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Traditional stores vs. Big malls
 Paying attention  Observation lab
     Crash Creativity Course

                           By Amaia Markuleta
Observation Lab - Traditional stores vs. Big malls
Before you enter the store
It doesnt really draw you in...   Whole place designed to capture you!
Closed door, is cold outside...   Completely opened door
The traditional store has old fashioned lettering, with ugly typography
Poor in design and colors!
In the other hand, the hypermarket uses big, modern, atractive lettering
In the inside
Tight, small place, low ceiling.   Huge, spacious, very high ceiling.
Loud orange scheme, but bright.    Light color scheme and very bright.
No music, just the radio sound.    Nice background music.
But it smells like fresh vegetables!   And this smells to cleaning
Only one sales woman with no script.   Automaton seller in every corner.
Customized treat for each custormer
Very fresh and local vegetables &         Packed, treated vegetables and
fruits, just picked up from the garden.   foods.
Products arranged by type   So are they in the hypermarket
Hand made prize labels easy to find   Computer designed prize labels easy
                                      to find too
But the big one has better
arrangement for central
display tables with featured
products, as seasonal
Specific for sale 壊岳温稼糸壊
Or special merchandising
Observation Lab - Traditional stores vs. Big malls
Before you enter the store
Very small and dark front in an   Very wide, giant open door, in the
arcade. The door is closed.       corridor of the mall. The products
                                  are almost out.
Small, dark, old fashioned font   Modern font used. Green over white,
lettering over a tiled wall.      very aseptic lettering
In the inside
Just one merchandising crowed wall.       Lots of stands, it looks like more a
In a small, bright, silent, warm store.   supermarket than a chemist. So nice
It smells to nothing.                     to be here, bright, bg music, warm
First products to be seen, food for   First products you see: featured
kids and organic cosmetics.           vitamins for autum.
                                      Security warnings all over the place.
Most products are behind the desk.     All prizes and products avalaible for
Prizes no very avalaible.              you to help yoursef.
Not encouraged to touch the product.
Featured products next to the cash   On sale on baskets everywhere.
Impulse items near the cash register.   Here are 4 different cash register. All
                                        of them have impulse items next to
The big chesmist is a place
to stay long time at. While
in the old fashioned
chemist you enter to buy
your medicine and no
more, here you feel the
need to buy even what you
dont need.

They even have a kids
zone to keep them
enterteined while the
mother goes through the
Anyway, they know people in           3 sales person for lots of customers.
neighborhood and give very good and   Efficient but cold treat to the customer
personalized service. CONFIDENCE
What I finally 恢顎霞
A complete organic featured   Lip balm from the impulsive stand
cosmetics batch
Observation Lab - Traditional stores vs. Big malls
Before you enter the store
Very nice shop window, but a bit         Very wide store. You can almost see
messy. The shop has no space             all product form the entrance. Very
inside, almost all product shown here.   tidy and organized.
Even if the font in the lettering is cute,   Modern typography, logo and colors
not very legible with that tile...           transmit fashion.
In the inside
There is only one shelve. Its used for   Everything is perfectly organized by
on sale shoes and bags, but it is a bit   typology and trends.
Nice music and very very nice place.    Fashioned music (for young people).
The owner is very attentive with you.   Very young sale persons, not very
Quality product and not expensive.      effective. Cheap product.
What I finally 恢顎霞
Velvet and (fake) snake
leather marvelous hills in
the neighbourhood store.

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Observation Lab - Traditional stores vs. Big malls

  • 1. Traditional stores vs. Big malls Paying attention Observation lab Crash Creativity Course By Amaia Markuleta
  • 3. Before you enter the store
  • 4. It doesnt really draw you in... Whole place designed to capture you!
  • 5. Closed door, is cold outside... Completely opened door
  • 6. The traditional store has old fashioned lettering, with ugly typography Poor in design and colors!
  • 7. In the other hand, the hypermarket uses big, modern, atractive lettering
  • 9. Tight, small place, low ceiling. Huge, spacious, very high ceiling. Loud orange scheme, but bright. Light color scheme and very bright. No music, just the radio sound. Nice background music.
  • 10. But it smells like fresh vegetables! And this smells to cleaning products
  • 11. Only one sales woman with no script. Automaton seller in every corner. Customized treat for each custormer
  • 12. Very fresh and local vegetables & Packed, treated vegetables and fruits, just picked up from the garden. foods.
  • 13. Products arranged by type So are they in the hypermarket
  • 14. Hand made prize labels easy to find Computer designed prize labels easy to find too
  • 15. But the big one has better arrangement for central display tables with featured products, as seasonal vegetables
  • 16. Specific for sale 壊岳温稼糸壊
  • 19. Before you enter the store
  • 20. Very small and dark front in an Very wide, giant open door, in the arcade. The door is closed. corridor of the mall. The products are almost out.
  • 21. Small, dark, old fashioned font Modern font used. Green over white, lettering over a tiled wall. very aseptic lettering
  • 23. Just one merchandising crowed wall. Lots of stands, it looks like more a In a small, bright, silent, warm store. supermarket than a chemist. So nice It smells to nothing. to be here, bright, bg music, warm
  • 24. First products to be seen, food for First products you see: featured kids and organic cosmetics. vitamins for autum. Security warnings all over the place.
  • 25. Most products are behind the desk. All prizes and products avalaible for Prizes no very avalaible. you to help yoursef. Not encouraged to touch the product.
  • 26. Featured products next to the cash On sale on baskets everywhere. register.
  • 27. Impulse items near the cash register. Here are 4 different cash register. All of them have impulse items next to them.
  • 28. The big chesmist is a place to stay long time at. While in the old fashioned chemist you enter to buy your medicine and no more, here you feel the need to buy even what you dont need. They even have a kids zone to keep them enterteined while the mother goes through the store.
  • 29. Anyway, they know people in 3 sales person for lots of customers. neighborhood and give very good and Efficient but cold treat to the customer personalized service. CONFIDENCE
  • 30. What I finally 恢顎霞
  • 31. A complete organic featured Lip balm from the impulsive stand cosmetics batch
  • 33. Before you enter the store
  • 34. Very nice shop window, but a bit Very wide store. You can almost see messy. The shop has no space all product form the entrance. Very inside, almost all product shown here. tidy and organized.
  • 35. Even if the font in the lettering is cute, Modern typography, logo and colors not very legible with that tile... transmit fashion.
  • 37. There is only one shelve. Its used for Everything is perfectly organized by on sale shoes and bags, but it is a bit typology and trends. messy.
  • 38. Nice music and very very nice place. Fashioned music (for young people). The owner is very attentive with you. Very young sale persons, not very Quality product and not expensive. effective. Cheap product.
  • 39. What I finally 恢顎霞
  • 40. Velvet and (fake) snake leather marvelous hills in the neighbourhood store.