This presentation by Marijn van Asseldonk – Environmental Sociologist, Advisor-researcher Het PON & Telos, Netherlands, was made during the discussion “Measuring Well-Being in Rural Areas - Bridging Gaps in Data and Perception” held as part of virtual discussions by OECD on The Rural Principles Series, on 26 November 2024.
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OECD Rural Principles series: Measuring Well-Being in Rural Areas - Bridging Gaps in Data and Perception – M. Asseldonk.
1. Measuring Well-Being in Rural Areas – Socioeconomic
impact analysis
Marijn van Asseldonk MSc,
2. Reconversion as the answer!?
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
2022 National Programme for Rural Areas (NPLG)
3. A perspective beyond ‘just’ nitrogen...
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
NPLG focuses not only on reducing
nitrogen emmissions, but also on:
- Nature restoration (Natura 2000)
- Water quality and quantity
- Climate adaptation
NPLG: seeking regional solutions,
with a mix of measures fitting
the area at hand
4. ….involving more than a technical 'fix'
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
NPLG acknowledges that (farm)
innovation is needed, but only as
part of the overall solution…
Spatial (planning) measures are also
relevant, rebalancing agriculture
and the natural environment…
Most notably around (EU protected)
Nature 2000 areas
5. Possible pathways
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
According to Remkes' reports (2021/22),
there are four options for farmers:
- Innovate
- Re-locate
- Quit business
- …or Extensify
How does the sum of individual farmers choices
contribute to achieving ecological goals and the
economic and social vitality of the countryside?
6. NPLG, OK….
But what about the
socioeconomic impact?
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
Afraid of empty landscapes, and
degrading rural communities as a
result of a changing agricultural
8. Sustainable land use, Nov 7
Quality of life
Quality of life
Quality of the
Determining impact of NPLG
From farmers’ choices to the broader environment
9. How do farmers’ choices impact?
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
10. Impactanalysis, with three components…
Sustainable land use, Nov 7
• 8-12 Broad Prosperity themes,
based on 30-40 indicators
• Per indicator: assigning score
based on farmers operations
• Aggregating scores to themes
Determining farmers choices in
business operation
• Per choice a range: min – max%
• Based on expert knowledge,
stakeholder consultation and
Calculating impactscore
• Score x amount farms (e.g.
agriculture/dairy) = impact
• Impact
• Farmers and inhabitants
• Short and long term
• Differentiated per business
11. Order, magnitude and direction
1.2% 2.5%
Overige sectoren
Agrifood: Primair
Agrifood: 1ste schil
Agrifood: 2de schil
12. Concluding
Overall positive effects on several aspects
of broad prosperity, including the environment
(e.g. water, soil and airquality), resulting in
improved health conditions and opportunities
for communal improvements.
But, much needed forms of agriculture often
lack a healthy business model, innovations are
not often as reliable and soil is very expensive.
Requires – amongst other things - funds, people
and (governmental)direction.
14. Marijn van Asseldonk MSc
Marijn is an environmental sociologist and works as a
consultant-researcher at Het PON & Telos, focusing on his
passion for environment-related governance issues. He is an
expert in spatial planning challenges in rural areas. He has
contributed to the report by the Drought Advisory
Committee of North Brabant and to various socio-economic
impact analyses of provincial rural area programs.
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