There are several types of communication organization: figure and ground which distinguishes the focus from the background; perceptual schemes which are systems used to organize impressions; stereotyping where people are placed in exaggerated categories that overlook individual qualities; punctuation which determines causes and effects to categorize information; closure where missing information is filled in for structure; similarity where things are grouped based on shared attributes; and proximity where items are grouped based on physical closeness.
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OB perception process
Figure and Ground:
figure is what we notice or focus on.
Ground is less noticeable and serves as the background for the figure.
Perceptual Schemes:
they are some systems used to organize your impressions.
after choosing a scheme, you place people into convenient categories. These
categories can lead to exagerated generalization that miss the unique individual
quaities of a person.
In this type of organization, you determine causes and effects in interactions
and then group, divide, separate, and categorize information.
In this type of organisation, you will fill in missing information to provide
structure and consitency.
At times you group things together because they are similar in size, color,
beliefs, shape, intersests and other attributes.
sometimes you group two or more items based on how close they are to each other.