Occupiers donated food including a smoked turkey, 3 gallons of potaje (stew), and two baskets of fresh fruit to people in need on Thanksgiving 2012, as the group continues helping the community almost a year after first getting involved, in contrast to sports fans who vandalized property after a game.
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Occupy Thanksgiving 2012
1. Occupy Thanksgiving 2012
It has been almost a year since I first got involved
with Occupy – and they are still out there feeding
people in need, while SF Giants fans burn trolleys
and buses, overturn cars and vandalize shops.
6. What smoked turkey?
I realised only when I got home that the third box
of fresh fruit contained a whole turkey, out of
respect for its soul I didn't take a picture of the
turkey. The above picture is of the curry – gravy
like your mom never made!