Don Meminger is this month's customer of the month at 1Stop Car & Truck Repair. He moved to Venice, FL three years ago after marrying his wife Mary. Don has a long history with music, having worked as a director of music and organist in churches for over 68 years. Don and his wife Mary visit local assisted living facilities weekly with their 12-year old guide dog Johann, bringing joy to residents. Don appreciates 1Stop for their fair prices, honesty, and immediate response to any vehicle issues.
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October newsletter
1. October 2012
This free issue of Braking News
is being sent to you from your
friends at 1STOP TRUCK &
CAR REPAIR. Thank you for
being a valued customer!
Keeping Your Mind in Tip-Top ShapeNot Just Your Car!
What is Right to Repair Legislation About?
October Events When election time comes around, there are always issues in addition to just
Breast Cancer Awareness Month the presidential election. One important one could be Right to Repair
Oct 8: Columbus Day legislation. Right To Repair would give every mechanic access to the
Oct 20: Sweetest Day same information and tools that dealers have access to. So you can get your
Oct 28: Mother-In-Law Day car serviced where you want to, and save hundreds of dollars. No longer will
Oct 30: Candy Corn Day independent technicians need to purchase expensive tools and software for
Oct 31: Caramel Apple Day cars they service only a few times a year. Instead, car owners and
Oct 31: Halloween independent technicians will have up-to-date access to repair and diagnostic
information for all makes and models of vehicles on the road using a
universal interface system. The system would be accessible to anyone for a
The Funny Bone daily, weekly, monthly or yearly subscription. Its as easy as downloading
an app on your smartphone. Cost savings for repairs can be passed along to
Watching TV consumers. Right to Repair will ensure that consumers always have a choice
Bob was watching the in where to service their vehicles. And when consumers choose
evening news with Tim, his independent repair shops over the big dealerships, they can save an
average of $300-$500 each year. If its not an issue in this election it will
6 year old son. The
be coming soon, because this is legislation that can save you a lot of money!
newscaster came on and said,
Two Brazilian men die in Bobbing for Apples Has a Romantic Side
skydiving accident... In ancient times, the apple was viewed as a sacred fruit
Tim immediately started that could be used to predict the future. Bobbing for
apples is one of the traditional games used for fortune-
crying and between sobs telling on Halloween night. It was believed that the first
said, Dad, thats horrible! person to pluck an apple from the water-filled bucket
What are we gonna do? without using their hands would be the first to marry.
If the bobber lucked out and caught an apple on the first try, it meant that
Confused, Bob said, Yes, it they would experience true love, while those who got an apple after many
is horrible. But they were tries would be fickle in their romantic endeavors. Another myth was that if
skydiving, and there is a girl put her bobbed apple under her pillow on Halloween night, she
always risk involved with would dream about her future husband. Oooo-la-la!
Have a Question About Your Car?
Tim, sobbing more, asked Just give us a call! We always enjoy hearing from our valued customers.
How many is a Whether you have a question about vehicle maintenance, a repair
question, or just want to call to say Hello, wed love to hear from you.
Brazilian??? Feel free to give us a call at (941) 485-4061
For those little ghosts and goblins! Weve
Monday Friday
made it easy to get a brake inspection!
7:30am 5:30pm
See inside
2. Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seeds
Thanks for the Kind Words 2 cups fresh pumpkin seeds (from 2 medium
Extremely professional staff who pumpkins), rinsed & patted dry
keep you constantly informed of 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
the services provided/necessary. 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
They only use the best products 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
so you can feel confident that you 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
are getting what they would use Directions:
on their own vehicles. Very Heat oven to 300属 F. Spread the seeds on a rimmed baking sheet and bake
accommodating and they value until dry throughout, 50 to 60 minutes.
your time. There services extend Increase oven temperature to 350属 F. In a large bowl, toss the seeds with the
to giving you a ride home so you butter, sugar, salt, and cinnamon. Return the seeds to the baking sheet and
aren't "stuck" while they are toast, tossing occasionally, until golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes.
performing the services.
- Larry E. Dilley
APPLES October Puzzler
Thank you to all of our amazing GOODIES FALL
clients that have referred us business LEAVES GOLD
time after time. Our business OCTOBER RED
depends on the positive comments
and referrals from people just like
you. Every month we take a moment SPOOKY TRICK
to thank the clients who have sent us WITCH TREAT
the greatest number of referrals over
the past month!
Bob Adams
Victor Lamoor
Client of the Month
Each month, we are thrilled to select
one special client who has touched 5 Tips for the Health Conscious Halloween Parent
our hearts and brought a smile to all 1. Before kids go trick-or-treating, try to serve a healthy meal so they're not
of us. Thank you to this months hungry when the candy starts coming in.
Client of the Month! Thank you for 2. Know how much candy your child has collected and store it somewhere
your support of our business and we other than your child's room.
look forward to seeing you soon!
This months
3. Consider buying back some or all of the remaining Halloween candy.
Client of the Month is
This acknowledges the candy belongs to your child and provides a treat
in the form of a little spending money.
Don Meminger 4. Be a role model by eating Halloween candy in moderation yourself.
See insert for more on Don 5. To help avoid temptation, buy your candy at the last minute and get rid
of any leftovers.
Want to Win???
Make sure to call in with the answer
to the trivia question on page 3!
(Hint: the answers in this months newsletter!)
3. A Sea Monster? Unexplained Underwater Noise
During the Cold War, the United States Navy erected a vast array of Do You Want
underwater listening devices in order to detect and track Soviet nuclear
submarines. These hydrophones were placed at roughly 3,000 mile To Win Our
intervals in the deep layer of water known as the deep sound channel,
where cold temperatures and high pressures allow sound waves to
Take the trivia challenge and
propagate great distances. you just might win!
Now, the array is used to track many fascinating undersea events, such
Every month, look for the new trivia question.
as whale migrations, earthquakes, ocean currents, volcanic activity and If you are one of the first 15 people to call us
the shifting of Antarctic ice. But one sound captured by the sensitive with the right answer you will be eligible to
hydrophones has scientists puzzled. The unexplainable sound was win the prize. Your name will be entered into
detected several times during the summer of 1997, originating off the the monthly drawing. The winner will receive
this months GRAND PRIZE:
South American southwest coast at about 50属 S 100属 W. Each time that
it was captured the ultra-low frequency sound rose rapidly in frequency $25 Gift Card for
over about one minute, and had sufficient amplitude to be heard on Bonefish Grill!
multiple sensors from over 3,000 miles away. Perplexed researchers, Congratulations to last months winner:
unable to identify any possible source for the sound, dubbed it The Stacey Cary
Bloop. Here is this months trivia question:
The sound shares many characteristics
According to myth, if a girl put her bobbed
with those emanated from biological apple beneath her pillow that night, she would
creatures, in fact it fits those parameters dream of:
so closely that a large number of A. Apple butter
researchers are convinced that its origin is animal. But in order for an B. Her Future Husband
aquatic animal to emit a sound that can travel over 3,000 miles though C. Witches
Earths noisy oceans, scientists say that it would need an incredibly D. The Tooth Fairy
large noise-making apparatus, one much bigger than that of the blue Call right now with your answer
to (941) 485-4061!
Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said,
"Never take candy from strangers." And then they dressed The Funny Bone
me up and said, "Go beg for it." I didnt know what to do!
Id knock on peoples doors and go,
"Trick or treat." "No thank you." ~ Rita Rudner
Best Spooky Halloween Haunt Does
No matter how scary your local haunted this
house is, it probably cant top the Haunted
Cave in Lewisburg, Ohio. Measuring 3,564 sweater
feet long, the Guinness World Records has make
named it the worlds longest haunted
house. Even spookier: Its located 80 feet me look
below ground in an abandoned mine. fat?
20 Years! Gas Prices Are Expected
1Stop is celebrating To Go Over
$4.00 Per Gallon By Spring!
20 years in business We Can Help You Start Saving NOW!
all year in 2012! See insert
4. This free issue of Braking
News is being sent to you
from your friends at
20 Years in
401 S. US 41 By-Pass
Venice, FL 34285 Scan this with your
(941) 485-4061 Royalty Rewards App
to call us RIGHT NOW!
What is Right to Repair?
Bobbing for Apples Has a Romantic Side
Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seeds Recipe
5 Tips for a Healthy Conscious Halloween
Did We Record a Sea Monster?
Spookiest Halloween Haunt
Win The Grand Prize
October Events
Money Saving Offers
& More!
401 S. US 41 By-Pass, Venice, FL 34285, (941) 485-4061
Just for Checking In here at
1Stop Car & Truck on Facebook,
You get $5 OFF your invoice!!
Just show us your Check In when youre in! Must Present Coupon
1 per visit ~ Expires 10/31/12
You can get over $351.00 of our AWESOME auto repair
services for just $79.95!
Is this a trick? NOPE, its a treat!
Just for you! Ask us how!!
Expires 10/31/12
0-$50.00 Take 5% Off Labor
$51.00-$100.00 Take 8% Off Labor
$101.00-$150.00 Take 10% Off Labor
$151.00-$200.00 Take 13% Off Labor
$201.00 & Up Take 15% Off Labor
Expires 10/31/12
5. Dont Be
Weve Got You Covered with our SPOOKY SPECIAL. No, its not spooky
for you its a GREAT deal!
While youre planning for the ghosts and goblins to be dropping by, let us make sure your
car is tip-top.
SPOOKY SPECIAL: Heres whats included
Premium oil change Rotate the tires
Change the oil filter Check the tire tread depths
Lubricate the steering linkage Set the air pressure in the tires
Check all fluids Check the fan drive belts
Check the battery Check the radiator hoses
30 point courtesy inspection
ALL FOR ONLY $39.95 ( Thats a $69.95 value )
But wait it gets better..for the first 20 people to respond we will throw in a COMPLETE
BRAKE INSPECTION to make sure you can stop quick in case those little ghouls are more
focused on candy than safety. We will inspect the front and rear brakes, hydraulic lines,
hoses, master cylinder and brake fluid. That brings the total value to $89.95
(you save $50.00 )
Pick up the phone to make your appointment right now!!!
*Most cars
401 S. US 41 By-Pass
Venice, FL 34285
(941) 485-4061
6. Are You Hearing on the News?
Gas prices expected to go
over $4.00 a gallon by Spring!
Take Control
You Can Do Something About It
Start Saving NOW and Keep Saving
A fuel system cleaning can improve gas mileage 10-20%!
Thats a savings of between $40* & $55* for most people.
Bring this flyer and save $20.00 on a fuel system cleaning.
Plus--- You get an air filter for half pricea new air filter can
improve your gas mileage up to another 10%
Save every time you buy fuel!
This special price ends 10/31/12
Call for your appointment NOW!
*Based on ONLY $4.00 per gallon
401 S. US 41 By-Pass
Venice, FL 34285
(941) 485-4061
7. October Customer of the Month: Don Meminger
Don Meminger hails from Rochester, NY but three years ago, he moved to
Venice, FL after marrying his lovely wife, Mary. He and Mary now live in
Pennington Place Estates with their large Irish setter, Johann Sebastian.
Don has a long history with music. He was the Director of Music for the
Diocese of Rochester for over 15 years and at one point was in charge of
96 churches. He has played the organ for Catholic churches for over 68
years. Although retired, he still practices the organ daily and substitutes
as an organist in various Catholic churches in this area.
I met Mary and her late husband, Dick, in Rochester, Don said. They
both sang in one of my church choirs.
Mary and Dick eventually moved to Venice, but Mary kept in touch with
Don each year through Christmas cards.
Eight years ago I got a Christmas card from Mary and in it she told me that Dick had been diagnosed with
cancer, Don said. She knew I would understand because I had already lost two wives to cancer.
Mary and Don began communicating through emails and phone calls and when Dick passed away in 2007
Mary called to let Don know.
We kept in contact with phone calls for over a year and our phone bills got
outrageously high, Don said. When the monthly bill reached $780, we
realized that we were meant to be.
Don and Mary were married in Rochester, NY in June of 2009 and Don, Johann
and Dons grand piano moved to Venice that July. Between the two of them,
they now have 11 children and 17 grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Don, Mary and Johann manage to keep active with daily walks and weekly
visits to various assisted living and nursing care facilities.
Twelve-year-old Johann is a very special dog. He
is a beautiful guide dog who has been insured and
licensed by Bright & Beautiful Inc.
He brings great joy to others when he and Don visit the residents at Sunset
Lake, Pinebrook Care & Rehab Center, Jacaranda Trace and even Tidewell
Don has been a loyal customer of 1 Stop Car & Truck Repair since moving to
Venice in 2009. He appreciates the fair prices, honesty and immediate
response that he receives from 1 Stop.
When I called yesterday and said, The Buick wont start, John came out
with no hesitation and looked at my car, checking the battery with a jump
pack, Don said. The guys at 1 Stop always responded immediately.
When I told John, You have to keep my van running for at least another 40,000 miles, John told me it
would be no problem, Don said. Thats why Ive been a 1 Stop customer for 3 years now.
8. Were Giving Away FREE Brakes!
Dont call for an appointment to have your
eyes checked! Thats right
Only during the Month of October 2012.
Call now for your appointment. Were sure well fill all of
our available appointments, so dont wait, CALL NOW!
Free front OR rear brakes,installation extra:
Ceramic pads, hardware, rotor resurfacing or new rotors, calipers, etc. extra
(Some cars and light trucks extra. No other discounts.)
Why are we doing this? 2 Great Reasons!
Safety& dependability for you and your family! No Matter how difficult the economy is
we feel that our clients and their familys safety is that important!
Without you we dont exist!
will be donating 10% of all
brake work proceeds in October to Special Olympics Sarasota County
Call 941-485-4061 now for your appointment.
If you have a relative or friend that you feel could benefit from this FREE brakes program
write your name here and give them this flyer and we will honor this special for them also!