#2: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident EngagementGood evening everyone and thank you for participating in this very important discussion today.?This will be just one of many discussions that NYCHA and all of you-- ?will have in the coming weeks about a proposal to generate funding to Improve and Preserve Public Housing here at Meltzer. ?Unlike Chicago, Atlanta, St Louis who demolished their public housing, NYCHA ?wants to keep it going for another 79 years. ?What we are going to do today is talk about one initiative to help do just that.?Many of you may have come to a meeting NYCHA hosted ?a few weeks ago. ?I also know there has been alot of misinformation or confusion out there about plans for this development and that is why it is so important that you have come here to get information, raise questions, give your opinion and offer ideas. ?I speak for everyone at NYCHA when I say we want to and will?answers?all those questions, hear your comments and welcome?all of your suggestions and ideas. ??There are more meetings to come so this will not be the only chance to offer your opinion-- this is just the beginning of this multi-year process until 2015 to 2016.
#3: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement?My name is Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement for the Department of Community Programs and Development at NYCHA and iI will be your moderator for this group discussion. There are many other NYCHA staff around the room who are here to provide info and I will briefly ask them to introduce themselves.?(Development team Fred Harris, Patricia Barrera; ?Also Manhattan Property Management Director. Sheila Pinckney)?Finally ?We also have NYCHA staff here from Property Management who can answer or address any issues you have with your apartment – they are right outside of the this room, and staff who can talk about job training and support ?etc. ?I ask that if you have a question or issue about a personal matter please raise your hand and we will make sure you speak to the right staff person.
#4: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement Walk through each of the points listed on the slideLet’s go through the ground rules so that we make the best use of everyone’s time.?At each table you have a facilitator and note taker whose job it is to keep ?your group discussions going and take down everything ?so that NYCHA has captured all comments. ?Facilitators wave hands and note takers. ?I hope you all took a moment to introduce yourselves at your tables.
#5: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement So lets talk about WHY WE ARE ALL HERE TONIGHT. ?As you may have heard or read NYCHA has developed a proposal based on discussions and planning over the past two years, much of which involved input and discussions with resident leaders and residents across the city as part of Plan NYCHA.?We are going to go through the details of this plan in a moment but basically, This proposal is to lease ?land to a developer for construction of a new apartment building here at Campos Plaza. The new apartments would be a mix of market rate and low income, and ?The money generated from this lease of NYCHA land will all go to building improvements at Campos Plaza as well as other NYCHA developments. ?(let me repeat this again because there has been a lot of confusion.--reinforce the lease and not sell- ?and that all money coming in from the leases would go back into Campos for improvements like roof, elevators, heating systems etc.... as well as other public housing developments across the city. ??Most importantly this plan will not require any Campos resident to move, pay higher rent or lose their apartment over time. ?The primary purpose of this plan is to generate substantial money to help save public housing here at Campos as well as other NYCHA developments and to make sure that public housing is around for the future.
#6: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement This PLAN is ALOT to TAKE in. ?There is important information we want to share and importantly we want to hear what you think and answer your questions. ?Based on feedback we got from you and other residents when we had our first round of meetings, ?we have broken down the discussion today into four parts. ??(Go through the Four Topics, letting them know that for each topic NYCHA staff will share information and then we will break into the table groups to review and discuss the information).?
#7: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement So lets get started with an overview of the details of the proposal so that everyone has the same information. ?We will provide you with a copy of the complete presentation at the end of the meeting today. ?I would like to introduce Fred Harris, Executive Vice President for Real Estate Development?
#8: Presenter Fred Harris, EVP for Real Estate Development?Reinforce the unmet need due to years of underfunding by the federal government $876 Million in Capital funding and $750 Million in?Operating. ?NYCHA is not getting enough money to keep the buildings maintained.Hand off to Operations Presenter
#11: Presenter –Executive Vice President for Development, Fred Harris
#12: Presenter Fred Harris, EVP for Real Estate DevelopmentReinforce that revenue that will go back into preserving public housing at Campos and other NYCHA developments across the city.
#13: Presenter Fred Harris, EVP for Real Estate DevelopmentFred Harris will then introduce Patricia Barrera, Sr. Portfolio Manager for Real Estate Development
#14: Photo caption:Lower East Side Developments (Jacob Riis Houses & Lillian Wald Houses)
#15: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Sr. Portfolio Manager for Real Estate DevelopmentExisting Uses That Will Be Displaced By Infill:45 parking spaces (33 NYCHA permit holders)Compactor yard with one bulk container and one pre-crusherBasketball and handball courtsParking Policy:NYCHA continue to provide parking spaces for all current Campos Plaza I and II resident permit holders (a total of 59 spaces)Relocation Options (in blue) and Grounds Improvement :Compactor yard on former handball courtParking lot on north side of East 13th Street expanded to East 14th Street and parking lot on Avenue C reconfigured for any additional spacesCentral Plaza will be redesigned with participation of all Campos Plaza residents (could include new play area, seating area, or a basketball court)
#17: Photo caption:Lower East Side Developments (Jacob Riis Houses & Lillian Wald Houses)
#18: Photo caption:Lower East Side Developments (Jacob Riis Houses & Lillian Wald Houses)
#19: Presenter – J. ENRIQUE RODRIGUEZ, CITY PLANNER (NO RELOCATION)Existing Uses That Will Be Displaced By Infill:45 parking spaces (33 NYCHA permit holders)Compactor yard with one bulk container and one pre-crusherBasketball and handball courtsParking Policy:NYCHA continue to provide parking spaces for all current Campos Plaza I and II resident permit holders (a total of 59 spaces)Relocation Options (in blue) and Grounds Improvement :Compactor yard on former handball courtParking lot on north side of East 13th Street expanded to East 14th Street and parking lot on Avenue C reconfigured for any additional spacesCentral Plaza will be redesigned with participation of all Campos Plaza residents (could include new play area, seating area, or a basketball court)
#21: The suggested site for replacement parking (26 spaces) is a grassy area along 3rd Avenue between 101st and 102nd Streets (in front of Building # 8).? Building #8’s address is 210 East 102nd Street.
#22: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement So now we are going to take a break here for 15 minutes to discuss everything we have shared at your tables. Tell us what you think about what we have shared so far, ask your questions and let us know your concerns. ?We will then have the facilitators go through the topline comments before we go on.??OK Lets do the read outs
#23: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement Now lets talk about an important next step in this process and that is the Request for Proposal. ?Ask Fred Harris to come up
#25: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement For our 3rd breakout discussion we want to get your thoughts and suggestions about what is important to go into this request for proposal to developers. ?we need you to think about - Alternate power source, distribution of units, Job opportunities for residents, Preference for Campos residents for the affordable apartments and financial training support for those who are interested in applying. ?There may also be other concerns that you want to make sure get addressed in this proposal so please offer them as well.?Do brief read outs from Facilitators at each table
#26: Presenter – Dr. Melba Butler, Director for Resident Engagement OK now lets talk about next steps because this is not going to happen overnight. ?This will take several years. ?Fred please come up to discuss the project timeline.
#29: Remind residents that we have copies of the presentation on the way out and also please visit the NYCHA website for updates.This is the start of many more conversations.