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We enable Industries and Agrifarms to increase profitability
without burning too much cash on maintenance, operations and
energy expenses.
Combining Energy and Digital World Together!
Recognized by;
AgriTech (AgIQ)
We offer an integrated hardware and software system (A3
platform) to indoor and outdoor
farming for real time monitoring and controlling of various parameters (Temp., Hum., Air
Quality, Lux level, Moistures etc.) for crop growth and health monitoring.
Gives (industry owners and operators) the ability to select the services that best solve
today's problems, and then easily add new ones to tackle tomorrow's demands.
We enable Utilities and Industries to optimise the input cost and maximise their revenue
through our A3
(Acquire> Analyse > Act) platform.
The Developing World Situation
Manufacturing Sector
1.Industry accounts for 26% of GDP and employs 22% of the total workforce in India.
2.Energy consumption of India is the third-largest after China and the US with 5.3% global
3.60% of energy use in the Developing World is from Industrial and Commercial
Consumers (*IEA data).
4.2X the projected growth rate of I&C Energy consumption in the next 2 decades as
compared to the Developed World (*UNIDO Data).
5.50% higher proportion of Energy in total costs of production ascompared to the
Developed World.
6.Coal and crude oil together account for 85% of the primary energy consumption of India.
Voltage And Power
Lack of
Power quality
Gap between
Generation and
Less focus
on RES
Lack of
India has a large gap between
demand and supply specially at
the time of peak load in summer
When most of the electricity
demand of countries like
Germany, USA, China, Denmark,
Norway comes from Renewable
energy resources for a very long
time. Still less confidence in
Indian market.
We hardly know about DSM
(Demand Side Management)
mechanism and liitle lazy in
Poor quality or fluctuating power
supply is very common in India.
This often cause power surges,
spikes and voltage fluctuations.
Most of industries in India still
having old fashioned meter.
Smart sensors and Smart
micogrids are bounded to
books and journals only.
Quality of power is also a big
issue in Indian power sector.
Recently the changes of
frequency regulation limits,
lead-lag PF are good sign of
The Developing World Situation
Manufacturing Sector
The Developing World Situation
Agriculture Sector
1. Agriculture accounted for 19% of GDP (Fallen from 61% to 19%), and employed 59%
of the country's total workforce in India.
2. Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is the largest source of livelihoods in India.
3. 70 percent of its rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their
livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal.
4. India still accounts for a quarter of the worlds hungry people and home to over 190
million undernourished people.
5. While agriculture in India has achieved grain self-sufficiency but the production is,
resource intensive, cereal centric and regionally biased.
6. Lack of technology uses in agri sector is big problem for crop damage and its
inefficient production yield.
Monitoring of crops:
Favourable conditions
Crop infection
Increasing damage
Very rare in India.
Due to frequent entering of
personnel in farm area increases
the risk of product getting infected
by man.
Either manual or not popular
among farmers. Limited to very less
cash rich farmers.
Increase In Damaging Rate Of Yield
Due To Unfavourable Atmosphere.
The Developing World Situation
Agriculture Sector
Smart Manufacturing
1. AgIQ is an IOT and AI based platform to monitor and control outdoor/ indoor farming
operations remotely on real time basis and gives meaningful insights to manage crop
growing capabilities efficiently without burning too much cash on manual resources
and energy consumption.
Smart Agriculture: Polyhouse
 Polyhouse, or polytunnels are highly controlled environments,
suitable for growth of certain high-value crops, fruits and
 With our technology, the monitoring and control of various
parameters like temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, air quality,
etc is automated.
 This reduces the need for manual operation and manpower
 The smart process reduces overall operational costs, and
leads to an increase in production and profits.
 Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, CO2 sensors are
placed at strategic points across the plant, for continuous
 This data is then collected, stored and processed through IoT
Smart Agriculture: Hydroponics
 Hydroponics is a form of horticulture, where
plants are grown in the form of nutrient
dense water, and require no soil/land.
 This reduces the need of land and also
reduces the need of pesticides, as most
diseases and germs are soil based.
 Hydroponics require climate controlled
environment for optimum growth of plants.
 Our technology provides automated
monitoring and control of various
 Thus reducing overall cost and increasing
the production and profit from high value
Smart Agriculture: Mushroom Farming
 There are different types of mushroom suitable for the Indian
market: button mushroom, oyster mushroom, shitake
mushroom, portobello and cremini mushrooms.
 Mushroom cultivation includes many steps like composting,
spawning, harvesting.
 Mushroom require specific condition for its growth.
 Light, water and humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide need
to be monitored on regular basis.
 Manual operation is cumbersome and leads to loss of
 With our technology, the monitoring and control of these
parameters is completely automated.
 This reduces the need for manual operation and manpower
 The smart process reduces overall operational costs, and
leads to an increase in production and profits.
IoT Gateway
IndustrieIQ installed @DTL,
Automation in LT panel @DTL,
Smart Agriculture @Sonu Monu Agro, Nagpur
Smart Agriculture @Sonu Monu Agro,
Smart Grid @Immanuel Marthoma School,
For any query please contact;
HO: 107, D Building, Palladium Exotica, Madhav Nagar, Dhanori, Pune -
411015 Tel. +91 7028055624, Email: info@oakinnovatica.com,

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OaKAgri_ppt_Dec2020 pptx confidential materials

  • 2. We enable Industries and Agrifarms to increase profitability without burning too much cash on maintenance, operations and energy expenses. OAKINN OVATIC A OAKINNOVATICA: Combining Energy and Digital World Together! Recognized by; 息OaKInnovatic
  • 3. OAKINN OVATIC A AgriTech (AgIQ) We offer an integrated hardware and software system (A3 platform) to indoor and outdoor farming for real time monitoring and controlling of various parameters (Temp., Hum., Air Quality, Lux level, Moistures etc.) for crop growth and health monitoring. 息OaKInnovatic
  • 4. OAKINN OVATIC A IndustrieIQ Gives (industry owners and operators) the ability to select the services that best solve today's problems, and then easily add new ones to tackle tomorrow's demands. We enable Utilities and Industries to optimise the input cost and maximise their revenue through our A3 (Acquire> Analyse > Act) platform. 息OaKInnovatic
  • 5. OAKINN OVATIC A 息OaKInnovatic The Developing World Situation Manufacturing Sector 1.Industry accounts for 26% of GDP and employs 22% of the total workforce in India. 2.Energy consumption of India is the third-largest after China and the US with 5.3% global share. 3.60% of energy use in the Developing World is from Industrial and Commercial Consumers (*IEA data). 4.2X the projected growth rate of I&C Energy consumption in the next 2 decades as compared to the Developed World (*UNIDO Data). 5.50% higher proportion of Energy in total costs of production ascompared to the Developed World. 6.Coal and crude oil together account for 85% of the primary energy consumption of India.
  • 6. OAKINN OVATIC A Voltage And Power Fluctuation Lack of latest Technology Power quality Issues Gap between Generation and Demand Less focus on RES Lack of DSM Strategies India has a large gap between demand and supply specially at the time of peak load in summer season. When most of the electricity demand of countries like Germany, USA, China, Denmark, Norway comes from Renewable energy resources for a very long time. Still less confidence in Indian market. We hardly know about DSM (Demand Side Management) mechanism and liitle lazy in behaviours. 息OaKInnovatic Poor quality or fluctuating power supply is very common in India. This often cause power surges, spikes and voltage fluctuations. Most of industries in India still having old fashioned meter. Smart sensors and Smart micogrids are bounded to books and journals only. Quality of power is also a big issue in Indian power sector. Recently the changes of frequency regulation limits, lead-lag PF are good sign of improvement. The Developing World Situation Manufacturing Sector
  • 7. OAKINN OVATIC A 息OaKInnovatic The Developing World Situation Agriculture Sector 1. Agriculture accounted for 19% of GDP (Fallen from 61% to 19%), and employed 59% of the country's total workforce in India. 2. Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is the largest source of livelihoods in India. 3. 70 percent of its rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal. 4. India still accounts for a quarter of the worlds hungry people and home to over 190 million undernourished people. 5. While agriculture in India has achieved grain self-sufficiency but the production is, resource intensive, cereal centric and regionally biased. 6. Lack of technology uses in agri sector is big problem for crop damage and its inefficient production yield.
  • 8. OAKINN OVATIC A Smart Manufacturing Monitoring of crops: Favourable conditions favourable parameters Crop infection infe ctio n Increasing damage rate Very rare in India. Due to frequent entering of personnel in farm area increases the risk of product getting infected by man. Either manual or not popular among farmers. Limited to very less cash rich farmers. Increase In Damaging Rate Of Yield Due To Unfavourable Atmosphere. The Developing World Situation Agriculture Sector Smart Manufacturing 息OaKInnovatic
  • 9. OAKINN OVATIC A AgIQ 1. AgIQ is an IOT and AI based platform to monitor and control outdoor/ indoor farming operations remotely on real time basis and gives meaningful insights to manage crop growing capabilities efficiently without burning too much cash on manual resources and energy consumption. 息OaKInnovatic
  • 10. Smart Agriculture: Polyhouse Polyhouse, or polytunnels are highly controlled environments, suitable for growth of certain high-value crops, fruits and vegetables. With our technology, the monitoring and control of various parameters like temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, air quality, etc is automated. This reduces the need for manual operation and manpower required. The smart process reduces overall operational costs, and leads to an increase in production and profits. Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, CO2 sensors are placed at strategic points across the plant, for continuous monitoring. This data is then collected, stored and processed through IoT gateway.
  • 11. Smart Agriculture: Hydroponics Hydroponics is a form of horticulture, where plants are grown in the form of nutrient dense water, and require no soil/land. This reduces the need of land and also reduces the need of pesticides, as most diseases and germs are soil based. Hydroponics require climate controlled environment for optimum growth of plants. Our technology provides automated monitoring and control of various parameters. Thus reducing overall cost and increasing the production and profit from high value crops.
  • 12. Smart Agriculture: Mushroom Farming There are different types of mushroom suitable for the Indian market: button mushroom, oyster mushroom, shitake mushroom, portobello and cremini mushrooms. Mushroom cultivation includes many steps like composting, spawning, harvesting. Mushroom require specific condition for its growth. Light, water and humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide need to be monitored on regular basis. Manual operation is cumbersome and leads to loss of produce. With our technology, the monitoring and control of these parameters is completely automated. This reduces the need for manual operation and manpower required. The smart process reduces overall operational costs, and leads to an increase in production and profits.
  • 15. IndustrieIQ installed @DTL, Pune Automation in LT panel @DTL, Pune OAKINN OVATIC A 息OaKInnovatic Projects
  • 16. Smart Agriculture @Sonu Monu Agro, Nagpur Projects
  • 17. Smart Agriculture @Sonu Monu Agro, Nagpur OAKINN OVATIC A Projects 息OaKInnovatic
  • 19. Smart Grid @Immanuel Marthoma School, Pune OAKINN OVATIC A Projects 息OaKInnovatic
  • 20. OAKINN OVATIC A For any query please contact; HO: 107, D Building, Palladium Exotica, Madhav Nagar, Dhanori, Pune - 411015 Tel. +91 7028055624, Email: info@oakinnovatica.com, www.oakinnovatica.com 息OaKInnovatic