The document provides guidance on marketing to the NHS. It advises to consider individuals in the marketing process, treat change as an opportunity, and engage commercially with the NHS. It also notes the NHS is not a single entity and its parts are not always joined up. Quality improvement initiatives like QIPP and the NHS Outcomes Framework aim to improve efficiency, outcomes and patient experience.
For those with long term conditions it is important to ensure that we not only add years to life, but add life to those years. Looking across the specialties NHS Improvement works with we have identified four key areas across the pathway where patients and carers want improvements:
- Stabilising the condition to get patients back to living their lives
- Supporting patients to live their lives through monitoring and review
- Timely intervention to the appropriate service when things go wrong
- Providing choice and support towards the end of life
What We're Working On Now: Getting the "System" to be a Real System for Heart...3GDR
The document discusses the efforts of Partners HealthCare to create an integrated system for managing heart failure patients. It outlines several components of the heart failure program including enrollment numbers in remote monitoring programs over time, readmission outcomes, and an overview of the heart failure population within Partners. It also discusses challenges in patient identification, engagement, determining the most effective care delivery approach, managing patients efficiently across different care settings and providers, and integrating different systems and communications channels.
The document summarizes the keynote presentation by David Andrick and Adrian Byrne at the 2012 OHA Annual Conference on physician recruitment and employment. [1] Physician services departments need a formal due diligence process to ensure the right fit with physicians. [2] Building employed physician groups requires sensitivity to meet community needs while supporting hospital objectives. [3] Some local physicians may seek employment or joint arrangements due to reimbursement pressures and changing healthcare models.
Driving Success with Alternative Payment ModelsSarah Roberts
1. Distinguish the shift in Post-Acute Reimbursement to Alternate Payment Methods
2. Describe qualities of those high performing, successful providers who will be winners in this environment.
3. Outline what a successful transition to these new payment models looks like.
4. Specify the tools you will need to be navigate this new environment.
5. Identify how to use the tools to demonstrate evidence of success.
Accountable Care + Patient Experience = Accountable ExperienceTinaMinnick
See page six in the attached Pennsylvania MGMA Matters publication. Capitation with gain-sharing
Improving outcomes
and increasing valueRevisiting
integrated delivery tactics
among primary care physicians,
specialists, and hospitals
Bending the health care
cost curve for managed populations
Whatever your definition
(in whole or in part) may
be, Accountable Care Organizations
(ACOs) pose a strategic
opportunity for hospitals and
large physician practices alike.
If ACOs can overcome concerns
from a Stark and anti-trust
perspective and are successfully
implemented, patients and
ACO market leaders will see
stronger physician alignment,
improved quality, cost reduction,
and an improved patient
The document summarizes the Special Care Center, a service created by AtlantiCare to provide coordinated care for patients with chronic conditions. The Special Care Center aims to (1) manage chronic conditions effectively through a patient-centered medical home model, (2) reduce healthcare costs by focusing on preventative care and avoiding unnecessary emergency visits and hospitalizations, and (3) improve patient outcomes by providing integrated care, health coaching, open access to providers and services, and an emphasis on the patient experience. Since opening in 2007, the Special Care Center has expanded its services and grown to over 2,600 enrolled patients.
Personalized Medicine World Conference 2011 MedivoSundeep Bhan
This document summarizes a company called Medivo that provides personalized medicine solutions. Medivo leverages consumer empowerment trends, health IT, and genomic medicine to offer more tailored healthcare. It identifies issues with the current "one size fits all" model, such as high costs and low compliance. Medivo's platform integrates lab testing, physician networks, and analytics to close care gaps, target high-risk patients, and accelerate adoption of new tests. The company sees opportunities in addressing the $300 billion per year spent on unnecessary treatments. Its goal is to partner with various stakeholders like pharma, managed care organizations, and physicians to transition to more outcomes-based healthcare.
The document discusses various smart automation and Internet of Things projects implemented by Niyas Project Works including:
1. A low-cost home automation system using an embedded micro-web server and smart phone app for remote monitoring and control of devices.
2. An interactive display box showcasing products using smart film, touch frames, projectors and other technologies.
3. Installations of smart glass, projection screens and displays for commercial clients in the UAE.
The document discusses various communication technologies and their evolution. It mentions that wired telephone networks were initially developed, later moving to wireless cellular networks. Modern smartphones can use cellular networks as well as WiFi and short message services to transmit messages, access the internet, and run numerous applications. Communication technologies have advanced greatly in recent decades to include many additional functions in mobile devices.
Singapore has experienced unprecedented economic growth since 1965, transforming from a developing to a developed nation despite having few natural resources. The country achieved a real annual per capita income on par with Switzerland by 2004 through pragmatic government policies focused on developing strong manpower, infrastructure, and international competitiveness. While Singapore is often criticized for its lack of political freedom, its leaders argue that political stability is necessary for continued economic progress. The key to Singapore's success has been market-driven policies guided by a government focused on long-term development.
El documento presenta la historia de un mapache llamado el Mapache Ecol坦gico que debe abandonar su hogar en el bosque debido a la deforestaci坦n. El mapache llega a la ciudad y se sorprende por la gran contaminaci坦n, por lo que decide pegar carteles para concientizar a la gente sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para subir un archivo a 際際滷Share: 1) Crear una cuenta en 際際滷Share a trav辿s de correo electr坦nico o redes sociales, 2) Ir a "Mis cargas" y seleccionar el archivo a subir, y 3) Llenar los campos obligatorios de t鱈tulo y descripci坦n para completar la carga del archivo. Una vez subido, el archivo aparecer叩 en la secci坦n "Mis cargas" del perfil de usuario en 際際滷Share.
El documento presenta un cuento titulado "El Gigante Ego鱈sta". En 辿l, un gigante ego鱈sta no deja que los ni単os jueguen en su jard鱈n. Como consecuencia, la primavera no llega. M叩s tarde, el gigante comprende que su ego鱈smo lo ha hecho infeliz y permite que los ni単os jueguen all鱈 nuevamente.
The document discusses key challenges and opportunities for market access in the NHS, including its complex structure with multiple decision makers, the role of appraisal bodies like NICE, reforms through the Health and Social Care Bill, and initiatives to promote innovation. It outlines the NHS's multi-layered structure with hospitals, GP surgeries, commissioning bodies and more. Technology must demonstrate benefits to patients, providers and the overall healthcare system to gain adoption in this environment.
The malar or butterfly rash is a skin condition characterized by red or purple rashes across the cheekbones and nose. These rashes can be flat or raised and range from mild to severe. Malar rashes are commonly associated with lupus but can also occur in other conditions like rosacea or Lyme disease. Diagnosis involves examining the rashes along with medical tests like blood tests and evaluating other symptoms that may be present like fatigue, joint pain, or fever. Treatment options include sunscreen, steroid creams, medication, and home remedies.
Hyperplasia is the enlargement of an organ due to an increased number of cells. There are two types of hyperplasia: physiological/compensatory and pathological. Physiological hyperplasia occurs as a normal response to hormonal or tissue loss stimuli, such as breast growth during pregnancy or liver regrowth after partial resection. Pathological hyperplasia results from excessive hormonal or growth factor stimulation and can lead to conditions like endometrial hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is caused by increased local growth factors, more growth factor receptors on cells, or activated cell signaling pathways, leading to increased cell proliferation.
Planetesimal ejection describes how leftover debris from the formation of the planets was captured as moons or ended up in the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, or Oort cloud. Asteroids and meteoroids are small rocky or metallic objects found primarily in the inner solar system, with asteroids larger than 100 meters and meteoroids smaller. They orbit near the plane of the solar system in regions like the asteroid belt. When these objects enter the Earth's atmosphere, they appear as meteors and some survive impact as meteorites. Larger impacts are rarer but can cause global effects like the extinction of dinosaurs.
This document discusses teams and team building. It defines a team as a group of people who work together interdependently to achieve common goals. The document outlines different types of teams including functional, cross-functional, self-managing, and top executive teams. It also describes the stages of team building as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Additionally, the document emphasizes the importance of synergy which occurs when team performance is greater than the sum of individual members' contributions, multiplying their combined efforts.
Noone can deny the importance of continuing professional development for ELT instructors.It helps teachers to stay up to date with the new methods and procedures of teaching and learning which leads to the improvement of their classes output.Learning was and is still always linked to travel but the only difference between past teachers and actual ones, seeking professional development, is that in the past educators take long real journeys .However , traveling for knowledge in the modern era can also be virtual with same or better results in various aspects.
Ecuador tiene cuatro regiones naturales: la Costa, la Sierra, la Amazon鱈a y la regi坦n insular de Gal叩pagos. La Costa se ubica entre el Oc辿ano Pac鱈fico y la cordillera de los Andes y contiene llanuras f辿rtiles y playas. La Sierra est叩 formada por las monta単as y volcanes de los Andes. La regi坦n Amaz坦nica se caracteriza por su densa selva tropical. La regi坦n insular solo incluye las islas Gal叩pagos que se encuentran a 1000 km de la costa ecuatoriana.
Puspeta held various activities from January to November 2015 including a petting zoo, chocolate factory tour, Quran recitation lessons, iftar meals during Ramadan, kids Quran recitation lessons, celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri, fine motor skills activities, coloring flag competition, and a graduation ceremony in 2015 for students completing their studies. The graduation recognized 17 students by name who completed their programs.
束 Public speaking is the process or act of performing a presentation (a speech) focused around an individual's direct speech to a live audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order to inform, influence, or entertain them. Public speaking is commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face talking of a single person to a group of listeners. It is closely allied to "presenting", although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. Most of the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience. 損
This document discusses considerations for launching a specialty product. It emphasizes the importance of demonstrating value through clinical and cost effectiveness data, ensuring patient access to therapy, and generating data to support value claims. It provides tips for defining goals, building an integrated team, and refining a launch strategy focused on these priorities. The strategy should consider innovative contracting, outcomes-based agreements, and communicating the right evidence to the right audiences. Overall, the document stresses that demonstrating value is critical for specialty product launches, especially with increased attention on healthcare costs.
Pharmaceutical and biotech companies realize the importance of educating the payer sector to improve the likelihood of a successful launch of their new products. As payers influence in the marketplace has grown, so has the importance of effective payer education tactics and strategies. This Best Practices速, LLC benchmarking study provides benchmarks around timing of payer-oriented market education and effective education tactics for payers.
The document discusses various smart automation and Internet of Things projects implemented by Niyas Project Works including:
1. A low-cost home automation system using an embedded micro-web server and smart phone app for remote monitoring and control of devices.
2. An interactive display box showcasing products using smart film, touch frames, projectors and other technologies.
3. Installations of smart glass, projection screens and displays for commercial clients in the UAE.
The document discusses various communication technologies and their evolution. It mentions that wired telephone networks were initially developed, later moving to wireless cellular networks. Modern smartphones can use cellular networks as well as WiFi and short message services to transmit messages, access the internet, and run numerous applications. Communication technologies have advanced greatly in recent decades to include many additional functions in mobile devices.
Singapore has experienced unprecedented economic growth since 1965, transforming from a developing to a developed nation despite having few natural resources. The country achieved a real annual per capita income on par with Switzerland by 2004 through pragmatic government policies focused on developing strong manpower, infrastructure, and international competitiveness. While Singapore is often criticized for its lack of political freedom, its leaders argue that political stability is necessary for continued economic progress. The key to Singapore's success has been market-driven policies guided by a government focused on long-term development.
El documento presenta la historia de un mapache llamado el Mapache Ecol坦gico que debe abandonar su hogar en el bosque debido a la deforestaci坦n. El mapache llega a la ciudad y se sorprende por la gran contaminaci坦n, por lo que decide pegar carteles para concientizar a la gente sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para subir un archivo a 際際滷Share: 1) Crear una cuenta en 際際滷Share a trav辿s de correo electr坦nico o redes sociales, 2) Ir a "Mis cargas" y seleccionar el archivo a subir, y 3) Llenar los campos obligatorios de t鱈tulo y descripci坦n para completar la carga del archivo. Una vez subido, el archivo aparecer叩 en la secci坦n "Mis cargas" del perfil de usuario en 際際滷Share.
El documento presenta un cuento titulado "El Gigante Ego鱈sta". En 辿l, un gigante ego鱈sta no deja que los ni単os jueguen en su jard鱈n. Como consecuencia, la primavera no llega. M叩s tarde, el gigante comprende que su ego鱈smo lo ha hecho infeliz y permite que los ni単os jueguen all鱈 nuevamente.
The document discusses key challenges and opportunities for market access in the NHS, including its complex structure with multiple decision makers, the role of appraisal bodies like NICE, reforms through the Health and Social Care Bill, and initiatives to promote innovation. It outlines the NHS's multi-layered structure with hospitals, GP surgeries, commissioning bodies and more. Technology must demonstrate benefits to patients, providers and the overall healthcare system to gain adoption in this environment.
The malar or butterfly rash is a skin condition characterized by red or purple rashes across the cheekbones and nose. These rashes can be flat or raised and range from mild to severe. Malar rashes are commonly associated with lupus but can also occur in other conditions like rosacea or Lyme disease. Diagnosis involves examining the rashes along with medical tests like blood tests and evaluating other symptoms that may be present like fatigue, joint pain, or fever. Treatment options include sunscreen, steroid creams, medication, and home remedies.
Hyperplasia is the enlargement of an organ due to an increased number of cells. There are two types of hyperplasia: physiological/compensatory and pathological. Physiological hyperplasia occurs as a normal response to hormonal or tissue loss stimuli, such as breast growth during pregnancy or liver regrowth after partial resection. Pathological hyperplasia results from excessive hormonal or growth factor stimulation and can lead to conditions like endometrial hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is caused by increased local growth factors, more growth factor receptors on cells, or activated cell signaling pathways, leading to increased cell proliferation.
Planetesimal ejection describes how leftover debris from the formation of the planets was captured as moons or ended up in the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, or Oort cloud. Asteroids and meteoroids are small rocky or metallic objects found primarily in the inner solar system, with asteroids larger than 100 meters and meteoroids smaller. They orbit near the plane of the solar system in regions like the asteroid belt. When these objects enter the Earth's atmosphere, they appear as meteors and some survive impact as meteorites. Larger impacts are rarer but can cause global effects like the extinction of dinosaurs.
This document discusses teams and team building. It defines a team as a group of people who work together interdependently to achieve common goals. The document outlines different types of teams including functional, cross-functional, self-managing, and top executive teams. It also describes the stages of team building as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Additionally, the document emphasizes the importance of synergy which occurs when team performance is greater than the sum of individual members' contributions, multiplying their combined efforts.
Noone can deny the importance of continuing professional development for ELT instructors.It helps teachers to stay up to date with the new methods and procedures of teaching and learning which leads to the improvement of their classes output.Learning was and is still always linked to travel but the only difference between past teachers and actual ones, seeking professional development, is that in the past educators take long real journeys .However , traveling for knowledge in the modern era can also be virtual with same or better results in various aspects.
Ecuador tiene cuatro regiones naturales: la Costa, la Sierra, la Amazon鱈a y la regi坦n insular de Gal叩pagos. La Costa se ubica entre el Oc辿ano Pac鱈fico y la cordillera de los Andes y contiene llanuras f辿rtiles y playas. La Sierra est叩 formada por las monta単as y volcanes de los Andes. La regi坦n Amaz坦nica se caracteriza por su densa selva tropical. La regi坦n insular solo incluye las islas Gal叩pagos que se encuentran a 1000 km de la costa ecuatoriana.
Puspeta held various activities from January to November 2015 including a petting zoo, chocolate factory tour, Quran recitation lessons, iftar meals during Ramadan, kids Quran recitation lessons, celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri, fine motor skills activities, coloring flag competition, and a graduation ceremony in 2015 for students completing their studies. The graduation recognized 17 students by name who completed their programs.
束 Public speaking is the process or act of performing a presentation (a speech) focused around an individual's direct speech to a live audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order to inform, influence, or entertain them. Public speaking is commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face talking of a single person to a group of listeners. It is closely allied to "presenting", although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. Most of the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience. 損
This document discusses considerations for launching a specialty product. It emphasizes the importance of demonstrating value through clinical and cost effectiveness data, ensuring patient access to therapy, and generating data to support value claims. It provides tips for defining goals, building an integrated team, and refining a launch strategy focused on these priorities. The strategy should consider innovative contracting, outcomes-based agreements, and communicating the right evidence to the right audiences. Overall, the document stresses that demonstrating value is critical for specialty product launches, especially with increased attention on healthcare costs.
Pharmaceutical and biotech companies realize the importance of educating the payer sector to improve the likelihood of a successful launch of their new products. As payers influence in the marketplace has grown, so has the importance of effective payer education tactics and strategies. This Best Practices速, LLC benchmarking study provides benchmarks around timing of payer-oriented market education and effective education tactics for payers.
John Isitt, Resonant Media
Changing the game: positioning your charity to succeed in the new health service market conference
2013-01 Building a Framework for Sustainable ACO Enablementimagine.GO
This document summarizes a presentation by Kevin Riley on building a framework for sustainable Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Riley argues that for ACOs to be sustainable long-term, unlike previous managed care models, they require investment in three key areas: patient engagement to improve the healthcare experience, care delivery to boost provider performance, and data analytics to enable cost control and risk sharing between insurers and providers. The presentation outlines how focusing on these elements can help create better value in healthcare by improving outcomes while reducing costs.
BIO Windhover Pharmaceutical Strategic Alliances Conference April 2011Nathan White, CPC
This document summarizes a presentation on creating an optimal commercial reimbursement landscape for pharmaceutical products. The presentation discusses the complexities of proving value to payers in light of healthcare reform uncertainties and a changing regulatory environment. It provides two case studies on companies that failed to consider reimbursement challenges and offers lessons on strategic planning to meet regulatory and reimbursement needs. The goal is developing a clinical and regulatory strategy that ensures reimbursement resonance with payers and reduces patient access barriers.
A Vision for U.S. Healthcare's Radical MakeoverCognizant
The healthcare industry is on the verge of a disruptive change that will significantly reshape our experiences and reorient our expectations across the provider and payer value chain.
Baystate Health marketing at Harvard UniversityRenown Health
The document describes how Baystate Health redesigned its cancer care program through a partnership between marketing and physicians to improve the patient experience, which led to increased patient satisfaction, physician referrals, and program volumes. Key steps included engaging patients and staff in the design process, aligning marketing and operations around a brand focused on expertise and relationships, and transforming the culture to deliver on promises to patients.
This document summarizes a presentation on building lasting patient relationships through dispensaries. It discusses how dispensaries can be viewed not just for profitability but also for building the practice brand and loyalty. It outlines factors like frequent, meaningful interactions that build trust with patients. The presentation covers topics like defining objectives, mapping opportunities to strengthen relationships and improve outcomes, and using a measurement framework to assess performance. It emphasizes an expanded view of dispensaries as integral to the patient experience and relationship with the practice.
The document discusses telemedicine and smarter healthcare enabled by new technologies. It notes challenges facing healthcare like rising costs and aging populations. IBM believes innovative use of IT can enable new care delivery models by making healthcare information digital and accessible across organizations. This allows minimizing patient travel and extending care settings. IBM's role focuses on integration strategies using middleware, dashboards, and analytical tools to securely share standardized information and accelerate innovation. Telehealth could connect the wider ecosystem like pharmacies, employers, and life sciences. Potential entry points include integrating medical device data from homes and hospitals into clinical applications and dashboards for clinicians and nurses.
The document discusses how medical practices need to focus on improving the patient experience beyond just quality of care. It highlights that patients value how they are treated during their care as much as the actual medical care. The author argues practices need to get outside feedback on their patient experience through surveys and benchmarking to identify areas for improvement. Implementing changes requires strong leadership to make continual improvement part of the practice culture. Going forward, the author will provide examples from other industries on best practices for enhancing the customer experience that can be applied to refractive surgery practices.
Paperless Hospitals Dr Dev Taneja 3rd June2012DrDevTaneja
The Indian Hospital industry is growing at 15% per annum.Due to Low industry maturity, the Health IT applications are still at basal level. Though there is lot of hype around Paperless hospitals, the presentation attempts to understand challenges of implenting a True Paperless Hospital
The document discusses implementing a strategic plan and performance measurement framework for an oncology program. It outlines establishing goals across five key dimensions: patient experience, clinical outcomes, financials, workforce, and system integration. A strategy map and balanced scorecard will be used to link goals, monitor progress, and enhance accountability. Regular performance reporting is needed to effectively manage processes and clinical/operational outcomes toward achieving excellence in cancer care.
The document discusses customer satisfaction and service marketing in hospitals, noting that patient satisfaction is a key metric and is impacted by factors like quality of care, cleanliness, wait times, and communication. It also outlines that hospitals must provide both clinical excellence and high levels of customer satisfaction to remain competitive. Customer satisfaction can be improved through availability and accessibility of services, affordability, promotion, and ensuring quality of care and staff.
What Lies Ahead for ONC: Meaningful Use and BeyondBrian Ahier
1) The document discusses recent trends in health IT policy and implementation including Meaningful Use and regional extension centers.
2) It outlines upcoming payment reforms like accountable care organizations and bundled payments that will further incentivize health IT innovation.
3) The document proposes next steps for advancing health IT through the proposed Stage 2 of Meaningful Use regulations to promote improved health outcomes, care coordination, and patient engagement through 2015.
The document discusses the author's passion for acquiring customer and technical insights to develop commercially successful products across multiple markets. It then summarizes how the author implemented changes and launched example products in the dental, orthopedic, medical information, diabetes, and drug delivery markets. These changes and products had impacts such as revolutionizing technologies, exceeding sales projections, restoring reputations, and significantly growing business segments and the company's safety products business.
The presentation discusses Pentaho Healthcare Solutions and how Pentaho business analytics can help address key issues in the healthcare industry. It highlights 7 BI trends in healthcare including consolidating information, leveraging new data resources, needing self-service data discovery tools, ease of use for non-technical users, users being mobile, professionalization through metrics and KPIs, and performing big data analytics on large varied datasets. It then provides examples of how Pentaho analytics can help with clinical excellence, improving patient satisfaction, compliance, and financial management. The presentation concludes by showcasing two customer use cases where Pentaho helped healthcare organizations and retailers gain insights and cost savings.
The document discusses supporting innovation in healthcare to help the NHS meet increasing demands with constrained resources. It notes that simply doing more of what the NHS has always done is no longer an option, and innovation must become core business. The National Innovation Centre (NIC) aims to identify emerging technologies, speed up development, and provide support like identifying unmet needs, prototyping, testing, and helping innovators make their case to the NHS. Several innovative medical devices in development that address unmet clinical needs are also described.
The Aequitas Group is a boutique healthcare advisory firm that specializes in developing solutions to define and communicate a product's value. They have expertise across clinical, marketing, health policy, and payor assessments to develop commercialization strategies. Their services include competitive intelligence, reimbursement and patient education programs, managed markets consulting, and call center auditing. Their goal is to provide insights, develop strategies, and ensure strong execution to maximize patient access and value for stakeholders.
1. Market to the NHS
Dos and Donts in light of recent changes
2. Dos and Donts
Dont treat the NHS as one entity
Dont be afraid to engage commercially
Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up
Do consider change as opportunity
Do consider individuals in the marketing process
Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
3. Change creates opportunity
The NHS must demonstrate that it is
outcomes making the most effective use it can of
public money to deliver quality healthcare
NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators
5. NHS employs more than 1.7 million people
Just under half are clinically qualified
Nurses Hospital doctors General Ambulance Staff
6. NHS funding functional split
NHS funding
Staff costs
7% Drug budget
Other supplies
60% Building, services, cl
13% eaning, capital
7. Significant utilisation
1,000,000 463 8 140
Patients People a People a People
dealt minute second seen by
with a a GP per
day week
but a finite budget
8. Market forces are impacting market access
More diverse providers to innovate and improve
services (supply)
Improving patient Better care Efficiency in delivery
journey Better patient experience and service provision
Better value for money
More patient choice (demand)
9. Dos and Donts
Dont treat the NHS as one entity
Dont be afraid to engage commercially
Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up
Do consider change as opportunity
Do consider individuals in the marketing process
Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
10. The future vision of the NHS is bold
It states that the NHS must:
Be genuinely centred on patients and carers
Achieve quality and outcomes that are among the best in the world
Refuse to tolerate unsafe and substandard care
Eliminate discrimination and reducing inequalities in care
Put clinicians in the driving seat and setting hospitals and providers
free to innovate, with stronger incentives to adopt best practice
11. The Big Opportunity
innovative and Medicines
Drive outcomes commercially more fertile
oriented ground for
initiatives commissioning
ownership packages of
and care rather
Empower accountability than buying
clinicians to for the public medicines
lead from purse
the front
12. Understanding customer needs
That the NHS meets the needs of everyone1 Commissioning in the NHS is the process of
That the NHS is free at the point of delivery1 ensuring that the health and care services
That the NHS is based on clinical need, not provided effectively meet the needs of the
ability to pay1 population2
1: NHS Core Principles, July 5, 1948
2: World Class Commissioning, UK Dept of Health
13. Change creates opportunity
The NHS must demonstrate that it is
outcomes making the most effective use it can of
public money to deliver quality healthcare
NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators
15. Commissioning
Strategic Planning Stage
NEEDS Public Health Other Identify unmet
ASSESSMENT data statistic/data need?
REVIEW Identify
Gap analysis service
DECIDE Development
Resources / Involve users
of strategic
PRIORITIES Budgeting and carers
16. Commissioning
Service Procurement Stage
Development of Involve service
service model users and carers
Development of
strategies for care
and resource
Support &
PCT develop Invite
service NHS/private/3rd
OF SUPPLY providers to
specification, Pls sector providers
develop services
17. Commissioning
Monitoring & Evaluation Stage
MANAGING Ensure agreed Develop
Review patient
targets are improvement
met plans
SEEKING Patient Informs
PATIENT / outcomes & commissioning
PUBLIC VIEWS experiences actions
18. Where are your customers?
Target your effort vs. reward 7
2 6 Search
Emotional Participation
5 Experimentation
Shock / Surprise
4 Acceptance
Low Time
19. Dos and Donts
Dont treat the NHS as one entity
Dont be afraid to engage commercially
Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up
Do consider change as opportunity
Do consider individuals in the marketing process
Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
20. 5 domains of the NHS Outcomes
1. Preventing people from dying prematurely
2. Enhancing quality of life fro people with long-term conditions
3. Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury
Patient Experience
4. Ensuring people have a positive experience of care
5. Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting
them from avoidable harm
21. As far back as the NHS White Paper 2010
Reducing inefficiencies
NHS Outcomes Frameworks
Adoption of Best Practice
Role of the CQC (Care Quality Commission)
Enhanced role of NICE (150 Quality Standards)
Local Health Watch bodies
23. Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention
QUIPP agenda is a strong driver for ICP implementation
Most localities are actively seeking QIPP initiatives that will deliver service
Monthly QIPP returns
Saving objectives
Strategies for further savings
Service development initiatives
Inefficiency reduction initiatives
26. Dos and Donts
Dont treat the NHS as one entity
Dont be afraid to engage commercially
Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up
Do consider change as opportunity
Do consider individuals in the marketing process
Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
27. Dos and Donts
Dont treat the NHS as one entity
Dont be afraid to engage commercially
Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up
Do consider change as opportunity
Do consider individuals in the marketing process
Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs