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HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015HeadlinesAPRIL 2015
Brain njury wareness eek
The sun came out for our GAMES DAY during Brain Injury Awareness Week 2015. Headway ADP
participants enjoyed the company as well as the competition from clients of ABI Services. Many games
were played Pool, Bocce, Bingo, Darts, Trivia, Wii and board games. For lunch everyone enjoyed a
sausage sizzle. Thanks to all who participated on the day.
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 2
Page 3 .. Bobs Corner,
Page 4 .. Thank You
Grants Received
Page 5 .. Carers Page
Fishing Group
Page 6 .. Ruxton jokes
JPs Review
Page 7 .. Business Awrds
Page 8 & 9  Social
Page 10  Staff Profile
Page 11 . Whats On SYD
Page 12  Service Provider
Headlines is produced quarterly
by Headway ADP Inc.
Postal Address:
PO BOX 894, Bankstown,
NSW 1885
Telephone Numbers:
9790 0046 / 9790 0344
Fax Number:
9796 2523
Term 3 has just flown by and as
you read this edition of Headlines
you will be able to see all of the
a c t i v i t i e s , o u t i n g s a n d
achievements that have been
happening at Headway ADP.
A highlight was Brain Injury
Awareness Week . We celebrated
with a games day with ABI
Services. This was followed up
with the annual HeadEast picnic
We have been fortunate to receive
a number of grants and donations.
ClubGRANTS are funding 2 terms
of ceramics classes. Bankstown
City Council has funded the
Indoor Cricket program for 10
weeks. NRMA Community safety
grant to speak at low socio econom-
ic schools. Bankstown RSL donated
our new BBQ. Pam Ruxton made a
substantial donation to the pro-
gram. Thank you all for your sup-
In June we welcomed back Desiree
Tranquille in a part-time capacity.
This has enabled Kathryn Shannon
to continue on with us job sharing
this position and also managing the
individual funding packages.
The big news is the rollout of the
NDIS in NSW in 2016. We will
provide information as it becomes
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 3
Robert Smith
Thanh N
Peter U
Jean P D
Helen N
Hung P
Michael R
Sammi H
Michael W
Gary D
Q.1What animal-linked word describes someone who gets blamed?
Q.2.According to Tina Turner, what is the speed limit in Nutbush?
Q.3.Which actor died shortly during filming as The Joker in the Dark Knight?
Q.4.What are the two top selling spices in the world?
Q.5.Where did the pineapple plant originate?
Q.6.What falling fruit inspired Issac Newton to write the laws of gravity?
Q.7.What Italian astronomer invented the thermometer in 1592?
Q.8.What explorer introduced pigs to North America?
Q.9.What is the smallest country in the world?
Q.10.Where is the highest elevation on Earth? Answers on Page 10
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015
Judith Couley and Patti Crilly recently attended the ClubsGRANT
cheque presentation at Bankstown Sports Club. We were
successful in obtaining funds for the Headway ADP participants
to attend 2 terms of ceramics classes at the Bankstown Arts Cen-
Headway ADP would like to say a
big THANK YOU to Bankstown
RSL for their donation of a new
BBQ. Ari got to test it out on our
Games Day , he cooked over 50 sau-
sages to perfection. So good in fact
people came back for seconds.
Thank You for giving us
this opportunity. We
look forward to getting
creative in the art of
clay making.
Ceramics Headway ADP
recently received a
community safety
grant from NRMA.
The target audience
for the grant is low socio economic schools
in the Bankstown local government area.
This will provide the community education
team with the chance to educate students
that dont usually access our program.
Khoa and Elisa have already conducted a
successful presentation at Birrong Girls High
We have been given the opportunity to
play cricket under the guidance of a
professional coach in the Indoor Cricket
Centre in Peakhurst. This was made
possible by Bankstown City Council
Community Grants Program. It will run for
10 weeks commencing in January 2016.
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 5
Fishing Therapy
The monthly fishing group enjoyed a
Barbecue at the club boathouse. Thanks to
Tony who organised fresh catch as well as a
sausage sizzle for Lee, Chun Bao, Ari and Phong
all to enjoy.
Carers Outing 1st September 2015
The carers group went out for a day
trip to the Japanese Botanic Gardens in Auburn.
They enjoyed a stroll around the gardens and
finished their day with a picnic.
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 6
J.P Devillecourt4 out of 5 coffees
Highly Recommend 100% YES
On the 4th
of September Kathryn and I went to the Java Lava Caf辿 for coffee located at 44 Marco Ave Revesby
NSW 2212. It was easy to park the car out the front of the caf辿 there are disabled car parks right
out the front. The room was unbelievable and very cosy with warm colours. There is plenty of
room to move around and easily accessible with my walker. I ordered a small hot chocolate and
it was great. I had a piece of chocolate mud cake with cream to eat and it was beautiful. $6.95 for
a small coffee and cake of the day and I would definitely go again. I would recommend the Java
Lave Caf辿 for readers. They offer breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as coffee and cakes. Prices
range from $5 - $18, lunch $9 - $20 and dinner ranges from $15 - $33. I rate this coffee shop a 4/5.
Did you hear about a
doctor whos nick
name was fisherman?
His name was Doctor
Do you know why clocks
are silly?
Because they say cuckoo.
The hardest part about
catching a taxi, is getting
someone to throw it to you.
What do you get when
you cross a kangaroo
and a sheep?
A woolly jumper.
Did you hear about bat man
when he was 84? Every one
said he was an old bat.
Do you know who invent-
ed scrambled eggs?
Humpty dumpty because
when he hit the ground
he got all cracked up
about it.
Captain Cook was named
a chef because of his
name, COOK.
King Kong with dandruff was
called a walking lamington.
What is the name of the funniest
motor bike? A Yamaha ha ha.
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 7
Thank you to everyone involved in the Bankstown
Local Business Awards.
I started my business on the 5th
December 1994. I will
say it has been the hardest 20 years of my life. Having
a Brain Injury and trying to run the Business has been
very challenging.
Thank you to my son Glen, Headway ADP, Michael,
my mentors, Kerry and everyone who have been a
part of teaching me how to run my business and
giving me the strength to keep going.
Thank you so much to the loyal customers who have supported
me over the years. I am finally able to say I am looking forward to
my business growing and achieving many new goals.
Being a finalist in the Bankstown Local
Business Awards is a real honour.
Thank you
Judith Couley
The Bankstown Local Business Awards
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015
21st July
Pool Competition
5th August 15
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015
Head East
Picnic Day 9th September 15
Star City
Garden Buffett
4th September 15
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 10
What were your first impressions of
H e a d w a y A D P ?
Taken back that there was a
place for people with a Brain
Injury to learn.
What brought you to this field?
I have worked in the care sec-
tor for 10 years. I wanted to
do something different and
more challenging.
What good things can you say about Headway
Ive seen how certain programs challenge
my thinking skills and the staff put in a lot
of effort to help the participants.
2.25 MPH
3. Heath Ledger
4. Pepper is first followed by
5.In South America and
reached Hawaii by the 19th
6.An apple
8.Christopher Columbus
9.Vatican City
10.Mt Everest
On the 16th September the government signed a bilateral agreement on the
rollout of the NDIS in NSW and Victoria. The NDSI is being introduced in
stages . In NSW it began in the Hunter area in July 2013 and in the Nepean
Blue Mountains area for children in July 2015. The next rollout will start in
July 2016.
This will be for the following Sydney metropolitan districts:
 South Western Sydney including Bankstown, Liverpool & Fairifeld
 Sydney including Canterbury, Strathfield & Burwood
 Western Sydney including Auburn
 South Eastern Sydney and
 Northern Sydney.
Existing state-based services and supports will continue until eligible people
with disability start their plans with the NDIS.
Those people who do not currently receive disability supports can apply for
the NDIS from 1 July 2018.
What goals do you have for the future?
I am in the process of applying my nursing
career. I would like to do some foreign aid
work and make changes in peoples life.
What things are you interested in?
Cooking, fitness, love opp shopping and
Pick a sentence that best describes you?
I would say that my hearts on my sleeve and
I would give you my last 10c in my pocket
If you were Manager for the day, what would you
More support staff group meetings and plan
what the participants would like to do for
the day.
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 11
HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015
If undeliverable
Return to
PO BOX 894
community restaurant is catching the attention of local residents.
Bankstown City Councils new Community Restaurant, at the Greenacre Senior Citizens Centre,
is open twice a month and has attracted dozens of residents.
Before enjoying a three-course meal, guests participate in a number of activities to encourage
socialising with one another.
The community restaurant has really caught the interest of our residents and its given them something to look
forward to every two weeks, said Mayor Asfour. For many of them, its an opportunity to meet other people,
share stories and have conversations over a nice lunch. And for $8.00 you get a delicious three-course meal,
so its well worth coming along to.
The restaurant is open to residents aged over 65 years, and residents with a disability and their carers.
Bookings are essential and can be done by calling 9707 9646.
Address: 202 Waterloo Road Greenacre Cost: $8.00
Activities: Commence from 10.30am with a Cuppa Lunch is served from 12.00 noon
This information was taken from Bansktown City Council Website www.bankstownsw.gov.au

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OCTOBER 2015 Edition

  • 1. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015HeadlinesAPRIL 2015 Brain njury wareness eek The sun came out for our GAMES DAY during Brain Injury Awareness Week 2015. Headway ADP participants enjoyed the company as well as the competition from clients of ABI Services. Many games were played Pool, Bocce, Bingo, Darts, Trivia, Wii and board games. For lunch everyone enjoyed a sausage sizzle. Thanks to all who participated on the day.
  • 2. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 2 WEBSITE FACEBOOK PAGE EADLINES Page 3 .. Bobs Corner, Birthdays Page 4 .. Thank You Grants Received Page 5 .. Carers Page Fishing Group Page 6 .. Ruxton jokes JPs Review Page 7 .. Business Awrds Page 8 & 9 Social Development Page 10 Staff Profile Page 11 . Whats On SYD Page 12 Service Provider Community Restaurant INSIDE THIS ISSUE Headlines is produced quarterly by Headway ADP Inc. Postal Address: PO BOX 894, Bankstown, NSW 1885 Telephone Numbers: 9790 0046 / 9790 0344 Fax Number: 9796 2523 Email: admin@headwayadp.org.au Website: www.headwayadp.org.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/ Headway- ADP/225475250822022 IRTHDAY LISTB IRTHDAY LISTB Term 3 has just flown by and as you read this edition of Headlines you will be able to see all of the a c t i v i t i e s , o u t i n g s a n d achievements that have been happening at Headway ADP. A highlight was Brain Injury Awareness Week . We celebrated with a games day with ABI Services. This was followed up with the annual HeadEast picnic day. We have been fortunate to receive a number of grants and donations. ClubGRANTS are funding 2 terms of ceramics classes. Bankstown City Council has funded the Indoor Cricket program for 10 weeks. NRMA Community safety grant to speak at low socio econom- ic schools. Bankstown RSL donated our new BBQ. Pam Ruxton made a substantial donation to the pro- gram. Thank you all for your sup- port. In June we welcomed back Desiree Tranquille in a part-time capacity. This has enabled Kathryn Shannon to continue on with us job sharing this position and also managing the individual funding packages. The big news is the rollout of the NDIS in NSW in 2016. We will provide information as it becomes available.
  • 3. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 3 T Robert Smith Thanh N 27th Peter U 2nd Jean P D 10th Helen N 14th Hung P 27th Michael R 3rd Sammi H 9th Michael W 7th IRTHDAY LISTB Gary D 12th Q.1What animal-linked word describes someone who gets blamed? Q.2.According to Tina Turner, what is the speed limit in Nutbush? Q.3.Which actor died shortly during filming as The Joker in the Dark Knight? Q.4.What are the two top selling spices in the world? Q.5.Where did the pineapple plant originate? Q.6.What falling fruit inspired Issac Newton to write the laws of gravity? Q.7.What Italian astronomer invented the thermometer in 1592? Q.8.What explorer introduced pigs to North America? Q.9.What is the smallest country in the world? Q.10.Where is the highest elevation on Earth? Answers on Page 10
  • 4. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 4 CARERS CORNER -CARE FOR ME APP Judith Couley and Patti Crilly recently attended the ClubsGRANT cheque presentation at Bankstown Sports Club. We were successful in obtaining funds for the Headway ADP participants to attend 2 terms of ceramics classes at the Bankstown Arts Cen- tre. Headway ADP would like to say a big THANK YOU to Bankstown RSL for their donation of a new BBQ. Ari got to test it out on our Games Day , he cooked over 50 sau- sages to perfection. So good in fact people came back for seconds. Thank You for giving us this opportunity. We look forward to getting creative in the art of clay making. Ceramics Headway ADP recently received a community safety grant from NRMA. The target audience for the grant is low socio economic schools in the Bankstown local government area. This will provide the community education team with the chance to educate students that dont usually access our program. Khoa and Elisa have already conducted a successful presentation at Birrong Girls High School. CALLING All CRICKET LOVERS We have been given the opportunity to play cricket under the guidance of a professional coach in the Indoor Cricket Centre in Peakhurst. This was made possible by Bankstown City Council Community Grants Program. It will run for 10 weeks commencing in January 2016.
  • 5. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 5 Fishing Therapy The monthly fishing group enjoyed a Barbecue at the club boathouse. Thanks to Tony who organised fresh catch as well as a sausage sizzle for Lee, Chun Bao, Ari and Phong all to enjoy. EADLINESIRTHDAY LISTB Carers Outing 1st September 2015 The carers group went out for a day trip to the Japanese Botanic Gardens in Auburn. They enjoyed a stroll around the gardens and finished their day with a picnic.
  • 6. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 6 J.P Devillecourt4 out of 5 coffees Highly Recommend 100% YES On the 4th of September Kathryn and I went to the Java Lava Caf辿 for coffee located at 44 Marco Ave Revesby NSW 2212. It was easy to park the car out the front of the caf辿 there are disabled car parks right out the front. The room was unbelievable and very cosy with warm colours. There is plenty of room to move around and easily accessible with my walker. I ordered a small hot chocolate and it was great. I had a piece of chocolate mud cake with cream to eat and it was beautiful. $6.95 for a small coffee and cake of the day and I would definitely go again. I would recommend the Java Lave Caf辿 for readers. They offer breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as coffee and cakes. Prices range from $5 - $18, lunch $9 - $20 and dinner ranges from $15 - $33. I rate this coffee shop a 4/5. Did you hear about a doctor whos nick name was fisherman? His name was Doctor Hook. Do you know why clocks are silly? Because they say cuckoo. The hardest part about catching a taxi, is getting someone to throw it to you. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo and a sheep? A woolly jumper. Did you hear about bat man when he was 84? Every one said he was an old bat. Do you know who invent- ed scrambled eggs? Humpty dumpty because when he hit the ground he got all cracked up about it. Captain Cook was named a chef because of his name, COOK. King Kong with dandruff was called a walking lamington. What is the name of the funniest motor bike? A Yamaha ha ha.
  • 7. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 7 IRTHDAY LIST Thank you to everyone involved in the Bankstown Local Business Awards. I started my business on the 5th December 1994. I will say it has been the hardest 20 years of my life. Having a Brain Injury and trying to run the Business has been very challenging. Thank you to my son Glen, Headway ADP, Michael, my mentors, Kerry and everyone who have been a part of teaching me how to run my business and giving me the strength to keep going. Thank you so much to the loyal customers who have supported me over the years. I am finally able to say I am looking forward to my business growing and achieving many new goals. Being a finalist in the Bankstown Local Business Awards is a real honour. Thank you Judith Couley The Bankstown Local Business Awards
  • 8. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 8 S EADLINESIRTHDAY LISTB Christmas In July 21st July 15 Pool Competition 5th August 15
  • 9. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 9 SS EADLINESIRTHDAY LIST Head East Picnic Day 9th September 15 Star City Casino Garden Buffett 4th September 15
  • 10. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 10 What were your first impressions of H e a d w a y A D P ? Taken back that there was a place for people with a Brain Injury to learn. What brought you to this field? I have worked in the care sec- tor for 10 years. I wanted to do something different and more challenging. What good things can you say about Headway ADP? Ive seen how certain programs challenge my thinking skills and the staff put in a lot of effort to help the participants. ANSWERS 1.Scapegoat 2.25 MPH 3. Heath Ledger 4. Pepper is first followed by mustard 5.In South America and reached Hawaii by the 19th Century 6.An apple 7.Gallieo 8.Christopher Columbus 9.Vatican City 10.Mt Everest On the 16th September the government signed a bilateral agreement on the rollout of the NDIS in NSW and Victoria. The NDSI is being introduced in stages . In NSW it began in the Hunter area in July 2013 and in the Nepean Blue Mountains area for children in July 2015. The next rollout will start in July 2016. This will be for the following Sydney metropolitan districts: South Western Sydney including Bankstown, Liverpool & Fairifeld Sydney including Canterbury, Strathfield & Burwood Western Sydney including Auburn South Eastern Sydney and Northern Sydney. Existing state-based services and supports will continue until eligible people with disability start their plans with the NDIS. Those people who do not currently receive disability supports can apply for the NDIS from 1 July 2018. What goals do you have for the future? I am in the process of applying my nursing career. I would like to do some foreign aid work and make changes in peoples life. What things are you interested in? Cooking, fitness, love opp shopping and musicals Pick a sentence that best describes you? I would say that my hearts on my sleeve and I would give you my last 10c in my pocket If you were Manager for the day, what would you change? More support staff group meetings and plan what the participants would like to do for the day.
  • 12. HeadlinesOCTOBER 2015 PLEASE PLACE STAMP HERE If undeliverable Return to HEADWAY ADULT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INC. PO BOX 894 BANKSTOWN NSW 1885 ABILTITY LINKS NSW A community restaurant is catching the attention of local residents. Bankstown City Councils new Community Restaurant, at the Greenacre Senior Citizens Centre, is open twice a month and has attracted dozens of residents. Before enjoying a three-course meal, guests participate in a number of activities to encourage socialising with one another. The community restaurant has really caught the interest of our residents and its given them something to look forward to every two weeks, said Mayor Asfour. For many of them, its an opportunity to meet other people, share stories and have conversations over a nice lunch. And for $8.00 you get a delicious three-course meal, so its well worth coming along to. The restaurant is open to residents aged over 65 years, and residents with a disability and their carers. Bookings are essential and can be done by calling 9707 9646. Address: 202 Waterloo Road Greenacre Cost: $8.00 Activities: Commence from 10.30am with a Cuppa Lunch is served from 12.00 noon This information was taken from Bansktown City Council Website www.bankstownsw.gov.au