This document outlines the requirements for the first mandatory assignment in the course BUS272. It consists of three parts: describing the student's business model, ballparking the business model to determine minimum success criteria and customer production rates, and formulating an overall strategy to reach the minimum success criteria. The assignment and first draft of a Lean Canvas must be submitted as a PDF by August 22nd.
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Obligatorisk innleveringsoppgave 1. i BUS 272
1. Obligatorisk innleveringsoppgave 1 i Bus 272
Dette er den første av tre obligatoriske innleveringsoppgaver i kurset
BUS272. Alle oppgaver må leveres i tide og være bestått for å få godkjent
eksamen i kurset. Den første oppgaven har innleveringsfrist den 22.08.16,
den andre har frist 29.02.16 og den siste er semesteroppgaven som skal
leveres inn 02.09.16.
DEL 1: Describe your business model
"A business model is a story about how an organization creates, delivers,
and captures value."
– Saul Kaplan, The Business Model Innovation Factory
Describe your business model by
• First categorizing it into one of the three business model archetypes.
• Then identify your key monetizable activity.
• Finally place a value on this key activity.
DEL 2: Ballpark your business model
"While we all need a ballpark destination to justify the journey, it's not the
destination itself but the starting assumptions and milestones along the
way that inform whether we are on the right path or need a course-
Ballpark your business model by following the 3-step process outlined
• Determine your Minimum Success Criteria (MSC)
• Convert your MSC into a Customer Production Rate
• Test/Refine your Business Model
DEL 3: Formulate your overall strategy
Your overall strategy should describe how you are planning to go from
zero to your minimum success criteria.
Make your Strategy Proposal
• First state your minimum success criteria (Goal).
• Identify suitable analogs and antilogs (Current Condition).
• Craft a differentiation story (Analysis).
• Outline a coarse implementation plan.
2. Innlevering: Oppgaven og første utkast av Lean Canvas skal leveres som
pdf fil på fronter (gruppeinnlevering) innen kl 23:59 22.08.16.
NMBU, 12.08.16
Tore Rasmussen og Nils Sanne