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Market to the NHS
Dos and Donts in light of recent changes
Dos and Donts

Dont treat the NHS as one entity

 Dont be afraid to engage commercially

 Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up

Do consider change as opportunity

Do consider individuals in the marketing process

Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
Change creates opportunity

                        The NHS must demonstrate that it is
       outcomes      making the most effective use it can of
                  public money to deliver quality healthcare


                              NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators
Big structure to support
NHS employs more than 1.7 million people

          Just under half are clinically qualified

         Nurses   Hospital doctors     General       Ambulance Staff
NHS funding  functional split

                    NHS funding

                                  Staff costs

   7%                             Drug budget

                                  Other supplies

                           60%    Building, services, cl
        13%                       eaning, capital
Significant utilisation

1,000,000       463            8                140

    Patients      People a        People a      People
     dealt          minute           second         seen by
     with a                                         a GP per
     day                                            week

                 but a finite budget
Market forces are impacting market access

                    More diverse providers to innovate and improve
                                   services (supply)

Improving patient                    Better care                     Efficiency in delivery
    journey                   Better patient experience              and service provision
                              Better value for money

                           More patient choice (demand)
Dos and Donts

Dont treat the NHS as one entity

Dont be afraid to engage commercially

 Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up

 Do consider change as opportunity

Do consider individuals in the marketing process

 Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
The future vision of the NHS is bold

                 It states that the NHS must:

                 Be genuinely centred on patients and carers

                  Achieve quality and outcomes that are among the best in the world

                  Refuse to tolerate unsafe and substandard care

                  Eliminate discrimination and reducing inequalities in care

                  Put clinicians in the driving seat and setting hospitals and providers
                 free to innovate, with stronger incentives to adopt best practice
The Big Opportunity

                                                     innovative and   Medicines 
                                      Drive outcomes commercially     more fertile
                                                     oriented         ground for
                                                     initiatives      commissioning
                     ownership                                        packages of
                     and                                              care rather
     Empower         accountability                                   than buying
     clinicians to   for the public                                   medicines
     lead from       purse
     the front
Understanding customer needs

 That the NHS meets the needs of everyone1                 Commissioning in the NHS is the process of
 That the NHS is free at the point of delivery1            ensuring that the health and care services
 That the NHS is based on clinical need, not               provided effectively meet the needs of the
 ability to pay1                                           population2

1: NHS Core Principles, July 5, 1948
2: World Class Commissioning, UK Dept of Health www.dh.gov.uk/en/Managingyourorganisation/Commissioning
Change creates opportunity

                        The NHS must demonstrate that it is
       outcomes      making the most effective use it can of
                  public money to deliver quality healthcare


                              NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators
Change creates opportunity

Commissioning                     until a new
process is likely               model is proven
to remain

Strategic Planning Stage

    NEEDS           Public Health       Other        Identify unmet
 ASSESSMENT             data        statistic/data       need?

   REVIEW                                               Identify
                                    Gap analysis         service
  SERVICES            Mapping

   DECIDE          Development
                                    Resources /      Involve users
                    of strategic
  PRIORITIES                         Budgeting         and carers

Service Procurement Stage

                    Development of         Involve service
                     service model        users and carers

                     Development of
                    strategies for care
                       and resource

                                             Support &
                      PCT develop                                 Invite
SHAPING STRUCTURE                            encourage
                        service                              NHS/private/3rd
    OF SUPPLY                               providers to
                    specification, Pls                       sector providers
                                          develop services

Monitoring & Evaluation Stage

 MANAGING         Ensure agreed                      Develop
                                  Review patient
                   targets are                     improvement
PERFORMANCE                          set goals
                      met                             plans

   SEEKING           Patient         Informs
   PATIENT /       outcomes &     commissioning
 PUBLIC VIEWS      experiences       actions
Where are your customers?

Target your effort vs. reward                                                                7
                                       2                                   6       Search
 Emotional Participation

                                                                  5        Experimentation

                               Shock / Surprise
                                                          4          Acceptance

                   Low                                        Time
Dos and Donts

Dont treat the NHS as one entity

 Dont be afraid to engage commercially

 Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up

 Do consider change as opportunity

 Do consider individuals in the marketing process

 Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
5 domains of the NHS Outcomes

1. Preventing people from dying prematurely

2. Enhancing quality of life fro people with long-term conditions

3. Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury

Patient Experience

4. Ensuring people have a positive experience of care


5. Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting
them from avoidable harm
As far back as the NHS White Paper 2010

                   Reducing inefficiencies



                   NHS Outcomes Frameworks

                   Adoption of Best Practice

                   Role of the CQC (Care Quality Commission)

                   Enhanced role of NICE (150 Quality Standards)

                   Local Health Watch bodies
Odelle dos
Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention

    QUIPP agenda is a strong driver for ICP implementation

        Most localities are actively seeking QIPP initiatives that will deliver service

    Monthly QIPP returns

        Saving objectives

        Strategies for further savings

        Service development initiatives

        Inefficiency reduction initiatives
QIPP Template Example
QIPP Template Example
Dos and Donts

Dont treat the NHS as one entity

 Dont be afraid to engage commercially

 Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up

 Do consider change as opportunity

 Do consider individuals in the marketing process

 Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
Dos and Donts

Dont treat the NHS as one entity

 Dont be afraid to engage commercially

 Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up

 Do consider change as opportunity

 Do consider individuals in the marketing process

 Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
Any Questions?


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Odelle dos

  • 1. Market to the NHS Dos and Donts in light of recent changes
  • 2. Dos and Donts Dont treat the NHS as one entity Dont be afraid to engage commercially Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up Do consider change as opportunity Do consider individuals in the marketing process Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
  • 3. Change creates opportunity The NHS must demonstrate that it is outcomes making the most effective use it can of public money to deliver quality healthcare cost NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators www.productivity.nhs.uk
  • 5. NHS employs more than 1.7 million people Just under half are clinically qualified 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Nurses Hospital doctors General Ambulance Staff Practitioners
  • 6. NHS funding functional split NHS funding 20% Staff costs 7% Drug budget Other supplies 60% Building, services, cl 13% eaning, capital
  • 7. Significant utilisation 1,000,000 463 8 140 Patients People a People a People dealt minute second seen by with a a GP per day week but a finite budget
  • 8. Market forces are impacting market access More diverse providers to innovate and improve services (supply) Improving patient Better care Efficiency in delivery journey Better patient experience and service provision Better value for money More patient choice (demand)
  • 9. Dos and Donts Dont treat the NHS as one entity Dont be afraid to engage commercially Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up Do consider change as opportunity Do consider individuals in the marketing process Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
  • 10. The future vision of the NHS is bold It states that the NHS must: Be genuinely centred on patients and carers Achieve quality and outcomes that are among the best in the world Refuse to tolerate unsafe and substandard care Eliminate discrimination and reducing inequalities in care Put clinicians in the driving seat and setting hospitals and providers free to innovate, with stronger incentives to adopt best practice
  • 11. The Big Opportunity Drive innovative and Medicines Drive outcomes commercially more fertile oriented ground for initiatives commissioning Greater ownership packages of and care rather Empower accountability than buying clinicians to for the public medicines lead from purse the front
  • 12. Understanding customer needs That the NHS meets the needs of everyone1 Commissioning in the NHS is the process of That the NHS is free at the point of delivery1 ensuring that the health and care services That the NHS is based on clinical need, not provided effectively meet the needs of the ability to pay1 population2 1: NHS Core Principles, July 5, 1948 2: World Class Commissioning, UK Dept of Health www.dh.gov.uk/en/Managingyourorganisation/Commissioning
  • 13. Change creates opportunity The NHS must demonstrate that it is outcomes making the most effective use it can of public money to deliver quality healthcare cost NHS Better Care, Better Value Indicators www.productivity.nhs.uk
  • 14. Change creates opportunity Commissioning until a new process is likely model is proven to remain similar
  • 15. Commissioning Strategic Planning Stage NEEDS Public Health Other Identify unmet ASSESSMENT data statistic/data need? REVIEW Identify Service Gap analysis service SERVICES Mapping improvements DECIDE Development Resources / Involve users of strategic PRIORITIES Budgeting and carers plan
  • 16. Commissioning Service Procurement Stage Development of Involve service DESIGN SERVICES service model users and carers Development of CAPACITY strategies for care PLANNING, DEMAND and resource MANAGEMENT utilisation Support & PCT develop Invite SHAPING STRUCTURE encourage service NHS/private/3rd OF SUPPLY providers to specification, Pls sector providers develop services
  • 17. Commissioning Monitoring & Evaluation Stage MANAGING Ensure agreed Develop Review patient targets are improvement PERFORMANCE set goals met plans SEEKING Patient Informs PATIENT / outcomes & commissioning PUBLIC VIEWS experiences actions
  • 18. Where are your customers? Target your effort vs. reward 7 Integration Denial High 2 6 Search Emotional Participation Awareness 3 5 Experimentation 1 Shock / Surprise 4 Acceptance Low Time
  • 19. Dos and Donts Dont treat the NHS as one entity Dont be afraid to engage commercially Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up Do consider change as opportunity Do consider individuals in the marketing process Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
  • 20. 5 domains of the NHS Outcomes Framework Effectiveness 1. Preventing people from dying prematurely 2. Enhancing quality of life fro people with long-term conditions 3. Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury Patient Experience 4. Ensuring people have a positive experience of care Safety 5. Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting them from avoidable harm
  • 21. As far back as the NHS White Paper 2010 Reducing inefficiencies QIPP PROMS NHS Outcomes Frameworks Adoption of Best Practice Role of the CQC (Care Quality Commission) Enhanced role of NICE (150 Quality Standards) Local Health Watch bodies
  • 23. Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention QUIPP agenda is a strong driver for ICP implementation Most localities are actively seeking QIPP initiatives that will deliver service improvement Monthly QIPP returns Saving objectives Strategies for further savings Service development initiatives Inefficiency reduction initiatives
  • 26. Dos and Donts Dont treat the NHS as one entity Dont be afraid to engage commercially Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up Do consider change as opportunity Do consider individuals in the marketing process Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
  • 27. Dos and Donts Dont treat the NHS as one entity Dont be afraid to engage commercially Dont expect the NHS to be joined-up Do consider change as opportunity Do consider individuals in the marketing process Do keep communications targeted and aligned to needs
  • 28. Any Questions? steven@odelletechnology.com