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Odin Ruby Study Group
Hello I am Brian
I will be you guide
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- both will assist in helping
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Odin Project is open sourced
In Ruby Everything is an Object
Define Car Class
class Car
# code goes inside
create Car parts
class Car
def initialize # method
# part go here
Create car parts
class Car
def initialize # method
@engine = Engine.new
@wheels = 4.times.map { Wheel.new }
Let get Proceduaral (Law & Order)
My approach is always different
# # If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5,
6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
# # Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
# Pseudo
# set range 1..1000
# set the if statment to find the multiples of 3 and 5
# use if statement to add nums divisible by 3 and 5 to be added to a new_range array.
# create method that adds the new_range numbers to create a sum.
# call the Multiple class using the muli_pulls method and sum_of_multiples method
class Multiples
def multi_pulls
# set range variable 1..1000
numbers = Array(1...1000) # inclusive range
multi_pulls = [] # create a new array
for i in numbers # loop that runs through every number in the array
if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 # finds only numbers in array that are multiples of 3 and 5
multi_pulls << i # add those multiples to the new array
multi_pulls # puts final multiple array
def sum_of_multiples(multi_pulls) # method to find the sum of the multipes array
sum = 0 # create sum variable
multi_pulls.each {|i| sum += i } # formula to take each number in array and add to sum variable, which creates the sum of
puts sum # returns the sum
m = Multiples.new # create a new class
m.sum_of_multiples(m.multi_pulls) # calls the sum of the multiples
sample_array = (20.downto(1)).to_a # create the array 1 to 20
least_common_denominator = sample_array.inject(:lcm) # find the
least common denominator using using the lcm method between
each integer in the array
puts least_common_denominator
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Odin ruby week 1

  • 2. Hello I am Brian I will be you guide @brianllamar ilikerobot[at]gmail
  • 3. Extras Sign up for Odin G+ Community Sign up for Ruby Newbie Group - both will assist in helping While you are at it Sign up for the Ruby Community.
  • 4. Odin Project is open sourced
  • 5. In Ruby Everything is an Object
  • 6. Define Car Class class Car # code goes inside end
  • 7. create Car parts class Car def initialize # method # part go here end end
  • 8. Create car parts class Car def initialize # method @engine = Engine.new @wheels = 4.times.map { Wheel.new } end end
  • 9. Let get Proceduaral (Law & Order)
  • 10. My approach is always different # # If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. # # Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. # Pseudo # set range 1..1000 # set the if statment to find the multiples of 3 and 5 # use if statement to add nums divisible by 3 and 5 to be added to a new_range array. # create method that adds the new_range numbers to create a sum. # call the Multiple class using the muli_pulls method and sum_of_multiples method
  • 11. class Multiples def multi_pulls # set range variable 1..1000 numbers = Array(1...1000) # inclusive range multi_pulls = [] # create a new array for i in numbers # loop that runs through every number in the array if i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 # finds only numbers in array that are multiples of 3 and 5 multi_pulls << i # add those multiples to the new array end end multi_pulls # puts final multiple array end def sum_of_multiples(multi_pulls) # method to find the sum of the multipes array sum = 0 # create sum variable multi_pulls.each {|i| sum += i } # formula to take each number in array and add to sum variable, which creates the sum of multiples. puts sum # returns the sum end end m = Multiples.new # create a new class m.sum_of_multiples(m.multi_pulls) # calls the sum of the multiples
  • 12. sample_array = (20.downto(1)).to_a # create the array 1 to 20 least_common_denominator = sample_array.inject(:lcm) # find the least common denominator using using the lcm method between each integer in the array puts least_common_denominator