one-day installation related to scheduling, materials, and last minute changes but was a success in establishing the garden's framework.
This document proposes a website containing contact information for students aged 14-20. The site would include appropriate contacts in three chosen areas relating to education, community, and activities. It would fill a gap in the market by incorporating video content for students to watch in addition to contact details. The use of imagery, video, and dynamic links is intended to make the site more appealing to a larger audience than other contact listing websites.
The Simmons family reunion will take place on July 14, 2012 from 12:00 p.m. to late afternoon at Carver Park in Texas City, Texas. Attendees are asked to arrive at 8:00 a.m. to secure a space and should bring their own chairs, lounges, cooking equipment and food and drinks to share. The reunion will feature a balloon release to honor family members who have passed away. More details including t-shirt orders will be provided soon.
Your speech is amazing. As you look out at the audience, they are on the edge of their seats; theyre nodding, and engrossed in every word that you say.
Youre about out of time and you need to wrap it up, so you say:
Who has questions for me?
Well, that's all I have for you."
"Thanks for your time."
Rambling until time runs out and sprinting off stage.
Buy my stuff.
If you ever ended your presentation with one of these statements, then youve done it. Youve blown your close.
The conclusion is the most valuable real estate in any speech. Why? Your audience remembers MOST what they hear LAST. Social psychologists call this "The Recency Effect." And because of this psychological gem, you need to write a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.
How do you do that? Read on. There are three parts to a conclusion that gets remembered and helps your message spread.
10 observations / experiences from a self learnt meditatorViet Hung Nguyen
This is my 10 observations, experiences in the last 5 years from learning meditation and starting doing it. I hope it can inspire you do what I'm doing now by sharing this.
Do you need help with an Oracle audit? If youre under threat of an audit, or you have an audit in flight, then take a few minutes to read these 6 tips that could save you not only time but also potentially a great deal of money. Weve dealt with so many Oracle customers that have been through an Oracle audit that we have compiled a few key tips on surviving an audit. Ask yourself the following questions and then run through the answers, and take the actions suggested.
No Librarian is an Island: Setting Up Goals, Boundaries, Teams, & Tools to In...Ashley Creek
This document is a collection of 25 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a wide range of subjects including nature, people, cities, and more. Attribution is required for some photos while others can be shared non-commercially or require attribution and sharing under the same license.
Emotional maturity- How mature are you emotionallly?Babu Appat
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a wide range of subjects including landscapes, people, animals, and more. Attribution is required for most photos while some have additional restrictions around commercial use or modifications. Proper attribution is needed to respect the licenses of the original photographers.
Created originally for Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) society leaders.
A social media legion is your personal or professional brand's biggest advocates online. They cheer you on, offer willing RTs and help you amplify your message. So, how do you build that group of die-hard fan followers? Here are five steps to get you started.
La reconnaissance: pierre philosophale de toute d辿marche dam辿lioration des 辿...Pierre Hervouet
La pierre philosophale avait comme propri辿t辿 celle de changer nimporte quels m辿taux vils en m辿taux pr辿cieux : or ou argent.
La reconnaissance est-elle l辿l辿ment essentiel permettant de changer nimporte quelles 辿quipes (agile ou pas), en 辿quipes performantes.
I hope that by sharing my story about reading, it can inspire you to start reading, or to read more. As I believe it is one of the most effective way for you to live a better life.
Solving the customer / user problem and building an integrated strategy to su...Kai Gait
A presenation from Digital Pharma Advances (London 2015) where I presented on understanding the the problem you are trying to solve, then building your strategy from there. Too often we start with the solution and seek to fix a problem with it, which causes friction.
Strengthening Our Strategic Thinking To Become Better LeadersJeff Hurt
Becoming a strategic thinker is not as difficult as it sounds. Although if were not careful, it may mean running in place twice as hard. It just means practicing different behaviors than what you probably already do.
When you focus on remembering minutia and details, it adversely affects your ability to engage in strategic thinking. We have to be careful as leaders and logistic meeting professionals of falling into the trap of losing sight of the bigger picture. Neuroscience has proven that when we focus and engage in strategic, abstract thinking, we improve our ability to remember the details. Becoming more strategic actually improves our logistics.
Being more strategic doesnt mean making decisions that affect your whole company. Nor does it mean allocating scarce budget dollars. And it clearly doesnt mean scouring the internet for the right response to the problem you face.
It means forcing your brain to slow down and work smarter.
Learning Outcomes:
Define a strategic brain and how it affects our leadership.
Identify three steps we need to practice to become strategic thinkers.
Discover how to improve the brains gatekeeper and increase our ROI!
Visual perception- perceptional problems and learning disabilityBabu Appat
A child may not have any problem with his Visual Image Generating System. But may have problem with Visual Image Processing System. Eyes, optic nerve and all other parts of the body involved in sight may be perfectly okay. But the processing of the visual impulses to form an idea about what's seen may be at fault. This will cause dyslexia, math problems and social difficulties.
10 consigli per creare un post perfetto (che non esiste)Riccardo Esposito
La presentazione del mio intervento al BdiBlogger, appuntamento dedicato al mondo dei blog e delle aziende che vogliono sfruttare questo strumento per migliorare la propria comunicazione online.
How to pick a lock? This is a question most have had run through their mind at one point or another. The reasons why one would actually want to learn how to pick a lock may seem limitless. It could be for ill intent, curiosity of how a lock works, or maybe even to acquire a rare skill that to most seems incomprehensible. Whatever the reason, this guide will aid you in not only learning how to pick a lock, but also how these devices work.
The Definitive Guide to Running Effective MeetingsPGi
The document is a collection of 20 stock photos from Flickr featuring people, nature, and everyday objects/scenes. Each photo is credited to the photographer and lists the Creative Commons license type.
Beyond being a software solution, CRM must be a mid to long-term strategy to transform the company.
And support it to build trust and ultimately add value to customers.
50 Ways To Crush The Things That Are Keeping You From Happiness And The Relat...C Mellie Smith
油 - Pick and choose from these 50 mind-hacks, adapting them to your marriage personality. They are here for you to pick up and use, like instruments, so you can fine-tune your marriage and your life to finally create true happiness and a stronger marriage.
Top 20 Business Buzzwords: What They Really MeanPGi
Weve heard them in every business meeting, email and presentation. Buzzwords. Phrases that leave us scratching our heads or grimacing in their constant use. Their original meanings forgotten, these words and phrases buzz around conference rooms and online meetings in reckless abandon, often leaving us mere business mortals scratching our heads. Our newest 際際滷Share deck reveals what the top 20 business buzzwords really mean. What buzzwords are flying around your office?
More business etiquette tips, presentation ideas and how-to meeting advice at
Friedrich Nietzsche - njemaki filozof Dina o邸tarec
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. It includes 20 photos in total with attribution given to the photographer for each photo. The photos cover a variety of subjects and were uploaded by different users.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Nvolvement at UNL
1. Photo by lanuiop - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
2. Photo by bibendum84 - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
3. Photo by Leo Reynolds - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
4. Photo by KJGarbutt - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
5. Photo by Juliana Coutinho - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck
6. Photo by a4gpa - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck
7. Photo by jev55 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
8. Photo by zubrow - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck
9. Photo by Proctor Archives - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck